Palin says she would've won IF she was at the Top of the Ticket

Possibly if she was picked early enough. Not much was known about her. Even less was known about her than Hopey Changey.

Think if the press had vetted Obama to even 100th of a percent that they did Palin, we may have been spared the clusterfuck that is the Obama administration....

Instead Chris Matthews just got tingles up his leg and Newsweek declared that he's "Kind of God."

Now there a stellar place for the TRUTH.

But the one I love best, she tried to ban books from the library.

Funny thing, I lived in Alaska from 1993 to 2009 and I NEVER heard that one.

You didn't hear it because it's a lie.

While Mayor of Wassilla, Palin had input on the purchases of books for the library. Oddly enough, the Wassilla library had a budget and couldn't buy every book in existence. Palin favored books which held more traditional views.

She didn't "ban" anything, she didn't remove anything - she simply provided input on which books she favored purchasing for the library.

The leftists are simply lying - about 99% of the slander the left puts out against Palin is flat out lies.
I'm speaking of him in direct comparison to Palin.

I'd love to see your god go head to head against Palin in a debate where there were NO TELEPROMPTERS and no one to whisper answers in Barry's ears.

I'd bet a good sum that she would tear him to shreds.

Don't believe your own bullshit. As a party member you have a duty to defame and slander the enemies of the party, I understand that. You do your duty well. Don't be so stupid that you actually believe the shit you fling. Palin is nowhere near dumb - not in reality, even if it serves your shameful party to paint her as such.

Y'know, you might want to try getting your head out of your butt.

Since you replied to it, I'm guessing you've either forgotten or ignored this earlier post.

I think Obama is intelligent and a lot more politically savvy than Sarah, but I don't trust him and I couldn't vote for him.

In case that isn't clear enough, let me try and say it another way.

I'm not a Democrat and have never been a Democrat. I don't particularly like Obama and certainly don't trust him.

Now, if I leave it at that, it might prompt some posters to think that I'm a Republican.

As it is, I've also said that I think Palin would have been a poor POTUS and is a divisive figure, and that's the bit that you've latched onto, thinking that because I am negative towards Palin, then Obama must be "My God".

Is it incomprehensible to you that I don't like either?
In case that isn't clear enough, let me try and say it another way.

I'm not a Democrat and have never been a Democrat. I don't particularly like Obama and certainly don't trust him.

Whether you are or not, my point remains: I would love to see Palin and Obama go head to head with no teleprompter.

Palin isn't stupid, and no one paying attention actually thinks she is.

I would bet that she would mop the floor with Obama in an unscripted debate.

But then, I don't think Obama can recite his own name without a teleprompter...
Do you know Sarah Palin's extreme right views? summarized them tightly today. See below.

Palin recently said that the war in Iraq is "God's task." She's even admitted she hasn't thought about the war much—just last year she was quoted saying, "I've been so focused on state government, I haven't really focused much on the war in Iraq."

Palin has actively sought the support of the fringe Alaska Independence Party. Six months ago, Palin told members of the group—who advocate for a vote on secession from the union—to "keep up the good work" and "wished the party luck on what she called its 'inspiring convention.'"

Palin wants to teach creationism in public schools. She hasn't made clear whether she thinks evolution is a fact.

Palin doesn't believe that humans contribute to global warming. Speaking about climate change, she said, "I'm not one though who would attribute it to being manmade."

Palin has close ties to Big Oil. Her inauguration was even sponsored by BP.

Palin is extremely anti-choice. She doesn't even support abortion in the case of rape or incest.

Palin opposes comprehensive sex-ed in public schools. She's said she will only support abstinence-only approaches. 8

As mayor, Palin tried to ban books from the library. Palin asked the library how she might go about banning books because some had inappropriate language in them—shocking the librarian, Mary Ellen Baker. According to Time, "news reports from the time show that Palin had threatened to fire Baker for not giving "full support" to the mayor."

She DID support the Bridge to Nowhere (before she opposed it). Palin claimed that she said "thanks, but no thanks" to the infamous Bridge to Nowhere. But in 2006, Palin supported the project repeatedly, saying that Alaska should take advantage of earmarks "while our congressional delegation is in a strong position to assist."

I'm Gina Smith: Do you know Sarah Palin's extreme right views?

Love it when Rs are so surprised when anyone says the woman is extreme.

Once again, if she thinks she would have won had she been the top of the ticket, let her run now and test that theory..

