Palin... Palin... Palin...

Palin is a Republican GODDESS. She's got the balls and the guns to run this country like a man, even though she's a sexy woman.
.....With a turkey-neck that's GAINING FAST!!!!!!


Seriously.. only pansies like MarcATL get their thongs in a bunch over metaphor and symbolism.

And BTW.. Bob Beckel admitted the "Cross hairs" thang... he invented it. So MarcATL, pull your thong out your ass crack and stop being such an emotional train wreck over non-issues. Strap on a set; it'll do ya good.

Bob WHO......!?!?!???

Sarah Palin's presidential hopes surely can't survive this assassin's bullet

Don't be absurd.

The right wing propagada machine is ALREADY making Sarah THE REAL VICTIM of this nutter.

And plenty of her partisans ALREADY think she was the real victim of this event, too.

Have you, or have you not, been reading their whining rationalizations about how they being blamed for this event?

The SPIN MASTERS are working overtime to capitalize on this tragedy.

Didn't you hear? A serving US Congresswoman got her blains brown out in an attempted political assassination attempt, along with the deaths of a sitting Federal Judge and about 5 other US citizens in the politically motivated attack, including a 9 year old child who was there to meet one of her role models, the target...Gabrielle Gifford, who's laying unconcious in a hospital bed in Arizona FIGHTING FOR HER LIFE.

But yes, Sarah Palin...the instigator who drew Cross-Hairs on a map of the USA that listed as a target Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford, is THE victim in all this.

Poor Sawah!



You are fucking insane, my friend. I cannot fathom the idea of living in a world where I could not think for myself, and yet, you live it every day.

I pray you find peace some day, and (knowing you well enough) that it comes in a color you are able to accept.
Palin can go fuck herself. i hope public perception nails her for this shooting.
I hope public perception nails anyone using reloading, guns and any other type of rhetoric, left or right.
Those people who Use it are embarrassing to the nation and should be mocked off the stage. This includes. Obama, Palin, rightwing radio, fox, MSNBC, Bloggers and regular internet board posters.

Is Palin to blame for the shooting? No. Yet her being linked to the shooting because in hindsight a poorly thought out poster, doesn't make me shed any tears.

And yet the Palinbots will defend her, and wont even admit the poster is in poor taste. they will buy her Excuse she is peddling about as to what the symbols now mean. They will repeat this as if it was a fact. They will ignore her words that have been quoted. Ignore words from others in order to deflect onto the left and what they have said.

which in the end will solve nothing. Nothing will have been accomplished out of this shooting, outside of a few people dead and a Congress woman with less brain.
That is honestly the saddest thing that can happen. People drawing their lines in the sand and not being adult about this.

The poster wasnt in bad tastes. It's a campaign poster pinpointing which candidates her group was targeting for election purposes. Nothing violent about it.

Palin can go fuck herself

Im sure many abled body men in the world will gladly support this one if there's video. But the rest of your assertions are supportable by honest people.

Hey MarcAtl.....who designed that "ad" of Palin with the gun? Was it the Palin camp, or some anti Palin group or person?

Seriously...I was wondering.
Sarah and her campaign designed and ran the following ad/Assassination List:


no different than the one the DNC ran in 2004.

But my question had to do with the one with the rifle.

Who designed that? Plain and or her camp? Or some anti Palin group or person?

Right there on her Assassination List...."It's time to take a stand"

What does that connotate?

Combined with "Don't retreat...RELOAD!"

What's that conveying?

Combined with the atmosphere of...."2nd Amendment Remedies" and "The tree of Liberty will run with the blood of tyrants."

Hmmm....I guess they're just selling Girl Scout Cookies...nothing violent or political at all.

:rolleyes: used it in your post.
Where did you get it?
Was it Palin who designed it?
Or an Anti Palin group?
LOL, oh BROTHER, my sides ache from laughter.:lol::lol::lol:

First she is ACCUSED of hiding, then when she does make a statement she is MAKING HERESELF a Martyr..
You people just can't decide which way you all wanna go..

It's because they dont really care about sticking to a position or the truth. They will say whatever it convenient to make their point at the moment. See they assume people who arent them are stupid.
Sarah and her campaign designed and ran the following ad/Assassination List:


no different than the one the DNC ran in 2004.

But my question had to do with the one with the rifle.

Who designed that? Plain and or her camp? Or some anti Palin group or person?

Right there on her Assassination List...."It's time to take a stand"

What does that connotate?

Combined with "Don't retreat...RELOAD!"

What's that conveying?

Combined with the atmosphere of...."2nd Amendment Remedies" and "The tree of Liberty will run with the blood of tyrants."

Hmmm....I guess they're just selling Girl Scout Cookies...nothing violent or political at all.


You are reading into as you wish.
I did not read into the one from the DNC that way.
I dont have violent thoughts.

But anyway...why are you acvoiding my question and clouding it with something else?
I said in hindsight...try reading...

I did read it. Hindsight doesn't change a thing. It's still a political advertisement. Are you suggesting that political parties and groups cant target politicians to defeat in elections? Seriously?

Do you honestly think that if Palin had used say push pins instead of targets this wouldn't have happened?
I said in hindsight...try reading...

I did read it. Hindsight doesn't change a thing. It's still a political advertisement. Are you suggesting that political parties and groups cant target politicians to defeat in elections? Seriously?

Do you honestly think that if Palin had used say push pins instead of targets this wouldn't have happened?

dont know, If Al gore was president would he have stopped 9/11?

