Palin says media easier on Kennedy because of class.

Yes I am a libertarian, and no, I supported Ron Paul, who's been in the US congress for a period of over 30 years.

But, the Libertarian Party routinely runs people for senate or House, even president who have zero elected experience, and typically have no more experience than Caroline Kennedy.

Have you been complaining about all the LP Party candidates?
why don't we just grab random names out of a phonebook and vote them all into the Senate?

You know, that's not a half bad idea. Throw the current ding-dongs out and start over. Choose 1/3 R, 1/3 D, and 1/3 I with business and economic backgrounds.
This thread has reached a degree of seriousness that was never intended...
But, the Libertarian Party routinely runs people for senate or House, even president who have zero elected experience, and typically have no more experience than Caroline Kennedy.

Have you been complaining about all the LP Party candidates?

I am not registered with the LP. I don't have a political party affiliation anymore. I was registered as a republican so I could vote for conservatives in primaries that I liked, but I am unaffiliated as of now.

And yes, I complained about their candidates, all the way down to Bob Barr who actually HAS a lot of experience in the US Congress.

Experience isn't necessarily a deciding factor for me though. A federally elected official is supposed to vote the desires of his or her constituents. That doesn't necesarily REQUIRE "experience". If we only voted for people with experience, we'd never get anyone new and fresh.

For instance, I like Chuck Baldwin. No federally elected experience, but a smart man who's positions I agree with. If not for Ron Paul, I would have voted for Baldwin in November. I only vote for those I most closely agree with, and no one comes closer than Paul for me.
I am not registered with the LP. I don't have a political party affiliation anymore. I was registered as a republican so I could vote for conservatives in primaries that I liked, but I am unaffiliated as of now.

And yes, I complained about their candidates, all the way down to Bob Barr who actually HAS a lot of experience in the US Congress.

Experience isn't necessarily a deciding factor for me though. A federally elected official is supposed to vote the desires of his or her constituents. That doesn't necesarily REQUIRE "experience". If we only voted for people with experience, we'd never get anyone new and fresh.

For instance, I like Chuck Baldwin. No federally elected experience, but a smart man who's positions I agree with. If not for Ron Paul, I would have voted for Baldwin in November. I only vote for those I most closely agree with, and no one comes closer than Paul for me.

Okay, my bad. I thought you were a supporter of the Libertarian candidates.

I agree with you, that elected experience isn't the only thing that qualifies someone.
Okay, my bad. I thought you were a supporter of the Libertarian candidates.

I agree with you, that elected experience isn't the only thing that qualifies someone.

For a brief time I considered Barr, but I've come to realize that even the LP is compromised by establishment insiders.
Bullshit, Obamasama wouldn't have gotten into Harvard, much less through it without his skin color. That is all he has besides Soros's hand deep up his ass and liberal white guilt syndrome.

Hillary is also a joke, a door mat that lets a pile of shit like Billy Bob walk all over her.

WOW .. this is amazingly dumb.

Being black and running for president is an "advantage" .. even though there has never been a black president before?

Simply stunning.

Monumental Republican failure has absolutely nothing to do with it .. even though they wouldn't even mention George Bush's name during the campaign and only gave him a small unnoticed spot during the convention .. and even though their numbers continue to shrink .. all democrats needed to do was run a black guy and they'd win the election.


Obama only got into Harvard because he's black .. his high IQ and high grades and marks had absolutely nothing to do with it. Blacks can only compete when they have an advantage.


"liberal white guilt" elected Obama as president. Is that an admission the the majority of America is "liberal?"


"Hillary Clinton is a joke" .. yet the Republican model is Sarah Palin?


A right-winger whining about money in politics?


So much stupid in so few words.

This morning my liberal radio show reminded me of how much of a FREE PASS Palin got from the so called "liberal" media. What a joke.

Here she brings out a pregnant daughter who's carrying her baby. It was almost as if the GOP wanted us to pick on her to make her the victim. Yet the "liberal" media backed off.

She was involved in all kinds of scandals, yet hardly answered a question.

The media even let it go that she had zero experience.

And they didn't attack her for her connections to the Alaskan Succession Party, all the while she was calling Obama a terrorist with sinister connections.