Exactly what is extreme about any of those positions?
Exactly what is extreme about any of those positions?

I think it's pretty extreme that most of what MoveOn printed is open and outright lies.

MoveOn claims that Palin said that Iraq is "God's Task," this is a flat out lie - Palin never said it and MoveOn knows she never said it.

What Palin said was;

"and we have to keep praying that there is a plan, and it is God’s plan."

Quite different than what MoveOn or the leftists here claim, isn't it?

Sarah Palin Unplugged on the Media
Palin could not win a school board seat in the lower 48 much less bringing to life her "top of the ticket" claim.
She is a punchline now and cannot even be taken seriously by the GOP. She goes thru one more round of interviews like she did during the campaign she will be even more exposed as a poser rather than a real politician.
She is a quitter and a hack.
Exactly what is extreme about any of those positions?

I think it's pretty extreme that most of what MoveOn printed is open and outright lies.

MoveOn claims that Palin said that Iraq is "God's Task," this is a flat out lie - Palin never said it and MoveOn knows she never said it.

What Palin said was;

"and we have to keep praying that there is a plan, and it is God’s plan."

Quite different than what MoveOn or the leftists here claim, isn't it?

Sarah Palin Unplugged on the Media

When truth is on your side, you quote exactly because that is your most powerful argument. Since the truth is not on the Left's side, they have to rely on misquotes and ad homenim attacks. It's that simple.
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:lol: And pigs would fly if only they had feathers :lol:

Not ONE person on the right, left or in a mental institution believes that bunk. No one except....Sarah Palin. Poor Sarah so many things stand in her way of achieveing greatness. Questions about reading, quitting her job, that mean ol media...So many things are stopping her. Poor gal.

she's an idiot , and only in for the money and power .
who wants a leader that thinks Africa in a country ?
Palin could not win a school board seat in the lower 48 much less bringing to life her "top of the ticket" claim.

She didn't make the claim, but you don't mind lying.

She is an enemy of the party and the party has ordered the drones to attack. So attack you do.
Palin could not win a school board seat in the lower 48 much less bringing to life her "top of the ticket" claim.

She didn't make the claim, but you don't mind lying.

She is an enemy of the party and the party has ordered the drones to attack. So attack you do.

please point out my lying ? as I don't mean to .
and screw you you ass holes still bitch about Clinton and he wasa better president the any Bush
please point out my lying ?

Palin never said she would have won if she was on top of the ticket - that claim is a lie.

Her words were that McCain set the tone and strategy, not her.

You belong to the party of liars - nothing your party or you drones say can be trusted.
:lol: And pigs would fly if only they had feathers :lol:

Not ONE person on the right, left or in a mental institution believes that bunk. No one except....Sarah Palin. Poor Sarah so many things stand in her way of achieveing greatness. Questions about reading, quitting her job, that mean ol media...So many things are stopping her. Poor gal.

she's an idiot , and only in for the money and power .
who wants a leader that thinks Africa in a country ?

Was Obama's (inadvertent) "claim" that there are 57 states as suggested by his comment that he had visited that many taken out of context; or is he actually that ignorant?
I can see how Palin, momentarily not being sufficiently technically correct, might use the word Africa as a generic comment about the countries of that continent.
Why are you so unforgiving of such an obvious faux pas?

I can see how Obama may have visited 50 states and then revisited 7 with that lying at the root of his comment, and that is consistent with his predilection to exaggeration; that's the only way I find it excusable, but still I do.

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she's an idiot , and only in for the money and power .
who wants a leader that thinks Africa in a country ?

What kind of fucking moron thinks Saturday Night Live skits are reality?

The kind that vote for Obama.

she said this in a speech , what kind of moron doesn't listen to the people they are backing ?
and she walked away from her governorship in mid term .
for speaking engagements
In case that isn't clear enough, let me try and say it another way.

I'm not a Democrat and have never been a Democrat. I don't particularly like Obama and certainly don't trust him.

Whether you are or not, my point remains: I would love to see Palin and Obama go head to head with no teleprompter.

Palin isn't stupid, and no one paying attention actually thinks she is.

I would bet that she would mop the floor with Obama in an unscripted debate.

But then, I don't think Obama can recite his own name without a teleprompter...

So, now that you are conveniently sidestepping all the other projected ad-hominem crap from your previous post, all we are left with is....

"I bet Palin would beat Obama in a debate."

That's your point, is it?

Worth waiting for.

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