Palin chances in 2012 are over

CG……you’ve seen this before, me? In my short time here I have unfortunately become all to familiar with the RW 2 step…

See this is RW dancing around common sense and logical debate, he knows there no link with loughner and palin but hes in too deep.

Simply leaving it alone or saying, yea, guess you’re right and then maybe making a please for civility requires character.

Lacking that apparently, he has now framed the debate to make himself a winner; “see it doesn't matter because I am so much of a sheep and am too brain washed to think for myself to apologize” ....s"o let me tell you why I don't have to admit Loughner and palin don't connect by creating my own construct"….....

I have asked you, oh twice and each time you did the 2 step, so the other day? what 2-3 days ago? okay.

I will take you at your word, it is here and it is now.....Excellent, then I will withdraw my previous statement with no reservations, I apologize.

Pallin has shown she lacks the political sensitivity for higher office.

Her "Blood Libel" speech proved it

uh huh and the sensitivity of say, obama?


Sure, what ever you say......

fewer people support obama than when he was elected.

the president has a 51% approval rating

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

that's about what he was elected with.

no one's ever not been re-elected with numbers above 46%.

sorry, hon.

Still looking for that Golden Knight from the Republican Party who can beat him

Mitt Romney anyone?
Obama is in a far better position that any of us who have imagined before the lame duck session. He has batted and fielded and pitched very, very well the last two months. If the economy continues to improve and if he doesn't get picked up for shoplifting, the President is going to be tough for Romney to beat. But one can always hope.
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Whatever what?

Whatever, as in, if you don't want to back up your argument for why Foxnews has only a fraction the viewers that network news does, okay.

uhm Hello, First- I never said fraction, don’t put words into my mouth NYC.

Second- NO ONE ever asked me to find proof or a link etc. I commented I had not seen any numbers, straight away, and played suppose and stated the network TV household audience is larger then FOXs due to access …..

Third- YOU, un-asked, on your own went and proved me correct, I didn’t ask you to google it, nor did anyone ask me, you did that unbidden.

When I saw your post, I asked very politely to post the link you had found, please. Your response was, in effect; pound sand, go find it yourself.

So, don’t even try to make it appear I reneged on anything to anyone.

You have turned this into the theater of the absurd; YOU already posted numbers to prove me correct, BUT, you want me to go find the link myself while accusing me of not doing something I was never asked to do….……?

Anyway, I see no reason not to accept your number , I was however curious to see the breakdowns across all the players and and providers….but, apparently you’re not willing to share…because……….. :eusa_eh:

No. My numbers proved you wrong.
Whatever, as in, if you don't want to back up your argument for why Foxnews has only a fraction the viewers that network news does, okay.

uhm Hello, First- I never said fraction, don’t put words into my mouth NYC.

Second- NO ONE ever asked me to find proof or a link etc. I commented I had not seen any numbers, straight away, and played suppose and stated the network TV household audience is larger then FOXs due to access …..

Third- YOU, un-asked, on your own went and proved me correct, I didn’t ask you to google it, nor did anyone ask me, you did that unbidden.

When I saw your post, I asked very politely to post the link you had found, please. Your response was, in effect; pound sand, go find it yourself.

So, don’t even try to make it appear I reneged on anything to anyone.

You have turned this into the theater of the absurd; YOU already posted numbers to prove me correct, BUT, you want me to go find the link myself while accusing me of not doing something I was never asked to do….……?

Anyway, I see no reason not to accept your number , I was however curious to see the breakdowns across all the players and and providers….but, apparently you’re not willing to share…because……….. :eusa_eh:

No. My numbers proved you wrong.

this was your post...right?

Television in roughly 115 million homes, Foxnews in roughly 85 million homes.

Her chances at gaining the GOP nomination in 2012 are gone. The shooting in Arizona and the wounding of Giffords will hang around her neck from now on. Her map showing Giffords's district with crosshairs on it will be part of any campaign against her.

But that will not keep her from running as a Tea Bagger. That will be her fate in 2012.

