Palin chances in 2012 are over

Palin is just too polarizing to be elected to the doubt about that.
I get tired of the left crying about the "crosshairs" and seems to be blinded to the democrats using a "bullseye". What's up with that?

You really have got to be a RW hack of the highest order to say this with a straight face.
Its not just the crosshairs, its the rhetoric...the violent rhetoric of "don't retreat...reload" compounded, once again, by mocking and scoffing AFTER the now shooting victim HERSELF appealed to Palin publicly to tamp down the violent rhetoric.

Stop pretending.

STFU asshole

Your shit is real weak in this subject.
It isn't about whether or not Jared Loughner was motivated to do what he did in Tucson by Sarah Palin. It doesn't matter whether he was motivated by her or not. The point is that there are plenty of other cuckoos out there that take what they hear from people like Palin very seriously. And Beck and Limbaugh, too. It's just a matter of time.

And nobody really knows why Loughner did what he did. Why did he pick on a member of Congress??? If it was not political, he could have gone anywhere and started shooting off his stupid gun. I hope that eventually we will know the reason.

In any case, it's common sense that things Palin says are inappropriate and do incite violence in the minds of the crazies:

"Your leaders will be in the enemy’s crosshairs. You never win playing defense, get on offense! The crossfire is intense, so penetrate enemy territory. Use your weapons. Shoot with accuracy; aim high and remember it takes blood, sweat and tears to win. No matter how tough it gets, never retreat, instead reload!"

- Sarah Palin's Biography, America by Heart

If that's not a good example, I don't know what is. How much clearer can she make her true feelings known???
It doesn't get much clearer than that.

The American people won't forget...especially since Giffords will be a triumph story of Rocky Balboa proportions. She'll be ready to rise and speak just in time for election season.

The madness, the anger, the violent rhetoric has come back to bite them in the butt.

Actually no. I said she should have stopped with the initial press release. The "blood libel" speech was a "bridge too far". That's when she started to piss people off. The poll numbers I have stuck on here (twice now) illustrate that.

If I was going to be blindly partisan towards Palin, I would state that she was responsible for the shooting. I've never done that. I've defended her on that aspect.

I know this is hard to believe, but in the adult world, sometimes it takes the bigger person to not dignify nastiness with a response.

Something, Sarah and her most rabid supporters, know nothing about. Hence...she's destined to fail. She will, however, continue to be RICH. After all...its the Republican way.
Palin is just too polarizing to be elected to the doubt about that.
I get tired of the left crying about the "crosshairs" and seems to be blinded to the democrats using a "bullseye". What's up with that?

You really have got to be a RW hack of the highest order to say this with a straight face.
Its not just the crosshairs, its the rhetoric...the violent rhetoric of "don't retreat...reload" compounded, once again, by mocking and scoffing AFTER the now shooting victim HERSELF appealed to Palin publicly to tamp down the violent rhetoric.

Stop pretending.

You really have got to be a LW hack of the highest order to say this with a straight face.

palin had zip to do with this, the kid had an issue with her back to see that is whats called- reality, you should try it sometime.
An even bigger problem for Palin right now is overexposure. She is not the type of personality that endears herself the more you come in contact with her. She is becoming a one trick pony and the public is tiring of the Palin act.

While I would love to see her get the GOP nomination, I think even mainstream Republicans are growing tired of the Palin act

Her most rabid supporters are clinging to "Poor Sarah" even more...remember, you can fool SOME people ALL of the time.
Palin is just too polarizing to be elected to the doubt about that.
I get tired of the left crying about the "crosshairs" and seems to be blinded to the democrats using a "bullseye". What's up with that?

You really have got to be a RW hack of the highest order to say this with a straight face.
Its not just the crosshairs, its the rhetoric...the violent rhetoric of "don't retreat...reload" compounded, once again, by mocking and scoffing AFTER the now shooting victim HERSELF appealed to Palin publicly to tamp down the violent rhetoric.

Stop pretending.

You really have got to be a LW hack of the highest order to say this with a straight face.

palin had zip to do with this, the kid had an issue with her back to see that is whats called- reality, you should try it sometime.

