Palin... Palin... Palin...

Thank God she will speak up while the Failure in the White House is busy planning his next vacation
Yeah.....Big Bad Mama Grizzly is gettin' all Old School on Dems, huh????

"And To Gutless GOP Establishment Who Watches In Silence The Blood Libel Against @SarahPalinUSA. We Will Remember" - Andrew Breitbart


(Does anyone know whether-or-not Andy "carries"???? :eusa_eh: )​
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Seriously? Why would a majority of the American people vote for someone divisive? Even if she were interested in learning the art of diplomacy, she has alienated most Democrats, most journalists, academia and our allies and advisaries around the world.
What would she bring to the Oval Office? As well as I can see little more than platitudes and the 'talent' to demagogue issues.

Are you talking about Palin?

Or Obama?

NO ONE could be more divisive than our current president. It is an impossibility, because to go beyond where he is, you actually begin to unite all sides against your stance.

That sounds like Palin.
Lieability pretends to know the truth. As is the case on all issues he offers his opinion, biased as it is, as an immutable truth.
No one knows what was in the mind of the killer, we know only the results of his actions. We also know, as Congresswoman Gifford's said, words have consequences.

As is (sadly) ALWAYS the case, Fly Catcher lies. I stated my opinion just as the OP "declared" that act of Loughner 'makes a Palin presidential bid an impossibility.' Idiot liars like Fly Catcher are fond of making or endorsing such claims (unconcerned with evidence, truth-value or logic) but then hypocritically insist that anybody who expresses disagreement is bound by formal rules of logic and proof.

This is why Fly Catcher has no credibility.

Meanwhile, there is absolutely not one tiny shred of any evidence of any kind whatsoever linking anything said or done by Gov. Palin to Loughner's actions.

But go on trying to exploit this tragedy for your cheap as partisan liberal political benefit, you tawdry hack.

Yeah, shithead. It is SOMETIMES true that words do have consequences. You ought to give some thought to applying that kernel of truth to your own behavior. But, you won't. You are far too determined to be the hypocritical gasbag lying lib you always are.

There is no evidence the shooter was NOT infuenced by Palin, Limbaugh or other divisive voices from the far right, or the far left for that matter. There are some words uttered and symbols posted which suggest a greater liklihood any influence which may have had a cause for the shooting came from the right.

wow, you went all around that just to come around to BLAMING THE RIGHT..
I won't beat around the Bush and say, BULLSHIT, K
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There is no evidence the shooter was NOT infuenced by Palin, Limbaugh or other divisive voices from the far right, or the far left for that matter. There are some words uttered and symbols posted which suggest a greater liklihood any influence which may have had a cause for the shooting came from the right.

Your kidding ?? right??

This is an example of what is wrong. Actually there is much evidence to the contrary,just read his writings,all over the place and very very confused.He was pissed long before Palin hit the news.
The people who hate her now are the same ones who hated her before. I defy you to find anyone new who hates Sarah Palin as a result of this, who didn't hate her two years ago.

I challenge you to find anyone outside the lunatic fringe that supports her now for POTUS.
I didn't even know what blood libel referred to until today. Given in the context of her speech, lets quote it again..

If you don’t like their ideas, you’re free to propose better ideas. But, especially within hours of a tragedy unfolding, journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood libel that serves only to incite the very hatred and violence they purport to condemn. That is reprehensible.

Is she referring to anyone who is Jewish here? I think not. It doesn't seem to me that she is at all referring to anyone who is Jewish. Context, folks, context. We all can miss it sometimes. Yes, perhaps maybe not the wisest choice of words.... but moreover...can any one of us cast the first stone? Can anyone one of us say, we have always chosen the best words?

And Palin being falsely accused and attacked as she was through a horrific tragedy, I cannot imagine. These families are in mourning, suffering and need our thoughts and prayers. All the while, many in the country is gone "chaotic" (not even sure of the right choice of words here myself) trying to place blame. We might as well blame our TV's, video games, internet , etc. Besides that, I've seen the demo sites where they had the same type of "targets" for their political agendas.

Neither the Left or the Right are to blame, this should not be made into a political agenda, that is horrible and so sad.

It was the evil actions of this one man alone. And we are suffering because of it, some more than I can imagine.

Sarah Palin is a voice in the country, she may not be perfect, some may not agree with her views, but she is not anti-semitic, obviously by her quote.

