Palin has children. Children fuck up. Ok lets talk everybodys children.

Husbands, wives and even parents, Palin's life is an open book as is every other republican. What about Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama's half brother? Is he still living in a shack for $20 per month? What about Barry's alcoholic bigamist anti-American father? It should be an open item to be discussed since Barry's auto-bio was titled "dreams of my father" but the media pretends he was an orphan. Are we living Barry's African alcoholic father's dream? Apparently Bill Clinton's father was a traveling salesman who ran out on his mother. Maybe that caused some quirk in his personality that turned him into a sexual pervert. The one thing democrats can count on is being protected by the media. The double standard is a tough old bitch.

Who's stopping you from making a fool of yourself ranting about Obama's family?
Obama himself said he is good with his grandchildren being murdered. Is that not enough?
Do you have a link to that or are you a disgusting lowlife scumbag lying sack of partially digested pig shit?
Husbands, wives and even parents, Palin's life is an open book as is every other republican. What about Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama's half brother? Is he still living in a shack for $20 per month? What about Barry's alcoholic bigamist anti-American father? It should be an open item to be discussed since Barry's auto-bio was titled "dreams of my father" but the media pretends he was an orphan. Are we living Barry's African alcoholic father's dream? Apparently Bill Clinton's father was a traveling salesman who ran out on his mother. Maybe that caused some quirk in his personality that turned him into a sexual pervert. The one thing democrats can count on is being protected by the media. The double standard is a tough old bitch.

Who's stopping you from making a fool of yourself ranting about Obama's family?
Obama himself said he is good with his grandchildren being murdered. Is that not enough?
Do you have a link to that or are you a disgusting lowlife scumbag lying sack of partially digested pig shit?
If I wanted any shit from you. I would squeeze your head.
Husbands, wives and even parents, Palin's life is an open book as is every other republican. What about Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama's half brother? Is he still living in a shack for $20 per month? What about Barry's alcoholic bigamist anti-American father? It should be an open item to be discussed since Barry's auto-bio was titled "dreams of my father" but the media pretends he was an orphan. Are we living Barry's African alcoholic father's dream? Apparently Bill Clinton's father was a traveling salesman who ran out on his mother. Maybe that caused some quirk in his personality that turned him into a sexual pervert. The one thing democrats can count on is being protected by the media. The double standard is a tough old bitch.

Who's stopping you from making a fool of yourself ranting about Obama's family?
Obama himself said he is good with his grandchildren being murdered. Is that not enough?
Do you have a link to that or are you a disgusting lowlife scumbag lying sack of partially digested pig shit?
If I wanted any shit from you. I would squeeze your head.

If I wanted a 50 year old joke from you, I'd kill myself.
It appears to be ok. Nixon's bitches. Where's Carters kid? LBJ's girls? We know Chelseas out there and know damn straight her who father is.

But lets rock it. All kids all the time.

I don't recall the aforementioned people shoving "family values" down our throats under the banner of Jesus. But you just keep on dancin', tiny. Someday somebody may throw you some coins.

Moi?Not me baby. I can shame you a hundred times over girl and be damned proud of it. I don't expect those that are running for office to have virginal children.

Nobody said their children had to be virginal. We just ask that their parents not be hypocrites. So just try to shame me, loser.

My kids went thru the asshole fade like I did.

Jesus Christ can you imagine your daughter with the bass player of Alice Cooper. My dad wasn't at fault buddy.

So your dad wasn't at fault for how your kids turned out, or do you want to reword that?

Most teenagers, unless they're bullied into submission by hyper-religious parents, go through a rebellious phase, and smart parents let them...with the understanding that "Okay, buddy. If you screw up once you're legally an adult, you are responsible for what happens to you."

Age 26 is not a child. Track Palin is not a child. That Mama didn't deal with his behaviors when he was a child is on her. What he's up to now is on him.
Husbands, wives and even parents, Palin's life is an open book as is every other republican. What about Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama's half brother? Is he still living in a shack for $20 per month? What about Barry's alcoholic bigamist anti-American father? It should be an open item to be discussed since Barry's auto-bio was titled "dreams of my father" but the media pretends he was an orphan. Are we living Barry's African alcoholic father's dream? Apparently Bill Clinton's father was a traveling salesman who ran out on his mother. Maybe that caused some quirk in his personality that turned him into a sexual pervert. The one thing democrats can count on is being protected by the media. The double standard is a tough old bitch.

