Palestinians stab 80-year-old woman, others in 2 attacks


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
JERUSALEM (AP) — A Palestinian stabbed and wounded a 70-year-old man in northern Israel before being shot by officers, police said Monday just hours after another Palestinian knifed several people, including an 80-year-old woman, in a stabbing spree near Tel Aviv, the latest attacks in more than a month of violence.

A Palestinian stabbed and wounded a 70-year-old Israeli man, seriously wounding him as he walked down the street in the northern city of Netanya, police said Monday evening before he was shot and wounded by police.

Earlier, Israeli police said a Palestinian stabbed an 80-year-old woman in the back on a street in Rishon Lezion near Tel Aviv Monday afternoon and then stabbed a man in the chest before continuing to run down the street and carrying out another attack. Police Spokeswoman Luba Samri said that after stabbing the first two Israelis, the Palestinian, a 19-year-old from the West Bank city of Hebron, tried to enter a clothing shop but a woman in the store slammed a door on him. The Palestinian then went into a cosmetics store and stabbed another man. Bystanders managed to tackle and apprehend the attacker. Police then arrived on motorcycles and detained him.

Palestinians stab 80-year-old woman, others in 2 attacks

Congrats liberals.

You know and I know they love these types of stories. Especially the 80% of Jewish Americans who vote all things democrat.
What is the connection between an American liberal democrat jew and a Palestinian terrorist going on a killing binge in Israel? I don't get it.

If the jew had only voted for Mitt Romney the Palestinian punk would not have attacked these people?

I don't get it. Please explain.
What is the connection between an American liberal democrat jew and a Palestinian terrorist going on a killing binge in Israel? I don't get it.

If the jew had only voted for Mitt Romney the Palestinian punk would not have attacked these people?

I don't get it. Please explain.

I am not going to explain shit to you.
What is the connection between an American liberal democrat jew and a Palestinian terrorist going on a killing binge in Israel? I don't get it.

If the jew had only voted for Mitt Romney the Palestinian punk would not have attacked these people?

I don't get it. Please explain.

Don't bother, it's an idiotic premise.
Palestinians are killed in "cycles of violence." It's like they were sitting minding their own business and suddenly one of those cycles of violence came along and killed them.
American news reporting of this is disgraceful.
Palestinians are killed in "cycles of violence." It's like they were sitting minding their own business and suddenly one of those cycles of violence came along and killed them.
American news reporting of this is disgraceful.

Yeap, and many of those WOLVES in sheeps clothing that I describe controls the content that is reported and how it is reported. Nothing is more obvious.

Many of them, yes claim to be Jewish. They even wear the hat on certain holidays. They are far from the heart of God. They are certainly not supporting the land of Canaan. They are not kosher. They identify as left wing socialists long before they identify as Jewish.

There were always these types dating back to those that danced around the calf. They paid lip service, if that. Many of them turn their back on everything that is of the Lord. History shows this over and over again.


Here you go. Read this.

98 Prominent Hollywood Jews Back Iran Nuclear Deal


Who controls most of the media? How is it reported here about the plight of the mythical Palestinian people? Funny, how the world did not have any concerns whatsoever over the plight of these Palestinians when Egypt had control over the land.

Funny, how the world had no concerns over the plight of mythical Palestinians when Jordan murdered thousands of them on the EAST BANK. Yeah, there is an EAST BANK. Well, if there is WEST BANK, logic only says there is an EAST BANK.

Israel is the only ME country that allows people to worship freely with out being executed. They do not stone their women for being raped and they do not systematically kill gays for being gay.

Oh, but all of those other ME countries do. So, who does the left wing asshole here follow? The left that care oh so much for gays and women? Not the one that protects their rights. No no no. They attack that country.

Why? Well, cause they are protected by this country that they despise so much. Why? Cause our system makes our poor people fat and minorities have it better in the US than any place on the planet at any time in history.

The Israelis by and large despise these so called Jewish Americans, who in essence are not Jews at all. They are, the extension of the wolves in sheeps clothing dancing around their golden calf.
What is the connection between an American liberal democrat jew and a Palestinian terrorist going on a killing binge in Israel? I don't get it.

If the jew had only voted for Mitt Romney the Palestinian punk would not have attacked these people?

I don't get it. Please explain.

funny.... daddy bush made israel not fight back when hit with SCUDs....

baby bush made them stop cleaning out Hezbollah in Lebanon when they were thisclose.

you might not like that this president's rhetoric doesn't suit wacky neocon extremists...

but when i vote, i'd never vote for an anti-semite... but i sure as hell won't vote for someone who thinks controlling women's bodies and not supporting equal pay and putting theocrats on the bench is an appropriate political agenda.

see how that works?
6 stabbed at Jerusalem gay pride parade, police say -

Congrats conservatives.

You know and I know they love these types of stories. After they take their Cialis it gives them a raging boner. :rolleyes:
That's revelant to anything, how?

It is about a relevant as liberals allegedly loving the story in the OP.
Uh, OK.

Exactly my thought when reading the first post in this troll thread.
What is the connection between an American liberal democrat jew and a Palestinian terrorist going on a killing binge in Israel? I don't get it.

If the jew had only voted for Mitt Romney the Palestinian punk would not have attacked these people?

I don't get it. Please explain.

funny.... daddy bush made israel not fight back when hit with SCUDs....

baby bush made them stop cleaning out Hezbollah in Lebanon when they were thisclose.

you might not like that this president's rhetoric doesn't suit wacky neocon extremists...

but when i vote, i'd never vote for an anti-semite... but i sure as hell won't vote for someone who thinks controlling women's bodies and not supporting equal pay and putting theocrats on the bench is an appropriate political agenda.

see how that works?
You;re kidding, right? No, of course not. You're the biggest poseur/moron on this board.
"Daddy Bush" did no such thing.
"Baby Bush" did no such thing.
Obama and his crew of idiots made Netanyahu not take out Iranian nukes. And then jeered him for cowardice when he did what they wanted.
If you vote for Obama you are voting for the most anti Israel president in history.

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