Also, did you know her son got in trouble with the law and that is why he signed up for the military? It was either that or go to jail. But the so called "liberal" media didn't let that be known?

This is proof the media is not liberal. At least not as liberal as it should be. It should tell us EVERYTHING. Just like it dished on Clinton. And just like it will dish on Obama.
Palin's argument is ridiculous. Sarah Palin is the Governor of a US state. If she can't get media coverage that she likes, then perhaps the problem is her, not the media. Her comments seem to me to speak more to her lack of ability, not any bias that she is alleging
Bullshit, Obamasama wouldn't have gotten into Harvard, much less through it without his skin color.

Bullshittaro. What a whiney crybaby remark. To use a take off on Ossama is really clever. How did you think that up.:ahole-1:
WOW .. this is amazingly dumb.

Being black and running for president is an "advantage" .. even though there has never been a black president before?

Simply stunning.

Monumental Republican failure has absolutely nothing to do with it .. even though they wouldn't even mention George Bush's name during the campaign and only gave him a small unnoticed spot during the convention .. and even though their numbers continue to shrink .. all democrats needed to do was run a black guy and they'd win the election.


Obama only got into Harvard because he's black .. his high IQ and high grades and marks had absolutely nothing to do with it. Blacks can only compete when they have an advantage.


"liberal white guilt" elected Obama as president. Is that an admission the the majority of America is "liberal?"


"Hillary Clinton is a joke" .. yet the Republican model is Sarah Palin?


A right-winger whining about money in politics?


So much stupid in so few words.

What proof does this person have that Obama wouldn't have gotten into Harvard if he wasn't black?

Sounds like just another right wing lie. Is that Ann Coulter?

Republicans need to remember Lee Atwater. He was the Karl Rove before Karl Rove. He was not a racist himself but used racism to win elections. Win by any means necessary was/is the motto in the GOP. Then he got a tumor and was sorry for all the harm he had done. This kind of politics is OVERWITH! It will only cost republicans more seats/states.

So keep it up I say. Continue to show your ignorance. The young voters love it. :clap2:
And IF Obama did get into college because of Affirmative Action, I'd say that's the best endorsement of Affirmative Action that it helped find/help/nurture the next great leader of the free world!!!
WOW .. this is amazingly dumb.

Gee, BlackAsShit is calling me dumb, ouch, that really hurts. Are you going to call me a cracker next, cause that just enrages us white folk and we use it as an excuse to hit our streets like a herd of cattle destroying and stealing everything in our path..... oh wait, that's not white people, is it? Being black as shit should make you an expert on being dumb, you should know better than to call me dumb.

Being black and running for president is an "advantage" .. even though there has never been a black president before?

You still don't have an American black President-elect. That clown is an Arab-African with half white(dimwit white)DNA. Yes, in 2008 it is an advantage appearing black and running for President, especially with a D next to your name. It doesn't matter how often black politicians turn out to be corrupt, racist, dimwits that can't handle the job, liberals keep electing them with the help of black voters who will vote for anyone with black skin....... Ray Nagen, Marion Barry. Blacks are at the top everywhere in America. Richest woman...... Oprah, Top Male Actor ........ Will Smith(Plays the same part in every movie),Top Golfer...... Tiger Woods(more thai than black but blacks now claim him), Top five female tennis players(Williams sisters),Pimp Diddy, Kanye West and all of the other notalent punks destroying the music industry, The NFL, NBA, Baseball..... players and coaches. And yet we hear how historical and wonderful that America could elect an "African-American"......... really, you're that surprised? Please!

Simply stunning.
You're naivete is stunning.

Monumental Republican failure has absolutely nothing to do with it .. even though they wouldn't even mention George Bush's name during the campaign and only gave him a small unnoticed spot during the convention .. and even though their numbers continue to shrink .. all democrats needed to do was run a black guy and they'd win the election.

A semi-black guy with a bunch of rich white guys backing and telling him what to do like a puppet. Watch him when he doesn't have a script, nothing but stuttering uhhhs. President Bush didn't run the country in a vaccum, Congress has been in Democrat control, even that dipshit Osama was involved as a pretend Senator....... what involvement did he have in the destruction of the economy that has happened in the last 2 years.

