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Palestinians Certain to Win Recognition as a State by UN vote today

oh goody---does this mean Israel can turn of the water and electricity now? and close up all the border crossings?


Once they get all of their 600,000+ illegal settler land thieves the fuck out of Occupied Palestine, end the illegal Occupation, and all the soldiers out, sure, then they have no obligations owed about water or electricity, but they have to get those child killing settlers and IDF soldiers/war criminals out of there and fully end the Occupation, first, though!

Israel needs to get the fuck out of the land they illegally have soldiers and illegal settlers in, get out of Occupied Palestine completely, that is Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem!

So this is how a "good Christian" woman speaks? I wonder if she also knows how to say that in Farsi. How about the Muslim criminals, Frau Sherri, or do they get a pass from you no matter how many innocent people they kill? Perhaps you are only concerned when the Jews are involved. After all, if you were truly the humanitarian that you want to fake us out that you are, you would be on several message boards condemning what is going on in the Muslim world. Your silence speaks loads about you.
Palestinian statehood would be another victory for the Palestinian people and a major defeat for Israel's zionists. :cool:

This is not about Palestinian independence, and will hardly change the Palestinian statues.

Any change of that sort is only through negotiations with the Israeli government.

And stupid decisions will block the effrts that are anyway stuck.


Palestine, now a nonmember observer state before the UN!

And he said, enough is enough! Abbas, that is, before the General Assembly!

And the Nations voted, Yes, enough is enough!

The world is fed up with Israel and her child killing forays, all the children burned to death and civilians burned to death by Nazi Israel, deliberately and with the newest of wepaons!

Next stop, admission to the Criminal court at the Hague and then, posthaste, let us haul those war criminal IDF child killer scumbags before The International Criminal Court and try them for their war crimes!

And why are you here and not out killing babies with your tribe, I thought service in the IDF and baby killing was mandatory in Israel, for men and women?

Sherryl, do you reside in the east or west side of the psych ward? I need to let them know, it appears you have not been taking your meds again. What a fucking nutjob freak!

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what the hell are you talking about. israel complains about fire. palestine complains about fire.

being a state doesn't provide immunity from war crimes.

so, if iran develops a nuke and lends it to lebanon or jordan or iraq or syria (violation of airspace by israel is an act of war) to bomb israel, you're good with that. how about iran popping a nuke at our fleet in the persian gulf area or mediterranean because the USA flew a drone over iran, violating their airspace....that sort of constitutes "return fire of ANY MAGNITUDE" to me.

i swear, i have met a lot of bad ass motherfuckers in my life, and even a few cold-blooded killers (and believe me, those guys will send chills up your spine with ust a look) but i don't think i have ever seen such a completely depraved and blood thirsty culture as that of the jewish culture, at least in america.

and really, you and all your "thankers" may want to realise that international law trumps talmudic law, so brush up on it.
i swear, i have met a lot of bad ass motherfuckers in my life, and even a few cold-blooded killers (and believe me, those guys will send chills up your spine with ust a look) but i don't think i have ever seen such a completely depraved and blood thirsty culture as that of the jewish culture, at least in america.

Spoken like a true anti Semite. You forgot to say "Heil Hitler" or "Allah Akbar" in your conclusion, you Nazi cocksucker.


theological or religious antisemitism, sometimes known as anti-Judaism;
nationalistic antisemitism, citing Voltaire and other Enlightenment thinkers, who attacked Jews for supposedly having certain characteristics, such as greed and arrogance, and for observing customs such as kashrut and Shabbat;
and racial antisemitism, with its extreme form resulting in the Holocaust by the Nazis.
Louis Harap separates "economic antisemitism" and merges "political" and "nationalistic" antisemitism into "ideological antisemitism". Harap also adds a category of "social antisemitism".[31]
religious (Jew as Christ-killer),
economic (Jew as banker, usurer, money-obsessed),
social (Jew as social inferior, "pushy," vulgar, therefore excluded from personal contact),
racist (Jews as an inferior "race"),
ideological (Jews regarded as subversive or revolutionary),
cultural (Jews regarded as undermining the moral and structural fiber of civilization).

