Palin... Palin... Palin...

The "blood libel" metaphor is spot on.

Blood libel (also blood accusation) refers to a false accusation or claim that religious minorities, almost always Jews, murder children to use their blood in certain aspects of their religious rituals and holidays. Historically, these claims have–alongside those of well poisoning and host desecration–been a major theme in European persecution of Jews.


Gabrielle Dee "Gabby" Giffords

Giffords was born in Tucson, Arizona, to Gloria Kay (née Fraser) and Spencer J. Giffords. Her father is a first cousin of director Bruce Paltrow, whose daughter is actress Gwyneth Paltrow. Giffords was raised in a mixed religious environment by her Jewish father and Christian Science-practicing mother. She has identified herself solely with Judaism since 2001, belonging to Congregation Chaverim, a Reform synagogue, in Tucson. She is Arizona's first Jewish Congresswoman.

Are you that dishonest that you are linking the shooting to Palin now because of two words?

Holy shit, y'all are getting desperate. :lol::lol:
Provide a shred of evidence any election was ever stolen.

we haven´t forgotten the election from 2000 and entire europe hasn´t any doubts that this election was a shame for your country.
Remind me again why we should give a shit what Europe thinks about our affairs...?

Let me introduce you to the United States Constitution:

Section 8 - Powers of Congress

To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offenses against the Law of Nations;
Why should she sit by silently while the left lies and uses a national tragedy to gin up support for their efforts to silence the opposition? She called them on their BS and told them to fuck off. Good for her!

Yea...more kerosene on the fire. She is the victim...poor, poor Sarah.

Perhaps you would like to explain how you can attack her with no justification and she not be a victim.

No justification?


by using the metaphor of 'blood libel' in the context she did, Sarah Palin believes that all the rightwingers in the media or blogosphere who have in the past few days dredged up every example they could find of something inflammatory or offensive that some leftwinger/liberal said,

she's saying those rightwingers are the equivalent of Anti-Semites?

...I bet that's not what she meant...oops...:lol:
She didn't pull the trigger, and she's not the first to use the language of combat. But the Alaskan's career will certainly suffer

Until Saturday, it was a fair working assumption that Sarah Palin was just a few weeks away from announcing her candidacy for the presidency of the United States. Barack Obama launched his campaign in February 2007, a full 21 months before polling day in November 2008, making February 2011 the obvious time for anyone with an eye on 2012. But if Palin had pencilled an imminent date in her diary, she's certainly rubbed it out now. Events outside a Safeway in Tucson have seen to that.

Sarah Palin's presidential hopes surely can't survive this assassin's bullet | Jonathan Freedland | Comment is free | The Guardian

Loughner's actions are utterly unrelated to the possible Palin Presidential bid.

Americans (by and large -- I don't count too much on the intellectual prowess of all the libbies, of course) do not accept the idiotic notion that anything EVER said or posted by Gov. Palin has anything to do with what Loughner did.

If she runs and loses, it will be due mostly to her individual weaknesses as a candidate. If she has a shot of winning, the insanity and depravity of scum like Loughner will have no discernible impact on her candidacy.

Lieability pretends to know the truth. As is the case on all issues he offers his opinion, biased as it is, as an immutable truth.
No one knows what was in the mind of the killer, we know only the results of his actions. We also know, as Congresswoman Gifford's said, words have consequences.

As is (sadly) ALWAYS the case, Fly Catcher lies. I stated my opinion just as the OP "declared" that act of Loughner 'makes a Palin presidential bid an impossibility.' Idiot liars like Fly Catcher are fond of making or endorsing such claims (unconcerned with evidence, truth-value or logic) but then hypocritically insist that anybody who expresses disagreement is bound by formal rules of logic and proof.

This is why Fly Catcher has no credibility.

Meanwhile, there is absolutely not one tiny shred of any evidence of any kind whatsoever linking anything said or done by Gov. Palin to Loughner's actions.

