Palin says she would've won IF she was at the Top of the Ticket

Sarah Palin Says She Would've Won 2008 If She Had Been Top of Ticket

When asked why she lost 2008, Palin snapped, “I wasn’t the top of the ticket!”

There's the link for those who want to read about it.

She's insane.

“We can’t go back to that hyphenated days of, no we need to and can work together in working with Pakistan, and we have our issues there, too, and in a sense we do, but we need to work with Pakistan, but that’s one of those issues that we need to work on, as we strengthen our allies, there…”

Dear God. As incomprehensible as ever.
So McCain and Palin were the best Republicans had to offer?:cuckoo:

No, McCain was about the worst the Republicans had to offer. The left was already against them, the middle was pissed with Bush, all the GOP had was the right, so they put forth a far left RINO?

How STUPID can they get?

Show me where I am wrong.
The sacrificed McCain because THEY KNEW they couldn't win.

I think that some of the elite believed McCain would appeal to the left, that by running a RINO they would gain the middle.

It was a terrible strategy. Republicans have "beaten wife syndrome," no matter how much the dims abuse them, they still crave approval from them. Look at McCain, the very SECOND he became the nominee, his longtime allies in the party press turned on him. No longer was he a "maverick" who went beyond party politics, no he was a "Right Winger."

Once the election was over, the party press once again praised McCain as rejoining Snowe and Murkowski as a "Republican" who could be counted on to promote the DNC agenda.

McCain took the flowers and candy and SWEARS Matthews and Maddow will NEVER hit him again....
you idiot are trying to put bush on Obama ?

It would be nice to teach you English....

No, I'm letting Obama be Obama. Obama is a teleprompter. He is very smooth at reading the teleprompter, soothing and with feeling.


Chaney was the one with his hand up george's ass like a puppet . Reagan was a bad actor but could read his lines .

your a fool

Are you aware that you're functionally illiterate?
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wow an illiterate peace of work that never answered a question straight out or at all would beat a professor in debate ?really

Since the winner is perception and not content, or in the case of Obama lack of content, I have to agree with you that Obama would win handily

that biols down to poularity instead of good for the country .
thats a shame .
people do that on party lines too , and that just stupid ,

if you watcher her debate she never answers a question but start waving the flag and thats no substance .
Obama had content even tho it wasn't what you wanted to hear, I think Obama has done a lot in his 3 years , he went from inauguration to business fast .
he tried to full fill his promises but look at repigs and teabaggers reaction to closing Guantanamo ?
health care , palin started lying about death panels , LOL those are called insurance company's .
haven't there been enough lies in office ? why want to put back the group that ruined our economy ? claiming WMDs were there weren't any just to fight a so called easy war ?
you idiot are trying to put bush on Obama ?

It would be nice to teach you English....

No, I'm letting Obama be Obama. Obama is a teleprompter. He is very smooth at reading the teleprompter, soothing and with feeling.


Chaney was the one with his hand up george's ass like a puppet . Reagan was a bad actor but could read his lines .

your a fool

Are you aware that you're functionally illiterate?
but I'm functioning , how about you ?

when ever sad little people like you cant argue they turn to grammar . sad really
that biols down to poularity instead of good for the country .
thats a shame .

What do you think Obama was elected on?

Media adoration turned into a cult-like following.

{"I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."} - Newsweek editor Evan Thomas

Read more: Newsweek

really ? I'd desperation for what the repigs did to the country
So McCain and Palin were the best Republicans had to offer?:cuckoo:

No, McCain was about the worst the Republicans had to offer. The left was already against them, the middle was pissed with Bush, all the GOP had was the right, so they put forth a far left RINO?

How STUPID can they get?

Show me where I am wrong.
The sacrificed McCain because THEY KNEW they couldn't win.

I think that some of the elite believed McCain would appeal to the left, that by running a RINO they would gain the middle.

It was a terrible strategy. Republicans have "beaten wife syndrome," no matter how much the dims abuse them, they still crave approval from them. Look at McCain, the very SECOND he became the nominee, his longtime allies in the party press turned on him. No longer was he a "maverick" who went beyond party politics, no he was a "Right Winger."

Once the election was over, the party press once again praised McCain as rejoining Snowe and Murkowski as a "Republican" who could be counted on to promote the DNC agenda.

McCain took the flowers and candy and SWEARS Matthews and Maddow will NEVER hit him again....

"the middle was pissed with Bush"
Exactly my point. The middle is who decides elections.
We are sick of morality police politics. I voted Libertarian. Romney was my first choice as he is now.
Palin could not win a school board seat in the lower 48 much less bringing to life her "top of the ticket" claim.

