Palin... Palin... Palin...

There is no evidence the shooter was NOT infuenced by Palin, Limbaugh or other divisive voices from the far right, or the far left for that matter. There are some words uttered and symbols posted which suggest a greater liklihood any influence which may have had a cause for the shooting came from the right.

wow, you went all around that just to come around to BLAMING THE RIGHT..
I won't beat around the Bush and say, BULLSHIT, K

Please feel free and enjoy calling BS; you're one of the dumber members of the echo chamber but thanks for sharing.

awwww, u jest urt me witttle fweeelings.:boobies::ssex::funnyface:
I started kidding but I think we really need to Deprogramming Centers for the American Left, they're like Hitler Youth on steroids

They resemble zombies to me, vomiting out the DEMOCRAT PARTY lines over and over and over.
wow, you went all around that just to come around to BLAMING THE RIGHT..
I won't beat around the Bush and say, BULLSHIT, K

Please feel free and enjoy calling BS; you're one of the dumber members of the echo chamber but thanks for sharing.

awwww, u jest urt me witttle fweeelings.:boobies::ssex::funnyface:

It's funny. The echo which that troll hears the most is the one made when intelligent thoughts are heard by him but then bounce around, pointlessly, inside his skull.
As is (sadly) ALWAYS the case, Fly Catcher lies. I stated my opinion just as the OP "declared" that act of Loughner 'makes a Palin presidential bid an impossibility.' Idiot liars like Fly Catcher are fond of making or endorsing such claims (unconcerned with evidence, truth-value or logic) but then hypocritically insist that anybody who expresses disagreement is bound by formal rules of logic and proof.

This is why Fly Catcher has no credibility.

Meanwhile, there is absolutely not one tiny shred of any evidence of any kind whatsoever linking anything said or done by Gov. Palin to Loughner's actions.

But go on trying to exploit this tragedy for your cheap as partisan liberal political benefit, you tawdry hack.

Yeah, shithead. It is SOMETIMES true that words do have consequences. You ought to give some thought to applying that kernel of truth to your own behavior. But, you won't. You are far too determined to be the hypocritical gasbag lying lib you always are.

There is no evidence the shooter was NOT infuenced by Palin, Limbaugh or other divisive voices from the far right, or the far left for that matter. There are some words uttered and symbols posted which suggest a greater liklihood any influence which may have had a cause for the shooting came from the right.

There need be no evidence of the non-existence of any such relationship. YOu or the tools whose bullshit you applaud like a trained seal carry the burden of proof or persuasion when you assert that there is some connection.

You are utterly unable to meet the simplest standard of logic, so like the pussy lying sack of crap you always are, you now seek to switch the burden.

There is nothing in the use of a crosshairs symbol -- used in the manner of common rhetoric to say this politician can be defeated at the polls -- that suggests that Loughner was influenced to commit murder by it. In fact, if there were even any evidence that he'd ever SEEN it at all, you'd be on the very first tiny step along that path you set out to march. But there isn't even that much evidence. And you know it. Se all see it clearly.

Fly Catcher, as always, you are once again fully exposed as a cheap ass lying partisan hack hypocritical lib tool.

LIEability, why must you resort to hyperbole, isn't lying sufficient? I did not assert a connection (maybe you're not bright enough to comprehend the written word?) so I will quote what I wrote but type the words very slowly so you may this time comprehend.

"There is no evidence the shooter was NOT infuenced by Palin, Limbaugh or other divisive voices from the far right, or the far left for that matter. There are some words uttered and symbols posted which suggest a greater liklihood any influence which may have had a cause for the shooting came from the right."

A cause does not imply a single constituent, many events have multiple antecedants. To dismiss any without careful consideration or because one is biased or believes their messiah is being attacked is stupid or partisan. Of course asserting the contrary that the only, or even one, of the possible antecedents is a proximate cause is also stupid or highly partisan.
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Remind me again why we should give a shit what Europe thinks about our affairs...?

