Palin Derangement Syndrome Hits Hard

Just remind us again, how many days was Obama a Senator? 146?

And, at that time, wasn't he asked about running for POTUS in '08 - and, didn't he say he would not run?

Obama lies! :eek:

*Settles down to wait for a rant from Rinata*

So what? A politician saw an opportunity to win the highest office in the nation and took it? Color me shocked! Obviously his instincts were correct.

All the talk about Obama's inexperience (as far as political points are concerned) are useless now. In 2012, he will be the candidate with the most "executive experience".

Sarah's forfeited her one selling point, time as governor of Alaska. And for what? To score a book deal.

I doubt she'll run in 2012, but if she does, she's doomed.

As it stands, it's funny to watch the right make her out to be the golden-child when she is anything but.

I'll give you this, like George Bush, she seems like a nice person (as long as you don't get in her way). That means nothing when it comes to leadership.

Great post!!! I think it's right on the money.
Bush often spoke off the cuff which gave his critics opportunities to make fun of him.

A prudent individual stops doing something when he realizes that he or she sucks at it.

Or they work to improve it.

At any rate, a small fraction of the population thought the "Bush-isms" made him "folksy". The rest of the country and world thought it made him sound like a jackass.

Obama up until recently rarely spoke off the cuff. He only read what was put in front of him like a TV News anchor. An empty headed face man.

In other words, he adequately prepares and thinks about the consequences of his words, since he realizes they have consequences?

Sounds like good policy to me.

BTW, didn't Bush use a teleprompter?

I'm sure there has to be image making in the process of running for president. However if it's all based on a lie then it becomes obvious to anyone with an open mind. Obama has made it clear he hates this country. Bush made it clear he loves ist. I really don't give a fuck if he makes a mistake or long as he kept to that belief I was willing to support him. Obama on the other hand is a dream come true to our enemies. Castro said so last week. I cannot support him for that reason alone.

I am too busy laughing at you using the terms "open mind" and "Ohama has made it clear he hates this country" to give a good response.

Except for this:
1.) "Based on lies":"WMDS"
2.) Bush made more than "a mistake or two".

I suspect Obama never did or will have your support regardless.
Bush often spoke off the cuff which gave his critics opportunities to make fun of him.

A prudent individual stops doing something when he realizes that he or she sucks at it.

Or they work to improve it.

At any rate, a small fraction of the population thought the "Bush-isms" made him "folksy". The rest of the country and world thought it made him sound like a jackass.

Obama up until recently rarely spoke off the cuff. He only read what was put in front of him like a TV News anchor. An empty headed face man.

In other words, he adequately prepares and thinks about the consequences of his words, since he realizes they have consequences?

Sounds like good policy to me.

BTW, didn't Bush use a teleprompter?

I'm sure there has to be image making in the process of running for president. However if it's all based on a lie then it becomes obvious to anyone with an open mind. Obama has made it clear he hates this country. Bush made it clear he loves ist. I really don't give a fuck if he makes a mistake or long as he kept to that belief I was willing to support him. Obama on the other hand is a dream come true to our enemies. Castro said so last week. I cannot support him for that reason alone.

I am too busy laughing at you using the terms "open mind" and "Ohama has made it clear he hates this country" to give a good response.

Except for this:
1.) "Based on lies":"WMDS"
2.) Bush made more than "a mistake or two".

I suspect Obama never did or will have your support regardless.

Not as long as he keeps giving speeches that make me want to kick his ass.

Listen closely to what he reads from his teleprompter and you can tell....CLEARLY..

..that Fuckstick hates this country with a passion. He reenforces this everytime he says he wants to "return this country to what it once was" or "fundimentally change this country".

Sorry, he hates everything that this country stands the above statement is an out and out lie.

He has no intention of returning this country to what it once was....he's busy turning it into something it never was.
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Not as long as he keeps giving speeches that make me want to kick his ass.

Internet tough-guyism is so inspiring.

Listen closely to what he reads from his teleprompter and you can tell....CLEARLY..

..that Fuckstick hates this country with a passion. He reenforces this everytime he says he wants to "return this country to what it once was" or "fundimentally change this country".

Your perceptions don't equate to reality. Sorry.

Sorry, he hates everything that this country stands the above statement is an out and out lie.

No idea what you are talking about. I get that you hate Obama. So what? Support the other guy or gal in the next election.

In the meantime, deal with the current guy in office. It's how our country works.

He has no intention of returning this country to what it once was....he's busy turning it into something it never was.

