Palestinians Massing At The Israeli Border

There’s one thing the media almost never mentions about Gaza. And that is that Hamas, the terrorist organization that actually runs Gaza, seeks the total destruction of Israel.

They do not merely call out to kill all Israelis, but they call out to kill all Jews. Those aren’t my words. Those are the precise words of the Hamas’ leadership.

Just the other day, Yahya Sinwar, a Hamas leader, said, and I’ll site the original Arabic. “Sanaqtala’a al hudud wa sanaqtala’a qulubhum.” In English – “We will tear down the border and we will tear out their hearts.” He is talking about ordinary Israeli families, mothers, fathers and children picnicking in parks just like this one.

(full article and video online)

Hamas isn’t hiding the truth, BUT the media is
Before the data is presented, and for the sake of readers’ convenience, I would like to point out that of the 19 killed there are:

  • 7 operatives from Hamas’ Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades
  • 1 operative of the military wing of the Islamic Jihad, Saraya al-Quds
  • 2 activists of Katayef al-Maqawama al-Wataniya al-Filastina – the military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
  • 1 operative of the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, the military wing of Fatah’s Shahid Nakhl al-‘Amudi faction
  • 1 Hamas security forces operative (armed)
  • 1 military activist of the Fatah movement
  • 1 affiliate of Shada al-Aqsa – the Shahid unit of Nabil Mas’ud – an Iranian-oriented faction
  • 1 Hamas-affiliated operative with an orientation to the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades
  • 1 Fatah activist – it has not been proven that he is a military activist
  • 3 without any significant organizational affiliation
Total of 15 persons with actual military identification. Another 4 whose connection to military activity has not been proven.

Note: Failure to find any connection publicly in the Palestinian media does not mean that they are not military activists.

Another important factor to consider when examining the identity of the dead and their affiliation is the fact that out of the 19 killed, it is possible to clearly identify 15 military activists, i.e. around 80% of those killed at a minimum.

The entire Gaza Strip has fewer than 70,000 military operatives, including from all the various organizations. Gaza has a population of 2 million today. That is, the percentage of military activists out of the total population is lower than 3.5%.

(full article online)

Exposed: More Palestinian 'Victims' Identified as Terror Org Members | HonestReporting
Before the data is presented, and for the sake of readers’ convenience, I would like to point out that of the 19 killed there are:

  • 7 operatives from Hamas’ Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades
  • 1 operative of the military wing of the Islamic Jihad, Saraya al-Quds
  • 2 activists of Katayef al-Maqawama al-Wataniya al-Filastina – the military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
  • 1 operative of the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, the military wing of Fatah’s Shahid Nakhl al-‘Amudi faction
  • 1 Hamas security forces operative (armed)
  • 1 military activist of the Fatah movement
  • 1 affiliate of Shada al-Aqsa – the Shahid unit of Nabil Mas’ud – an Iranian-oriented faction
  • 1 Hamas-affiliated operative with an orientation to the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades
  • 1 Fatah activist – it has not been proven that he is a military activist
  • 3 without any significant organizational affiliation
Total of 15 persons with actual military identification. Another 4 whose connection to military activity has not been proven.

Note: Failure to find any connection publicly in the Palestinian media does not mean that they are not military activists.

Another important factor to consider when examining the identity of the dead and their affiliation is the fact that out of the 19 killed, it is possible to clearly identify 15 military activists, i.e. around 80% of those killed at a minimum.

The entire Gaza Strip has fewer than 70,000 military operatives, including from all the various organizations. Gaza has a population of 2 million today. That is, the percentage of military activists out of the total population is lower than 3.5%.

(full article online)

Exposed: More Palestinian 'Victims' Identified as Terror Org Members | HonestReporting
How many were armed?
What I find unfortunate is that the Islamic retrograde will still be referred to as “radical” when he is really just a pious Moslem who knows his koranology.