Yea, incredible how misinformed you are.

Obama only got into Harvard because he's black .. his high IQ and high grades and marks had absolutely nothing to do with it. Blacks can only compete when they have an advantage.

High IQ? What is it? High grades? Have you seen any transcripts? Liberal Professors saw someone that they could help along that might ease some of the racist pangs that bother them, he really wasn't that black and acted more white, perfect, let's give him grades that anyone else would have to earn. You don't see this as a possibility........really?

"Stupid is as stupid does" Forrest Gump

"liberal white guilt" elected Obama as president. Is that an admission the the majority of America is "liberal?"

No, the fraud bought his way into a few points over 50% of the voters, totally different from the entire population.

Doesn't seem that it takes much to boggle yours.

"Hillary Clinton is a joke" .. yet the Republican model is Sarah Palin?

Of course she is a joke, another Lawyer that never practiced law, just a politician's doormat wife. Sarah Palin, although much more qualified than any of the other twits running, especially that idiot Joe "aneurism" Biden, isn't a Republican role model...... I think Condoleezza Rice is more of a Republican model, Palin is more of a conservative model.

A right-winger whining about money in politics?


Whining, you should listen to your black brothers if you want to hear whining. I have just let the uninformed know how much Osama paid to buy the Presidency....... or should I say how much Osama's white handlers paid(George Soros)

So much stupid in so few words.
True, you have taken very few words to show how stupid you are, very impressive.:lol:
Sitarro you really need to lighten up... Your messages show you are very mad McCain/Palin didnt win. What you need to do is look at how they lost and why they lost. You can blame everyone in the world but in the end it was your parties fault you lost. Learn that the type of rhetoric they were spouting during the election does not help your party.
Sitarro, I find it amusing that you would attack the education of Democrats, Obama and Hillary, and then use education as the basis of your argument for Condoleeza Rice. Ms. Rice made her career in education, the same segment of our economy that you claim is corrupt.
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Your problem is you think in black and white.

That's become a pretty weak and threadbare fallback for you, and one that has no bearing at all on this discussion.

Being black in this particular presidential race gave him an advantage.

And on exactly what do you base this OPINION of yours? The mere fact that the black guy won? Because when I consider your position logically and in earnest I cannot come up with a single shred of factual evidence to support the notion. So please, educate me.
To be honest the media has been attacking Kennedy about her being the senator from NY. But she is just going for Senator if Palin was going for Senator no one would have mind most of what she was saying. But when you are just one step away from being president you need to be more mindful of what you say and how you say it.
That's become a pretty weak and threadbare fallback for you, and one that has no bearing at all on this discussion.

And on exactly what do you base this OPINION of yours? The mere fact that the black guy won? Because when I consider your position logically and in earnest I cannot come up with a single shred of factual evidence to support the notion. So please, educate me.
I don't think I can adequately explain it in a manner that would satisfy you. But if I come up with something, I'll let you know.

In the meantime, why would it be a bad thing if his being black was the one thing that put him over the top and allowed him to win the election?
I don't think I can adequately explain it in a manner that would satisfy you. But if I come up with something, I'll let you know.

In the meantime, why would it be a bad thing if his being black was the one thing that put him over the top and allowed him to win the election?

I think in every election someone's demographics come into play. Sometimes it is religion making someone "marketable" or not marketable (e.g. mitt romney didn't have a chance b/c he wasn't saleable to the religious right); sometimes it is color; sometimes it is family name (bush, reagan, clinton, kennedy, cuomo) and sometimes it is sex (like palin wouldn't have been chosen to run with McCain if it weren't for their [misguided] desire to attract disenchanted hillary voters).

So saying that Obama wouldn't have risen as far as fast were he not black is both true and a non-sequitur.

I can also tell you that who is chosen to run for what seat, even locally, is done with at least an inquiry into demographics.
Not at all. Palin was excoriated in the leftist press. Kennedy has not been. The only difference is not class, it's party. I disagree with Palin's assessment of the situation. It's a case of the old greasy Democratic party greasing another palm as payback for her support in getting the obamalama elected. That and Cuomo had the audacity to divorce a Kennedy cousin!

You cannot mess with King John's daughter.

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