Palestinians Reject Two State Solution

How is it that the "UN decided to illegally partition the country?" The UN did not actually Partition the territory.
Bravo, Rocco, that is a point I have been trying to make for years.

The next question has to be: how did Israel acquire Palestinian territory?

Under International laws and the UN charter as you have been told thousands of times, and had the relevant links provided
Not true.

Passage and link?

Mandate of Palestine

The Council of the League of Nations:
Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have agreed, for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, to entrust to a Mandatory selected by the said Powers the administration of the territory of Palestine, which formerly belonged to the Turkish Empire, within such boundaries as may be fixed by them; and

Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have also agreed that the Mandatory should be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 2nd, 1917, by the Government of His Britannic Majesty, and adopted by the said Powers, in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country; and

Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country;

Try reading the UN charter in regards to claiming an independent state
P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes, --- you only capture what is supportive of your position; but not the more meaningful point-of-view.

How is it that the "UN decided to illegally partition the country?" The UN did not actually Partition the territory.
Bravo, Rocco, that is a point I have been trying to make for years.
The next question has to be: how did Israel acquire Palestinian territory?

The of mine that you cite came from Posting #466 in response to Query #2; the response came in two parts:

• The FIRST part was that the UN did not actually partition the former Mandate Territory.

• The second part of the response answers your question here: "[H]ow did Israel acquire Palestinian territory?"

•• "Jewish Provisional Government of Israel Declared Independence"

•• "the Jewish Inhabitance in exercising self-determination"

In 1948, the phrase "exercising self-determination" is really the application of Chapter I, Article 1(2):

"2. To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace;"

GA/SHC/4085 5 NOVEMBER 2013: Excerpt of: Self-Determination Integral to Basic Human Rights, Fundamental Freedoms, Third Committee Told as It Concludes General Discussion

“It is only through the realization of this very basic right of people to determine, with no compulsion or coercion, their own future, political status and independence that we can begin to address others such as dignity, justice, progress and equity,” said the representative of Maldives. Yet millions of people were stripped of the right to determine their own fate, due either to military intervention, aggression, occupation or to exploitation by foreign Powers.
The Jewish were NOT QUITE allowed to "determine, with no compulsion or coercion, their own future, political status and independence." There was (in effect) an Arab-Jewish Civil War --- followed by the "use of force against the embryonic Jewish territorial integrity and political independence." --- These forces, originating from Machiavellian Powerful Arab interests with hidden agendas, both inside and outside Palestine (a military coalition of the Arab League), moving in strength and numbers -- with the expressed purpose to defy by armed military intervention the Charter and the resolution of the General Assembly --- engaged in a deliberate effort to alter by force the the Jewish act of self-determination.

(RECAP - How did Israel acquire Palestinian Territory?)

Through the act of self-determination without objection from the Allied Powers --- having Title and Rights --- that administered the territory.

Most Respectfully,
The Jewish were NOT QUITE allowed to "determine, with no compulsion or coercion, their own future, political status and independence." There was (in effect) an Arab-Jewish Civil War
Load of crap, Rocco.
Challenger, et al,

Yeah, --- if you say so.

Challenger, et al

This is probably one of the worst misleading analogies I've every seen.


Not only is the application dubious, the Jews did not pick-up arms against the Germans. However, it is the Arab Palestinians (including more than a half-dozen terrorist organizations) that took-up arms against the Israelis.

Most Respectfully,

Zionists are always quick to blame their victims, just like the Nazis before them. I was just illustrating the point.

You can pretend all you want that the Jihadist, Deadly Fedayeen, Hostile Insurgent, Radicalized Islamist, and Asymmetric Fighters operating within the region are just "social clubs" that have no history of:

The list of terrorist acts includes:
  • Premeditated attacks on innocent civilian targets;
  • Kidnapping or hostage-taking;
  • Causing extensive destruction to a public or private facility, including information systems;
  • Seizure of aircrafts and ships;
  • Manufacture, possession, acquisition, transport or use of weapons, explosives;
  • Activités causing fires, explosions or floods;
  • Directing or participating in the activities of a terrorist group, including by funding its activities or supplying material resources.
  • etc, etc, etc ...
The implication that organizations like: Hamas-Izz al-Din al-Qassem (terrorist wing of Hamas) and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad are not involved with Jihadism, Deadly Fedayeen Action, Hostile Insurgency Operations, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Violence is imbedded in history.

Most Respectfully,

Well if the clown continues this crap, I'll provide more in response. This is just the beginning.

