Palin says she would've won IF she was at the Top of the Ticket

Palin says she would've won IF...


it was a foot race?
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What do you think Obama was elected on?

He was elected because he wasn't a Republican.

The Republicans fucked it up so badly, the population was willing to take a chance on an inexperienced black northern liberal with a funny name. That's how badly the Republicans fucked up. And it wouldn't have mattered who the Republicans ran in 08. They were going to get hammered.
Those are MY talking points and no one elses

Well, not exactly.

They're your talking points and the talking points of every other good Obamabot.

You're not as special as Olbermann might have led you to believe. :sad:

McCain is not on FOX every day

Of course not, the party has not made him the focus of a two year slander and libel campaign.

Your party MADE Palin famous. It is your stalking of her that makes others pay attention.

You don't stalk her because she is irrelevant.
I guess your sending me quotes from other posters is a site glitch , your not the only one but you do it allot
She is an enemy of no one really and that is the point.

That may be a point, but it is a dishonest point.

She is not a threat.

The party doesn't spend two years of non-stop slander on someone who isn't a threat - think this through.

Your party fears her more than anyone else on the national scene. The party and their media attacks her every single day.

They don't do this with McCain, even though he was the candidate and is a sitting Senator.

The party is obsessed with Palin, their stooges in the media demonstrate that obsession incessantly.

Such obsession is born only of fear.

And next, I am no drone.

Oh, I can see that by your faithful recitation of party talking points...

Liberals don't mock Palin because they fear her. They mock her because she's easy to mock.
He was elected because he wasn't a Republican.

It's true that the party media would never have swooned over a Republican as they did Obama. It's also true that the party media would never have engaged in the level of slander and libel against the opposition if he had been a Republican.

The Republicans fucked it up so badly, the population was willing to take a chance on an inexperienced black northern liberal with a funny name.

Of course had the party media reported straight news rather than partisan propaganda that would make Goebbels blush, it would have been clear that the democrats were not only equally culpable for the fuckup, but in fact far more so.

With every media outlet except Fox sucking Obama's cock, the public never had a chance. No one vetted Obama, they just declared him God and sang his praises. Nothing about Rezko and Obama's mob ties, nothing about Wright and Black Liberation Theology, nothing about Ayers and Obama's ties to terrorism.

Media malpractice? Nah, open propaganda. The media is part of the democratic party.
Liberals don't mock Palin because they fear her. They mock her because she's easy to mock.

You're no liberal, you're a leftist.

And you don't "mock" Palin, you slander and libel her. You do so because she is an enemy of the party.
Liberals don't mock Palin because they fear her. They mock her because she's easy to mock.

You're no liberal, you're a leftist.

And you don't "mock" Palin, you slander and libel her. You do so because she is an enemy of the party.

You appear to be exhibiting Conservative Persecution Syndrome.

I'm neither a leftist nor a liberal, and I rarely mock Sarah Palin. But she's a lightweight and she's easy to mock.
You appear to be exhibiting Conservative Persecution Syndrome.

I'm just stating that facts.

This whole thread is based on a lie. You know that it's a lie, but continue to pursue it. Why? Because you are obsessed with destroying Palin - the party had dictated that she is to be destroyed and faithful party members obey blindly.

I'm neither a leftist nor a liberal, and I rarely mock Sarah Palin. But she's a lightweight and she's easy to mock.

Especially when you outright lie in order to "mock" her as you have done here.
You appear to be exhibiting Conservative Persecution Syndrome.

I'm just stating that facts.

This whole thread is based on a lie. You know that it's a lie, but continue to pursue it. Why? Because you are obsessed with destroying Palin - the party had dictated that she is to be destroyed and faithful party members obey blindly.

I'm neither a leftist nor a liberal, and I rarely mock Sarah Palin. But she's a lightweight and she's easy to mock.

Especially when you outright lie in order to "mock" her as you have done here.

You have Conservative Persecution Syndrome pretty bad if you think that.
She is an enemy of no one really and that is the point.

That may be a point, but it is a dishonest point.

The party doesn't spend two years of non-stop slander on someone who isn't a threat - think this through.

Your party fears her more than anyone else on the national scene. The party and their media attacks her every single day.

They don't do this with McCain, even though he was the candidate and is a sitting Senator.

The party is obsessed with Palin, their stooges in the media demonstrate that obsession incessantly.

Such obsession is born only of fear.

And next, I am no drone.

Oh, I can see that by your faithful recitation of party talking points...

Liberals don't mock Palin because they fear her. They mock her because she's easy to mock.

the dems want palin to run so they can have an easy win , its citizens that fear her , because idiots like you may get her in . seems the presidency is a bit important to let this moron in .
the dems want palin to run so they can have an easy win , its citizens that fear her , because idiots like you may get her in . seems the presidency is a bit important to let this moron in .