But go on trying to exploit this tragedy for your cheap as partisan liberal political benefit, you tawdry hack.

Yeah, shithead. It is SOMETIMES true that words do have consequences. You ought to give some thought to applying that kernel of truth to your own behavior. But, you won't. You are far too determined to be the hypocritical gasbag lying lib you always are.
You have it bas-ackward Bfgrn. You and your left wing (Soros inspired?) blogs have been throwing kerosene on the political fire for the last two years. Too bad you don't have the capacity for reasoning to understand it.

If I need to hear propaganda, I'll tune in to Fox news here at home.

I heard Ray McGovern, a retired CIA agent whose expertise was the old Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc countries say the propaganda coming out of Fox News is at the same level as Pravda. But I suspect most Russians knew Pravda was propaganda.

How would the Russians know? Did the Soviets have a dozen other media outlets picking apart Pravda 24/7, as happens with Fox?

Oh, and Pravda was an arm of the government, like, say MSNBC or NPR.

How would the Russians know? Well Revere, I know this concept escapes you, but Russians and Americans as well as every race, ethnicity and creed have within their ranks people who watch, listen and think.
Propaganda is easy to identify once the listener puts aside all preconceived notions and emotions. Consider if you will the distinction between a priori and a posteriori ... oops, I forget who asked the question.
we haven´t forgotten the election from 2000 and entire europe hasn´t any doubts that this election was a shame for your country.
Remind me again why we should give a shit what Europe thinks about our affairs...?

Let me introduce you to the United States Constitution:

Section 8 - Powers of Congress

To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offenses against the Law of Nations;

giving regard to the actual LAW of nations is not the same as giving much regard to the opinions of certain foreign nations/people about OUR affairs -- and that latter was the question.

Nice try though, Shallow.
Much of her 'speech' or whatever it was was quite well written. Whoever wrote it deserves credit where credit is due.

A simple gesture of contrition was what was missing. I don't mean she had to publicly flog herself bloody with a scourge, just at least a passing acknowledgment that her crosshairs map wasn't the best of ideas.
Oh palease. She has attacked Obama's policies and actions, she has never attacked Obama or his family.

Nope she attacked his character. At least McCain had the balls to stand up to the nutters saying crazy things from the crowd. Palin didn't say a word when the crowd cried "Terrorist" and "Kill Him" did she?

What crowd cried "terrorist" or "kill him"?

Does it ever bother you guys that you need to make things up to argue your politics?

When it come to Mrs. Palin who needs to make things up?

hahahaha, poor HOWIE who writes crap for a place called, THE DAILY BEAST.

do you need a diaper change. You all would of critized her, NO MATTER HOW she went about addressing things.

so here's a clue, we don't give a shit what you think.

No, if Sarah had said all of us, including her, needed to avoid excessively harsh or military-style language, without retreating one inch from her strongly held beliefs she would have gained some respect.

She chose to doubled down and basically repeat what she said when people were critical of her gun sights map last year:

Commonsense Conservatives & lovers
of America: "Don't Retreat, Instead -
RELOAD!" Pls see my Facebook page.

9:31 AM Mar 23rd, 2010


So she needs her speech censored?
hahahaha, poor HOWIE who writes crap for a place called, THE DAILY BEAST.

do you need a diaper change. You all would of critized her, NO MATTER HOW she went about addressing things.

so here's a clue, we don't give a shit what you think.

No, if Sarah had said all of us, including her, needed to avoid excessively harsh or military-style language, without retreating one inch from her strongly held beliefs she would have gained some respect.

She chose to doubled down and basically repeat what she said when people were critical of her gun sights map last year:

Commonsense Conservatives & lovers
of America: "Don't Retreat, Instead -
RELOAD!" Pls see my Facebook page.