For the same reasons the Founders did: Because ignoring the rest of the world is a sure fire recipe for disaster.

europe is only interesting to the USA when it needs cover for an invasion of a sovereign nation.

and when parts of europe don't provide cover, they get smeared and labeled "old".

sorry, i was in my engeneering school, so i couldn´t follow the discussion.

that´s another thing. i noticed in another thread that i feel blamed and shameful that it was one of our "informant", who gave the bush 2 administration the reasons to run over iraq. The stories about "rolling gas producing laboratouries" and many more have been the lies of one greedy iraqui traitor named "curveball". His wild stories were given unproofed from the german information service to the CIA, the result was the invasion with all of its casualties.

Being critical to his own country isn´t a betrayal here. We feel in germany this as an act of patriotism to look very carefully what our leaders are doing. We´ve learned our lesson.

Did you know that the name of the german secret service is "MAD"? Nomen est omen....

but i think we´re slowly too far from topic.
more attacks on sarah palin.

why can't you leave her alone?

because palin can attack obama and mrs obama and the obama girls but NOBODY had better say ANYTHING BAD about our queen!

if palin and limbaugh and beck and YOU have a right to be vitriolic about liberals and dems then libs and dems have the SAME RIGHT to tekk the truth about you and palin

what has palin said about mrs. obama and the girls? please enlighten all of us

Didn't she call them nappy-headed hos on her morning radio show?
There is no evidence the shooter was NOT infuenced by Palin, Limbaugh or other divisive voices from the far right, or the far left for that matter. There are some words uttered and symbols posted which suggest a greater liklihood any influence which may have had a cause for the shooting came from the right.

There need be no evidence of the non-existence of any such relationship. YOu or the tools whose bullshit you applaud like a trained seal carry the burden of proof or persuasion when you assert that there is some connection.

You are utterly unable to meet the simplest standard of logic, so like the pussy lying sack of crap you always are, you now seek to switch the burden.

There is nothing in the use of a crosshairs symbol -- used in the manner of common rhetoric to say this politician can be defeated at the polls -- that suggests that Loughner was influenced to commit murder by it. In fact, if there were even any evidence that he'd ever SEEN it at all, you'd be on the very first tiny step along that path you set out to march. But there isn't even that much evidence. And you know it. Se all see it clearly.

Fly Catcher, as always, you are once again fully exposed as a cheap ass lying partisan hack hypocritical lib tool.

LIEability, why must you resort to hyperbole, isn't lying sufficient? I did not assert a connection (maybe you're not bright enough to comprehend the written word?) so I will quote what I wrote but type the words very slowly so you may this time comprehend.

"There is no evidence the shooter was NOT infuenced by Palin, Limbaugh or other divisive voices from the far right, or the far left for that matter. There are some words uttered and symbols posted which suggest a greater liklihood any influence which may have had a cause for the shooting came from the right."

A cause does not imply a single constituent, many events have multiple antecedants. To dismiss any without careful consideration or because one is biased or believes their messiah is being attacked is stupid or partisan. Of course asserting the contrary that the only, or even one, of the possible antecedents is a proximate cause is also stupid or highly partisan.

You are an exposed lying bag of pus, at this point Fly Catcher. You are now not only exposed as a liar, but as an increasingly desperate one.

We all get it. You are a partisan hack troll.

But you should try honesty someday.

The entire left-wing orchestrated canard du jour (constituting undeniable and hideously cynical exploitation of the tragedy in Tuscon) is that the incivility of modern political discourse somehow "caused" Jared Loughner's behavior. :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :cuckoo:

You are a liar and a scumbag troll because you and your fellow dishonest uber libs cannot back that contention up.

We used to get taught that sticks and stone can break our bones but NAMES can never hurt us. You dishonest uber-lib hypocritical trollish filthy liars would have us accept the new version: words can cause people to do outrageous things so we must ban words.

