Palin on 2016: 'of course' she's interested

Palin thinks we share a border with Afghanistan, She said this regarding the military. :laugh:

"They are also building schools for the Afghan children so that there is hope and opportunity in our neighboring country of Afghanistan."

She was in San Francisco.

All the world is a neighborhood, since we are involved almost everywhere, apparently you are short sighted!
Palin thinks criticism is a violation of your right to free speech. :laugh:

""If [the media] convince enough voters that that is negative campaigning, for me to call Barack Obama out on his associations then I don't know what the future of our country would be in terms of First Amendment rights and our ability to ask questions without fear of attacks by the mainstream media."

Right on! how can the TRUTH be negative, UNLESS it's spun to look so!
How is that messing with your First Amendment rights? Never mind. The fact you actually want this ditz in charge of the country leaves you with no credibility anyway. I think most people will agree on that.
Well, hell, Obuma thinks Hawaii is in Asia....

Palin doesnt even know Hawaii is an island. She thought the Kodiak islands were the biggest islands in the US. :laugh:

And you can actually SEE Russia from Alaska.... you fools keep making fun of the TRUTH!!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I think you miss the point. She was answering the following question.

What insight into Russian actions, particularly during the last couple of weeks, does the proximity of this state give you?”

No, I didn't miss anything except you subversives taking everything out of context when you make fun of a true statement!

You must have missed it. What kind of dimwit answer is that?

One that a dimwit, like yourself, doesn't understand!
Palin thinks criticism is a violation of your right to free speech. :laugh:

""If [the media] convince enough voters that that is negative campaigning, for me to call Barack Obama out on his associations then I don't know what the future of our country would be in terms of First Amendment rights and our ability to ask questions without fear of attacks by the mainstream media."

Right on! how can the TRUTH be negative, UNLESS it's spun to look so!
How is that messing with your First Amendment rights? Never mind. The fact you actually want this ditz in charge of the country leaves you with no credibility anyway. I think most people will agree on that.

Yes, all 2 digit IQers, like yourself, are easily lead by your nose!
1. "As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where– where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border." --Sarah Palin, explaining why Alaska's proximity to Russia gives her foreign policy experience, interview with CBS's Katie Couric, Sept. 24, 2008 (Watch video clip)

2. "Mr. President, the only thing that stops a bad guy with a nuke is a good guy with a nuke." --Sarah Palin, on how President Obama should deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin, CPAC speech, March 8, 2014

3. "The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama's 'death panel' so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their 'level of productivity in society,' whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil." –-Sarah Palin, in a message posted on Facebook about Obama's health care plan, Aug. 7, 2009

4. "All of 'em, any of 'em that have been in front of me over all these years." --Sarah Palin, unable to name a single newspaper or magazine she reads, interview with Katie Couric, CBS News, Oct. 1, 2008 (Watch video clip)

5. "Well, let's see. There's ― of course in the great history of America there have been rulings that there's never going to be absolute consensus by every American, and there are those issues, again, like Roe v. Wade, where I believe are best held on a state level and addressed there. So, you know, going through the history of America, there would be others but ―" --Sarah Palin, unable to name a Supreme Court decision she disagreed with other than Roe vs. Wade, interview with Katie Couric, CBS News, Oct. 1, 2008 (Watch video clip)

6. "'Refudiate,' 'misunderestimate,' 'wee-wee'd up.' English is a living language. Shakespeare liked to coin new words too. Got to celebrate it!'" --a Tweet sent by Sarah Palin in response to being ridiculed for inventing the word "refudiate," proudly mistaking her illiteracy for literary genius, July 18, 2010

7. "He who warned, uh, the British that they weren't gonna be takin' away our arms, uh, by ringing those bells, and um, makin' sure as he's riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be sure and we were going to be free, and we were going to be armed." --Sarah Palin, botching the history of Paul Revere's midnight ride, June 3, 2011

8. "But obviously, we've got to stand with our North Korean allies." --Sarah Palin, after being asked how she would handle the current hostilities between the two Koreas, interview on Glenn Beck's radio show, Nov. 24, 2010

9. "We used to hustle over the border for health care we received in Canada. And I think now, isn't that ironic?" --Sarah Palin, admitting that her family used to get treatment in Canada's single-payer health care system, despite having demonized such government-run programs as socialized medicine that will lead to death-panel-like rationing, March 6, 2010

10. "Ohh, good, thank you, yes." --Sarah Palin, after a notorious Canadian prank caller, posing as French President Nicolas Sarkozy, complimented her on the documentary about her life, Hustler's "Nailin Paylin," Nov. 1, 2008 (Read more about the prank call, watch the video and see the transcript)

Dumb Sarah Palin Quotes - Top 10 Stupid Palin Quotes

Don't forget that Africa is a country, Queen Elizabeth is the head of the British govt and the "Dept of Law in the White House".
Perhaps the Hildebeasts book would have had better sales against Palin's if THIS wasn't the contents...


Funny thing is, that's exactly what Ronnie Ray-Gun said, under oath, about the Iran Contra debacle.

I don't know.
I can't remember.
I don't recall.
I didn't know.

And then, the last one, taken out of context which makes it a lie.


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