Palin... Palin... Palin...

Not since the Romans can one find a government that even enters the realm of carnage, war, and genocide that is Germany.

shall we do a bodycount of the american direct genocide victims, starting from slavery over the exradiation of the indians over the collateral victims in korea, cambodia and vietnam to the killed civilians in iraq and afghanistan? And shall we talk about the indirect victims of american policy, the killed and assasinated elected presidents of south america, the providing of the dictators in the middle east? Even Clinton stands in blood up to the knees when he bombed this factory in sudan without any reason.

Add them all up, won't even approach 6 million.

And that was just a 3 year stretch for your motherland.

And we all know, Germans never had slaves, right?

Free advice for you:

If you enjoy preaching to the world about "humanity" and "compassion," lie about where you're from. Knowing you're a German, no one is ever going to take you seriously on those topics or others closely related.

We, the USA have killed way more than 6 million.
No, what's funny is an expert on propaganda cites Fox News alone as America's Pravda.

BTW, there is a lot we don't know about Jared Laughner. His viewing habits are one of them.

Actually, witnesses have been interrviewed saying he did not watch TV or listen to talk radio. He hated the news.
So his viewing habits are as well known as they ever will be.

And being an expert on propoganda means nothing if your sentiments are skewed by your ideology.

A conservative who is an expert on Propoganda would see Fox as un biased and MSNBC as close to Pravda as possible.

Of HAS to be his ideology, not his expertise. Because YOU disagree with his expert opinion.

I don't have any 'witnesses' other than family members when I watch TV, do you?

No...but when someone says that a news channel that the pew research center has deemed to be the most fair and balanced is, close to Pravda, and knowing his expertise, I must assume he is applying his ideology to his statement....not his expertise.

You see, I look deeper into things and dont take them at face value. I apply logic.

As for the TV thing.....are you telling me that you have never said to someone "you see 24 last night?" and they respond with "I dont watch TV".....or you have never said "do you watch fox or MSNBC" and the person responded with "I hate watching the news....I never do"..

Well, that being said, I pretty much know the viewing habbits of many of my friends based on what they say they did or did not watch...and why.

To be honest, I find it hard to believe that you dont know the viewing habits of many of your friends and relatives that you dont live with.
shall we do a bodycount of the american direct genocide victims, starting from slavery over the exradiation of the indians over the collateral victims in korea, cambodia and vietnam to the killed civilians in iraq and afghanistan? And shall we talk about the indirect victims of american policy, the killed and assasinated elected presidents of south america, the providing of the dictators in the middle east? Even Clinton stands in blood up to the knees when he bombed this factory in sudan without any reason.

Add them all up, won't even approach 6 million.

And that was just a 3 year stretch for your motherland.

And we all know, Germans never had slaves, right?

Free advice for you:

If you enjoy preaching to the world about "humanity" and "compassion," lie about where you're from. Knowing you're a German, no one is ever going to take you seriously on those topics or others closely related.

We, the USA have killed way more than 6 million.

Based on what fictional factoids?

Do your fantasies come with links?

Sarah Palin Reloads Again!



Sarah Palin...The Perpetual Victim.



Which Sarah Palin is real, which Sarah Palin do you want America?

Take your pick.
Wow.. gotta love the peace, love and civility lectures from those who spent 8 years calling Bush a "chimp", an "idiot", "stupid", "baby killer"; Cheney was "Satan", Condi Rice was "Aunt Jemimah", Clarence Thomas was "Uncle Tom", Palin is a "retard", referring to her children as "sluts" and "retards", etc.

Bunch of sanctimonious hypocrites these lefties are.
shall we do a bodycount of the american direct genocide victims, starting from slavery over the exradiation of the indians over the collateral victims in korea, cambodia and vietnam to the killed civilians in iraq and afghanistan? And shall we talk about the indirect victims of american policy, the killed and assasinated elected presidents of south america, the providing of the dictators in the middle east? Even Clinton stands in blood up to the knees when he bombed this factory in sudan without any reason.