Our country once prevented women from voting and had people in shackles simply due to their skin color.

I find the cheery optimism of the far right to the days of yorn to be silly.

The country is going to change no matter who is running the show.

Case in point, the concept of "preventative war" would surely have been considered un-American in past years.
So what? A politician saw an opportunity to win the highest office in the nation and took it? Color me shocked! Obviously his instincts were correct.

All the talk about Obama's inexperience (as far as political points are concerned) are useless now. In 2012, he will be the candidate with the most "executive experience".

Sarah's forfeited her one selling point, time as governor of Alaska. And for what? To score a book deal.

I doubt she'll run in 2012, but if she does, she's doomed.

As it stands, it's funny to watch the right make her out to be the golden-child when she is anything but.

I'll give you this, like George Bush, she seems like a nice person (as long as you don't get in her way). That means nothing when it comes to leadership.

You know, I could agree with some of this, if you did not misrepresent some of the truths!

Palin did not step down as governor to simply sell a book.

The right are not the ones going nuts over Palin, the left is. Read this forum, better yet, go read the liberal forums!

finally, yes, Obama will be running with the most executive experience in direct relation to the White House, however, that in fact might be his doom!

By his own words and by his own actions!


In truth, no one knows why Palin stepped down before her first term. So you are correct, I don't know that she left to sell a book. In fact, she didn't have to leave to sell such a book.

What is true is that no one knows why Palin left, and her press conference was far from clear on the matter.

We do know that she left and that move was political suicide. I think Palin is smart enough to know that. Thus, I drew the conclusion that she did so to sell books. However, you are right. I don't know that to be fact.

Either way, she certainly seems more concerned with celebrity than leadership.

Palin explain in full detail why she resigned. "You" are simply choosing to not accept it.

I choose to accept it, simply because it made perfect sense.

By the way, I'm not one of these head over heels Palin fans, but, I can't help myself in challenging the cheap propaganda being spewed about her and entertaining myself with it.

(Hillary even stood a solid chance at getting my vote)

Besides, Palin is really a non issue and Obama is the issue! Nothing Palin does today, tomorrow or in the next 12 months will effect me, you or anyone really, but, what Obama does will.

Yet, she is as large of a topic as he is ......... This I find very revealing. Just as the money and effort being spent on her by the left is very revealing!

They must be real idiots to spend so assert so much on a bubbling idiot and quitter like Palin!

Correct? ............... lol

ahuh, I think not!

Bush often spoke off the cuff which gave his critics opportunities to make fun of him.

A prudent individual stops doing something when he realizes that he or she sucks at it.

Or they work to improve it.

At any rate, a small fraction of the population thought the "Bush-isms" made him "folksy". The rest of the country and world thought it made him sound like a jackass.

In other words, he adequately prepares and thinks about the consequences of his words, since he realizes they have consequences?

Sounds like good policy to me.

BTW, didn't Bush use a teleprompter?

I'm sure there has to be image making in the process of running for president. However if it's all based on a lie then it becomes obvious to anyone with an open mind. Obama has made it clear he hates this country. Bush made it clear he loves ist. I really don't give a fuck if he makes a mistake or long as he kept to that belief I was willing to support him. Obama on the other hand is a dream come true to our enemies. Castro said so last week. I cannot support him for that reason alone.

I am too busy laughing at you using the terms "open mind" and "Ohama has made it clear he hates this country" to give a good response.

Except for this:
1.) "Based on lies":"WMDS"
2.) Bush made more than "a mistake or two".

I suspect Obama never did or will have your support regardless.

Not as long as he keeps giving speeches that make me want to kick his ass.

Listen closely to what he reads from his teleprompter and you can tell....CLEARLY..

..that Fuckstick hates this country with a passion. He reenforces this everytime he says he wants to "return this country to what it once was" or "fundimentally change this country".

Sorry, he hates everything that this country stands the above statement is an out and out lie.

He has no intention of returning this country to what it once was....he's busy turning it into something it never was.

That is a direct threat to the President of the United States and I will take it upon myself to report this to the proper authorities. :lol:

Men in black will be calling soon. :eek:
A prudent individual stops doing something when he realizes that he or she sucks at it.

Or they work to improve it.

At any rate, a small fraction of the population thought the "Bush-isms" made him "folksy". The rest of the country and world thought it made him sound like a jackass.

In other words, he adequately prepares and thinks about the consequences of his words, since he realizes they have consequences?

Sounds like good policy to me.

BTW, didn't Bush use a teleprompter?