Fuck yourself. Those of us on the RIGHT will stand by the First Amendment and mock you all the more when you try to impose limits on the speech you don't like. Your hypocrisy is revealed all over the airwaves. When lying partisan hack troll fucks like that assclown Ed Schulz and the despicable Bill Maher can say the nasty bullshit they spew -- all without a whimper from you hypocritical asshole uber-libs -- you have no chance of ever achieving any hint of credibility, fuckface.

I just don't see it... how people can like this woman.
I've been reading these threads since the weekend, and I have yet to see one shred of proof where the words of another was the cause of Loughner's actions. Or, a shred of proof where he was a left wingnut, or a right wingnut. All I've seen is a lot of projecting for political points. :dunno:

All I have seen is for this tragedy to be used by both sides as bickerpoints in their neverending twatplay.
Really...I would like to know how and when Sara Palin insulted or ridiculed the Obama children.
I am sure she criticized Michelle for things such as her extravagent trip to Europe...warranted or not, such is politics...but exactly what has she said about the children?
You have it bas-ackward Bfgrn. You and your left wing (Soros inspired?) blogs have been throwing kerosene on the political fire for the last two years. Too bad you don't have the capacity for reasoning to understand it.

If I need to hear propaganda, I'll tune in to Fox news here at home.

I heard Ray McGovern, a retired CIA agent whose expertise was the old Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc countries say the propaganda coming out of Fox News is at the same level as Pravda. But I suspect most Russians knew Pravda was propaganda.

How would the Russians know? Did the Soviets have a dozen other media outlets picking apart Pravda 24/7, as happens with Fox?

Oh, and Pravda was an arm of the government, like, say MSNBC or NPR.

It's funny how most sane people (Jared Laughner did not watch or listen to FOX) think FOX is the only news organization that gives us a fair and objective look at the news.
I started kidding but I think we really need to Deprogramming Centers for the American Left, they're like Hitler Youth on steroids

They resemble zombies to me, vomiting out the DEMOCRAT PARTY lines over and over and over.
Sounds like you "conservatives" have experienced too-many o' those fast-stops.



(Project your bio, much???? :rolleyes: )​
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Really...I would like to know how and when Sara Palin insulted or ridiculed the Obama children.
I am sure she criticized Michelle for things such as her extravagent trip to Europe...warranted or not, such is politics...but exactly what has she said about the children?

If one was to say "Palin has special needs children", would that be insulting to her family?
Another day, another opportunity for all the deadheads to slam on Palin... Seems like there is more than enough of that going on. Some people are unable to hide their fears.
Much of her 'speech' or whatever it was was quite well written. Whoever wrote it deserves credit where credit is due.

A simple gesture of contrition was what was missing. I don't mean she had to publicly flog herself bloody with a scourge, just at least a passing acknowledgment that her crosshairs map wasn't the best of ideas.[/QUOTE]

Why should she acknowledge that?

It was not a bad idea. In typical presentations in business, crosshairs is used as a way to show "target" areas....
The DNC used targets in the same way in 2004.

We can find a way to say just about anything is a bad idea if we want.

I am sorry...but to admit fault when such fault did not exist is foolish...especially in politics.
Really...I would like to know how and when Sara Palin insulted or ridiculed the Obama children.
I am sure she criticized Michelle for things such as her extravagent trip to Europe...warranted or not, such is politics...but exactly what has she said about the children?

If one was to say "Palin has special needs children", would that be insulting to her family?

Not at all. I never said it was.
For someone to say that she is no more intelligent than her special needs child...that would be an inappropriate it is insulting both the mother and the child and the child should not be used as an object of insult.
If one would say "she is as dumb as nails"...that is an appropriate insult....and expressing an opinion.
I'm not a fan of Palin and she wouldn't get my vote for anything. But I won't degrade her on anything for she's a non-entity for me. Why do liberals have such a fascination for her? Ignore her and maybe she will go away.

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