Add them all up, won't even approach 6 million.

And that was just a 3 year stretch for your motherland.

And we all know, Germans never had slaves, right?

Free advice for you:

If you enjoy preaching to the world about "humanity" and "compassion," lie about where you're from. Knowing you're a German, no one is ever going to take you seriously on those topics or others closely related.

We, the USA have killed way more than 6 million.

Ya gottabreak a few eggs to make a good omellete.

Sarah Palin Reloads Again!



Sarah Palin...The Perpetual Victim.



Which Sarah Palin is real, which Sarah Palin do you want America?

Take your pick.

Hey MarcAtl.....who designed that "ad" of Palin with the gun? Was it the Palin camp, or some anti Palin group or person?

Seriously...I was wondering.
Wow.. gotta love the peace, love and civility lectures from those who spent 8 years calling Bush a "chimp", an "idiot", "stupid", "baby killer"; Cheney was "Satan", Condi Rice was "Aunt Jemimah", Clarence Thomas was "Uncle Tom", Palin is a "retard", referring to her children as "sluts" and "retards", etc.

Bunch of sanctimonious hypocrites these lefties are.

Hey MarcAtl.....who designed that "ad" of Palin with the gun? Was it the Palin camp, or some anti Palin group or person?

Seriously...I was wondering.
Sarah and her campaign designed and ran the following ad/Assassination List:

The use of inflamatory imagery and rhetoric in political campaigns does indeed lead the mentally unstable to believe that actions described in the rhetoric are acceptable. And Conservatives are far more prone to use such rhetoric and imagery. In fact, on these boards we see that in spades. An example of what Political Chic posted on the global warming board;

Now, this one looks really, really accurate...

NightStalker - 12 Shot Semi-Auto, Airsource Powered Blowback Pellet Rifle
Retail: $145.56
Our Price: $99.99
You Save: $45.57 (31%)

Email to a Friend
SKU: PY-734
Availability: Usually ships the next business day

Caliber: 0.177" Velocity: 580 FPS Manufactured by Crosman Limited 1 year warranty


One of the coolest tactical rifles made today! The Crosman NightStalker is a whole new ballgame, because it's the first semiautomatic pellet rifle with blowback action. Not just another pretty face, the sci-fi design of the ergonomic synthetic stock is a reflection of the technology and thought that went into making this rifle.

Crosman's unique Mohawk sighting system includes a rear aperture sight with two hole sizes, and you can quickly switch from one to the other by flipping the sight. No tools required! Plus, the front sight is also adjustable! You'll acquire targets much quicker. If you like scopes, red dots or lasers, you can easily mount one on the 11mm dovetails. Powered by an AirSource CO2 cartridge, the rifle will give you up to 350 shots

Now what does this have to do with global warming, and why post it?
It's not our fault some of you are too stupid to "separate" images and speech.

I wonder how many people drive by a TARGET store see their sign, and say, hey that sign is telling me to out and kill a bunch of people.
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Sarah Palin's presidential hopes surely can't survive this assassin's bullet

Don't be absurd.

The right wing propagada machine is ALREADY making Sarah THE REAL VICTIM of this nutter.

And plenty of her partisans ALREADY think she was the real victim of this event, too.

Have you, or have you not, been reading their whining rationalizations about how they being blamed for this event?

The SPIN MASTERS are working overtime to capitalize on this tragedy.

Didn't you hear? A serving US Congresswoman got her blains brown out in an attempted political assassination attempt, along with the deaths of a sitting Federal Judge and about 5 other US citizens in the politically motivated attack, including a 9 year old child who was there to meet one of her role models, the target...Gabrielle Gifford, who's laying unconcious in a hospital bed in Arizona FIGHTING FOR HER LIFE.

But yes, Sarah Palin...the instigator who drew Cross-Hairs on a map of the USA that listed as a target Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford, is THE victim in all this.

Poor Sawah!


Sarah Palin's presidential hopes surely can't survive this assassin's bullet

Don't be absurd.