She didn't make the claim, but you don't mind lying.

She is an enemy of the party and the party has ordered the drones to attack. So attack you do.

She is an enemy of no one really and that is the point. She is not a threat. People take shots at her because she is out there plain and simple. It is easy to take shots when the target is standing 3 feet in front of you - enemy or not.
And next, I am no drone. Been after her LOOOONG before you think anyone sicked their dogs on her. She has been a blight on American politics since her first "vetting" trips by GOP dopes back during the 2008 election. She was a hail mary that failed then and she is too dense to know when to step aside.
Let her stay at FOX and blabber about the issues of the day from her home studio, but do not put that woman on a ballot, national or otherwise. You think it was bad before? Wait for round 2. The funny part is the media will get blamed again for being mean, when in reality she is a novice trying to play at the pro level.
And now she is blathering on with this "hard to get act" of claiming she will get in the race if no other candidate steps up and addresses "the issues", however broad that little nugget may be. Either step up and get in or shut up and stay out.
As for you uncensored -- aren't you due to go post on her Facebook page about how we are all mean to Sarah? Maybe a Tweet or 12 too?
Please -- hang your hat on that Palin banner and see how far you get.
Don't worry about the Dems or or any of the other lefty organizations, she can dig a hole for herself 50 feet deep using only a soup spoon.
but I'm functioning , how about you ?

This is all like looking through clouds of smoke to you, isn't it?

when ever sad little people like you cant argue they turn to grammar . sad really

I rarely remark on spelling or grammar; you simply are an extreme case.

Do you mind if I ask your educational level? Did you make it into high school?
"the middle was pissed with Bush"
Exactly my point. The middle is who decides elections.
We are sick of morality police politics. I voted Libertarian. Romney was my first choice as he is now.

All the more reason to put someone who was not an establishment pick out front.

They could not have done worse than McCain.

Personally, I always vote Libertarian. The last Republican I voted for (for POTUS) was Ronald Reagan.

Honestly though, I have no love for Bob Barr - I don't trust him.
She is an enemy of no one really and that is the point.

That may be a point, but it is a dishonest point.

She is not a threat.

The party doesn't spend two years of non-stop slander on someone who isn't a threat - think this through.

Your party fears her more than anyone else on the national scene. The party and their media attacks her every single day.

They don't do this with McCain, even though he was the candidate and is a sitting Senator.

The party is obsessed with Palin, their stooges in the media demonstrate that obsession incessantly.

Such obsession is born only of fear.

And next, I am no drone.

Oh, I can see that by your faithful recitation of party talking points...
She is an enemy of no one really and that is the point.

That may be a point, but it is a dishonest point.

She is not a threat.

The party doesn't spend two years of non-stop slander on someone who isn't a threat - think this through.

Your party fears her more than anyone else on the national scene. The party and their media attacks her every single day.

They don't do this with McCain, even though he was the candidate and is a sitting Senator.

The party is obsessed with Palin, their stooges in the media demonstrate that obsession incessantly.

Such obsession is born only of fear.

And next, I am no drone.

Oh, I can see that by your faithful recitation of party talking points...

Those are MY talking points and no one elses
McCain is not on FOX every day and making personal appearances and peddling a book and on a reality show and giving speeches and advocating candidates -- As Palin has done since she quit her job.
And if she was a DEM i would still pummel her for being a little kid trying to sit at the big kids table.
She is AT BEST a television pundit -- at worst a politician of any form.
Those are MY talking points and no one elses

Well, not exactly.

They're your talking points and the talking points of every other good Obamabot.

You're not as special as Olbermann might have led you to believe. :sad:

McCain is not on FOX every day

Of course not, the party has not made him the focus of a two year slander and libel campaign.

Your party MADE Palin famous. It is your stalking of her that makes others pay attention.

You don't stalk her because she is irrelevant.
Why the obsessive concern about Caribou Barbie? You do realize that running for office is voluntary? She either knew her skeletons would be unearthed or was naive. Which is it?
Why the obsessive concern about Caribou Barbie? You do realize that running for office is voluntary? She either knew her skeletons would be unearthed or was naive. Which is it?

If even 2% of the slander your party and it's Goebelsesq press put out were true, I'd join you in condemning her.

But the shear volume of lies, shrill lies at that, make it clear that real problem here is your shameful party.
It is all about money with Palin. She is in it to get rich. She is doing pretty well.

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