Palin chances in 2012 are over

MarcATL, I truly think she has crippled the far right effectively with her cowardice in not taking the high road.

Romney can beat Obama in the right conditions.
Her chances at gaining the GOP nomination in 2012 are gone. The shooting in Arizona and the wounding of Giffords will hang around her neck from now on. Her map showing Giffords's district with crosshairs on it will be part of any campaign against her.

But that will not keep her from running as a Tea Bagger. That will be her fate in 2012.

She never had any to begin with. The point of this thread is ......?

Oh yea .... to make another stupid Palin thread. After all, can't have enough.

MarcATL, I truly think she has crippled the far right effectively with her cowardice in not taking the high road.

Romney can beat Obama in the right conditions.

I don't think Romney will make it past SC.
MarcATL, I truly think she has crippled the far right effectively with her cowardice in not taking the high road.

Romney can beat Obama in the right conditions.

You are absolutely right. You probably noticed how I stated previously that they will be the ones that will be kicking themselves to Kingdom come for 4 years of Obama's next Administration, knowing the had the opportunity to stop him from winning if they had the guys to speak against Palin and her rabid supporters.

Palin will be the best thing to happen to Obama...twice.
Avatar, you are flat wrong.

Latest polls on % agreeing with who handled the aftermath of the shootings properly: 78% Obama, 54% media, 30% Palin. Latest presidential popularity rating: 53 to 41% favorable. Straw poll in NH yesterday: SP finishes a distant fourth with less than 10% of the vote while Romney took over 30%.

Romney and Obama will fight for the center, while Obama has the Dems and Romney the GOP responsible conservatives.

SP is finished. Watch: she will exploration trips to Iowa, finds out she is finished as a contender, and will try to become a candidate maker. We will see.
Im not convinced she had a chance to begin with. But it's the people using the murders to attack her who have the real egg on their face.
You really have got to be a LW hack of the highest order to say this with a straight face.

palin had zip to do with this, the kid had an issue with her back to see that is whats called- reality, you should try it sometime.

And yet that has nothing to do with Palins unrepentant use of violent rhetoric after Giffords herself pointed it out as offensive

Don't retreat Sarah...RELOAD

Was palin responsible for her shooting?

We do not know that yet.
MarcATL, I truly think she has crippled the far right effectively with her cowardice in not taking the high road.

Romney can beat Obama in the right conditions.

No way. He's a Mormon, and as I've pointed out time and again, Southern Baptists will not vote for a Mormon. Period. The Southern Baptist Leadership would have to rewrite their dogma that Mormonism is a cult. And they ain't gonna do that!
The very fact that "blood libel" has become a public issue is just another strike against Palin's "presidential" aspirations.

With Gabrielle Giffords as a sympathetic figure and the center of national attention, the last thing Palin needs is to say something controversial and reinforce the possibility of any link between her and the shooting victim in the public's consciousness!
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The fact that you even question shows how much of a dishonest partisan hack you are.
Why? What's your 'reasoning'?

Because there is absolutely no link between Sarah Palin and the shootings. And no one but dishonest partisan hacks pretend otherwise.
There is also absolutely no link between Barrack Obama and allegations that he was born outside of the US - BUT that doesn't stop "dishonest partisan hacks/birthers" on the political right from promoting it.

If and when our conservative "friends" eventually decide to "lead by example," only then can they expect to be taken seriously when they attempt to play the "fairness card!"
Avatar, you are flat wrong.

Latest polls on % agreeing with who handled the aftermath of the shootings properly: 78% Obama, 54% media, 30% Palin. Latest presidential popularity rating: 53 to 41% favorable. Straw poll in NH yesterday: SP finishes a distant fourth with less than 10% of the vote while Romney took over 30%.

Romney and Obama will fight for the center, while Obama has the Dems and Romney the GOP responsible conservatives.

SP is finished. Watch: she will exploration trips to Iowa, finds out she is finished as a contender, and will try to become a candidate maker. We will see.

:lol: Your poll is a joke they give the media a 54% for fucking up the reporting and shifting the blame to people who had nothing to do with the shooting? Are we suppose to take this poll seriously? Keep up the great job of making yourself look even more stupider.
Her chances at gaining the GOP nomination in 2012 are gone. The shooting in Arizona and the wounding of Giffords will hang around her neck from now on. Her map showing Giffords's district with crosshairs on it will be part of any campaign against her.

But that will not keep her from running as a Tea Bagger. That will be her fate in 2012.

I don't think most people would seriously link Palin to this shooting except those who have an axe against her all ready.

That being said I still think her chances are slim to nothing.
Her chances at gaining the GOP nomination in 2012 are gone. The shooting in Arizona and the wounding of Giffords will hang around her neck from now on. Her map showing Giffords's district with crosshairs on it will be part of any campaign against her.

But that will not keep her from running as a Tea Bagger. That will be her fate in 2012.

She never had any to begin with. The point of this thread is ......?

Oh yea .... to make another stupid Palin thread. After all, can't have enough.


This is not a thread about Palin being stupid. It is a thread about her political career fading away. What else should be put on a politics board?

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