And yet that has nothing to do with Palins unrepentant use of violent rhetoric after Giffords herself pointed it out as offensive

Don't retreat Sarah...RELOAD
You really have got to be a LW hack of the highest order to say this with a straight face.

palin had zip to do with this, the kid had an issue with her back to see that is whats called- reality, you should try it sometime.

BTW, I'm not saying that Sarah is to be blamed, however, for her to go out and only INFLAME the situation by not only painter HERSELF as the victim throughout all this, but then counter-claiming that its the "Libruls" fault...sorry bub, it just doesn't fly with the rest of America.

Sarah sealed her own coffin.

You know this.
I have aways talked to you and treated you like an adult, you wanna play this silly crap? Jake yes, I had you pegged differently...

Did you or did you not cite what you claim is a significant difference to the reach of the networks as compared to the reach of Foxnews,

as an attempt to explain away the fact that the network news programs have significantly better ratings than does Foxnews,

contrary to what that other poster claimed?

yes I did, and since YOU had looked it up already , I asked you to Please post the link, I never challenged you, I just asked that you post the link- Please.

your answer? No, look it up yourself....


I have always said please and have spoken and treated you like an adult in an adult know it, I know it...if you want this to be adversarial and nasty relationship like half the other debates around here hey, that's your call...

Ok, whatever.
yeah yeah yeah, the Democrats WANT PALIN TO RUN..

how many time do we have to hear this dumb line.

The only reason the Obama now stands a chance to be reelected is because they don't have the super majority to RAM SHIT POLICIES down the peoples throats, BECAUSE the American people voted in November to tell him, STOP IT YOU little dictator in the making..

I still don't see the Obama getting reelected, I don't think HE WANTS TO BE, the job is too much for him and he just wants to HAVE A GOOD TIME ON OUR DIME.

I don't think you realize just how far RW you are. Poor you.
If the truth be known, the Dems do not want Palin to go away. They want her to stay at head of the "I wanna be POTUS" line. She is the best thing that can happen to the Dems in 2012. They want to drag her quitting, dried up, blood stained body right down the campaign trail with them. No, the Dems love to have Palin in the mix. they don't fear her at all.

Now, for the GOP, that is quite a different equasion. They don't know what to do with her. I expect the GOP brain trust will have many private meetings outside of Tea Bagger ears, confronting the problem they have with Palin. How are they going to handle her as the 2012 elections approach? They know they don't have a chance winning back the WH with her as the candidate, yet they are afraid that if she doesn't win the nomination, she will run as a Bagger. There is no way she will accept another VP nomination. so, that would certainly hand Barry another term.

As I see it, sooner or later the GOP true feeling will come out and Sarah will take her ball and bat and leave. She will amass her Tea Party and seperate completely from the GOP. That, with the changing demographics in the Uniter States, could spell the end of the Grande Old Party. But that is a topic for another day and another time.
I think you're right...its the person the left loves to hate. She's like a real-life TV villain, kinda like Curly Bill from 'Tombstone', you kinda like him, but you kinda hate him, but you kinda like him, but you kinda hate him...but you really hate him, but kinda like him. In the end you know he will eventually die violently as a consequence of his own actions.
I'm not sure that Palin was ever intended to be a serious presidential candidate. She is an electoral "Hail Mary" turned celebrity. She was designed as a populist firebrand for low-information, often poorly educated, rightwing voters.

The left used to provide the rural "Palin Demographic" with economic hope, but they dropped the ball in the 60s with social movements that alienated this demographic -- famously dubbed Nixon's silent majority (the white silent majority who resented the Civil Rights movement, the sexual revolution, the antiwar movement, and multiculturalism. Like the Germans of the 1930s (whose religion and traditions were being undermined by liberal secular humanism, cosmopolitanism, and modernism), America's silent majority feels like its values and culture are under siege. This is also why we are seeing so many scapegoats: liberals, gays, terrorists, communists, socialists, and illegals --all of them have replaced the Jew as the shadowy invisible force threatening the social fabric). Therefore, it is understandable why these people are so easily manipulated by the plain spoken patriot who claims to represent "real" blood-&-soil Americans. I'm talking about rugged individualist cowboys like Reagan and Bush, as opposed to northeastern devil-tongued preppy-policy-wonks like Dukakis and Kerry.The Palin Demographic resents the smug pseudo-sophiticated metropolitan liberal elites, with their Ivy league educations and fancy highbrow culture.