Murdered by Jew terrorists:


Forgotten British Victims of Jewish Terrorism
OMG Rocco. Monte is going to get ya. Aren't you just crapping your pants. Heh Heh! Hey Monte, get me too will ya. Lets go back to the Muslim archbishop. Okay? What fun you are.
It is humorous, MJB. Here Rocco is always the gentleman and you can tell he knows his subject, and then we have Monte throwing names at all who disagree with his point of view. I think the viewers are able to discern who to believe unless their mind set is like Monte's.

I came across an old article the other day It was written by a Palestinian.

Lessons We Palestinians Can Learn

When all Monte has left is to criticize his opposition, he is the proven loser. What fun.
The Jewish were NOT QUITE allowed to "determine, with no compulsion or coercion, their own future, political status and independence." There was (in effect) an Arab-Jewish Civil War
Load of crap, Rocco.

Only because it destroys what you have been told all these years
You believe a load of crap? :clap::clap::clap:

I cant see how as I dont believe anything you post seeing as it is all islamonazi pallywood propaganda and real crap
I have never denied the existence of the native Jews.

You consistently compartmentalize the Jewish people into "real" and "synthetic" in the same way that others do. You consistently reject the Jewishness of certain of these compartmentalized Jews. As opposed to seeing them as one people.
I have never denied the existence of the native Jews.

You consistently compartmentalize the Jewish people into "real" and "synthetic" in the same way that others do. You consistently reject the Jewishness of certain of these compartmentalized Jews. As opposed to seeing them as one people.

Why can't you get it to your thick skull, that a Jew is a person that practices Judaism? Europeans that for whatever reason adopted Judaism had no right to expel the native people many of whom, if not most, had ancestors that once practiced Judaism.
Why can't you get it to your thick skull, that a Jew is a person that practices Judaism? Europeans that for whatever reason adopted Judaism ...

Hey, here's a thought. Maybe people practice Judaism because, you know, they're JEWISH.
No, they could be Italians, Germans, Poles, Spanish or even of Chinese ethnicity and still practice Judaism.
monte, what is your ethnic background? For example, I'm nationally Canadian. But I'm ethnically Irish and Scots and German.

You are trying to tell me that I can't be ethnically Irish or Scots or German, because I'm Canadian.

Its bullshit.
Yes, but Jewish is not an ethnicity, it's a religion. Anyone of any ethnicity can be Jewish. Just as anyone of any ethnicity can be Christian or Muslim. Many Balkan Slavs are Muslims, but they are still Slavs.
I have never denied the existence of the native Jews.

You consistently compartmentalize the Jewish people into "real" and "synthetic" in the same way that others do. You consistently reject the Jewishness of certain of these compartmentalized Jews. As opposed to seeing them as one people.
No I don't. There are native Jews and there are foreign Jews.
I have never denied the existence of the native Jews.

You consistently compartmentalize the Jewish people into "real" and "synthetic" in the same way that others do. You consistently reject the Jewishness of certain of these compartmentalized Jews. As opposed to seeing them as one people.

Why can't you get it to your thick skull, that a Jew is a person that practices Judaism? Europeans that for whatever reason adopted Judaism had no right to expel the native people many of whom, if not most, had ancestors that once practiced Judaism.

Just as a muslim is a person that practises terrorism and violence do you mean.

The best minds all say that Jew is a race separate to all the others by DNA.
No, they could be Italians, Germans, Poles, Spanish or even of Chinese ethnicity and still practice Judaism.

And that makes up about 2% of the worlds Jewish population, so what are the other 98%.

And I dont meannationality I mean actual race as in Caucasion, Negro, arab and Jew
Yes, but Jewish is not an ethnicity, it's a religion. Anyone of any ethnicity can be Jewish. Just as anyone of any ethnicity can be Christian or Muslim. Many Balkan Slavs are Muslims, but they are still Slavs.

And you are wrong, just because the hate sites you visit say that Jews are not a race does not mean it is true. 50 years ago your type were saying the Jewish race until they realised they could delegitimise the Jews by claiming they were not a race. Now we have DNA and so can show they are
I have never denied the existence of the native Jews.

You consistently compartmentalize the Jewish people into "real" and "synthetic" in the same way that others do. You consistently reject the Jewishness of certain of these compartmentalized Jews. As opposed to seeing them as one people.
No I don't. There are native Jews and there are foreign Jews.

But they are still Jews and have the same rights as the native arabs and foreign arab's that infest the Jewish national home

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