Palin Derangement Syndrome Hits Hard

We have no evidence of Obama's academic acheivements. I see nothing to substantiate any great intellect. Being literate is hardly an unusual occurance - most people on this site are literate.

You sound like a wannabe-elitist latte liberal. Unfortunately, latte flavored koolaid is still koolaid.

Yeah. They let just anybody into Harvard Law School, and only the worst students make law review.

You guys lose credibility when you say things like this.

For what its worth:

"Until the 1970's the editors were picked on the basis of grades, and the president of the Law Review was the student with the highest academic rank. Among these were Elliot L. Richardson, the former Attorney General, and Irwin Griswold, a dean of the Harvard Law School and Solicitor General under Presidents Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard M. Nixon.

That system came under attack in the 1970's and was replaced by a program in which about half the editors are chosen for their grades and the other half are chosen by fellow students after a special writing competition. The new system, disputed when it began, was meant to help insure that minority students became editors of The Law Review."

First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review - The New York Times

Also, the Law Review at Harvard has produced one US President and three US Supreme Court Justices.

My bad. I assumed that this was common knowledge - but I guess maybe it isn't. I tend to do that. I assume that because I know something, that everyone else does. It's a curse at times.

Thanks for posting it. It does kind of back up the statement that Obama got where he is by affirmative action. Now that don't mean he's an idiot - just that, without his academic record - we don't know that he is the smart boy that his followers think he is.
I went to Oxford. So fucking what?

A significant accomplisment that obviously speaks to your academic achievement.

See how easy that was?

Affirmative Action got Obama where he is - unless he releases his academic records.

An un-intellectual response. The absence proof does not equate to reality. Did affirmative action get Obama on Law Review too?

I get that you don't like the guy, but to say he has no academic achievements is absurd.

Simply graduating form college is an academic achievement.

We guys didn't say anything - I did.... and I don't wear the Republican label.

I never said you wore any label. I said you guys lose credibility when you brush off obvious facts due to your simple disdain for Obama.

Academic Achievements is ALL Obama has, THAT'S IT. What did he ACCOMPLISH as a legislator in Illinois? What did he ACCOMPLISH as a community organizor? What did he ACCOMPLISH as a senator for the 150 days that he was present in the U.S Senate??? That's my question, and I expect an answer from the two intellectuals that are posting on this thread.
Prior to her election as governor, Palin served two terms on the Wasilla City Council and two terms as the mayor/manager of Wasilla. During her tenure, she reduced her own salary and property tax levels by 40% while increasing services and made Wasilla a business friendly environment, drawing in new industry.

Mayor of a town with about 5,000 people. And her property tax cuts took the town from running a surplus to a massive deficit.

Governor Murkowski appointed Palin Ethics Commissioner of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, where she served from 2003 to 2004

She sat on a panel. Big whoop.

She received a bachelor of science degree in communications-journalism from the University of Idaho in 1987 where she also minored in politics.

Five years to complete a degree in a joke major and she bounced between four different schools in the process. That's really impressive...

In 1984, after winning the Miss Wasilla contest, Palin finished second in the Miss Alaska beauty pageant which earned her a scholarship which helped pay her way through college. In the Wasilla pageant where her talent was flute playing she was named Miss Congeniality.

This girl won a beauty contest too.


And she's not qualified to be president either.
I went to Oxford. So fucking what?

A significant accomplisment that obviously speaks to your academic achievement.

See how easy that was?

An un-intellectual response. The absence proof does not equate to reality. Did affirmative action get Obama on Law Review too?

I get that you don't like the guy, but to say he has no academic achievements is absurd.

Simply graduating form college is an academic achievement.

We guys didn't say anything - I did.... and I don't wear the Republican label.

I never said you wore any label. I said you guys lose credibility when you brush off obvious facts due to your simple disdain for Obama.

Academic Achievements is ALL Obama has, THAT'S IT. What did he ACCOMPLISH as a legislator in Illinois? What did he ACCOMPLISH as a community organizor? What did he ACCOMPLISH as a senator for the 150 days that he was present in the U.S Senate??? That's my question, and I expect an answer from the two intellectuals that are posting on this thread.

