Palin says media easier on Kennedy because of class.

That's your opinion, not a fact. And in my opinion, not only are you wrong, but your opinion on the matter is reflective of your racism.

You don't know me or what color my skin is and yet you claim I am a racist, typical Osama groupie. The only possible reason someone couldn't adore your messiah must be racism, do you realize just how pathetic you are?
Do I note a bit of defense about Biden? Hmmm? Hey according to many, he really could be a quick fill in, security and all...

No kidding, once Osama is done away with, Home Depot's Joe "aneurisms" Biden gets the Oval office........ that imbecile isn't bright enough to be a dog catcher....... when he drops dead from an exploding artery, Nancy "Stretch" Peelosi will then get the 747 she really has always wanted. We're doomed.

Democrats suck dick!:eek:
Certainly. The media labeled her with 'rural' class. Ya know, those that still hunt protein and gather fruits.

How many moose threads?

She really has a point, Caroline Kennedy has zilch experience in government, especially the skills necessary for Senate. Palin has "some" for executive branch, at least she knew the first Article of the Constitution dealt with the legislative branch, which beats out Biden.

Caroline Kennedy hasn't even been nominated yet, so save your whining until she is.

Caroline Kennedy, even if she's nominated would be one of a hundred senators. Barely a footnote on the world stage.

As jillian pointed out, not only did you think it was a wise choice to vote for Dumbya twice,

but you thought this person was an excellent choice to be potentially sitting across the table from Vlamdimir Putin, and Chinese communist leaders:

You don't know me or what color my skin is and yet you claim I am a racist, typical Osama groupie. The only possible reason someone couldn't adore your messiah must be racism, do you realize just how pathetic you are?


There are a lot of reasons why people might not like Obama. Your's just happens to be his skin color. The sad part is that you don't have the balls to admit it to yourself. Suggesting that being black gives one an advantage when running for president is so retarded it's beyond comprehension.
true, especially at night over water.

My first flight as an adult was in a small Piper with a student pilot flying at night over the Atchafalaya Basin west of Baton Rouge. Very dark, no horizon, no visual references at all. He got into vertigo and flipped the plane over and into a dive towards the swamp. Luckily we were at 7,000 feet when he lost it, it took him 3,200 feet to recover. Kennedy was much lower and ran out of altitude to recover before plunging into the water.
I didn't judge her on the way she spoke, but what she said...

Hey, you're the Texan...I thought you grew up on duelling banjo's...

I live in Texas, that doesn't make me a Texan. Just because you molest little boys doesn't mean you're gay does it?....... Wait, I guess that isn't a good analogy seeing that you admitted that too last year.:lol::lol::lol: Gay Dump...... has a really smelly ring to it.
My first flight as an adult was in a small Piper with a student pilot flying at night over the Atchafalaya Basin west of Baton Rouge. Very dark, no horizon, no visual references at all. He got into vertigo and flipped the plane over and into a dive towards the swamp. Luckily we were at 7,000 feet when he lost it, it took him 3,200 feet to recover. Kennedy was much lower and ran out of altitude to recover before plunging into the water.

I hope you know how lucky you are! What was a student pilot doing with a passenger?
I hope you know how lucky you are! What was a student pilot doing with a passenger?

You noticed that.......... he was illegal. He was a student of my older brother who was in the Warrior in front of us giving my other brother time under the hood practicing his instrument flying. We were ferrying the Warrior we were in to Baton Rouge. I didn't know any of the instruments at the time except the tach and it was deep in the red. The wind noise was deafening and I was seeing family members in the black of the windshield, I was pretty much waiting for the thud. There was no spin, luckily and he somehow pulled out of it. I kissed the ground in BR and wasn't too excited about getting back in the same kind of plane. A year later I was about to solo when my brother took me up to show me power-on stalls........ when we stalled and I found myself going straight down, it brought me back to that night and I quit flying. My brothers and I are doing a complete restoration of a 1949 Piper Clipper with numerous improvements including a 150 horse engine. It will burn a little more fuel but we will be able to fly where it's cooler during the summer. I will be working on getting my license in it. It will burn about 7-8 gallons of car gas an hour, no ethanol though. When finished it will be better than new and will have about 36 grand invested.
Below is the frame after I painted it and another Clipper with the paint scheme I would like. From your question I assumed you knew about flying so I thought I would share.