I am too busy laughing at you using the terms "open mind" and "Ohama has made it clear he hates this country" to give a good response.

Except for this:
1.) "Based on lies":"WMDS"
2.) Bush made more than "a mistake or two".

I suspect Obama never did or will have your support regardless.

Not as long as he keeps giving speeches that make me want to kick his ass.

Listen closely to what he reads from his teleprompter and you can tell....CLEARLY..

..that Fuckstick hates this country with a passion. He reenforces this everytime he says he wants to "return this country to what it once was" or "fundimentally change this country".

Sorry, he hates everything that this country stands the above statement is an out and out lie.

He has no intention of returning this country to what it once was....he's busy turning it into something it never was.

That is a direct threat to the President of the United States and I will take it upon myself to report this to the proper authorities. :lol:

Men in black will be calling soon. :eek:

That's why you have problems, Zona. You lack the comprehension skills required to understand the difference between 'I want to' and 'I'm going to'. One could be a direct threat - the other is not.

Men in white coats will be calling soon. Go with them.
Not as long as he keeps giving speeches that make me want to kick his ass.

Listen closely to what he reads from his teleprompter and you can tell....CLEARLY..

..that Fuckstick hates this country with a passion. He reenforces this everytime he says he wants to "return this country to what it once was" or "fundimentally change this country".

Sorry, he hates everything that this country stands the above statement is an out and out lie.

He has no intention of returning this country to what it once was....he's busy turning it into something it never was.

That is a direct threat to the President of the United States and I will take it upon myself to report this to the proper authorities. :lol:

Men in black will be calling soon. :eek:

That's why you have problems, Zona. You lack the comprehension skills required to understand the difference between 'I want to' and 'I'm going to'. One could be a direct threat - the other is not.

Men in white coats will be calling soon. Go with them.

That is the fundamental problem with you specifically. You missed my :lol:...

Mr. don't get it guy, chill. The irony of you mentioning comprehension skills and not getting my :lol: is priceless.
That is a direct threat to the President of the United States and I will take it upon myself to report this to the proper authorities. :lol:

Men in black will be calling soon. :eek:

That's why you have problems, Zona. You lack the comprehension skills required to understand the difference between 'I want to' and 'I'm going to'. One could be a direct threat - the other is not.

Men in white coats will be calling soon. Go with them.

That is the fundamental problem with you specifically. You missed my :lol:...

Mr. don't get it guy, chill. The irony of you mentioning comprehension skills and not getting my :lol: is priceless.

Errr...Uhmmm? CG is a WOMAN...But guess you MISSED THAT?:cool:
The problem with Sarah Palin (who supports profiling) is that she is angry for being profiled as a bimbo, although she behaves like (and as far as I can tell is) one. When you pose in an American flag bikini with an automatic rifle, people tend to not take you as seriously. That's just the reality. Also, I never heard her complaining that the judges at the beauty pageant she participated in were sexist. Sarah Palin is an embarrassment to strong, INTELLIGENT, independent women who are either in politics or wish to some day be in them. You can't go around winking and saying "gosh darnit" as opposed to relaying real, substantive messages. The best thing for this country is for Caribou Barbie to keep hanging around, because she repulses moderates and strengthens the legions of progressives in this nation.
The problem with Sarah Palin (who supports profiling) is that she is angry for being profiled as a bimbo, although she behaves like (and as far as I can tell is) one. When you pose in an American flag bikini with an automatic rifle, people tend to not take you as seriously. That's just the reality. Also, I never heard her complaining that the judges at the beauty pageant she participated in were sexist. Sarah Palin is an embarrassment to strong, INTELLIGENT, independent women who are either in politics or wish to some day be in them. You can't go around winking and saying "gosh darnit" as opposed to relaying real, substantive messages. The best thing for this country is for Caribou Barbie to keep hanging around, because she repulses moderates and strengthens the legions of progressives in this nation.

If Obama can sit in the big chair, so can the "bimbo". He's proven anyone can do it.
The problem with Sarah Palin (who supports profiling) is that she is angry for being profiled as a bimbo, although she behaves like (and as far as I can tell is) one. When you pose in an American flag bikini with an automatic rifle, people tend to not take you as seriously. That's just the reality. Also, I never heard her complaining that the judges at the beauty pageant she participated in were sexist. Sarah Palin is an embarrassment to strong, INTELLIGENT, independent women who are either in politics or wish to some day be in them. You can't go around winking and saying "gosh darnit" as opposed to relaying real, substantive messages. The best thing for this country is for Caribou Barbie to keep hanging around, because she repulses moderates and strengthens the legions of progressives in this nation.