California Girl and I agree with you Maple. I don't see any other smartees. Cept you of course.
Difference - if I was running for POTUS, I'd release my academic record for public scrutiny. I have alsolutely no problem with my record - it's actually pretty damned impressive (whoo fucking hoo for me!) All I'm saying is that Ivy League is just good schools - you get out of it what you put into it. Maybe he's a smart guy, but it doesn't necessarily follow that just because you go to Harvard you're smarter than the average bear. I met a lot of totally average intellegent people at Oxford.

Getting into a professional school of Ivy League caliber is a major academic accomplishment.

I never stated that Obama going to Harvard was anything other than an indication of academic accomplishment.

All things being equal and factoring only academics into our assessment of the man, your insistence that Obama is sub-par is silly.

Again, you assume I dislike the man - I have no opinion of the man - I dislike his politics and his agenda. That is my right as an American. I haven't met him so I don't know whether I like the man or not.

Yes, just as I don't dislike W. Bush personally, having never met him. I just think he's a total fuck-stick when it comes to being a leader.

You said 'you guys'.... there is no 'you guys', there is me. I am an individual.

I assumed you could figure my point out.
We have no evidence of Obama's academic acheivements. I see nothing to substantiate any great intellect. Being literate is hardly an unusual occurance - most people on this site are literate.

You sound like a wannabe-elitist latte liberal. Unfortunately, latte flavored koolaid is still koolaid.

Yeah. They let just anybody into Harvard Law School, and only the worst students make law review.

You guys lose credibility when you say things like this.

For what its worth:

"Until the 1970's the editors were picked on the basis of grades, and the president of the Law Review was the student with the highest academic rank. Among these were Elliot L. Richardson, the former Attorney General, and Irwin Griswold, a dean of the Harvard Law School and Solicitor General under Presidents Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard M. Nixon.

That system came under attack in the 1970's and was replaced by a program in which about half the editors are chosen for their grades and the other half are chosen by fellow students after a special writing competition. The new system, disputed when it began, was meant to help insure that minority students became editors of The Law Review."

First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review - The New York Times

Also, the Law Review at Harvard has produced one US President and three US Supreme Court Justices.

Regardless, making it onto Law Review at any Law School, let alone Harvard, is a major accomplishment.

Whatever Obama did to get there, he was selected above his peers.
Academic Achievements is ALL Obama has, THAT'S IT. What did he ACCOMPLISH as a legislator in Illinois? What did he ACCOMPLISH as a community organizor? What did he ACCOMPLISH as a senator for the 150 days that he was present in the U.S Senate??? That's my question, and I expect an answer from the two intellectuals that are posting on this thread.

Outside of practicing law;

He managed to get himself elected to several positions of authority, to include the highest nation in this land.

I'd say those are fairly significant accomplishments.

Which doesn't even delve into the fact that I never believed a man who was 1/2 black could be elected president in this nation.

What a great country.
This one if for you Polk, I am still waiting for ANY of you Obama Cheerleaders to stand up and post what Obama's ACCOMPLISHMENTS were while he was a legislator in Illinois, while he was a community organizor and while he was in the U.S senate for 150 days as a senator. WHERE ARE THEY????????????????????????? These are just a small portion of Palin's ACCOMPLISHMENTS, they have been FACT CHECKED by 11 different Associated Press Journalists. Obama's 2 books have NOT been FACT CHECKED by anyone. Read it this time.

A View From Alaska: By Dewey Whetsell

" The last forty-five of my sixty-six years I've spent in a commercial fishing town in Alaska. I understand Alaska politics but never understood national politics well until this last year. Here's the breaking point: Neither side of the Palin controversy gets it. It's not about persona, style, rhetoric, it's about doing things. Even Palin supporters never mention the things that I'm about to mention here."