Or one could say targets are more hyper sensationalist. This hyper that the media has become over all. Its gets pushed more and more till you can't tell the nuts from the sane.

Then again had she used pins, then the media wouldnt have it as a weapon now would they?

The fact that they are using murders as a weapon is disgusting to any individual who isnt a partisan hack.
Don't be absurd.

The right wing propagada machine is ALREADY making Sarah THE REAL VICTIM of this nutter.

And plenty of her partisans ALREADY think she was the real victim of this event, too.

Have you, or have you not, been reading their whining rationalizations about how they being blamed for this event?

The SPIN MASTERS are working overtime to capitalize on this tragedy.

Didn't you hear? A serving US Congresswoman got her blains brown out in an attempted political assassination attempt, along with the deaths of a sitting Federal Judge and about 5 other US citizens in the politically motivated attack, including a 9 year old child who was there to meet one of her role models, the target...Gabrielle Gifford, who's laying unconcious in a hospital bed in Arizona FIGHTING FOR HER LIFE.

But yes, Sarah Palin...the instigator who drew Cross-Hairs on a map of the USA that listed as a target Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford, is THE victim in all this.

Poor Sawah!



Didn't you see the CBS poll, the majority of people ain't buying all your alls bullshit, but hey we know that ain't gonna stop you from lying and making up dumb shit..too bad for you, nobody is listening.

Since when do you and your RW ilk accept polls from the "lame stream media" as gospel?

Oh yes, I almost forgot, only when you THINK it's beneficial to your rhetoric and/or agenda.

Silly me.

*smacks self in the head*

BTW...the poll DIDN'T show what you THINK it shows.


As we can CLEARLY see here, MORE Americans (45% vs. 33% and 22% respectively) feel that the rhetoric is responsible for the events than anything else.


Palin was and is absolutely right in defending herself against the hate, lies, and innuendo spewed by Kurtz and the rest of you pinheaded assholes that are determined to spread the Palin hate and rekindle the flames that separate us...

She owes no one an apology, especially the haters that wanted Bush assassinated, Beck to kill himself or Cheney to have a fatal heart fuckin' hypocrites know who you is you, that fan these flames and throw the kerosene on the fire....

The murdering pinhead from Tucson had a problem with Giffords long before Palin ever hit the national scene, but that fact won't slow you assholes down one bit....your aim is to fan the Palin hate until you either have her killed in retaliation for your false accusations or at least damage her image beyond any redemption.

You, ......and those like you, ... are the scum that keeps the nation divided.
I said in hindsight...try reading...

I did read it. Hindsight doesn't change a thing. It's still a political advertisement. Are you suggesting that political parties and groups cant target politicians to defeat in elections? Seriously?

Do you honestly think that if Palin had used say push pins instead of targets this wouldn't have happened?

dont know, If Al gore was president would he have stopped 9/11?

Or one could say targets are more hyper sensationalist. This hyper that the media has become over all. Its gets pushed more and more till you can't tell the nuts from the sane.

Then again had she used pins, then the media wouldnt have it as a weapon now would they?
No...but then Palin would be blamed by the media for all of those that are victims of "tack on the chair" practical jokes.
Add them all up, won't even approach 6 million.

And that was just a 3 year stretch for your motherland.

And we all know, Germans never had slaves, right?

Free advice for you:

If you enjoy preaching to the world about "humanity" and "compassion," lie about where you're from. Knowing you're a German, no one is ever going to take you seriously on those topics or others closely related.

What a stupid argument. Trying to imply that what happened in Germany over 60 years ago somehow has a bearing on what the subject matter is today.
The "blood libel" metaphor is spot on.

Blood libel (also blood accusation) refers to a false accusation or claim that religious minorities, almost always Jews, murder children to use their blood in certain aspects of their religious rituals and holidays. Historically, these claims have–alongside those of well poisoning and host desecration–been a major theme in European persecution of Jews.

Is it possible her Daddy (with his Idaho/Aryan-roots) scripted that video, for her????


"We are deeply disturbed by Fox News commentator Sarah Palin’s decision to characterize as a “blood libel” the criticism directed at her following the terrorist attack in Tucson. The term “blood libel” is not a synonym for “false accusation.” It refers to a specific falsehood perpetuated by Christians about Jews for centuries, a falsehood that motivated a good deal of anti-Jewish violence and discrimination. Unless someone has been accusing Ms. Palin of killing Christian babies and making matzoh from their blood, her use of the term is totally out-of-line."
out of charcter for you MarcAtl...

First you try to defelct and then you completely ignore.

I sense you saw where it was going and you had no idea how to debate it.

And the truth is? You and anti palin people are the ones who advertised with guns and hate as it pertains to your percieved violent rhetoric of Palin.

Quite silly of the left I would say.
You, ......and those like you, ... are the scum that keeps the nation divided.

Absolute crap...the kind of empty rhetoric that the likes of Beck and Palin spew is what is dividing your country.

Civil discourse has gone the way of the dodo. From the second Obama took office you guys have been going at him hammer and tongs. You did the same with Clinton. Lee Atwater was your guy, and I put the blame fairly and squarely on him (backed up later by Karl Rove) for the gutter politics that now pollute the US. The sad but funny thing is, to guys like Rove and Atwater it's just one big game. After all, they live(d) in their ivory towers, and none of the policies they champion will ever affect them...but you get the right wing trailer trash - who bear the brunt of these policies - getting fucked up the arse, and all the while thanking their right wing heroes for doing so, then blaming the left for the aftermath....
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