I’ll note that the inventor of Islam, the "model for humanity" and self-entitled developer of the "perfect system for life" defines me and much of the planet as "the worst of beasts"

YUSUFALI: For the worst of beasts in the sight of Allah are those who reject Him: They will not believe.
PICKTHAL: Lo! the worst of beasts in Allah's sight are the ungrateful who will As we find so often, not believe.
SHAKIR: Surely the vilest of animals in Allah's sight are those who disbelieve, then they would not believe.

MEMRI TV Clip No. 6500: Friday Sermon At Gaza 'Return March': Our Blessed Land Is Being Trampled By The Accursed Descendants Of Apes And Pigs

MEMRI TV Clips Of Gaza 'Return March'

To view this clip on MEMRI TV, click here.

During a Friday sermon delivered in East Jabalya, Gaza, on March 30, at the venue of the "Return March," the preacher said that the "blessed land" was being "trampled by the accursed descendants of apes and pigs, the remnants of the brutal, savage, and barbaric colonialism." The sermon was broadcast by Hamas' Al-Aqsa TV.


Shedding some dim light on the state of mind of the pyromaniacs, images of Gazan kites (like the one below) festooned with Nazi swastikas accompany many of the reports.

Image Source: AP

The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court - the treaty that established it and entered into force on 1 July 2002 - defines destroying the environment, even if no one is killed, as a war crime. In September 2016, the ICC prosecution issued a policy directive stating that it would place a special priority on prosecuting war crimes against the environment, something it had never done until then.

Hard not to notice the tone of pride and enthusiasm as certain media outlets report on the incendiary attacks by Gazan Palestinian Arabs. "Palestinian ‘Fire Kites’ Spark Huge Blaze in Zionist Settlements near Gaza Border" [Al Manar, May 02, 2018] for instance, and "Flaming kites mark fifth Friday of Gaza protests" [Mondoweiss, April 29, 2018].

Almost as if burning down the neighhbours' crops - or setting mountains of rubber tires ablaze and generating carcinogenic smoke and fumes - will get the attackers a better life.

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 08-May-18: War crimes, incendiary neighbors
According to the Meir Amit ITIC, over 200 incendiary kites have been sent into Israel so far, setting fire to hundreds of dunams of agricultural areas in western Negev communities and causing damage estimated in the hundreds of thousands of shekels.

In the US, deliberately setting a wildire is a felony. Wildfires destroy natural lands as well as buildings. They pollute the air and can cause respiratory problems. Over 50 people have been killed by arson wildfires in the US.

Palestinian media celebrates these fires.

So where is the condemnation from the liberal side of the political spectrum of the specific, deliberate Palestinian policy of setting wildfires in Israel?

(full article online)

Still waiting for any environmentalists to condemn Gazans for deliberately setting wildffires in Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Huge fire in Israeli fields started by Gazan Molotov cocktail balloons

In an interview on Radio Darom, Minister of Internal Security Gilad Erdan (Likud) said the IDF has received new open fire instructions, and Gazans flying Molotov kites will be treated as terrorists in every way, and the IDF is permitted to eliminate the kite flyers, including by drone-based targeted assassination.

(full article online)

IDF Permitted to Eliminate Kite Terrorists
I suppose that feeling confident in their ability to rouse the rabal toward injury and death for a stipend, the islamic terrorist leadership in Hamas will gladly try and urge their minions into harms way in greater numbers.

Hamas Gaza head gives support for protesters to breach Israel fence

Hamas Gaza head gives support for protesters to breach Israel fence

Gaza City (Palestinian Territories) (AFP) - A senior Hamas official signalled support Thursday for thousands of Palestinians to breach the border fence from Gaza into Israel at protests to coincide with next week's US embassy move to Jerusalem.

In his first major briefing to international media since becoming Gaza head of the Islamist group in 2017, Yahya Sinwar implied he would like to see thousands of Palestinians crossing into Israel as part of more than a month of protests.
The Israeli army said around 5,000 people were participating in the rallies. Protesters were clashing with Israeli troops at the border in several locations, burning tires and hurling stones at soldiers. Several flaming kites were flown over the fence by demonstrators, sparking blazes in Israeli territory. Israeli officials said the fires were under control.

(full article online)

Palestinian killed as thousands take part in weekly Gaza protests

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