Palin on Larry King

Wait until he starts raving about your ability in the marriage bed. You'll get serious goosebumps.
I want you to admit you have the iq of a goat.
Enron, Wall St., AIG are not people, moron. You said "most of you dummies don't take care of each other"....and you were NOT speaking to Enron, Wall Street or AIG.

So name some of us who don't take care of each other.

You are a dimwitted pissant. The sooner you accept that and move towards enlightenment the happier everyone will be.

Ted Stevens. sour grapes here......

How's it feel to lose?

No sour grapes?

LOL Who are you kidding!

Read your posts. Bitching, pissing and moaning ,,,,,,,,,,,, using foul language and calling people foul names!

And your asking someone how it feels to lose?

hahahaha ............ What I don't get is why you can't enjoy winning. Why you are not celebrating the many accomplishments of Obama.

Why you are not helping us to understand the many wise picks he has made thus far and why the are positive for our nation.

That would be an example of someone who has won and has no sour grapes. They would be inviting and informative. Not fearful and abusive like your posts demonstrate.

It's comical, people like you, with this winning attitude. Most of all when it is tossed in the direction of Palin. Out of the four people involved in this past election, she had the least for someone to disagree with. She didn't have the years of baggage like McCain or Biden. And she didn't hail from an environment like Obama, coming out of Chicago politics, which sadly in it's self opens up a lions den, be it warranted or not.

Her record is solid and her approval ratings high. Not once did she govern her personal morals onto those who she worked for. She brought about reform which her employers supported.

Oh and she accepted McCain's offer! Honestly, why shouldn't she? Frankly she would have been an idiot not to. Any of us would.

So yes, now as she is free to speak as she wishes, she is honoring interview requests. Why is she getting the requests? She certainly is not pandering for them, she is simply honoring them. Again, she would be a fool not to. Any of us would be. It not only means a boost in personal income down the road, but, what you and others fail to see, it also will help her state, in other words, those she works for.

Is she the perfect politician? No, of course not. But, she more than fills the shoes she needs to, the shoes she went after. The shoes of her state.

So, after you choke down your sour grapes and find some reality in your thinking, maybe then you can enjoy your victory and focus on the many positive things your vote intended for us and you can share those things with us, as they come to pass in a informative and constructive fashion.

Until then, in regard to this topic, Palin, you are merely showing your ............


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No sour grapes?

LOL Who are you kidding!

Read your posts. Bitching, pissing and moaning ,,,,,,,,,,,, using foul language and calling people foul names!

And your asking someone how it feels to lose?

hahahaha ............ What I don't get is why you can't enjoy winning. Why you are not celebrating the many accomplishments of Obama.

Why you are not helping us to understand the many wise picks he has made thus far and why the are positive for our nation.

That would be an example of someone who has won and has no sour grapes. They would be inviting and informative. Not fearful and abusive like your posts demonstrate.

It's comical, people like you, with this winning attitude. Most of all when it is tossed in the direction of Palin. Out of the four people involved in this past election, she had the least for someone to disagree with. She didn't have the years of baggage like McCain or Biden. And she didn't hail from an environment like Obama, coming out of Chicago politics, which sadly in it's self opens up a lions den, be it warranted or not.

Her record is solid and her approval ratings high. Not once did she govern her personal morals onto those who she worked for. She brought about reform which her employers supported.

Oh and she accepted McCain's offer! Honestly, why shouldn't she? Frankly she would have been an idiot not to. Any of us would.

So yes, now as she is free to speak as she wishes, she is honoring interview requests. Why is she getting the requests? She certainly is not pandering for them, she is simply honoring them. Again, she would be a fool not to. Any of us would be. It not only means a boost in personal income down the road, but, what you and others fail to see, it also will help her state, in other words, those she works for.

Is she the perfect politician? No, of course not. But, she more than fills the shoes she needs to, the shoes she went after. The shoes of her state.

So, after you choke down your sour grapes and find some reality in your thinking, maybe then you can enjoy your victory and focus on the many positive things your vote intended for us and you can share those things with us, as they come to pass in a informative and constructive fashion.

Until then, in regard to this topic, Palin, you are merely showing your ............

Maybe the popular belief is Chicago politics are the worst in the nation, but in actual numbers a recent report showed Alaska has more public corruption then Chicago,IL. I think Chicago,IL ranked 13th among public corruption convictions, with North Dakota being #1..

Of course Alaska's shady political scene was exposed by the Ted Stevens trial.. So contrary to your claim Palin comes from an enviroment of corrupt politics that is worse then Obama's..
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No you stupid ****. I didn't like the look of the due and how he was dressed, because I'd read the name of the fucking company!

No.....I don't watch American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, or Paris Hilton's search for a new BFF. I've got cable, and I prefer to learn stuff from the History Channel and the Discovery Channel.

By the way bitch, I'm not a liberal.

Bwahahahaha , you melt faster than a grilled cheese sandwich.....

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