1. Democrats forget when Palin was the Darling of the Democrats, because as soon as Palin took the governor's office away from a fellow Republican and tough SOB, Frank Murkowski, she tore into the Republicans' Corrupt Bastards Club. (CBC) and sent it packing. Many of it's members are now residing in state housing and wearing orange jumpsuits. The Democrats reacted by skipping around the yard, throwing confetti, and singing " La la la la" ( well, you know how they are). Name another governor in this country who has ever done anything similar. But while you're thinking, I'll continue."

2. Now, with the CBC gone, there were fewer Alaska politicians to protect the giant oil companies here. So Palin constructed and enacted a new system of splitting the oil profits called "ACES." ExxonMobil ( the biggest corporation in the world) protested, and Sarah told it, " Don't let the door hit you in the stern on your way out." It stayed, and Alaska residents went from being merely wealthy to being filthy rich. Of course, the other huge international oil companies fell meekly into line. Again, give the name of any other governor in the country who has done anything similar.

3. The other thing she did when she walked into the governor's office is that she got the list of state requests for federal funding for projects known as "pork." She went through the list, took 85 percent of them out, and placed them in the " when-hell-freezes-over" stack. She let locals know that if we need something built, we'll pay for it ourselves. Maybe she figured she could use the money she got from selling the previous governor's jet because it was extravagant. Maybe she could use the money she saved by dismissing the governor's cook ( remarking that she could cook for her own family), giving back the state vehicle issued to her ( maintaining that she already had a car) and dismissing her state-provided security force ( never mentioning--I imagine--that she was packing heat herself.) I'm still waiting to hear the names of those other governors.

4. Even with her much-ridiculed " gosh and golly" manerisms, she managed to put together a totally new approach to getting a natural gas pipeline built that will be the biggest private construction project in the history of North America. No one else could do it even if they tried. If that doesn't impress you, you're trying too hard to be unimpressed while watching her do things like this while baking up a batch of brownies with her other hand.

5. For thirty years, Exxon held a lease to do exploratory drilling at a place called Point Thomson. It made excuses the entire time for why it couldn't start drilling. In truth it was holding it as an investment. No governor for thirty years could make it get started. This summer, she told Exxon she was revoking it's lease and kicking it out. It protested and threatened court action. She shrugged and reminded them that she knew the way to the courthouse. Alaska won again.

6. President Obama wants the nation to be on 25 percent renewable resources for electricity by 2025. Sarah went to the legislature and submitted her plan for Alaska to be at 50 percent renewable by 2025. We are already at 25 percent. I can give you more specifics about things done, as opposed to style and persona. Everbody wants to be cool, sound cool, look cool. But that's just a cover-up.

I am still waiting to hear from liberals the names of other governors who can match what mine has done in two and a half years. I won't be holding my breath."[/QUOTE]
academic achievements is all obama has, that's it. What did he accomplish as a legislator in illinois? What did he accomplish as a community organizor? What did he accomplish as a senator for the 150 days that he was present in the u.s senate??? That's my question, and i expect an answer from the two intellectuals that are posting on this thread.

outside of practicing law;

he managed to get himself elected to several positions of authority, to include the highest nation in this land.

I'd say those are fairly significant accomplishments.

Which doesn't even delve into the fact that i never believed a man who was 1/2 black could be elected president in this nation.

What a great country.

What did he accomplish while he was in those postitions???????????????or those positons of authority?????????????????????

What's his resume????
What bills did he originate or submit for a vote????

That 1/2 black statement tells me, that you might have voted for him out of a "white guilt," complex. Was that it.
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He saw an opportunity????

Damn.....they've been grooming his lying ass for this for several years.

Whether that is true or not, so what? Whatever "they" did, it worked. It's not like Bush didn't receive a fair amount of grooming and "political currency" based on his last name.

Please. 8 years of Bush screwed the GOP in 2012. Why do you think McCain had such a hard time finding a running mate?

The fact that a non-WASPy candidate was able to win office just shows how bad Bush was.

The rest of your post is pure bullshit. We have a private vote. No one is screaming "racist" at people in the polling box.

