Palin: brazenly corrupt rotten apple


Aug 12, 2008
I do not say this lightly, but this person is without a doubt the most corrupt politician to run for the highest office in the history of America.

These are the undisputed facts:

1) Palin's sister is in the midst of a very contentious divorce with her husband, state trooper Mike Wooten.
2) Palin's office made more than 20 calls to Wooten's employer, Walt Monegan. Additional phone calls to Monegan were made by Palin's husband.
3) One of those phone calls was recorded, and in very explicit terms demanded that Monegan fire Wooten. The exact words were that Monegan had shown "absolutely no action for a year on the issue" of firing the state trooper. Palin herself admits that
4) Monegan claims that he was pressured by multiple members of Palin's staff to fire Wooten. Palin herself admits that "the individual inquiries taken by themselves are one thing ... many of these inquiries were completely appropriate; however, the serial nature of the contacts understandably could be perceived as some kind of pressure, presumably at my direction." These are the words of the current candidate for vice president, essentially admitting that she abused her position as governor to help her sister obtain favorable treatment in her divorce!
5) In July, Palin fired Monegan from his job for the vague reason that she wanted the department to "go in a new direction".

None of these facts are in dispute, even by Palin herself.

This is the unavoidable inference from these facts:

Either numerous Palin staffers independently chose to undertake a campaign to abuse the governor's power without her knowledge, or else this campaign was orchestrated by Palin herself. It strains credulity to imagine that all the people decided on their own, without coordination or knowledge by Palin, to try to influence the outcome of a divorce of a person they did not even know.

Unless you are a complete moron, you have to accept that Sarah Palin abused her position as governor to try to help her sister's divorce and/or to try to punish her brother in law.

Oh, but the brother in law was a moron, he deserved it, bla bla bla.

Really? And what about Walt Monegan, who was fired for doing his job? Morgan knows that it is not his job to serve as judge, jury, and executioner based on hear-say. It is his job to enforce the laws of the state of Alaska, and none of those laws involve the Governor meddling in the resolution of her sister's divorce ... and devastating the life of anyone who stands in her way.

The sad fact is that the only person in this whole sordid affair who did the correct thing is Morgan. He lost his job to defend his principles.

Palin is a monster. The worse kind of villainous venom that ever infected politics ... and she runs on a platform of "reforming politics". This has to be the joke of the century.

This woman is the dirtiest, nastiest, meanest kind of filth that ever Washington generated.

Amazingly, she sank to this dismal depth after just a few months in office.

What will she do to America when she gets her hands on all of our futures?

Putrid. Sick. Awful. Contemptible.

I used to believe in John McCain. In 2000, I switched from a registered Democrat to a registered Republican to help him win the nomination.

How could you John? How could you put your ambitions before America? How could you nominate this vile viper, this poisonous sea snake, for our vice president?

She is shame incarnate, the hideous shade of the dark side of humanity.
What blatant partisan B.S.

"He just lost his job to defend his principles"


You want to label a viper, a sea snake or whatever.. start looking within and start looking at the way the Dem party is handling themselves right now
thri, how bout some sources? most of that ive heard before, but some of the phone info was new to me. can you back it up? and those last sentences were rather stupid to say.

and diamond, way to post a useful, fact-based response
After seeing so many baseless troll posts by 'new' posters and the likes of bobo the clown and Kirk... it is sometimes best to just point it out for what it is
... can you back it up ...


The message boards won't let me post URL's for some reason, but its right there on the front page ("You are only allowed to post URLs to other sites after you have made 15 posts or more" is the error I get).

Its all in there.

John McCain needs to think of America first and drop Palin from his ticket. I know there will be some backlash to this, but it will be best in the end.

I can't imagine that people won't look past this if McCain does what he needs to do and swaps Palin for someone with integrity. McCain has always made decisions quickly and independently - I consider this an asset, not a liability. Many of his "intuition" based choices have been right on target. He was right about insufficient troop levels in Iraq long loooooong before anyone else talked about this. When you make decisions this way, sometimes they are great, and sometimes they are a disaster.

Sarah Palin is a disaster. He needs to move fast on this, change the ticket, and move on. Her daughter is a non-issue; her lack of experience is serious, but Obama does not have that much more experience than Palin and he is running for Pres, not VP. The abuse of power, however, is a show stopper.