Derek Penslar writes that there are two components to the financial canards:[40]
a) Jews are savages that "are temperamentally incapable of performing honest labor"
b) Jews are "leaders of a financial cabal seeking world domination"
Abraham Foxman describes six facets of the financial canards:
All Jews are wealthy[41]
Jews are stingy and greedy[42]
Powerful Jews control the business world[43]
Jewish religion emphasizes profit and materialism[44]
It is okay for Jews to cheat non-Jews[45]
Jews use their power to benefit "their own kind"[46]

Blood libel (also blood accusation[1][2]) is a false accusation or claim[3][4][5] that religious minorities, usually Jews, murder children to use their blood in certain aspects of their religious rituals and holidays.[1][2][6] Historically, these claims—alongside those of well poisoning and host desecration—have been a major theme in European persecution of Jews.[4]
Blood libels typically allege that Jews require human blood for the baking of matzos for Passover, although this element was absent in the earliest cases that claimed (the contemporary) Jews reenacted the crucifixion. The accusations often assert that the blood of Christian children is especially coveted, and, historically, blood libel claims have been made to account for otherwise unexplained deaths of children.

Antisemitism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

oh, don't hand me that whiney ass "anti-semiytism shite, ya little fook.

one only has to look at this board to see what a blood thirsty culture you have. look at your "kaboom" thread for example. you were cheering for death. cultures inculcate values in their members. what the hell do you think cultural anthropology is all about.

and from what i can see about your culture and the reactions to lebanon, iraq, iran, gaza, everything, you people thrive on blood lust and you are going to have a hard time selling anybody anymore that you don't. never have i ever seen any people defend, condone, and cheer the deaths of children and innocents like jews do.

imagine if we cheered or made light of the FIVE measly jews who were killed in israel. i have not seen one single pro-palestinian poster do that. instead, i see you puny ass jews trying to make up for your cowardice in the face of nazi oppression by swaggering around dropping bombs on civilian areas and cheering the deaths of civilians. you would be squealing like a poked pig..."anti-semite this, jewhater that...waaaa, waaaa, waaaa."

well, if standing up or justice and having compassion for innocent children and telling the truth makes me an anti-semite, than i am proud and honoured that you have placed me in the company of such people as mairead corrigan, desmond tutu, jimmy carter, nelson mandela, JFK, malcolm X, barach obama, harry truman, george washington, RFK, GBShaw, halle berry...

hey, you are a jew, get over it. people really could care less until you try to shove your guilt trips down their frealin' throats. i certainly don't. if guilt is part of your culture fine, do it on yourselves but other peeps, who manage not to be prejudiced one single bit against all kinds of racial, ethnic, cultural, groups and accept almot everybody for what they are all of a sudden and out of the clear bkue are anti-semites.

people do not dislike ews for what or who they are, they dislike you for what you do, and right now and for the past week, you have been gloating over the deaths of civilians and children.

get your acts together. you are not special and you do not deserve special treayment. i will treat you like i treat everyone else, and if you act like a fookin' ass, i will treat you like i would treat any other ass.
Duh okay, I will listen to the rantings and lunatic racist ravings of a Nazi cocksucker named seal. ha ha ha!
oh goody---does this mean Israel can turn of the water and electricity now? and close up all the border crossings?


Once they get all of their 600,000+ illegal settler land thieves the fuck out of Occupied Palestine, end the illegal Occupation, and all the soldiers out, sure, then they have no obligations owed about water or electricity, but they have to get those child killing settlers and IDF soldiers/war criminals out of there and fully end the Occupation, first, though!

Israel needs to get the fuck out of the land they illegally have soldiers and illegal settlers in, get out of Occupied Palestine completely, that is Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem!

Sherri should put a diaper on her face because that's where all the shit is coming out of. LOL
Just announced.