They're in now and he's just the front man. It's all lights and mirrors. Nothing about it is real. That's why they have to keep him on a prompter....because if he speaks his mind it becomes a nightmare to them.

Obviously you are a Bush adherent and are confused. Let me help you out:

Presidential candidates are supposed to speak clearly and not say things that are ridiculed. Being able to do so simply means you have that part of the job down, not that you are part of some phantom teleprompter conspiracy.

I believe Bush had a teleprompter too (if he didn't, he should have). It didn't save him from looking like a moron most every time he opened his mouth.

Bush often spoke off the cuff which gave his critics opportunities to make fun of him.

Obama up until recently rarely spoke off the cuff. He only read what was put in front of him like a TV News anchor. An empty headed face man.

I'm sure there has to be image making in the process of running for president. However if it's all based on a lie then it becomes obvious to anyone with an open mind. Obama has made it clear he hates this country. Bush made it clear he loves ist. I really don't give a fuck if he makes a mistake or long as he kept to that belief I was willing to support him. Obama on the other hand is a dream come true to our enemies. Castro said so last week. I cannot support him for that reason alone.

Bush Jr. loved this country? No. He loved what he could STEAL from this country in the form of a war for oil, missing Osama over in Afghanistan in 2001 (he let him go), Blackwater (now XZE), Walter Reed, Halliburton and the way they killed special forces troops in the shower because of ineptitude in construction..........need I go on?

With love like that, who needs it? I sure as fuck don't.

By the way, you made a claim.........please explain HOW Obama hates this country.

I'll wait.
He saw an opportunity????

Damn.....they've been grooming his lying ass for this for several years.

Whether that is true or not, so what? Whatever "they" did, it worked. It's not like Bush didn't receive a fair amount of grooming and "political currency" based on his last name.

They just needed someone with no princples or scruples. Somebody that they could use as a untouchable victim that nobody could criticize without being labled a racist. Somebody that was just white enough but just black enough to sell it.

Please. 8 years of Bush screwed the GOP in 2012. Why do you think McCain had such a hard time finding a running mate?

The fact that a non-WASPy candidate was able to win office just shows how bad Bush was.

The rest of your post is pure bullshit. We have a private vote. No one is screaming "racist" at people in the polling box.

They're in now and he's just the front man. It's all lights and mirrors. Nothing about it is real. That's why they have to keep him on a prompter....because if he speaks his mind it becomes a nightmare to them.

Obviously you are a Bush adherent and are confused. Let me help you out:

Presidential candidates are supposed to speak clearly and not say things that are ridiculed. Being able to do so simply means you have that part of the job down, not that you are part of some phantom teleprompter conspiracy.

I believe Bush had a teleprompter too (if he didn't, he should have). It didn't save him from looking like a moron most every time he opened his mouth.

The problem with Obama is that anytime that teleprompter goes down, he loses it, introduces people that he has already introduced, completely falls apart when the machine goes down. Yes, other people use it, even Palin, but when her's goes down you won't find her stumbling all over the place, she knows her speech well enough that she recovers and the audience never even knows it went down.

The comics are making constant fun of Obama and the teleprompter. The Onion has him reading the teleprompter while he is having dinner with his family, stating that he needs it to tell him to blink, breath and swallow. :lol::lol:
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What did he accomplish while he was in those postitions???????????????or those positons of authority?????????????????????

What's his resume????
What bills did he originate or submit for a vote????

I see you are stuck on the pre-election talking points. If you smack yourself on the head, the needle might stop skipping.

Here is a list (that somebody else compiled) that you will simply dismiss:
Obama Accomplishments ::

As it stands, it's irrelevant now. Obama is President, and the only thing that will matter in the next election is what he accomplished as President.

That 1/2 black statement tells me, that you might have voted for him out of a "white guilt," complex. Was that it?

I love it how conservatives try and dismiss anyone who does not toe their line as irrational.

