Palin... Palin... Palin...

I'm not a fan of Palin and she wouldn't get my vote for anything. But I won't degrade her on anything for she's a non-entity for me. Why do liberals have such a fascination for her? Ignore her and maybe she will go away.

You are not afraid of her. That is why you can ignore her.
Provide a shred of evidence any election was ever stolen.

we haven´t forgotten the election from 2000 and entire europe hasn´t any doubts that this election was a shame for your country.
Remind me again why we should give a shit what Europe thinks about our affairs...?

i remember you this when the next president asks again for german troops, arms, money or anything else for another daffy war.
I guess with today's memorial service in Tucson, she was afraid the limelight was off her victimhood.

She was not attacked?

Thanks for proving Ravi's point.

Actually, Ravi's thought process would come across more valid if Palin posted it right before the service. It was over 12 hours before.

No...Ravis point was not proven by anything, It is a possibility, yes, but it is just as likely not at all related.....and only one with reason and or desire to blast Palin would come up with that theory.
How would the Russians know? Did the Soviets have a dozen other media outlets picking apart Pravda 24/7, as happens with Fox?

Oh, and Pravda was an arm of the government, like, say MSNBC or NPR.

It's funny how most sane people (Jared Laughner did not watch or listen to FOX) think FOX is the only news organization that gives us a fair and objective look at the news.

No, what's funny is an expert on propaganda cites Fox News alone as America's Pravda.

BTW, there is a lot we don't know about Jared Laughner. His viewing habits are one of them.

Actually, witnesses have been interrviewed saying he did not watch TV or listen to talk radio. He hated the news.
So his viewing habits are as well known as they ever will be.

And being an expert on propoganda means nothing if your sentiments are skewed by your ideology.

A conservative who is an expert on Propoganda would see Fox as un biased and MSNBC as close to Pravda as possible.
Another day, another opportunity for all the deadheads to slam on Palin... Seems like there is more than enough of that going on. Some people are unable to hide their fears.
'Tis true......​

"When a campaign aide gingerly asked Todd whether Sarah should consider taking psychiatric medication to control her moods, Todd responded that she “just needed to run and work out more.” Her anger kept boiling over, however, and eventually the fits of rage came every day. Then, just as suddenly, her temper would be gone. Palin would apologize and promise to be nicer. Within hours, she would be screaming again. At the end of one long day, when Palin was mid-tirade, a campaign aide remembers thinking, “You were an angel all night. Now you’re a devil. Where did this come from

Bi-polar people should NOT have access to weapons!!!!!​
Palin is a Republican GODDESS. She's got the balls and the guns to run this country like a man, even though she's a sexy woman.

Open your eyes America! Palin is the future in 2012. It can't come soon enough.
The Conservatives are busy using hyperbole in reaction to this Tuscon blow back. No one wants to silence the Right wing pundits. No one wants to censor speech.

But, as Conservatives have an affinity to the martial pageantry of the military and weaponry, they use this to make whatever points they want. It matters little what the topic: social issues like Gay rights and abortion or policy issues like entitlements, Conservatives tend toward using weaponry and the accouterments associated with it to make their points.

Conservatives also decry the 'coarsening of the culture' all while using inflammatory language and martial imagery.

Then, SURPRISE politics gets violent.

Then the Conservatives shout about how the Left (that evil monolithic presence they churn up in paranoid glee) wants to silence their 'right' to free speech.

Just use discretion and good taste when making your argument. Bag the cross-hairs, the reload and take aim rhetoric. You'll appeal to more than the mouth breathing idiots who think politics is actually equivalent to rooting for sports teams and you'll make a more cohesive and coherent argument.
we haven´t forgotten the election from 2000 and entire europe hasn´t any doubts that this election was a shame for your country.
Remind me again why we should give a shit what Europe thinks about our affairs...?

i remember you this when the next president asks again for german troops, arms, money or anything else for another daffy war.

Yeah! Krauts only REALLY get behind brutal, savage, and that really SANE kind of war.
Each country deserves his leaders. If Bush wasn´t enough, she´ll find her way. The americans accepted a stolen election once, why they shouldn´t do it again? Sharron Angel already tattled.

Provide a shred of evidence any election was ever stolen.

we haven´t forgotten the election from 2000 and entire europe hasn´t any doubts that this election was a shame for your country.
This doesn't qualify as a shred of evidence.
She was not attacked?

Thanks for proving Ravi's point.

Actually, Ravi's thought process would come across more valid if Palin posted it right before the service. It was over 12 hours before.

No...Ravis point was not proven by anything, It is a possibility, yes, but it is just as likely not at all related.....and only one with reason and or desire to blast Palin would come up with that theory.
12 hours is a good lead time to have it go viral and be THE topic of conversation. Sarah Palin has succeeded in making herself a her followers. At the expense of those that are suffering.
Thanks for proving Ravi's point.

Actually, Ravi's thought process would come across more valid if Palin posted it right before the service. It was over 12 hours before.

No...Ravis point was not proven by anything, It is a possibility, yes, but it is just as likely not at all related.....and only one with reason and or desire to blast Palin would come up with that theory.
12 hours is a good lead time to have it go viral and be THE topic of conversation. Sarah Palin has succeeded in making herself a her followers. At the expense of those that are suffering.

LOL, oh BROTHER, my sides ache from laughter.:lol::lol::lol:

First she is ACCUSED of hiding, then when she does make a statement she is MAKING HERESELF a Martyr..
You people just can't decide which way you all wanna go..
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Not since the Romans can one find a government that even enters the realm of carnage, war, and genocide that is Germany.

shall we do a bodycount of the american direct genocide victims, starting from slavery over the exradiation of the indians over the collateral victims in korea, cambodia and vietnam to the killed civilians in iraq and afghanistan? And shall we talk about the indirect victims of american policy, the killed and assasinated elected presidents of south america, the providing of the dictators in the middle east? Even Clinton stands in blood up to the knees when he bombed this factory in sudan without any reason.
Yeah. Lets.
In 390 years, Americans have created about 10% as many 'victims' as Nazi Germany did in just 12.
Thanks for proving Ravi's point.

Actually, Ravi's thought process would come across more valid if Palin posted it right before the service. It was over 12 hours before.

No...Ravis point was not proven by anything, It is a possibility, yes, but it is just as likely not at all related.....and only one with reason and or desire to blast Palin would come up with that theory.
12 hours is a good lead time to have it go viral and be THE topic of conversation. Sarah Palin has succeeded in making herself a her followers. At the expense of those that are suffering.

Like I said...sure you can make such a claim...but to come up with it, you must really want to bash Palin. It is far fetched. If she did it 24 hours ago, you would say THAT was required for it to go viral.
It would be like my saying that Obama is having this memorial to take the limelight off of Palin.

Sure...that sounds does what you are saying.
Seriously? Why would a majority of the American people vote for someone divisive? Even if she were interested in learning the art of diplomacy, she has alienated most Democrats, most journalists, academia and our allies and advisaries around the world.
What would she bring to the Oval Office? As well as I can see little more than platitudes and the 'talent' to demagogue issues.

Are you talking about Palin?

Or Obama?

NO ONE could be more divisive than our current president. It is an impossibility, because to go beyond where he is, you actually begin to unite all sides against your stance.

Hes only divisive to you.

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