Palin is not responsible for the actions of a crazy person.

However, her chances in 2012 were over when she quit as Governor of Alaska. Of course, she (IMO) never intended to run in 2012. She's in it for the money.

People can say what they want about Palin's intelligence. However, she's astute enough to know that her best chance at being President was to stay in office and then run for Senate and then for President.

The truth means nothing to you when your life and your entire political ideology is based on pie-in-the-sky beliefs.

They have to live in denial just to look at their reflections in the morning and not feel a little bit ashamed. This Arizona shooting just proves it to the rest of America. The left cannot be trusted. If some other conservative comes along and looks promising, they'll make up shit on him or her then too. Anyone with an open mind can see it.
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I have asked you, oh twice and each time you did the 2 step, so the other day? what 2-3 days ago? okay.

I will take you at your word, it is here and it is now.....Excellent, then I will withdraw my previous statement with no reservations, I apologize.

uh huh and the sensitivity of say, obama?

the president has a 51% approval rating

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

that's about what he was elected with.

no one's ever not been re-elected with numbers above 46%.

sorry, hon.

Still looking for that Golden Knight from the Republican Party who can beat him

Mitt Romney anyone?

how is this an a answer to my question?:eusa_eh:
Palin's reality show or whatever that was seems to be running on a continuous loop now on whatever stupid channel it's on. I guess her fans can't get enough of it. I wonder how scintillating those shows are about the 10th time you watch them.
we are speaking of political sensitivity? think obama has it?

and lets be clear as to what we mean by political sensitivity..what does it mean to you, exactly?

I think in this case, "political sensitivity" means "not daring to defend yourself against their accusations whenever they have a bleeding victim to hide behind".
Palin's reality show or whatever that was seems to be running on a continuous loop now on whatever stupid channel it's on. I guess her fans can't get enough of it. I wonder how scintillating those shows are about the 10th time you watch them.

Oh, and NOW Palin's show is the first one in the history of television to go into reruns. :cuckoo:
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Ya know,, I heard on Fox News, The Number One News Source in America. that the folks in Arizona have a petition to recall the big mouthed demonRat of a sheriff.. yep.. low blow he dealt Mrs. Palin.. and America knows it.

Not all sheriffs are equal

Sheriff Richard Mack, the former sheriff of Graham County, Arizona, talks about how the sheriffs in this country are indeed the ultimate law authority in their respective jurisdictions, how the sheriff has the power and responsiblity to defend his citizens against all enemies – foreign and domestic,

how presidents use the IRS as a political hit squad on their opponents, his landmark court case – and supreme court victory – in response to the Clinton administration and the Brady Bill back in the 1990′s, the federal government’s authority being only that which has been delegated to it in the Constitution, how to approach your county sheriff to encourage them to stand up for the Constitution, and more.
I heard today that Bachmann's response to Obama's SOTU address will be televised on Fox and CNN. :lol:
Ya know,, I heard on Fox News, The Number One News Source in America. that the folks in Arizona have a petition to recall the big mouthed demonRat of a sheriff.. yep.. low blow he dealt Mrs. Palin.. and America knows it.

Not all sheriffs are equal

Sheriff Richard Mack, the former sheriff of Graham County, Arizona, talks about how the sheriffs in this country are indeed the ultimate law authority in their respective jurisdictions, how the sheriff has the power and responsiblity to defend his citizens against all enemies – foreign and domestic,

how presidents use the IRS as a political hit squad on their opponents, his landmark court case – and supreme court victory – in response to the Clinton administration and the Brady Bill back in the 1990′s, the federal government’s authority being only that which has been delegated to it in the Constitution, how to approach your county sheriff to encourage them to stand up for the Constitution, and more.

Some sheriffs are absolute idiots. No, the sheriff is an officer of the country and controlled by the state. If he violates state or federal law, his ass goes to jail. No sane person worries about this nonsense. Any sheriff acts on it and breaks the law, he goes to his own jail.

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