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That makes no logical sense whatsoever. Are you aware of the fact that he's the first black person elected president? This strongly suggests that he was elected in spite of being black, not because of it. Of course it's a subjective matter of opinion, but yours really makes you look offense.
Sigh. The DNC was instrumental in choosing him as a candidate. Without the DNC's backing, he would have had a much harder time. Part of the reason they picked him is because he represents an ideal to the greater Democratic party. I am surprised that you don't understand the concept. This in no way means he isn't qualified. It simply means that the DNC for once picked well.
Caroline hasn't even be nominated yet. Her name is simply under consideration.

Let's wait to have a heart attack until and if she's nominated.

Personally, I'd like to see a better qualified female, or that Cuomo dude get nominated. But, its not my state, so I guess I can't really say shit :lol:

Now pait a minute... Why shouldn't a man be considered? If Kennedy gets the job, well before her was Hillar...wait. Since many in here consider her more man than Bill, you have a point...My Bad...:lol:
Sigh. The DNC was instrumental in choosing him as a candidate. Without the DNC's backing, he would have had a much harder time. Part of the reason they picked him is because he represents an ideal to the greater Democratic party. I am surprised that you don't understand the concept. This in no way means he isn't qualified. It simply means that the DNC for once picked well.

First off, I never said anything about qualifications.

Secondly, when you refuse to acknowledge the simplest logic, it makes discussing anything with you an exercise in futility. What you are suggesting is the logical equivalent to saying that being black gives one an advantage in a presidential election. You've managed to twist it to the point it's hardly recognizable, but when unravi'd, that's exactly what you're saying. And that's simply crazy.
First off, I never said anything about qualifications.

Secondly, when you refuse to acknowledge the simplest logic, it makes discussing anything with you an exercise in futility. What you are suggesting is the logical equivalent to saying that being black gives one an advantage in a presidential election. You've managed to twist it to the point it's hardly recognizable, but when unravi'd, that's exactly what you're saying. And that's simply crazy.
Being black in this particular presidential race gave him an advantage. It wasn't his only advantage, but it was an advantage. If he had the personality of Jesse Jackson it wouldn't have mattered. If he'd been white his personality wouldn't have been enough.

Your problem is you think in black and white.
Caroline Kennedy, even if she's nominated would be one of a hundred senators. Barely a footnote on the world stage.

Ah, I see. The position, although highly important to the US political process, isn't significant when compared with the overall world stage because it's only 1/100th.

Well shit, with that logic, why don't we just grab random names out of a phonebook and vote them all into the Senate? I mean, afterall, each one is barely a footnote on the world stage anyway.
Ah, I see. The position, although highly important to the US political process, isn't significant when compared with the overall world stage because it's only 1/100th.

Well shit, with that logic, why don't we just grab random names out of a phonebook and vote them all into the Senate? I mean, afterall, each one is barely a footnote on the world stage anyway.

She hasn't been nominated yet, so calm down.

I'm not from New York, so it's not my business. Palin was my business. If I lived in New York, I'd want somebody more qualified than kennedy, from what I've seen.
She hasn't been nominated yet, so calm down.

I'm not from New York, so it's not my business. Palin was my business. If I lived in New York, I'd want somebody more qualified than kennedy, from what I've seen.

It is your business. While there may not necessarily be anything you could personally do to affect the outcome, it is your business because that seat still affects your entire country.
It is your business. While there may not necessarily be anything you could personally do to affect the outcome, it is your business because that seat still affects your entire country.

Are you a Libertarian?

Did you support Michael Badnarik, who had no elected experience and who' was a software engineer, for the hightest political office in the world?
Are you a Libertarian?

Did you support Michael Badnarik, who had no elected experience and who' was a software engineer, for the hightest political office in the world?

Yes I am a libertarian, and no, I supported Ron Paul, who's been in the US congress for a period of over 30 years.

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