The right wing propagada machine is ALREADY making Sarah THE REAL VICTIM of this nutter.

And plenty of her partisans ALREADY think she was the real victim of this event, too.

Have you, or have you not, been reading their whining rationalizations about how they being blamed for this event?

The SPIN MASTERS are working overtime to capitalize on this tragedy.

Didn't you hear? A serving US Congresswoman got her blains brown out in an attempted political assassination attempt, along with the deaths of a sitting Federal Judge and about 5 other US citizens in the politically motivated attack, including a 9 year old child who was there to meet one of her role models, the target...Gabrielle Gifford, who's laying unconcious in a hospital bed in Arizona FIGHTING FOR HER LIFE.

But yes, Sarah Palin...the instigator who drew Cross-Hairs on a map of the USA that listed as a target Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford, is THE victim in all this.

Poor Sawah!



Didn't you see the CBS poll, the majority of people ain't buying all your alls bullshit, but hey we know that ain't gonna stop you from lying and making up dumb shit..too bad for you, nobody is listening.
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Seriously.. only pansies like MarcATL get their thongs in a bunch over metaphor and symbolism.

And BTW.. Bob Beckel admitted the "Cross hairs" thang... he invented it. So MarcATL, pull your thong out your ass crack and stop being such an emotional train wreck over non-issues. Strap on a set; it'll do ya good.
Actually, Ravi's thought process would come across more valid if Palin posted it right before the service. It was over 12 hours before.

No...Ravis point was not proven by anything, It is a possibility, yes, but it is just as likely not at all related.....and only one with reason and or desire to blast Palin would come up with that theory.
12 hours is a good lead time to have it go viral and be THE topic of conversation. Sarah Palin has succeeded in making herself a her followers. At the expense of those that are suffering.

LOL, oh BROTHER, my sides ache from laughter.:lol::lol::lol:

First she is ACCUSED of hiding, then when she does make a statement she is MAKING HERESELF a Martyr..
You people just can't decide which way you all wanna go.. took her FOUR DAYS to gather her thoughts.

That's what-it-was.


(No wonder she's so sharp at foreign-policy.
Hey MarcAtl.....who designed that "ad" of Palin with the gun? Was it the Palin camp, or some anti Palin group or person?

Seriously...I was wondering.
Sarah and her campaign designed and ran the following ad/Assassination List:


no different than the one the DNC ran in 2004.

But my question had to do with the one with the rifle.

Who designed that? Plain and or her camp? Or some anti Palin group or person?
Palin can go fuck herself. i hope public perception nails her for this shooting.
I hope public perception nails anyone using reloading, guns and any other type of rhetoric, left or right.
Those people who Use it are embarrassing to the nation and should be mocked off the stage. This includes. Obama, Palin, rightwing radio, fox, MSNBC, Bloggers and regular internet board posters.

Is Palin to blame for the shooting? No. Yet her being linked to the shooting because in hindsight a poorly thought out poster, doesn't make me shed any tears.

And yet the Palinbots will defend her, and wont even admit the poster is in poor taste. they will buy her Excuse she is peddling about as to what the symbols now mean. They will repeat this as if it was a fact. They will ignore her words that have been quoted. Ignore words from others in order to deflect onto the left and what they have said.

which in the end will solve nothing. Nothing will have been accomplished out of this shooting, outside of a few people dead and a Congress woman with less brain.
That is honestly the saddest thing that can happen. People drawing their lines in the sand and not being adult about this.

The poster wasnt in bad tastes. It's a campaign poster pinpointing which candidates her group was targeting for election purposes. Nothing violent about it.

Palin can go fuck herself

Im sure many abled body men in the world will gladly support this one if there's video. But the rest of your assertions are supportable by honest people.
It's funny how most sane people (Jared Laughner did not watch or listen to FOX) think FOX is the only news organization that gives us a fair and objective look at the news.

Nor apparently did he watch the News or listen to talk radio according to his friends.

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