The problem here is not trying to get the brother in law fired, people make mistakes. The problem is firing the third person who had nothing to do with the whole affair and was only doing his job. At some point, Sarah Palin put pen to paper, to devastate the lives of Monegan and his family, because Monegan chose to put integrity and principles above his own self interest. At some point this woman made that decision, and there is no getting past this. I can understand her hating her brother in law, we are all human. But to crucify this poor fellow for resisting her illegal pressure is beyond redemption. She needs to go, end of story.

McCain needs to drop this disgusting filth from his ticket, the longer Palin stays on the bigger the blight on McCain's own image. She is evil. I can't think of anything I have ever seen any politician do that even comes close.

Thinking of Republicans and Democrats alike, from Nixon to Clinton, the crimes were always between participating parties. Burning an innocent at the stake for doing the right thing is truly a new low in American politics, and it needs to end immediately.
After seeing so many baseless troll posts by 'new' posters and the likes of bobo the clown and Kirk... it is sometimes best to just point it out for what it is

OK, if you think its baseless, why don't you go to and post the link? The message boards won't let me link the article, so you do it.

Go to www - cnn - com/2008/POLITICS/09/02/palin.investigation/index and add .html to the end, and link it. I can't link it, if I try the boards just refuses to post, so I have to write it like this.

Keep in mind the critical problem here: from watergate to whitewater, American politicians to the right and left have sinned great sinns, but never before in the history of America did a top ticket candidate specifically target an innocent third party for annihilation. This is new, it is contemptible, and it needs to be said. If we as voters allow this to happen, 10 years from now it will be "mainstream" to fire/jail/harass or otherwise crucify completely innocent third parties who for whatever reason become politically inconvenient.

If we as voters don't draw a line in the sand, who do you think will?
I do not say this lightly, but this person is without a doubt the most corrupt politician to run for the highest office in the history of America.

Garbage--can we stop with the hyperbole ? Check LBJ's record for one--she looks like a saint compared to him.
OK, if you think its baseless, why don't you go to and post the link? The message boards won't let me link the article, so you do it.

Go to www - cnn - com/2008/POLITICS/09/02/palin.investigation/index and add .html to the end, and link it. I can't link it, if I try the boards just refuses to post, so I have to write it like this.

Keep in mind the critical problem here: from watergate to whitewater, American politicians to the right and left have sinned great sinns, but never before in the history of America did a top ticket candidate specifically target an innocent third party for annihilation. This is new, it is contemptible, and it needs to be said. If we as voters allow this to happen, 10 years from now it will be "mainstream" to fire/jail/harass or otherwise crucify completely innocent third parties who for whatever reason become politically inconvenient.

If we as voters don't draw a line in the sand, who do you think will?

CNN || Palin faces questions this month in ethics inquiry, says lawmaker

and "innocent third party"... oh, are you sure you're not in the same gene pool with bobo and Kirk?
Garbage--can we stop with the hyperbole ? Check LBJ's record for one--she looks like a saint compared to him.

OK. Give me 1 example, anytime, anywhere, by any top ticket politician of going after a completely innocent third party.

Sure, lots of sins of Presidents and VP's affected lots of innocent people (Whitewater cost several thousand people some money, Watergate cost all American's their democracy).

But specifically targeting an innocent third party for annihilation?

This has not happened.

For goodness sake, if we can't cross party lines on this, then how can there be any future for America?

We can't accuse politicians of being dirty and then permit this. It is a new low. Sarah Palin chose to crucify a man for doing his job, and refusing to accept her illegal attempt to manipulate her sister's divorce trial. This is not a dirty person attacking another dirty person; this is a completely innocent third party who was specifically targeted for revenge.

A new low. Never has happened in American history.
care to look at what the cop (brother in law) did? Ever to think to look into why the dismissal was being sought after, besides what you assume? Ever thing that people unwilling to work towards the dismissal of a person with those actions should be held accountable, especially by a new executive trying to rid the existing government of 'the good old boy network' and long-time corruption?

Don't be a parrot to the hate-filled far-left-wing sloganeering
... oh, are you sure you're not in the same gene pool with ...

Gene pool? I switched parties to support McCain for goodness sake. I believed in him. In some ways, I still do.

This is not a party issue. Look past that. McCain can still be President of the United States, but he has to drop this monster from the ticket.