9:31 AM Mar 23rd, 2010


Awwwwwwwwww, too bad IF she didn't say WHAT YOU LEFTIES thought she should.
but such is life, eh?:lol:
If I need to hear propaganda, I'll tune in to Fox news here at home.

I heard Ray McGovern, a retired CIA agent whose expertise was the old Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc countries say the propaganda coming out of Fox News is at the same level as Pravda. But I suspect most Russians knew Pravda was propaganda.

How would the Russians know? Did the Soviets have a dozen other media outlets picking apart Pravda 24/7, as happens with Fox?

Oh, and Pravda was an arm of the government, like, say MSNBC or NPR.

How would the Russians know? Well Revere, I know this concept escapes you, but Russians and Americans as well as every race, ethnicity and creed have within their ranks people who watch, listen and think.
Propaganda is easy to identify once the listener puts aside all preconceived notions and emotions. Consider if you will the distinction between a priori and a posteriori ... oops, I forget who asked the question.

If you have a 12-1 ratio of other media outlets attacking Fox, what is propaganda worth?

Who was around in the Soviet Union to attack Pravda, again, a government arm?
Loughner's actions are utterly unrelated to the possible Palin Presidential bid.

Americans (by and large -- I don't count too much on the intellectual prowess of all the libbies, of course) do not accept the idiotic notion that anything EVER said or posted by Gov. Palin has anything to do with what Loughner did.

If she runs and loses, it will be due mostly to her individual weaknesses as a candidate. If she has a shot of winning, the insanity and depravity of scum like Loughner will have no discernible impact on her candidacy.

Lieability pretends to know the truth. As is the case on all issues he offers his opinion, biased as it is, as an immutable truth.
No one knows what was in the mind of the killer, we know only the results of his actions. We also know, as Congresswoman Gifford's said, words have consequences.

As is (sadly) ALWAYS the case, Fly Catcher lies. I stated my opinion just as the OP "declared" that act of Loughner 'makes a Palin presidential bid an impossibility.' Idiot liars like Fly Catcher are fond of making or endorsing such claims (unconcerned with evidence, truth-value or logic) but then hypocritically insist that anybody who expresses disagreement is bound by formal rules of logic and proof.

This is why Fly Catcher has no credibility.

Meanwhile, there is absolutely not one tiny shred of any evidence of any kind whatsoever linking anything said or done by Gov. Palin to Loughner's actions.

But go on trying to exploit this tragedy for your cheap as partisan liberal political benefit, you tawdry hack.

Yeah, shithead. It is SOMETIMES true that words do have consequences. You ought to give some thought to applying that kernel of truth to your own behavior. But, you won't. You are far too determined to be the hypocritical gasbag lying lib you always are.

There is no evidence the shooter was NOT infuenced by Palin, Limbaugh or other divisive voices from the far right, or the far left for that matter. There are some words uttered and symbols posted which suggest a greater liklihood any influence which may have had a cause for the shooting came from the right.
So she needs her speech censored?

She's free to say whatever the hell she wants. She's also free to reap the repercussions of it.

I don't think she was a serious candidate for POTUS before, but this practically seals it. Palin is in no way legally responsible for what happened in Arizona, but things like this still have a way of coming home to roost. Just ask Huckabee and (iirc) Mondale.

Again, so that no one can misundestand the point:

Palin is in no way legally responsible for what happened in Arizona, butt the choise of words she used leading up to this is likely to sink her chances in politics for a long ways to come.
So she needs her speech censored?

She's free to say whatever the hell she wants. She's also free to reap the repercussions of it.

I don't think she was a serious candidate for POTUS before, but this practically seals it. Palin is in no way legally responsible for what happened in Arizona, but things like this still have a way of coming home to roost. Just ask Huckabee and (iirc) Mondale.

Again, so that no one can misundestand the point:

Palin is in no way legally responsible for what happened in Arizona, butt the choise of words she used leading up to this is likely to sink her chances in politics for a long ways to come.

Who hates her now that didn't hate her two years ago?

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