The U.N. General Assembly votes, 138 to 9, to recognize a Palestinian state, with 41 nations abstaining

For more news, please go to FoxNews.com and watch Fox News Channel.
Thank goodness this will put an end to the rocket fire. Unless the Palis celebrate too hard.
good idea----that makes the "new state" fully responsible for every Kassam rocket it launches------and unable to complain about return fire of ANY MAGNITUDE

what the hell are you talking about. israel complains about fire. palestine complains about fire.

being a state doesn't provide immunity from war crimes.

so, if iran develops a nuke and lends it to lebanon or jordan or iraq or syria (violation of airspace by israel is an act of war) to bomb israel, you're good with that. how about iran popping a nuke at our fleet in the persian gulf area or mediterranean because the USA flew a drone over iran, violating their airspace....that sort of constitutes "return fire of ANY MAGNITUDE" to me.

i swear, i have met a lot of bad ass motherfuckers in my life, and even a few cold-blooded killers (and believe me, those guys will send chills up your spine with ust a look) but i don't think i have ever seen such a completely depraved and blood thirsty culture as that of the jewish culture, at least in america.

and really, you and all your "thankers" may want to realise that international law trumps talmudic law, so brush up on it.
Isn't it fun to see how Seal ignores the bloodthirsty Muslim culture? No matter how many innocent people they have killed and are still killing (even his fellow Catholics), he conveniently closes his eyes to it. Instead of Seal worrying about International Law trumping Talmudic, how about he think about that this is the 21st century, and you don't see civilized people killing others in the name of a religion like we see so many of the followers of Islam do in the Middle East, Southeast Asia and Africa.
Hamas video: Killing Jews is 'worship that draws us close to Allah' - Wilmington Conservative | Examiner.com

Wrong again sherri----it is the RESPECTERS OF ISA who are required to slit the
throats of babies and to fuck little girls in honor of allah/isa it is the entry fee
into jannah where fucking for isa is ETERNAL even the jihadists sluts fuck for isa
in Jannah if they do the respect of isa thing and tie a bomb to their stinking asses.

the good news is that your co-religionists-----the sum of all of the respecters of isa
have already fucked and slit throats in the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS----and still going
for the glory of allah/isa
oh goody---does this mean Israel can turn of the water and electricity now? and close up all the border crossings?


Once they get all of their 600,000+ illegal settler land thieves the fuck out of Occupied Palestine, end the illegal Occupation, and all the soldiers out, sure, then they have no obligations owed about water or electricity, but they have to get those child killing settlers and IDF soldiers/war criminals out of there and fully end the Occupation, first, though!

Israel needs to get the fuck out of the land they illegally have soldiers and illegal settlers in, get out of Occupied Palestine completely, that is Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem!

So this is how a "good Christian" woman speaks? I wonder if she also knows how to say that in Farsi. How about the Muslim criminals, Frau Sherri, or do they get a pass from you no matter how many innocent people they kill? Perhaps you are only concerned when the Jews are involved. After all, if you were truly the humanitarian that you want to fake us out that you are, you would be on several message boards condemning what is going on in the Muslim world. Your silence speaks loads about you.


What a Christian does not do is support Israel's war crimes and human rights abuses and Apartheid and ethnic cleansing and genocide in Palestine!

We are discussing Palestine and Israel, here, and my focus is on a 40+ year Occupation that dehumaizes and commmits daily human rights abuses againt an indigenous Palestinian people!

As Christians mobilized against Apartheid in South Africa, they in that same fashion have mobilized against Apartheid in Palestine!

And I must apologize for my language, I am simply so angry, as I have spent the past two weeks reading about all the children in Palestine Israel has murdered, reading their stories, I cannot help but be angry!

How can a human being not be angry as they read the stories of over one thousand Palestinian children killed by Israel in Palestine since the First Intifada commenced?

And their names and how each child died is set forth on Btselem!

33 pages of dead children set forth in their tables killed in Cast Lead alone!

I just printed the lists of the dead children!