If Obama can sit in the big chair, so can the "bimbo". He's proven anyone can do it.

LOL...that doesn't pass the laugh test. Are you kidding? Obama is far more accomplished than Sarah Palin is. He is educated and most importantly, literate. Can you name anything substantial Sarah Palin has ever said, beside the fact that she has serious foreign policy experience via Alaskan islands' close proximity to Russia?

You sound like an anti-intellectual, anti-knowledge kind of person, so I would expect you to diminish Obama's credentials. Can you say anything of substantive value at all? Let's hope Obama addresses the education crisis, because people like you prove why our labor force is losing its luster compared to other countries. Please read a book, even if it's "Going Rogue." LOL...such a serious policy book. I wish I could have a ghost writer articulate all of my settling of the scores. To Caribou Barbie's credit, the fact that parts of that book sound like a 7th grader's submission to a creative writing journal, I think she actually wrote more than we think.
The problem with Sarah Palin (who supports profiling) is that she is angry for being profiled as a bimbo, although she behaves like (and as far as I can tell is) one. When you pose in an American flag bikini with an automatic rifle, people tend to not take you as seriously. That's just the reality. Also, I never heard her complaining that the judges at the beauty pageant she participated in were sexist. Sarah Palin is an embarrassment to strong, INTELLIGENT, independent women who are either in politics or wish to some day be in them. You can't go around winking and saying "gosh darnit" as opposed to relaying real, substantive messages. The best thing for this country is for Caribou Barbie to keep hanging around, because she repulses moderates and strengthens the legions of progressives in this nation.

If Obama can sit in the big chair, so can the "bimbo". He's proven anyone can do it.

LOL...that doesn't pass the laugh test. Are you kidding? Obama is far more accomplished than Sarah Palin is. He is educated and most importantly, literate. Can you name anything substantial Sarah Palin has ever said, beside the fact that she has serious foreign policy experience via Alaskan islands' close proximity to Russia?

You sound like an anti-intellectual, anti-knowledge kind of person, so I would expect you to diminish Obama's credentials. Can you say anything of substantive value at all? Let's hope Obama addresses the education crisis, because people like you prove why our labor force is losing its luster compared to other countries. Please read a book, even if it's "Going Rogue." LOL...such a serious policy book. I wish I could have a ghost writer articulate all of my settling of the scores. To Caribou Barbie's credit, the fact that parts of that book sound like a 7th grader's submission to a creative writing journal, I think she actually wrote more than we think.

We have no evidence of Obama's academic acheivements. I see nothing to substantiate any great intellect. Being literate is hardly an unusual occurance - most people on this site are literate.

You sound like a wannabe-elitist latte liberal. Unfortunately, latte flavored koolaid is still koolaid.
The problem with Sarah Palin (who supports profiling) is that she is angry for being profiled as a bimbo, although she behaves like (and as far as I can tell is) one. When you pose in an American flag bikini with an automatic rifle, people tend to not take you as seriously. That's just the reality. Also, I never heard her complaining that the judges at the beauty pageant she participated in were sexist. Sarah Palin is an embarrassment to strong, INTELLIGENT, independent women who are either in politics or wish to some day be in them. You can't go around winking and saying "gosh darnit" as opposed to relaying real, substantive messages. The best thing for this country is for Caribou Barbie to keep hanging around, because she repulses moderates and strengthens the legions of progressives in this nation.

If Obama can sit in the big chair, so can the "bimbo". He's proven anyone can do it.

LOL...that doesn't pass the laugh test. Are you kidding? Obama is far more accomplished than Sarah Palin is. He is educated and most importantly, literate. Can you name anything substantial Sarah Palin has ever said, beside the fact that she has serious foreign policy experience via Alaskan islands' close proximity to Russia?

You sound like an anti-intellectual, anti-knowledge kind of person, so I would expect you to diminish Obama's credentials. Can you say anything of substantive value at all? Let's hope Obama addresses the education crisis, because people like you prove why our labor force is losing its luster compared to other countries. Please read a book, even if it's "Going Rogue." LOL...such a serious policy book. I wish I could have a ghost writer articulate all of my settling of the scores. To Caribou Barbie's credit, the fact that parts of that book sound like a 7th grader's submission to a creative writing journal, I think she actually wrote more than we think.