Who's stopping you from making a fool of yourself ranting about Obama's family?
Obama himself said he is good with his grandchildren being murdered. Is that not enough?
Do you have a link to that or are you a disgusting lowlife scumbag lying sack of partially digested pig shit?
If I wanted any shit from you. I would squeeze your head.

If I wanted a 50 year old joke from you, I'd kill myself.
Oh shut up, derp knows Obama doesn't care about his future grandchildren. He just can't admit Obama is a selfish asshole. He said he is glad his daughters have abortion, because he wouldn't want them to be burdened with a child. Father of the year and that says he doesn't care if his grandchildren are murdered.
Mac's completely unsolicited ground rules for politicians' kids:
  • If they're under 18, off limits, period
  • If they're under 18 and their parents use them for props, the parents are fair game for doing so
  • If they're over 18, haven't done or said anything political but the parents use them for props, they're still off limits but the parents are fair game for doing so (this appears to be one of those cases)
  • If they're over 18 and get political, they're fair game
Unfortunately, being "fair game" also means subject to lies, personal insults and name-calling, but that's where we are. Sadly.

What lie was told about palin's kids?
If they're under 18, it doesn't matter, they should be off limits.

As I said.

i'm pretty sure bristol was over 18 when she shilled herself out as a spokesperson for abstinence only. and if i'm petty sure no-one ever criticized sarah's baby... only her misuse of him.

and if your teenagers are out getting drunk like bush's girls did, they're going to be commented on....even if they're under age.

other than that, i don't much care if people trot their kids out. it's part of the process. and i'm not one of the people who called chelsea clinton ugly when she was a kid. but republicans sure did.

to the credit of the obamas their daughters haven't been noteworthy. and to the credit of the right, they've left the girls alone.

Too bad Democrats wouldn't leave the Bush daughters alone.
Mac's completely unsolicited ground rules for politicians' kids:
  • If they're under 18, off limits, period
  • If they're under 18 and their parents use them for props, the parents are fair game for doing so
  • If they're over 18, haven't done or said anything political but the parents use them for props, they're still off limits but the parents are fair game for doing so (this appears to be one of those cases)
  • If they're over 18 and get political, they're fair game
Unfortunately, being "fair game" also means subject to lies, personal insults and name-calling, but that's where we are. Sadly.

What lie was told about palin's kids?
If they're under 18, it doesn't matter, they should be off limits.

As I said.

i'm pretty sure bristol was over 18 when she shilled herself out as a spokesperson for abstinence only. and if i'm petty sure no-one ever criticized sarah's baby... only her misuse of him.

and if your teenagers are out getting drunk like bush's girls did, they're going to be commented on....even if they're under age.

other than that, i don't much care if people trot their kids out. it's part of the process. and i'm not one of the people who called chelsea clinton ugly when she was a kid. but republicans sure did.

to the credit of the obamas their daughters haven't been noteworthy. and to the credit of the right, they've left the girls alone.

Too bad Democrats wouldn't leave the Bush daughters alone.

Maybe if they weren't acting out quite so much...
It appears to be ok. Nixon's bitches. Where's Carters kid? LBJ's girls? We know Chelseas out there and know damn straight her who father is.

But lets rock it. All kids all the time.

Was alcohol a factor in this post? What are you trying to say?
Mac's completely unsolicited ground rules for politicians' kids:
  • If they're under 18, off limits, period
  • If they're under 18 and their parents use them for props, the parents are fair game for doing so
  • If they're over 18, haven't done or said anything political but the parents use them for props, they're still off limits but the parents are fair game for doing so (this appears to be one of those cases)
  • If they're over 18 and get political, they're fair game
Unfortunately, being "fair game" also means subject to lies, personal insults and name-calling, but that's where we are. Sadly.

What lie was told about palin's kids?
If they're under 18, it doesn't matter, they should be off limits.

As I said.

i'm pretty sure bristol was over 18 when she shilled herself out as a spokesperson for abstinence only. and if i'm petty sure no-one ever criticized sarah's baby... only her misuse of him.

and if your teenagers are out getting drunk like bush's girls did, they're going to be commented on....even if they're under age.

other than that, i don't much care if people trot their kids out. it's part of the process. and i'm not one of the people who called chelsea clinton ugly when she was a kid. but republicans sure did.

to the credit of the obamas their daughters haven't been noteworthy. and to the credit of the right, they've left the girls alone.

Too bad Democrats wouldn't leave the Bush daughters alone.