I voted for Obama, because I was disgusted with what George Bush had done with his time in office. I couldn't, in good faith, give a Bush lackey, John McCain (who I used to respect), my vote. If there was ever any debate about that in my mind about a McCain vote, it was quickly erased when he picked Palin to be his VP. That was a move I deemed to be purely political and meant only to pander to the most banal voters in the country.

During the election, every time I doubted my initial assessment of Palin, she made some statement or bombed some interview that re-inforced my belief that she was not a prime time player.

In the primary (I live in an open primary state), I did not vote for Obama. I also did not vote for Senator Clinton, again because of Iraq.
The problem with Obama is that anytime that teleprompter goes down, he loses it, introduces people that he has already introduced, completely falls apart when the machine goes down. Yes, other people use it, even Palin, but when her's goes down you won't find her stumbling all over the place, she knows her speech well enough that she recovers and the audience never even knows it went down.

The comics are making constant fun of him and the teleprompter. The Onion has him reading the teleprompter while he is having dinner with his family, stating that he needs it to tell him to blink, breath and swallow. :lol::lol:

Oh please. Palin is good off the cuff? What planet have you been living on?

As for the comedians; it is the duty of comedians to mock the President of the United States.

You guys have been led (quite stupidly) to believe it was some form of liberal media bias.
Academic Achievements is ALL Obama has, THAT'S IT. What did he ACCOMPLISH as a legislator in Illinois? What did he ACCOMPLISH as a community organizor? What did he ACCOMPLISH as a senator for the 150 days that he was present in the U.S Senate??? That's my question, and I expect an answer from the two intellectuals that are posting on this thread.

Outside of practicing law;

He managed to get himself elected to several positions of authority, to include the highest nation in this land.

I'd say those are fairly significant accomplishments.

Which doesn't even delve into the fact that I never believed a man who was 1/2 black could be elected president in this nation.

What a great country.

Obviously, that's all you got. You voted for him because he could read a teleprompter well, he promised hope and change, he is educated at elitist rich kid schools, he was a lawyer, and you state that getting elected is an accomplishment. You also voted for him because he is 1/2 black. That's pathetic.

You and other dim wits voted for him without ever checking his voting record, without ever investigating what he had accomplished as a legislator, a community organizor or a U.S senator for 150 days. You call yourselves smart, educated, and over qualified. I call that stupid. It's as stupid as buying a used vehicle sight unseen and paying millions for it.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

How's that hope and change workin out for ya? Because change is all you gonna have left.

" Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." Martin Luther King Jr
The problem with Obama is that anytime that teleprompter goes down, he loses it, introduces people that he has already introduced, completely falls apart when the machine goes down. Yes, other people use it, even Palin, but when her's goes down you won't find her stumbling all over the place, she knows her speech well enough that she recovers and the audience never even knows it went down.

The comics are making constant fun of him and the teleprompter. The Onion has him reading the teleprompter while he is having dinner with his family, stating that he needs it to tell him to blink, breath and swallow. :lol::lol:

Oh please. Palin is good off the cuff? What planet have you been living on?

As for the comedians; it is the duty of comedians to mock the President of the United States.

You guys have been led (quite stupidly) to believe it was some form of liberal media bias.

I have been living on the REAL planet. The one who actually reads something that does not involve the National Inquirer to get MY news. Oh no, there is no liberal media bias. Did you happen to know that Katie Curic interviewed Biden on several different occasions and that those tapes were edited to show Joe never stating one screw up.:lol::lol::lol:Did you also know that Joe made a statement stating that Rosevelt got on television to announce to the world about the attacks on Pearl Harbor and did you also know that there were maybe three television sets in the entire U.S at that time.:lol::lol: Oh noooooooooooo Biden never screws up with what he states, not anymore, because Obama has his mouth taped shut.

Joe's taped interview with the very liberal left wing nut case Katie Curic was edited to make him actually look smart.