B'Tselem - Statistics - Fatalities

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Once they get all of their 600,000+ illegal settler land thieves the fuck out of Occupied Palestine, end the illegal Occupation, and all the soldiers out, sure, then they have no obligations owed about water or electricity, but they have to get those child killing settlers and IDF soldiers/war criminals out of there and fully end the Occupation, first, though!

Israel needs to get the fuck out of the land they illegally have soldiers and illegal settlers in, get out of Occupied Palestine completely, that is Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem!

So this is how a "good Christian" woman speaks? I wonder if she also knows how to say that in Farsi. How about the Muslim criminals, Frau Sherri, or do they get a pass from you no matter how many innocent people they kill? Perhaps you are only concerned when the Jews are involved. After all, if you were truly the humanitarian that you want to fake us out that you are, you would be on several message boards condemning what is going on in the Muslim world. Your silence speaks loads about you.


What a Christian does not do is support Israel's war crimes and human rights abuses and Apartheid and ethnic cleansing and genocide in Palestine!

We are discussing Palestine and Israel, here, and my focus is on a 40+ year Occupation that dehumaizes and commmits daily human rights abuses againt an indigenous Palestinian people!

As Christians mobilized against Apartheid in South Africa, they in that same fashion have mobilized against Apartheid in Palestine!

And I must apologize for my language, I am simply so angry, as I have spent the past two weeks reading about all the children in Palestine Israel has murdered, reading their stories, I cannot help but be angry!

How can a human being not be angry as they read the stories of over one thousand Palestinian children killed by Israel in Palestine since the First Intifada commenced?

And their names and how each child died is set forth on Btselem!

33 pages of dead children set forth in their tables killed in Cast Lead alone!

I just printed the lists of the dead children!

B'Tselem - Statistics - Fatalities

The war is over now so you can demobilize and return home.
Wrong again sherri----it is the RESPECTERS OF ISA who are required to slit the
throats of babies and to fuck little girls in honor of allah/isa it is the entry fee
into jannah where fucking for isa is ETERNAL even the jihadists sluts fuck for isa
in Jannah if they do the respect of isa thing and tie a bomb to their stinking asses.

the good news is that your co-religionists-----the sum of all of the respecters of isa
have already fucked and slit throats in the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS----and still going
for the glory of allah/isa


Your brainwashing by Nazi Zionist Israel really needs to be addressed by you, living with all this garbage in your head cannot be healthy! We are responsible for our choices!

This is Palestinian Christian's response to Israel's Occupation and human rights abuses and child killings by Israel in Palestine!

Here is an Introduction to The Kairos Palestine document.

Home | A Moment of Truth |

"This document is the Christian Palestinians’ word to the world about what is happening in Palestine. It is written at this time when we wanted to see the Glory of the grace of God in this land and in the sufferings of its people. In this spirit the document requests the international community to stand by the Palestinian people who have faced oppression, displacement, suffering and clear apartheid for more than six decades. The suffering continues while the international community silently looks on at the occupying State, Israel. Our word is a cry of hope, with love, prayer and faith in God. We address it first of all to ourselves and then to all the churches and Christians in the world, asking them to stand against injustice and apartheid, urging them to work for a just peace in our region, calling on them to revisit theologies that justify crimes perpetrated against our people and the dispossession of the land.

In this historic document, we Palestinian Christians declare that the military occupation of our land is a sin against God and humanity, and that any theology that legitimizes the occupation is far from Christian teachings because true Christian theology is a theology of love and solidarity with the oppressed, a call to justice and equality among peoples.

This document did not come about spontaneously, and it is not the result of a coincidence. It is not a theoretical theological study or a policy paper, but is rather a document of faith and work. Its importance stems from the sincere expression of the concerns of the people and their view of this moment in history we are living through. It seeks to be prophetic in addressing things as they are without equivocation and with boldness, in addition it puts forward ending the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land and all forms of discrimination as the solution that will lead to a just and lasting peace. The document also demands that all peoples, political leaders and decision-makers put pressure on Israel and take legal measures in order to oblige its government to put an end to its oppression and disregard for the international law. The document also holds a clear position that non-violent resistance to this injustice is a right and duty for all Palestinians including Christians."

oh goody---does this mean Israel can turn of the water and electricity now? and close up all the border crossings?