Maybe if they weren't acting out quite so much...

That's funny coming from the Obama-deranged. At least the things democrats raised were real issues.

How are those FEMA death camps going?
Last edited:
It appears to be ok. Nixon's bitches. Where's Carters kid? LBJ's girls? We know Chelseas out there and know damn straight her who father is.

But lets rock it. All kids all the time.
Reagan's kids were Democrats. That's how wrong he was.

Hw Bush's kids are assholes.

Chelsea is lovely.

Gw bush kids are hot. We even got to see Jenna's vajayjay.

The Obama kids are lovely
Mac's completely unsolicited ground rules for politicians' kids:
  • If they're under 18, off limits, period
  • If they're under 18 and their parents use them for props, the parents are fair game for doing so
  • If they're over 18, haven't done or said anything political but the parents use them for props, they're still off limits but the parents are fair game for doing so (this appears to be one of those cases)
  • If they're over 18 and get political, they're fair game
Unfortunately, being "fair game" also means subject to lies, personal insults and name-calling, but that's where we are. Sadly.

What lie was told about palin's kids?
If they're under 18, it doesn't matter, they should be off limits.

As I said.

i'm pretty sure bristol was over 18 when she shilled herself out as a spokesperson for abstinence only. and if i'm petty sure no-one ever criticized sarah's baby... only her misuse of him.

and if your teenagers are out getting drunk like bush's girls did, they're going to be commented on....even if they're under age.

other than that, i don't much care if people trot their kids out. it's part of the process. and i'm not one of the people who called chelsea clinton ugly when she was a kid. but republicans sure did.

to the credit of the obamas their daughters haven't been noteworthy. and to the credit of the right, they've left the girls alone.

Too bad Democrats wouldn't leave the Bush daughters alone.

Maybe if they weren't acting out quite so much...

Excuses, excuses, excuses.
What lie was told about palin's kids?
If they're under 18, it doesn't matter, they should be off limits.

As I said.

i'm pretty sure bristol was over 18 when she shilled herself out as a spokesperson for abstinence only. and if i'm petty sure no-one ever criticized sarah's baby... only her misuse of him.

and if your teenagers are out getting drunk like bush's girls did, they're going to be commented on....even if they're under age.

other than that, i don't much care if people trot their kids out. it's part of the process. and i'm not one of the people who called chelsea clinton ugly when she was a kid. but republicans sure did.

to the credit of the obamas their daughters haven't been noteworthy. and to the credit of the right, they've left the girls alone.

Too bad Democrats wouldn't leave the Bush daughters alone.

Maybe if they weren't acting out quite so much...

That's funny coming from the Obama-deranged. At least the things democrats raised were real issues.

How are those FEMA death camps going?

So deranged that the right has left the Obama children alone.

And the Bush girls are a real issue.

Man you got the excuses.
If they're under 18, it doesn't matter, they should be off limits.

As I said.

i'm pretty sure bristol was over 18 when she shilled herself out as a spokesperson for abstinence only. and if i'm petty sure no-one ever criticized sarah's baby... only her misuse of him.

and if your teenagers are out getting drunk like bush's girls did, they're going to be commented on....even if they're under age.

other than that, i don't much care if people trot their kids out. it's part of the process. and i'm not one of the people who called chelsea clinton ugly when she was a kid. but republicans sure did.

to the credit of the obamas their daughters haven't been noteworthy. and to the credit of the right, they've left the girls alone.

Too bad Democrats wouldn't leave the Bush daughters alone.

Maybe if they weren't acting out quite so much...

That's funny coming from the Obama-deranged. At least the things democrats raised were real issues.

How are those FEMA death camps going?

So deranged that the right has left the Obama children alone.

And the Bush girls are a real issue.

Man you got the excuses.

I think the Bush girls turned out very well. They are very responsible adults and involved in charitable causes

As teens they got involved in under aged drinking......but who didn't?
It appears to be ok. Nixon's bitches. Where's Carters kid? LBJ's girls? We know Chelseas out there and know damn straight her who father is.

But lets rock it. All kids all the time.
Reagan's kids were Democrats. That's how wrong he was.

Hw Bush's kids are assholes.

Chelsea is lovely.

Gw bush kids are hot. We even got to see Jenna's vajayjay.

The Obama kids are lovely

Well Mike is a devout conservative. Patti has been all over the board and Ron Jr. is a ballerina. What else can I say about him? He's a ballerina. Of course he's a democrat.

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