Pray tell, how can "idiots" like me get her in?
You have Conservative Persecution Syndrome pretty bad if you think that.

Yet it is not I who is reduced to lying about the opposition, as you are.

American Horse posted the actual transcript at the outset;

Start - 12:30
I: Why do you think you lost the election?
P: Because of the media,,,they, they, ha ha ha (both laugh)
P: No...
I: Shoot the messenger!
P: No as you explained, candidate Obama, he had a strong campaign, he was the agent of change, and though he was inexperienced and relatively unknown in the US, people so desired that change. I think that was the key.
I: You could’ve been a change too ... your ticket...?
P: I wasn’t the top of the ticket, (to laughter) remember?
I: you...
P: I’m not saying that I should’ve been, I’m just sayin’ ...
I: Do you plan to be the top of the ticket?
P: I kinda knew you’d ask me that. Still not yet, finished.
I: Still not yet?
P: Still not yet
I: What do you think the world will come to know? You seem to be working at it.
P: I...don’t think there needs to be a rush, still, to get out there as a declared candidate, I think there is still plenty of time to find out who else is going to put their name forward in service, and um...and there’s still time to deliberate on that.
You know it’s a life changing decision, how it so affects a family.
I certainly learned that lesson, how affecting on a family a candidacy is, so there’s a lot that has to go into it.
End - 13:58

She never claimed that she would have won if on top of the ticket - that is an outright lie floated by your party media.

So you, and all of the other party sycophants are openly lying in order to slander Palin.

Yet you claim others to be deranged????
You have Conservative Persecution Syndrome pretty bad if you think that.

Yet it is not I who is reduced to lying about the opposition, as you are.

American Horse posted the actual transcript at the outset;

Start - 12:30
I: Why do you think you lost the election?
P: Because of the media,,,they, they, ha ha ha (both laugh)
P: No...
I: Shoot the messenger!
P: No as you explained, candidate Obama, he had a strong campaign, he was the agent of change, and though he was inexperienced and relatively unknown in the US, people so desired that change. I think that was the key.
I: You could’ve been a change too ... your ticket...?
P: I wasn’t the top of the ticket, (to laughter) remember?
I: you...
P: I’m not saying that I should’ve been, I’m just sayin’ ...
I: Do you plan to be the top of the ticket?
P: I kinda knew you’d ask me that. Still not yet, finished.
I: Still not yet?
P: Still not yet
I: What do you think the world will come to know? You seem to be working at it.
P: I...don’t think there needs to be a rush, still, to get out there as a declared candidate, I think there is still plenty of time to find out who else is going to put their name forward in service, and um...and there’s still time to deliberate on that.
You know it’s a life changing decision, how it so affects a family.
I certainly learned that lesson, how affecting on a family a candidacy is, so there’s a lot that has to go into it.
End - 13:58

She never claimed that she would have won if on top of the ticket - that is an outright lie floated by your party media.

So you, and all of the other party sycophants are openly lying in order to slander Palin.

Yet you claim others to be deranged????

I appreciate you posting that since I missed it. But I was merely saying that she's easy to mock, not that the OP is correct.

That's why you definitely have Conservative Persecution Syndrome. Every time you respond to me in the way that you have just reinforces it. "Everyone is out to get us. You're with us or you're against us. It's not our fault. They're out to get us." Every criticism is seen as an attack on your "side." It's all a big life and death struggle between Good and Evil.
That's why you definitely have Conservative Persecution Syndrome. Every time you respond to me in the way that you have just reinforces it. "Everyone is out to get us.

Not "everyone," just your shameful party and it's integrity-free, captive media.

Further, the party and it's media can only focus on one target at a time. They engage in non-stop slander of Palin - that's a demonstrable and irrefutable fact.

Here's something you may not grasp, I would not vote for Palin if she were running for office.

Yet oddly enough, I'm still offended by the open slander in the press.

How can that BE?
That's why you definitely have Conservative Persecution Syndrome. Every time you respond to me in the way that you have just reinforces it. "Everyone is out to get us.

Not "everyone," just your shameful party and it's integrity-free, captive media.

Further, the party and it's media can only focus on one target at a time. They engage in non-stop slander of Palin - that's a demonstrable and irrefutable fact.

Here's something you may not grasp, I would not vote for Palin if she were running for office.

Yet oddly enough, I'm still offended by the open slander in the press.

How can that BE?

You're offended because you have a bad cause of Conservative Persecution Syndrome. That's why you see me as a Democrat and why you think the press is always "slandering" Sarah Palin.

Wish I could help you with that.
Here's something you may not grasp, I would not vote for Palin if she were running for office.

Yet oddly enough, I'm still offended by the open slander in the press.

How can that BE?

Makes perfect sense to me, in fact I completely agree...

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