Palin has children. Children fuck up. Ok lets talk everybodys children.

am i the only one who remembers conservatives mocking the obama kids for their dress and behavior at a turkey pardoning....but suddenly its too much too much to call palin a lair...when she is?
giving your child health care and an education is wrong? sad day in america....when we are all behind other countries having both and the us paying for it....but damn if we can have it in our own country.....israel in case you dont know that....
What? That the ACA allows my son to be covered on my policy til he's 26?

You say that like its a bad thing. Which I guess when you're a child who has never paid for health insurance might be the case (if you spend all your time in the rightwingnut blogosphere, of course)

Your so-called "point" is irrelevant.

Your son can't support himself and has to rely on mommy to do it for him?
She should be thanking us for supporting her and her family.

To someone like her that thinks her dependent son deserves it, she doesn't feel the need. She thinks it's owed to him.

@ 26 It's long past time to be making it on your own.....long past time
Really? How old were you when you graduated from school?

Oh right..... Lol

Which degree? The first one, 21 at which point I entered the workforce and started supporting myself.
giving your child health care and an education is wrong? sad day in america....when we are all behind other countries having both and the us paying for it....but damn if we can have it in our own country.....israel in case you dont know that....

If mommy is providing you healthcare at 26, something is wrong. I wish more parents would provide education for their kids. That way, idiots like Bernie Sanders wouldn't think those of us not a kid's parents should pay taxes to do it.

You can have anything you want in this country if YOU pay for it. The problem is too many want things and expects others to fund it.

If I thought Israel was so good, I'd move there. How about you?
What? That the ACA allows my son to be covered on my policy til he's 26?

You say that like its a bad thing. Which I guess when you're a child who has never paid for health insurance might be the case (if you spend all your time in the rightwingnut blogosphere, of course)

Your so-called "point" is irrelevant.

Your son can't support himself and has to rely on mommy to do it for him?
She should be thanking us for supporting her and her family.

To someone like her that thinks her dependent son deserves it, she doesn't feel the need. She thinks it's owed to him.

@ 26 It's long past time to be making it on your own.....long past time

Nice deflection from the thread which is ignorant palinistas whining.

Since YOU mentioned your son would be on your policy until 26, you brought it something now, when addressed by others, is considered a deflection.
I expect the only RW response to this to be "B-b-but Obamacare!" but I'll say it anyway:

Track Palin is 26. He's old enough to drive, drink (simultaneously?), vote, and father a child of his own. He is legally old enough to be tried as an adult, this time.

His behavior notwithstanding, he is not a child.
Hold on under obamacare he is stlil a child. I think it goes to 26, so under your own rules. Screw you!!!!!!

As I said in my first sentence: "I expect the only RW response to this to be 'B-b-but Obamacare!' but I'll say it anyway:"

Y'all would be a lot more credible if you weren't so predictable.
Still doesn't deflect that I'm telling the truth.

What? That the ACA allows my son to be covered on my policy til he's 26?

You say that like its a bad thing. Which I guess when you're a child who has never paid for health insurance might be the case (if you spend all your time in the rightwingnut blogosphere, of course)

Your so-called "point" is irrelevant.

Your son can't support himself and has to rely on mommy to do it for him?
Let's not forget...

Sarah Palin brought up her son, and Sarah Palin politicized her son's predicament by taking shots at Obama off it.

Case closed. You sow the wind you reap the whirlwind.

In the end that is what concerns you, she dared take a shot at your failed Messiah.

How did Obama fail Track Palin?
If mommy is providing you healthcare at 26, something is wrong. I wish more parents would provide education for their kids. That way, idiots like Bernie Sanders wouldn't think those of us not a kid's parents should pay taxes to do it.

Never heard of Graduate School I take it...

Actually, I have TWICE. Interesting thing is when I went both times, I was providing my own insurance to myself and my family. Strange how those who want to do something can find a wayt and those who don't can find an excuse.

Ever heard of Graduate School being a CHOICE not a requirement?
I'm not blaming Track for anything because I haven't heard him mention PTSD as a defense.

Well, you could blame him for hitting his girlfriend... but you're right. We've not heard him trying to excuse his poor behavior, just his mother trying to do it.
Maybe he isn't worried what people like you think.

So that's why Sarah is trying to excuse his horrible behavior AND blaming her son's horrible behavior on the President, because she's worried what "people like me will think"?

odd jillian is being attacked for giving her son an education and health care.....but you defend this bunch of white trash to the hilt....arent these so called kids ....young adults....reflecting the poor ass parenting they have received
I don't care for Palin, but have always felt it was unfair to blame the parents for how their child turned out. Of course there are situations where they are to blame, but I don't see that in Bristol's case. Hell, my mother raised five children, and one turned out to be a piece of shit. Four out of five ain't bad. Sometimes your children stray from how you teach them.
bristol os just following the example set by her mom. she just decided not to marry her babies' fathers.
odd jillian is being attacked for giving her son an education and health care.....but you defend this bunch of white trash to the hilt....arent these so called kids ....young adults....reflecting the poor ass parenting they have received

Jillian is enabling her son to suck the adult tit until 26.

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