Once they get all of their 600,000+ illegal settler land thieves the fuck out of Occupied Palestine, end the illegal Occupation, and all the soldiers out, sure, then they have no obligations owed about water or electricity, but they have to get those child killing settlers and IDF soldiers/war criminals out of there and fully end the Occupation, first, though!

Israel needs to get the fuck out of the land they illegally have soldiers and illegal settlers in, get out of Occupied Palestine completely, that is Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem!

Sherri should put a diaper on her face because that's where all the shit is coming out of. LOL

Spoken Like A True Nazi!
Except the "chosen state" is still the only state sanctioned by nearly a hundred UNSC Resolutions condemning its illegal occupation of Palestine...Does that make you tingle all over?

I agree georgie, Israel should surrender to the great nation of Palestine, led by a bunch of AK-47 toting monkeys named Hamas who are calling for the genocide of Jews while yelling Allah Ahkbar !

Or the five million Jews and six million Arabs living between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River could settle it all at the ballot box?

Of course there are more Arabs then Jews which would mean that eventually the Jewish Majority would dissapear and " Israel Proper" would be an annex to " Palestine" which is exactly what they want.

Which is why a " Palestinian State" including Borders that the Arabs themselves NEVER recognized or " Right of Return" isn't going to happen. They have their " State" and no one is happier about it then I am.... :clap2:

Once they get all of their 600,000+ illegal settler land thieves the fuck out of Occupied Palestine, end the illegal Occupation, and all the soldiers out, sure, then they have no obligations owed about water or electricity, but they have to get those child killing settlers and IDF soldiers/war criminals out of there and fully end the Occupation, first, though!

Israel needs to get the fuck out of the land they illegally have soldiers and illegal settlers in, get out of Occupied Palestine completely, that is Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem!

So this is how a "good Christian" woman speaks? I wonder if she also knows how to say that in Farsi. How about the Muslim criminals, Frau Sherri, or do they get a pass from you no matter how many innocent people they kill? Perhaps you are only concerned when the Jews are involved. After all, if you were truly the humanitarian that you want to fake us out that you are, you would be on several message boards condemning what is going on in the Muslim world. Your silence speaks loads about you.


What a Christian does not do is support Israel's war crimes and human rights abuses and Apartheid and ethnic cleansing and genocide in Palestine!

We are discussing Palestine and Israel, here, and my focus is on a 40+ year Occupation that dehumaizes and commmits daily human rights abuses againt an indigenous Palestinian people!

As Christians mobilized against Apartheid in South Africa, they in that same fashion have mobilized against Apartheid in Palestine!

And I must apologize for my language, I am simply so angry, as I have spent the past two weeks reading about all the children in Palestine Israel has murdered, reading their stories, I cannot help but be angry!

How can a human being not be angry as they read the stories of over one thousand Palestinian children killed by Israel in Palestine since the First Intifada commenced?

And their names and how each child died is set forth on Btselem!

33 pages of dead children set forth in their tables killed in Cast Lead alone!

I just printed the lists of the dead children!

B'Tselem - Statistics - Fatalities


Wow, just wow. :clap2:
Except the "chosen state" is still the only state sanctioned by nearly a hundred UNSC Resolutions condemning its illegal occupation of Palestine...Does that make you tingle all over?

I agree georgie, Israel should surrender to the great nation of Palestine, led by a bunch of AK-47 toting monkeys named Hamas who are calling for the genocide of Jews while yelling Allah Ahkbar !

Or the five million Jews and six million Arabs living between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River could settle it all at the ballot box?

You mean the six million Jews and four million Arabs living between the Mediterranean Sea and Jordan River could settle it at the ballot box.

Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



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