Palin's taped interviews with the very liberal left wing nut case Katie Curic was edited to make her look stupid. Nooooooooooooooooooooo media bias there.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Academic Achievements is ALL Obama has, THAT'S IT. What did he ACCOMPLISH as a legislator in Illinois? What did he ACCOMPLISH as a community organizor? What did he ACCOMPLISH as a senator for the 150 days that he was present in the U.S Senate??? That's my question, and I expect an answer from the two intellectuals that are posting on this thread.

Outside of practicing law;

He managed to get himself elected to several positions of authority, to include the highest nation in this land.

I'd say those are fairly significant accomplishments.

Which doesn't even delve into the fact that I never believed a man who was 1/2 black could be elected president in this nation.

What a great country.

Obviously, that's all you got. You voted for him because he could read a teleprompter well, he promised hope and change, he is educated at elitist rich kid schools, he was a lawyer, and you state that getting elected is an accomplishment. You also voted for him because he is 1/2 black. That's pathetic.

You and other dim wits voted for him without ever checking his voting record, without ever investigating what he had accomplished as a legislator, a community organizor or a U.S senator for 150 days. You call yourselves smart, educated, and over qualified. I call that stupid. It's as stupid as buying a used vehicle sight unseen and paying millions for it.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

How's that hope and change workin out for ya? Because change is all you gonna have left.

" Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." Martin Luther King Jr

Nice King quote. Too bad you aren't paying attention to it, because you've gone past ignorance and now are stuck solidly in stupid.

As far as "dim wits" who voted for an elitist slob who could read a teleprompter well...........ever hear of Ronald Reagan? He was an elitist snob from Hollyweird who was an actor WITH LIMITED EXPERIENCE. You guys voted for him because he was white and well known.

And we all know how that turned out, right? Not too fucking good at all. Especially considering the fact that Reagan had Alzheimer's disease, ignored Harvard Medical and the LaGuardia report (which pointed that cannabis can help relieve Alzheimer's), and went all gung ho on his "just say no" program.

Yeah.........really intelligent Republican. SOOOO much better than Obama (not).
Obviously, that's all you got. You voted for him because he could read a teleprompter well, he promised hope and change, he is educated at elitist rich kid schools, he was a lawyer, and you state that getting elected is an accomplishment. You also voted for him because he is 1/2 black. That's pathetic.

Look fuck-tard. I told you exactly why I voted for him. I was even nice enough to spell it out for you in a civil manner. You can choose to believe that or not, but don't tell me what I did and why I did it.

As it stands, by 2011, we will be out of Iraq. If that is Obama's only accomplishment, I will be happy, as that was my prime motivation for voting for him versus McCain.

You are correct about one thing: I respect Obama's intelligence. I want my president to be smart. Not some recovering alcoholic who is easily manipulated by treacherous staff members.

You and other dim wits voted for him without ever checking his voting record, without ever investigating what he had accomplished as a legislator, a community organizor or a U.S senator for 150 days. You call yourselves smart, educated, and over qualified. I call that stupid. It's as stupid as buying a used vehicle sight unseen and paying millions for it.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

I've never called myself any of those things. I made a decision and cast my vote on who I thought would be best for the country.

Since your brain is obviously moosh, and you believe everything your radio/T.V. tells you, you have been brainwashed into thinking everyone who doesn't agree with you or vote like you is:
A.) Un-American
B.) Mentally Deficient
C.) Stupid
D.) Suffering from "White Guilt"
E.) All of the above.

How's that hope and change workin out for ya? Because change is all you gonna have left.

It's a funny slogan for sure. Do you have any original material? That's about the 50th time I've seen that in the past two months.

" Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." Martin Luther King Jr

Another nice, vague, quote that can be attributed to anyone. For example: George W. Bush, and the people that voted for him.
Nice King quote. Too bad you aren't paying attention to it, because you've gone past ignorance and now are stuck solidly in stupid.

As far as "dim wits" who voted for an elitist slob who could read a teleprompter well...........ever hear of Ronald Reagan? He was an elitist snob from Hollyweird who was an actor WITH LIMITED EXPERIENCE. You guys voted for him because he was white and well known.