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understood......was it contraband or not?

link for this:

"Your country sure got slapped in the ol kisser after Iraq was taken over and they found contraband from Germany. Your a prize, 'Kraut."

iraq was "taken over" in 2003.

yeah, I'm still lookin', there was france russia and germany that got caught. search engines bury stuff like this

2002, caught by german press and UN reports, not a surprise either.

Iraqi Report Could Prove Damaging to Germany | Current Affairs | Deutsche Welle | 17.12.2002
There is no evidence the shooter was NOT infuenced by Palin, Limbaugh or other divisive voices from the far right, or the far left for that matter. There are some words uttered and symbols posted which suggest a greater liklihood any influence which may have had a cause for the shooting came from the right.

Your kidding ?? right??

This is an example of what is wrong. Actually there is much evidence to the contrary,just read his writings,all over the place and very very confused.He was pissed long before Palin hit the news.

Jared Loughner’s friend says suspect ‘Did not watch TV … disliked the news’

But he did like music. Anti Flag was one of the punk bands he liked.
ANTI-FLAG LYRICS - Want An Anarchy
Who hates her now that didn't hate her two years ago?

Who supports her now?

Winning the office isn't just about not being hated, it's about the support you bring too. Most folks knew prior to this that Palin was a political animal and a world class idiot. What you'll find is that people who didn't like Palin before now will probably never give her a second chance. You'll likely find that people who weren't sure of her before aren't likely to give her a chance now (which is not at all the same as "hate"). I'd imagine that some of her supporters now are rethinking things.

Palin knows she screwed up here. That's why she's scrubbed her twitter feeds, websites, and facebook pages. That's why she feels this reply is necessary.

Again, Palin is in no way legally responsible, but in American politics you don't have to be responsible to reap the consequences.
You have it bas-ackward Bfgrn. You and your left wing (Soros inspired?) blogs have been throwing kerosene on the political fire for the last two years.
Kerosene??? :eusa_eh:'s (still) more-commonly-referred-to as SUCCESS!!!!


Provide a shred of evidence any election was ever stolen.

we haven´t forgotten the election from 2000 and entire europe hasn´t any doubts that this election was a shame for your country.
Remind me again why we should give a shit what Europe thinks about our affairs...?

For the same reasons the Founders did: Because ignoring the rest of the world is a sure fire recipe for disaster.
So she needs her speech censored?

She's free to say whatever the hell she wants. She's also free to reap the repercussions of it.

I don't think she was a serious candidate for POTUS before, but this practically seals it. Palin is in no way legally responsible for what happened in Arizona, but things like this still have a way of coming home to roost. Just ask Huckabee and (iirc) Mondale.

Again, so that no one can misundestand the point:

Palin is in no way legally responsible for what happened in Arizona, butt the choise of words she used leading up to this is likely to sink her chances in politics for a long ways to come.

Demorats are the most dishonest people on earth. Pathetic, sad, and losers.
Palin throws much kerosene on herself.

However, she is, so far, the "Teflon Queen".

This is something you can't buy and she has it so far.

Look at Charlie Sheen to see this concept turned to reality.
we haven´t forgotten the election from 2000 and entire europe hasn´t any doubts that this election was a shame for your country.
Remind me again why we should give a shit what Europe thinks about our affairs...?

For the same reasons the Founders did: Because ignoring the rest of the world is a sure fire recipe for disaster.

europe is only interesting to the USA when it needs cover for an invasion of a sovereign nation.

and when parts of europe don't provide cover, they get smeared and labeled "old".
Lieability pretends to know the truth. As is the case on all issues he offers his opinion, biased as it is, as an immutable truth.
No one knows what was in the mind of the killer, we know only the results of his actions. We also know, as Congresswoman Gifford's said, words have consequences.

As is (sadly) ALWAYS the case, Fly Catcher lies. I stated my opinion just as the OP "declared" that act of Loughner 'makes a Palin presidential bid an impossibility.' Idiot liars like Fly Catcher are fond of making or endorsing such claims (unconcerned with evidence, truth-value or logic) but then hypocritically insist that anybody who expresses disagreement is bound by formal rules of logic and proof.

This is why Fly Catcher has no credibility.

Meanwhile, there is absolutely not one tiny shred of any evidence of any kind whatsoever linking anything said or done by Gov. Palin to Loughner's actions.

But go on trying to exploit this tragedy for your cheap as partisan liberal political benefit, you tawdry hack.