The common man is sick of being told that his Bible and Gun are premodern anachronisms. He doesn't want no fancy talk about the geopolitics of oil. He wants simple stories about good versus evil. When Ronald Reagan says "Evil Empire", the common man feels deep pride. Why? Because he trusts Dear Leader deeply.

[The common man loves and trusts Government. That's his dirty little secret. When Dear Leader speaks about evil Soviets or Islamo-terrorists, the common man runs to the store to buy a flag. The common man believes what Government says. If George Bush (aka Government) says something about Saddam Hussein, the common man believes him. The common man trusts government deeply]

Palin was constructed to agitate honest simple folk with quasi-Biblical rhetoric about "evil-doers" who have come to destroy our Sacred Nation.

(This is the oldest trick in the book. Every time a small group of people consolidate power, they manipulate the common man with tales of evil doers who are destroying the country)


Yep thats what they said about 2010. Keep reminding yourself of that fact.

The Republicans thought they could beat Obama to the ground with all their false rhetoric in 2008, he ended up giving them a SHALACKING of epic proportions. Keep reminding yourself of that fact.
Did you or did you not cite what you claim is a significant difference to the reach of the networks as compared to the reach of Foxnews,

as an attempt to explain away the fact that the network news programs have significantly better ratings than does Foxnews,

contrary to what that other poster claimed?

yes I did, and since YOU had looked it up already , I asked you to Please post the link, I never challenged you, I just asked that you post the link- Please.

your answer? No, look it up yourself....


I have always said please and have spoken and treated you like an adult in an adult know it, I know it...if you want this to be adversarial and nasty relationship like half the other debates around here hey, that's your call...

Ok, whatever.
Whatever what?
You really have got to be a RW hack of the highest order to say this with a straight face.
Its not just the crosshairs, its the rhetoric...the violent rhetoric of "don't retreat...reload" compounded, once again, by mocking and scoffing AFTER the now shooting victim HERSELF appealed to Palin publicly to tamp down the violent rhetoric.

Stop pretending.

You really have got to be a LW hack of the highest order to say this with a straight face.

palin had zip to do with this, the kid had an issue with her back to see that is whats called- reality, you should try it sometime.

And yet that has nothing to do with Palins unrepentant use of violent rhetoric after Giffords herself pointed it out as offensive

Don't retreat Sarah...RELOAD

Was palin responsible for her shooting?
You really have got to be a LW hack of the highest order to say this with a straight face.

palin had zip to do with this, the kid had an issue with her back to see that is whats called- reality, you should try it sometime.

And yet that has nothing to do with Palins unrepentant use of violent rhetoric after Giffords herself pointed it out as offensive

Don't retreat Sarah...RELOAD

Was palin responsible for her shooting?

Palin was responsible for using inappropriate rhetoric

When the subject of that rhetoric raised an objection to the crosshairs...Palin chose to mock her with "Don't retreat...RELOAD

When the subject of her rhetoric ended up being shot, Palin chose to make herself the victim rather than reflect on her poor choice of symbols

Regardless of whether Palins poor choice of crosshairs lead to the shooting or not, Palin's awkward response and self victimization reflect on her credibility as a candidate.

Palin is finished as a candidate
I hope the rabid Palin supporters of the Far RW keep on supporter her and this killing credible candidates' chances of making it to challenge Obama.

Then the entire GOP will have to sit 4 another 4 years with Obama as President with the knowledge that they were warned time and time again and had ample time to reject Palin outright from early on and they didn't...because of their interest in partisan politics over common sense.

I can't wait!
You guys keep acting like the Arizona shooting has hurt Palin. It hasn't. The only people it's hurt are those who decided to use the shooting for their own benefit.

Which, of course, would be you.
Why would any GOPer/conservative even want Palin to be the nominee? I mean, compared to the other choices...

True conservatives dont, but the rabid Conservatives only cling to Sarah Palin and her violent gun rhetoric even more in these times.
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