And we all know how that turned out, right? Not too fucking good at all. Especially considering the fact that Reagan had Alzheimer's disease, ignored Harvard Medical and the LaGuardia report (which pointed that cannabis can help relieve Alzheimer's), and went all gung ho on his "just say no" program.

Yeah.........really intelligent Republican. SOOOO much better than Obama (not).

Not to mention Reagan's dismal handling of the HIV epidemic. If Reagan could have been convinced that HIV wasn't a "gay man's" disease and could be contained with appropriate preventative health measures, many more people would be alive today.

Abraham Vargese's "My Own Country" is an excellent book about this for the interested (though not really about the Reagan Administration, but how small town America dealt with HIV in the early years).
Nice King quote. Too bad you aren't paying attention to it, because you've gone past ignorance and now are stuck solidly in stupid.

As far as "dim wits" who voted for an elitist slob who could read a teleprompter well...........ever hear of Ronald Reagan? He was an elitist snob from Hollyweird who was an actor WITH LIMITED EXPERIENCE. You guys voted for him because he was white and well known.

And we all know how that turned out, right? Not too fucking good at all. Especially considering the fact that Reagan had Alzheimer's disease, ignored Harvard Medical and the LaGuardia report (which pointed that cannabis can help relieve Alzheimer's), and went all gung ho on his "just say no" program.

Yeah.........really intelligent Republican. SOOOO much better than Obama (not).

Not to mention Reagan's dismal handling of the HIV epidemic. If Reagan could have been convinced that HIV wasn't a "gay man's" disease and could be contained with appropriate preventative health measures, many more people would be alive today.

Abraham Vargese's "My Own Country" is an excellent book about this for the interested (though not really about the Reagan Administration, but how small town America dealt with HIV in the early years).

Yep.........the one I listed was just the beginning........there was also helping out the rebels in Afghanistan to drive out the Russians, the 500 ship Navy fiasco (which incidentally, set the stage for the Graham/Rudmann act that just about broke the military), as well as many other fuck ups.

Interesting thing though.........the GOP checklist that they put out last week (which measures a good Republican based on Reagan's platforms), would actually EXCLUDE old Ronnie Meister?

Yep........gotta love the stupidity of the GOP.
Outside of practicing law;

He managed to get himself elected to several positions of authority, to include the highest nation in this land.

I'd say those are fairly significant accomplishments.

Which doesn't even delve into the fact that I never believed a man who was 1/2 black could be elected president in this nation.

What a great country.

Obviously, that's all you got. You voted for him because he could read a teleprompter well, he promised hope and change, he is educated at elitist rich kid schools, he was a lawyer, and you state that getting elected is an accomplishment. You also voted for him because he is 1/2 black. That's pathetic.

You and other dim wits voted for him without ever checking his voting record, without ever investigating what he had accomplished as a legislator, a community organizor or a U.S senator for 150 days. You call yourselves smart, educated, and over qualified. I call that stupid. It's as stupid as buying a used vehicle sight unseen and paying millions for it.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

How's that hope and change workin out for ya? Because change is all you gonna have left.

" Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." Martin Luther King Jr

Nice King quote. Too bad you aren't paying attention to it, because you've gone past ignorance and now are stuck solidly in stupid.

As far as "dim wits" who voted for an elitist slob who could read a teleprompter well...........ever hear of Ronald Reagan? He was an elitist snob from Hollyweird who was an actor WITH LIMITED EXPERIENCE. You guys voted for him because he was white and well known.

And we all know how that turned out, right? Not too fucking good at all. Especially considering the fact that Reagan had Alzheimer's disease, ignored Harvard Medical and the LaGuardia report (which pointed that cannabis can help relieve Alzheimer's), and went all gung ho on his "just say no" program.

Yeah.........really intelligent Republican. SOOOO much better than Obama (not).

And he also created 20 million New jobs after he inherited a recession worse than the one we find ourselves in presently , ended the cold war without firing a shot and will go down in history as the BEST leader this country has had in this century.

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