People will see this as a good man making a bad decision and quickly fixing it. He has spent a career cleaning up filth in Washington. How can he hope to serve as President if his VP is a gushing sewar of garbage?

Palin is evil and needs to go, soon, very soon, or his reputation will never recover.

I for one will vote for McCain if he drops Palin for almost anyone else.
... care to look at what the cop (brother in law) did ...

I know what the brother in law is alleged to have done. There is what i would consider substantial evidence that the brother in law should never win custody of his children.

So what? SO WHAT?

First, it is not for Palin to decide this, it is for the courts to decide this.

Second, and by far most important, she did not fire the brother in law ... SHE FIRED A COMPLETELY INNOCENT THIRD PERSON.

That is monstrous, evil, despicable, dastardly, vile, and unprecedented in American politics. Frankly, it is the kind of thing that the mafia does.
Yeah... real objective, reasonable, and unbiased there :rolleyes:

Again.. get the facts, not the slogans

I am still waiting for any example of anyone in American history ever specifically targeting an innocent third party when trying to accomplish their illegal aims.

You want me to shut up? One example. One example anytime in this great nations 220 years of history. Of any top ticket candidate ever sinking as low as this vile snake has sunk. She fired a man for putting principles above his own self interest. If that is not evil, what do you call it?
I am still waiting for any example of anyone in American history ever specifically targeting an innocent third party when trying to accomplish their illegal aims.

You want me to shut up? One example. One example anytime in this great nations 220 years of history. Of any top ticket candidate ever sinking as low as this vile snake has sunk. She fired a man for putting principles above his own self interest. If that is not evil, what do you call it?

How many "innocent" peopel are screwed when an electino is rigged against the candidate the want in office. Your drama isn't very convincing.
How many "innocent" peopel are screwed when an electino is rigged against the candidate the want in office. Your drama isn't very convincing.

Innocents get "screwed" by every political sin ... but specifically targeting an innocent third party is something that every politician in American history has managed to avoid ... until now.

This puts Palin in the same boat as Saddam Hussein, Korea's "Dear Leaders", and the cadre of Adolf Hitler!

For the love of all that is good, why does no one see how different this is from common dirty political fare?

Think whatever you want of American leaders, but until now they have kept their battles between them.

This monster has just broken that sacred boundary by going after a man for putting his morality in-front of his self need!
You want to label a viper, a sea snake or whatever.. start looking within and start looking at the way the Dem party is handling themselves right now

Right, and your side will defend her with just as little evidence and play the role of the enforcers of good and rightness. You are full of self righteousnous when your party with Atwater and Rove raised sliming to an art.

Bullshit. If she used her office to punish her brother in law and instead punished the head of the department, she was wrong.

Sort of like the Bush gang has done with whistle blowerrs.

Let's see what happens as they investigate. Unless they push it off until after the election.
Hot Air Blog Archive Desperation from Democrats


This, at least, qualifies as a legitimate concern, at least legitimate enough that the state legislature has decided to investigate it. Supposedly Palin fired the commissioner of public safety because he wouldn’t fire her brother-in-law, a state trooper who had becomed estranged from Palin’s sister. Mike Wooten only got a suspension, and last month, she allegedly dismissed Walt Monegan over his handling of the case. Palin says that wasn’t the reason, the legislature noted that Monegan’s was a political appointment and he served at the pleasure of the governor, and they have also stated on the record that Palin has been so cooperative that they will not need to issue subpoenas — which hardly sounds like a cover-up.
... If she used her office to punish her brother in law and instead punished the head of the department, she was wrong.

Sort of like the Bush gang has done with whistle blowerrs.

I was as concerned as anyone about the evidence that Bush hunted down whistle blowers. My conclusion is that the evidence is strong but not conclusive.

Also, these were whistle blowers. They chose to get involved.

What did Monegan do to put himself in that situation? That is what makes this completely unprecedented. Sarah Palin chose to demolish Monegan's reputation and his livelihood after Monegan resisted her illegal efforts to manipulate the court system. We must not forget that Palin did not fire her brother in law ... she fired the completely innocent third party who was only doing his job!

Words simply fail me. The top story on is some nonsense about Palin's daughter. Never before have we seen such a monster in politics, and people want to talk about a teenagers sexcapades.

I am stupefied. We have to DO SOMETHING to stop this!

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