I'm sorry, what level of education have you completed? Your employment? I have worked directly or indirectly for three top 50 US corporations as a sample. From what I have seen so far, I wouldn't even give you an interview.
And I'm sure he hasn't accomplished HALF of what Mrs. Palin has in her 47 years.
The problem with Sarah Palin (who supports profiling) is that she is angry for being profiled as a bimbo, although she behaves like (and as far as I can tell is) one. When you pose in an American flag bikini with an automatic rifle, people tend to not take you as seriously. That's just the reality. Also, I never heard her complaining that the judges at the beauty pageant she participated in were sexist. Sarah Palin is an embarrassment to strong, INTELLIGENT, independent women who are either in politics or wish to some day be in them. You can't go around winking and saying "gosh darnit" as opposed to relaying real, substantive messages. The best thing for this country is for Caribou Barbie to keep hanging around, because she repulses moderates and strengthens the legions of progressives in this nation.

If Obama can sit in the big chair, so can the "bimbo". He's proven anyone can do it.

If Obama can sit in the big chair, so can the "bimbo". He's proven anyone can do it.

LOL...that doesn't pass the laugh test. Are you kidding? Obama is far more accomplished than Sarah Palin is. He is educated and most importantly, literate. Can you name anything substantial Sarah Palin has ever said, beside the fact that she has serious foreign policy experience via Alaskan islands' close proximity to Russia?

You sound like an anti-intellectual, anti-knowledge kind of person, so I would expect you to diminish Obama's credentials. Can you say anything of substantive value at all? Let's hope Obama addresses the education crisis, because people like you prove why our labor force is losing its luster compared to other countries. Please read a book, even if it's "Going Rogue." LOL...such a serious policy book. I wish I could have a ghost writer articulate all of my settling of the scores. To Caribou Barbie's credit, the fact that parts of that book sound like a 7th grader's submission to a creative writing journal, I think she actually wrote more than we think.

We have no evidence of Obama's academic acheivements. I see nothing to substantiate any great intellect. Being literate is hardly an unusual occurance - most people on this site are literate.

You sound like a wannabe-elitist latte liberal. Unfortunately, latte flavored koolaid is still koolaid.

You are hilarious. I guess he's not an American citizen either, according to you. First off, I think it would be awesome if you could use the spell check feature that comes by default. I wouldn't expect someone who can't spell achievements to be able to prove them (or even have any besides the number of 10 word posts you've made). I guess everyone at Columbia, Harvard, and the University of Chicago as well as the Illinois State Legislature and U.S. Senate are all conspiring to lie to the American people, just like the state of Hawaii and Obama's deceased parents. It completely makes sense why you support Sarah Palin. Notice that the vast majority of her supporters have your intelligence level.

Second off, I know that you are clearly insecure about your intelligence; otherwise, you wouldn't try pulling out the typical "elite liberal" insult. Is that what you heard Limbaugh call someone, so you thought it would be a great comeback? While I do enjoy an occasional latte, I am far from your definition of a "liberal." But, the fact that I think, use empirical evidence, and logic would of course make me a "liberal" to you, California Girl.

I'm still waiting to hear something substantial from you. I debate with intellectual conservatives all day, and you are definitely lacking. I've actually been told people like you are an embarrassment to their cause. When you get some actual facts (as opposed to debating with your emotions, which is especially embarrassing for women who have worked so long to diffuse that stereotype), please try again.
If Obama can sit in the big chair, so can the "bimbo". He's proven anyone can do it.

LOL...that doesn't pass the laugh test. Are you kidding? Obama is far more accomplished than Sarah Palin is. He is educated and most importantly, literate. Can you name anything substantial Sarah Palin has ever said, beside the fact that she has serious foreign policy experience via Alaskan islands' close proximity to Russia?

You sound like an anti-intellectual, anti-knowledge kind of person, so I would expect you to diminish Obama's credentials. Can you say anything of substantive value at all? Let's hope Obama addresses the education crisis, because people like you prove why our labor force is losing its luster compared to other countries. Please read a book, even if it's "Going Rogue." LOL...such a serious policy book. I wish I could have a ghost writer articulate all of my settling of the scores. To Caribou Barbie's credit, the fact that parts of that book sound like a 7th grader's submission to a creative writing journal, I think she actually wrote more than we think.

I'm sorry, what level of education have you completed? Your employment? I have worked directly or indirectly for three top 50 US corporations as a sample. From what I have seen so far, I wouldn't even give you an interview.

