Palestinians are not HAMAS!?


There are much more recent polls from this same outfit, why are you posting such old material.

I can only assume, this AP piece is commenting on this poll.

Public Opinion Poll No (80)​

9-12 June 2021
". . .This press release addresses these issues and covers other matters such as the general conditions in the Palestinian territories, the peace process and future possible directions for Palestinians in the absence of a viable peace process. Total size of the sample is 1200 adults interviewed face to face in 120 randomly selected locations. Margin of error is +/-3%."

Why not focus on something more recent?

Public Opinion Poll No (88)​

7-11 June 2023
". . . This press release addresses these issues and covers other matters such as the general conditions in the Palestinian territories, the peace process and future possible directions for Palestinians in the absence of a viable peace process. Total size of the sample is 1270 adults interviewed face to face in 127 randomly selected locations. Margin of error is +/-3%. "

What I can find no information on? Is how these "randomly selected locations," were chosen. From looking at this poll, there seems to be quite divergent opinions, of those who live in the West Bank, and those who live in Gaza. Not providing that data? Seems shady as hell, IMO.

This organization also has some shady connections to the western establishment as well. So it might be pushing a purposely corrupted and slanted poll for an agenda.

When we look at polls from most respected polling outfits in the US, they give demographic breakdowns, this one does not.

Based on the AP headline alone, I get the feeling that the goal behind this poll was to get the exact reaction we're seeing on this and other threads. As you know, always ask, "who benefits?" If it benefits the globalists who want another war in the ME (or WWIII) this sure as hell benefits them.
Based on the AP headline alone, I get the feeling that the goal behind this poll was to get the exact reaction we're seeing on this and other threads. As you know, always ask, "who benefits?" If it benefits the globalists who want another war in the ME (or WWIII) this sure as hell benefits them.
How else should they have worded it? :lol:
How else should they have worded it? :lol:

You missed the point, but that's OK. I really don't even want to argue about this anymore, at least not right now. But I do have to say, I'm sad and amazed at how easy it is to get the public onboard with just about anything, including mass murdering civilians.
You missed the point, but that's OK. I really don't even want to argue about this anymore, at least not right now. But I do have to say, I'm sad and amazed at how easy it is to get the public onboard with just about anything, including mass murdering civilians.
The civilians have already been mass murdered.

They happen to be Jews, though, so you don't care.
How idiotic

One group is dedicated to the extermination of the others and you want them all living together to provide that opportunity?

Wrong. Both sides want to exterminate each other.

Stop with the establishment propaganda.
Yeah, named by the Romans. After they kicked out all the jews.
You mean the Jews. No.
The Land of Israel (Hebrew: אֶרֶץ יִשְׂרָאֵל‎, Modern: ʾEreṣ Yīsraʾel, Tiberian: ʾEreṣ Yīsrāʾēl) is the traditional Jewish name for an area of the Southern Levant. Related biblical, religious and historical English terms include the Land of Canaan, the Promised Land, the Holy Land, and Palestine.
The word Palestine derives from Philistia, the name given by Greek writers to the land of the Philistines, who in the 12th century BCE occupied a small pocket of land on the southern coast, between modern Tel Aviv–Yafo and Gaza. The name was revived by the Romans [...]
Land of Canaan, the Promised Land, the Holy Land.. all reasonable alternatives.
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The civilians have already been mass murdered.

They happen to be Jews, though, so you don't care.

Don't tell me what I care and not care about. I have always supported Israel and the Jewish people, and this should go without saying, but of course I care about the innocent civilians who were murdered in Israel.

I've noticed you've been doing the same thing on every single thread. Accusing ANYONE who asks questions or even remotely criticizes the government's response as being a "Jew hater." Not only is that a logical fallacy, but it shows a nastiness and lack of good will toward anyone who doesn't see things exactly the way you do. Not cool at all to tell others what they think, especially when it's a vicious lie, and you've been doing that all over this site recently.
Based on the AP headline alone, I get the feeling that the goal behind this poll was to get the exact reaction we're seeing on this and other threads. As you know, always ask, "who benefits?" If it benefits the globalists who want another war in the ME (or WWIII) this sure as hell benefits them.

It is a no win situation for the Palestinians. They were forced to get the jab too, from what I have heard. Yes, Hamas is a despicable terrorist organization, but the alternative?


They are in no better position than the rest of us. . . It is just another Hegelian dialectic, to play with folks emotions, and force them to accept an untenable solution to a problem, corrupt and despicable people have created to begin with.


Wrong. Both sides want to exterminate each other.

Stop with the establishment propaganda.
The global oligarchs over at the Club of Rome, and all their pals? They want everyone dead.

If WWIII breaks out over all this, they will just be giddy as hell I have no doubt.
You missed the point, but that's OK. I really don't even want to argue about this anymore, at least not right now. But I do have to say, I'm sad and amazed at how easy it is to get the public onboard with just about anything, including mass murdering civilians.
I am anti war. Not really sure what that has to do with a group of people that love terrorists.
IDK, maybe you should be directing that towards them ;)
Palestinians are Hamas if we are talking about public support. Also, Hamas is the entire Middle East in this regard giving all their demonstrations after the attack. And that is the very thing that makes the situation far more complicated.
Palestinians are Hamas if we are talking about public support. Also, Hamas is the entire Middle East in this regard giving all their demonstrations after the attack. And that is the very thing that makes the situation far more complicated.
Around the world.
Crazy thing is, many of the people that were doing it, and still are, are supporting a group of people that want to either tax them or kill them.
I saw a rally in NYC the other day, where this muslim was talking about how they wont be finished until islam is in every household. And people just cheered.
. . . It is just another Hegelian dialectic, to play with folks emotions, and force them to accept an untenable solution to a problem, corrupt and despicable people have created to begin with.