Yeah, shithead. It is SOMETIMES true that words do have consequences. You ought to give some thought to applying that kernel of truth to your own behavior. But, you won't. You are far too determined to be the hypocritical gasbag lying lib you always are.

There is no evidence the shooter was NOT infuenced by Palin, Limbaugh or other divisive voices from the far right, or the far left for that matter. There are some words uttered and symbols posted which suggest a greater liklihood any influence which may have had a cause for the shooting came from the right.

There need be no evidence of the non-existence of any such relationship. YOu or the tools whose bullshit you applaud like a trained seal carry the burden of proof or persuasion when you assert that there is some connection.

You are utterly unable to meet the simplest standard of logic, so like the pussy lying sack of crap you always are, you now seek to switch the burden.

There is nothing in the use of a crosshairs symbol -- used in the manner of common rhetoric to say this politician can be defeated at the polls -- that suggests that Loughner was influenced to commit murder by it. In fact, if there were even any evidence that he'd ever SEEN it at all, you'd be on the very first tiny step along that path you set out to march. But there isn't even that much evidence. And you know it. Se all see it clearly.

Fly Catcher, as always, you are once again fully exposed as a cheap ass lying partisan hack hypocritical lib tool.

The talk in political circles has been that Sarah Palin had a rare opportunity in the wake of the Tucson tragedy to reach out beyond her base and recalibrate her image beyond that of a gun-toting mama grizzly.

After all, the strategists said, there was some sympathy for her—beyond the Palin-haters—for being tied to the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords, even if she had erred with her “reload” talk and by posting that map with the gun-sight targets last year.

In a nearly eight-minute video, Sarah Palin says “journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood libel that serves only to incite the very hatred and violence.” Howard Kurtz on her un-presidential move.

The talk in political circles has been that Sarah Palin had a rare opportunity in the wake of the Tucson tragedy to reach out beyond her base and recalibrate her image beyond that of a gun-toting mama grizzly.

After all, the strategists said, there was some sympathy for her—beyond the Palin-haters—for being tied to the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords, even if she had erred with her “reload” talk and by posting that map with the gun-sight targets last year.

Instead, Palin chose to throw kerosene on the embers of a smoldering national controversy.

Whole article

Without debate, without criticism, no Administration and no country can succeed -- and no republic can survive. That is why the Athenian lawmaker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy. And that is why our press was protected by the First Amendment -- the only business in America specifically protected by the Constitution -- not primarily to amuse and entertain, not to emphasize the trivial and the sentimental, not to simply "give the public what it wants" -- but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crises and our choices, to lead, mold, educate, and sometimes even anger public opinion.

President John F. Kennedy - 27 April 1961

Let me get this straight. Its ok for liberals to use the blood of the innocent victems in a horrible event to falsly slander conservatives in the effort to silence their speech, but it is not ok for conservatives to defend themselves from the obvious false, unfactual, unbased, unproven, preempted before they even knew who did it, slanderous attack, because that is an attempt to silence the speech of their opposition.
I think the term you're grasping-for is Precedence......"for conservatives to defend themselves from Precedence."

As is (sadly) ALWAYS the case, Fly Catcher lies. I stated my opinion just as the OP "declared" that act of Loughner 'makes a Palin presidential bid an impossibility.' Idiot liars like Fly Catcher are fond of making or endorsing such claims (unconcerned with evidence, truth-value or logic) but then hypocritically insist that anybody who expresses disagreement is bound by formal rules of logic and proof.

This is why Fly Catcher has no credibility.

Meanwhile, there is absolutely not one tiny shred of any evidence of any kind whatsoever linking anything said or done by Gov. Palin to Loughner's actions.

But go on trying to exploit this tragedy for your cheap as partisan liberal political benefit, you tawdry hack.

Yeah, shithead. It is SOMETIMES true that words do have consequences. You ought to give some thought to applying that kernel of truth to your own behavior. But, you won't. You are far too determined to be the hypocritical gasbag lying lib you always are.

There is no evidence the shooter was NOT infuenced by Palin, Limbaugh or other divisive voices from the far right, or the far left for that matter. There are some words uttered and symbols posted which suggest a greater liklihood any influence which may have had a cause for the shooting came from the right.

wow, you went all around that just to come around to BLAMING THE RIGHT..
I won't beat around the Bush and say, BULLSHIT, K

Please feel free and enjoy calling BS; you're one of the dumber members of the echo chamber but thanks for sharing.
I started kidding but I think we really need to Deprogramming Centers for the American Left, they're like Hitler Youth on steroids

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