Palin Challenges Obama To A Debate


Okay, I have a question, and I admit that I have not gone through this thread yet. I have to admit I'm a little afraid to do that. Here's the question:

Regarding this theoretical debate, is anyone arguing that Palin would wipe the floor with Obama?

Serious question.


He'd have to call in the Secret Service to make her stop.

He can not and will not defend his record of historic failures.

First ever credit downgrade
Record debt
Record deficits
Record foreclosures

Chronic Communist bloc nation style unemployment of 8% for HIS WHOLE FUCKING TERM

Okay, so you appear to be saying a couple of things here.

First, that she would have to resort to constant attacks in an attempt to put him on the defensive and thereby avoid actually having to articulate any intellectual dexterity or significant grasp or knowledge of the issues whatsoever. Yes, I'd agree on such a strategy for her.

Second, that these constant attacks would eat up enough time so that she wouldn't have to address the absolute disaster left behind by the last GOP President, since Obama would be able to ask the question, "do voters really want to return to the policies that got us into this freakin' mess in the first place?" if he had the time to do so.

Since the woman is clearly not Obama's intellectual equal and has this propensity for falling back into simplistic, predictable platitudes and homespun catch phrases, I suspect the strategy you support would be her best shot in such a debate.

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Okay, I have a question, and I admit that I have not gone through this thread yet. I have to admit I'm a little afraid to do that. Here's the question:

Regarding this theoretical debate, is anyone arguing that Palin would wipe the floor with Obama?

Serious question.


He'd have to call in the Secret Service to make her stop.

He can not and will not defend his record of historic failures.

First ever credit downgrade
Record debt
Record deficits
Record foreclosures

Chronic Communist bloc nation style unemployment of 8% for HIS WHOLE FUCKING TERM

Okay, so you appear to be saying a couple of things here.

First, that she would have to resort to constant attacks in an attempt to put him on the defensive and thereby avoid actually having to articulate any intellectual dexterity or significant grasp or knowledge of the issues whatsoever. Yes, I'd agree on such a strategy for her.

Second, that these constant attacks would eat up enough time so that she wouldn't have to address the absolute disaster left behind by the last GOP President, since Obama would be able to ask the question, "do voters really want to return to the policies that got us here in the first place?" if he had the time to do so.

Since the woman is clearly not Obama's intellectual equal and has this propensity for falling back into simplistic, predictable platitudes and homespun catch phrases, I suspect the strategy you support would be her best shot in such a debate.


You forgot the wink.
I don't think she knows what she's asking. She'd better thank the Lord that Obama wouldn't give her the time of day.

Apparently he's trying to run against a "ghost of elections past" instead of on his failures as a President.

Too funny. Obama is such a loser it's unreal. Putting out a campaign ad against Pailin.

What next? Is the loser going to run an ad against Bob Dole?:badgrin:

Jealousy is bad!!!

Should Bush have debated Al Frankin?

and yes to your question it is the reality of the situation with ALL presidents.

So Democrats caring about the common citizen is shear bullshit... right..

Now that is bullshit.
And you know it, you are smarter than that.

the dems care about the common citizen about as much as the republicans do.

democrats care about the common citizen's vote and that is it. The O'Bamma's are the worst examples of the "new rich" lottery winner types. Michelle is such a white trash wanna be, she couldn't give her shoes to a homeless person...... nobody else has that bad of taste.
The easy fix: Vote for the candidate with little money and lots of passion.
Stop arguing over small shit, mind your business. If you don't agree with or like something just stay away from it. Let life takes it course. Leave out the misery, its tough enough already.
Why would our president debate a former half term governor from one of our least populated states?

What's with the slag Alaska shit? There's good people there. Or are the only "good people" the people you decide are cool enough to be in America?
How do you slag your fellow Americans? Only Libs can do this crap. And it's disgusting.

Wow!!! Did you not comprehend what was said or what?? Nothing was said about Alaska not having good people or that they are people not cool enough to be Americans. You and your fellow conservatives have got to stop making things up!!! If the facts don't suit you, that's your problem. Say nothing, but don't twist people's words to suit yourself and then condemn all libs. That kind of behavior is really not cool.

yeah, that will win her the debate.

but it is nice that she has to have that one written down.

what was the original?

"taxes up -bad?

freedom -good?"

Yes, your boy Obama consider her enough of a threat to his reelection that he's running ads against her

yeah, that was low-hanging fruit he picked there. i don't blame him, it is campaign season, and palin wants to be "involved".

good decision, btw, on deflecting from the palmprompter. that did not go well for you.
yeah, that will win her the debate.

but it is nice that she has to have that one written down.

what was the original?

"taxes up -bad?

freedom -good?"

Yes, your boy Obama consider her enough of a threat to his reelection that he's running ads against her

yeah, that was low-hanging fruit he picked there. i don't blame him, it is campaign season, and palin wants to be "involved".

good decision, btw, on deflecting from the palmprompter. that did not go well for you.

LOL I made that one, jackass

So why is Obama pussying out and not debating her? Does he only pick on women who can't answer back?

Did he call her to apologize?

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