You hit the nail on the head. It's always a Hegelian Dialectic with the PTSB.

But I think that many here might misunderstand you. The corrupt despicable people are the globalists who create the Problem-Reaction-Solutions, and they use both sides of the M.E conflict as pawns for their own global agenda. There's much more to be said about this, about how the PTSB use the terrorist groups (which they had a hand in setting up in the first place) as a tool or pretext for their global agenda, but it's probably better for a thread of its own.
RE: Palestinians are not HAMAS!?
SUBTOPIC: The obfuscation or the ground truth using irrelevant interpretation of historical facts.
※→ et al,

It has been over a thousand years (
a millennium plus) since the Arabs held any type of sovereign leadership above the local level (and not much of that either). BUT! Does that really matter? Not Really...

Solutions for today's peace in the region must address the politically critical issues that actually --- have answers that are agreeable to the various faction.

All of Israel [
(73.6% or 7,106,000 • of the total general population of Israel are Jews), 2,037,000 are Arabs (making up 21.1%) and 513,000 Others (5.3%) ] speaks with one voice. The Arab Palestinians do not. No single Arab Palestinian Organization has command of the government.

Any Arab Palestinian territory, west of the Jordan River, is a very dangerous place. They are a savage people that support political leaders that believe "
Resistance and Jihad for the liberation of Palestine will remain a legitimate right, a duty and an honour for all the sons and daughters of our people and our Ummah..."


Most Respectfully,
Don't tell me what I care and not care about. I have always supported Israel and the Jewish people, and this should go without saying, but of course I care about the innocent civilians who were murdered in Israel.

I've noticed you've been doing the same thing on every single thread. Accusing ANYONE who asks questions or even remotely criticizes the government's response as being a "Jew hater." Not only is that a logical fallacy, but it shows a nastiness and lack of good will toward anyone who doesn't see things exactly the way you do. Not cool at all to tell others what they think, especially when it's a vicious lie, and you've been doing that all over this site recently.
And I notice all you do is spin tales of "false flag" operations that take all responsibility away from Hamas and place it on Jews.
And I notice all you do is spin tales of "false flag" operations that take all responsibility away from Hamas and place it on Jews.

I'm not claiming to know exactly what happened that day. None of us were there, and most here are going by what the MSM has reported. The same MSM who broadcast the "babies pulled out of incubators" story which later turned out to be a well-orchestrated lie, but it was too late by then because that was basically the catalyst for the first Gulf War. A war that ended up killing hundreds of thousands of civilians. So what I and a handful of others here have been doing is simply asking questions.

But let me ask you this. Would you agree that there are some subversive people within the US government? I'm talking about rogue elements, usually within the alphabet agencies, that are not true patriots but sold out to a global agenda. If so, do you think it is at all possible that there might be some similar subversive people within the Israeli government, for example within the Mossad? Again, I'm just asking questions.
Even though you just effectively posted the same thing:

Except, you're wrong. Support for retaliatory war goes up when any group perceives themselves as victims of attack from another. The reasoning matters little nor who's in charge. They automatically get a boost simply for pushing war.. at least until they've overplayed the same hand.

I support a one state solution. Tear down the fences. Let all Palestinians mingle together with their Jewish brethren. Choose an entirely new name for the country. Allow all to share national pride and get treated like every day criminals when they break the law. War and violence just beget more war and violence. An eye for an eye only creates epidemics of blindness.
You are never going to get your wish of abolishing the Jewish State of Israel

It will still be here when Jesus returns
I'm not claiming to know exactly what happened that day. None of us were there, and most here are going by what the MSM has reported. The same MSM who broadcast the "babies pulled out of incubators" story which later turned out to be a well-orchestrated lie, but it was too late by then because that was basically the catalyst for the first Gulf War. A war that ended up killing hundreds of thousands of civilians. So what I and a handful of others here have been doing is simply asking questions.

But let me ask you this. Would you agree that there are some subversive people within the US government? I'm talking about rogue elements, usually within the alphabet agencies, that are not true patriots but sold out to a global agenda. If so, do you think it is at all possible that there might be some similar subversive people within the Israeli government, for example within the Mossad? Again, I'm just asking questions.
You are not JUST asking questions.

You are trying to divert attention away from the subject matter, namely, the degree to which the so-called "Palestinians" support Hamas, by casting doubt on the entire operation where they murdered hundreds of Jews.

This is gaslighting, not asking questions, and you are indulging in obfuscation that acts as propaganda for the murderous group.
You are not JUST asking questions.

You are trying to divert attention away from the subject matter, namely, the degree to which the so-called "Palestinians" support Hamas, by casting doubt on the entire operation where they murdered hundreds of Jews.

This is gaslighting, not asking questions, and you are indulging in obfuscation that acts as propaganda for the murderous group.
Ok, so anyone who doesn't automatically believe what we're told by the controlled MSM who has already been proven to be untrustworthy is a bad evil person. Shame on anyone for daring to ask questions!

Got it. I'll leave you be, because clearly there is no point in discussing this topic at all with you.

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