Palin has children. Children fuck up. Ok lets talk everybodys children.

"Palin has children. Children fuck up. Ok lets talk everybodys children."

Another example of how most blind partisan rightists don't get it.
It appears to be ok. Nixon's bitches. Where's Carters kid? LBJ's girls? We know Chelseas out there and know damn straight her who father is.

But lets rock it. All kids all the time.
Let's talk other children IF their parents bring them up as political points, eh?

You are better than this......or.....maybe not.
Part of the leftist obsession with her extends to her family.

they made sp rich beyond her dreams with hate and are trying to make the rest of the family rich as well.

We are way passed creepy at this point

Nutbags made her rich dummy. Why are you always so wrong?
Let's not forget...

Sarah Palin brought up her son, and Sarah Palin politicized her son's predicament by taking shots at Obama off it.

Case closed. You sow the wind you reap the whirlwind.

Palin's lies and dishonesty made her children political fodder – she has only herself to blame.
Democrats have such love for all children UNLESS they are

Palin's slightly slowed son
Romney's adopted Negro grandchild.
Phil Robertson's adopted Negro grandchild.

Maybe democrats just hate those white people? Or the fact they are Christians of one stripe or another? Or they are all heterosexuals?
Or they are all conservatives?

But ALL democrats love children why.....
Ted Kennedy DROWNED someones daughter.
Micheal S. Kennedy beat someones daughter to DEATH with a golf club.
Joe "paws" Biden loves to touch other peoples daughters.
Republicans don't want to feed children. They don't want to educate them. They don't want children to have health care.

Why do they pretend to love children now? A fetus isn't one of the born.
Only assholes and tabloid journalists attack other's kids. Palin is a piece of work, she won't hold her kids accountable - states other people's kid's lack personal responsibility - and blames Obama for her kid beating his girlfriend.

Is she insane, or does she believe the American public can be fooled by a fool?
I do think politician's children that actively campaign (being present at an event doesn't count) for their parents are open to criticism as long it is in context. Chelsea Clinton, Elizabeth Cheney, and Bristol Palin (?) come to mind.
I expect the only RW response to this to be "B-b-but Obamacare!" but I'll say it anyway:

Track Palin is 26. He's old enough to drive, drink (simultaneously?), vote, and father a child of his own. He is legally old enough to be tried as an adult, this time.

His behavior notwithstanding, he is not a child.
Husbands, wives and even parents, Palin's life is an open book as is every other republican. What about Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama's half brother? Is he still living in a shack for $20 per month? What about Barry's alcoholic bigamist anti-American father? It should be an open item to be discussed since Barry's auto-bio was titled "dreams of my father" but the media pretends he was an orphan. Are we living Barry's African alcoholic father's dream? Apparently Bill Clinton's father was a traveling salesman who ran out on his mother. Maybe that caused some quirk in his personality that turned him into a sexual pervert. The one thing democrats can count on is being protected by the media. The double standard is a tough old bitch.

Who's stopping you from making a fool of yourself ranting about Obama's family?
Obama himself said he is good with his grandchildren being murdered. Is that not enough?
I expect the only RW response to this to be "B-b-but Obamacare!" but I'll say it anyway:

Track Palin is 26. He's old enough to drive, drink (simultaneously?), vote, and father a child of his own. He is legally old enough to be tried as an adult, this time.

His behavior notwithstanding, he is not a child.
Hold on under obamacare he is stlil a child. I think it goes to 26, so under your own rules. Screw you!!!!!!
Husbands, wives and even parents, Palin's life is an open book as is every other republican. What about Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama's half brother? Is he still living in a shack for $20 per month? What about Barry's alcoholic bigamist anti-American father? It should be an open item to be discussed since Barry's auto-bio was titled "dreams of my father" but the media pretends he was an orphan. Are we living Barry's African alcoholic father's dream? Apparently Bill Clinton's father was a traveling salesman who ran out on his mother. Maybe that caused some quirk in his personality that turned him into a sexual pervert. The one thing democrats can count on is being protected by the media. The double standard is a tough old bitch.

Who's stopping you from making a fool of yourself ranting about Obama's family?
Obama himself said he is good with his grandchildren being murdered. Is that not enough?
Oh? You are going to have to show that one to us.
I expect the only RW response to this to be "B-b-but Obamacare!" but I'll say it anyway:

Track Palin is 26. He's old enough to drive, drink (simultaneously?), vote, and father a child of his own. He is legally old enough to be tried as an adult, this time.

His behavior notwithstanding, he is not a child.
Hold on under obamacare he is stlil a child. I think it goes to 26, so under your own rules. Screw you!!!!!!

As I said in my first sentence: "I expect the only RW response to this to be 'B-b-but Obamacare!' but I'll say it anyway:"

Y'all would be a lot more credible if you weren't so predictable.
I'm not blaming Track for anything because I haven't heard him mention PTSD as a defense. His mother using it as an excuse for her live at home 26 yr old son's fuck-ups 5yrs. after his time in Iraq is an insult to a lot of vets who were in active combat and didn't come home "changed" or "hardened" and those unfortunates whom that crazy war actually damaged. She is a multi-millionaire, did she make sure he had the best medical care or just sit back and wait for Obama to help him? Go ahead and blame Obama for the VA's faults Sarah but if you knew all about them it was your responsibility as a parent to step in and make sure he got the help he needed to recover. And any of you Conservatives who let her get away with this blatant enabling of Track's failures and her selfish politicising of his personal life have given up any right to that "holier-than-thou" judgemental attitude you're so fond of broadcasting.
Its puzzling to me that Mrs. Palin is for Mr. Trump. Also, after years in the limelight she has not been able to get her family in line and ready for prime time.
Part of the leftist obsession with her extends to her family.

they made sp rich beyond her dreams with hate and are trying to make the rest of the family rich as well.

We are way passed creepy at this point

Nutbags made her rich dummy. Why are you always so wrong?
But we just agreed.

How can I be wrong when you just agreed with me?

Oh! Ha ha! I see what you did there! Man....all of you nutbags are so clever! Gotta keep on our toes around you guys!

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