I have completed a Bachelor of Arts in Economics, a Master of Arts in Economic Research, and I am currently working on a PhD in Economics with a focus in Education, Labor, and Public Economics and a minor in Econometrics if you need to know exactly. What is your level of education? In addition, I have also worked in the research department at the Greater Dallas Chamber of Commerce, where I can tell you for a fact that major Fortune 500 companies based in the region were literally doing their business models on backs of envelopes with no statistical understanding of economic conditions or the markets they were in, etc. For that reason, I don't think business leaders (including Mitt Romney) really have that much of a grasp of the economy, especially when I hear them botch their assessment of "capitalism." Also, I am more qualified than most "statisticians" at Top 50 companies. As a matter of fact, you wouldn't even give me an interview, because I would be overqualified, so stop embarrassing yourself. You know, I bet you I could actually take your job from you if I really tried.
The problem with Sarah Palin (who supports profiling) is that she is angry for being profiled as a bimbo, although she behaves like (and as far as I can tell is) one. When you pose in an American flag bikini with an automatic rifle, people tend to not take you as seriously. That's just the reality. Also, I never heard her complaining that the judges at the beauty pageant she participated in were sexist. Sarah Palin is an embarrassment to strong, INTELLIGENT, independent women who are either in politics or wish to some day be in them. You can't go around winking and saying "gosh darnit" as opposed to relaying real, substantive messages. The best thing for this country is for Caribou Barbie to keep hanging around, because she repulses moderates and strengthens the legions of progressives in this nation.

If Obama can sit in the big chair, so can the "bimbo". He's proven anyone can do it.

LOL...that doesn't pass the laugh test. Are you kidding? Obama is far more accomplished than Sarah Palin is. He is educated and most importantly, literate. Can you name anything substantial Sarah Palin has ever said, beside the fact that she has serious foreign policy experience via Alaskan islands' close proximity to Russia?

You sound like an anti-intellectual, anti-knowledge kind of person, so I would expect you to diminish Obama's credentials. Can you say anything of substantive value at all? Let's hope Obama addresses the education crisis, because people like you prove why our labor force is losing its luster compared to other countries. Please read a book, even if it's "Going Rogue." LOL...such a serious policy book. I wish I could have a ghost writer articulate all of my settling of the scores. To Caribou Barbie's credit, the fact that parts of that book sound like a 7th grader's submission to a creative writing journal, I think she actually wrote more than we think.

We have no evidence of Obama's academic acheivements. I see nothing to substantiate any great intellect. Being literate is hardly an unusual occurance - most people on this site are literate.

You sound like a wannabe-elitist latte liberal. Unfortunately, latte flavored koolaid is still koolaid.

You are hilarious. I guess he's not an American citizen either, according to you. First off, I think it would be awesome if you could use the spell check feature that comes by default. I wouldn't expect someone who can't spell achievements to be able to prove them (or even have any besides the number of 10 word posts you've made). I guess everyone at Columbia, Harvard, and the University of Chicago as well as the Illinois State Legislature and U.S. Senate are all conspiring to lie to the American people, just like the state of Hawaii and Obama's deceased parents. It completely makes sense why you support Sarah Palin. Notice that the vast majority of her supporters have your intelligence level.

Second off, I know that you are clearly insecure about your intelligence; otherwise, you wouldn't try pulling out the typical "elite liberal" insult. Is that what you heard Limbaugh call someone, so you thought it would be a great comeback? While I do enjoy an occasional latte, I am far from your definition of a "liberal." But, the fact that I think, use empirical evidence, and logic would of course make me a "liberal" to you, California Girl.

I'm still waiting to hear something substantial from you. I debate with intellectual conservatives all day, and you are definitely lacking. I've actually been told people like you are an embarrassment to their cause. When you get some actual facts (as opposed to debating with your emotions, which is especially embarrassing for women who have worked so long to diffuse that stereotype), please try again.

Firstly, you know fuck all about me so your conclusions are so far off the mark that it should embarrass you. It won't, but it should. You are welcome to whine your little heart out about my spelling, etc but truthfully, I couldn't give a shit. I have never suggested in any seriousness that the Messiah is not a US citizen - you are assuming facts not in evidence.

I'm in the UK so I don't listen to Limbaugh - and even if I was in the US, I wouldn't listen to him because he's an ass.

You make way too many 'guesses' in your post - all of which tells me you're just another whiny leftie who can't cope with anyone who doesn't worship your Messiah. Un-fucking-lucky, idiot. You use the standard leftie 'Alinski Rules' of attack the person instead of arguing the fact. Whining about me being emotional tells me that you are, in fact, the emotional one. What an idiot.

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