Palin says she would've won IF she was at the Top of the Ticket

That's the ticket...can't counter the facts so attack the messenger...

From the Anchorage Daily News:

Palin pressured Wasilla librarian
TOWN MAYOR: She wanted to know if books would be pulled.

WASILLA -- Back in 1996, when she first became mayor, Sarah Palin asked the city librarian if she would be all right with censoring library books should she be asked to do so.[...]

In December 1996, Emmons told her hometown newspaper, the Frontiersman, that Palin three times asked her -- starting before she was sworn in -- about possibly removing objectionable books from the library if the need arose.

Read all about it: Palin pressured Wasilla librarian

lol, The ADN. nobody outside of Anchorage would buy that leftest owned paper and wouldn't even use it to train their sled dog peeing puppies on it.

You know Stephanie.. She does have standards! She can't accept anything below WorldNetDaily.. :lol:

yeah, how long did you live in Alaska?
I lived there for 17 years, so I guess I might know a little about it. but hey, you will BELIEVE anything if it puts down Palin, so who gives a shit.
lol, The ADN. nobody outside of Anchorage would buy that leftest owned paper and wouldn't even use it to train their sled dog peeing puppies on it.

You know Stephanie.. She does have standards! She can't accept anything below WorldNetDaily.. :lol:

yeah, how long did you live in Alaska?
I lived there for 17 years, so I guess I might know a little about it. but hey, you will BELIEVE anything if it puts down Palin, so who gives a shit.

Now, go read your unbiased WND articles.
That's the ticket...can't counter the facts so attack the messenger...

From the Anchorage Daily News:

Palin pressured Wasilla librarian
TOWN MAYOR: She wanted to know if books would be pulled.

WASILLA -- Back in 1996, when she first became mayor, Sarah Palin asked the city librarian if she would be all right with censoring library books should she be asked to do so.[...]

In December 1996, Emmons told her hometown newspaper, the Frontiersman, that Palin three times asked her -- starting before she was sworn in -- about possibly removing objectionable books from the library if the need arose.

Read all about it: Palin pressured Wasilla librarian

lol, The ADN. nobody outside of Anchorage would buy that leftest owned paper and wouldn't even use it to train their sled dog peeing puppies on it.

You know Stephanie.. She does have standards! She can't accept anything below WorldNetDaily.. :lol:

It's so typical...can't counter the facts so attack the source.
lol, The ADN. nobody outside of Anchorage would buy that leftest owned paper and wouldn't even use it to train their sled dog peeing puppies on it.

You know Stephanie.. She does have standards! She can't accept anything below WorldNetDaily.. :lol:

It's so typical...can't counter the facts so attack the source.

no, what is typical is you lefties will post a article from some newspaper WITHOUT any proof that IT IS TRUE.

As I said, I lived in Alaska and know a little more about it than you brain dead parrots who will BELIEVE anything if it fits your petty points.
:lol: And pigs would fly if only they had feathers :lol:

Not ONE person on the right, left or in a mental institution believes that bunk. No one except....Sarah Palin. Poor Sarah so many things stand in her way of achieveing greatness. Questions about reading, quitting her job, that mean ol media...So many things are stopping her. Poor gal.

The issue McCain had was that Conservatives were sick of liberal Republicans like W and stayed home. People like me who are so sick of the Marxist message from the Left and would vote for Republicans if they gave us one single reason to do so, didn't get one single reason to do so from yet another W clone. I didn't stay home, but I didn't help McCain either.

That said, Palin wasn't giving us that small government credibility at that point either, and she barely does now. She still seems like a party crasher to me, not an organizer. She doesn't deserve the venom she gets from the left. But she doesn't deserve a lot of respect from genuine small government advocates either.


Every conservative is a liberal once they leave office, while they are in office tho they have great support and is called conservatives.

Isnt that convienent? Conservatism is always right, funny how that works
Actually you're the revisionist, my friend. No one who recognized W was a government loving spender realized it AFTER he left office.

Now there a stellar place for the TRUTH.

But the one I love best, she tried to ban books from the library.

Funny thing, I lived in Alaska from 1993 to 2009 and I NEVER heard that one.

And all the rest are just too stupid to comment on. but that is for ya.

OK, have to ask...why would YOU pay attention to any news about books and libraries?

Now there a stellar place for the TRUTH.

But the one I love best, she tried to ban books from the library.

Funny thing, I lived in Alaska from 1993 to 2009 and I NEVER heard that one.

And all the rest are just too stupid to comment on. but that is for ya.

OK, have to ask...why would YOU pay attention to any news about books and libraries?

well now, aren't you just so cute.:rolleyes:

Now there a stellar place for the TRUTH.

But the one I love best, she tried to ban books from the library.

Funny thing, I lived in Alaska from 1993 to 2009 and I NEVER heard that one.

And all the rest are just too stupid to comment on. but that is for ya.

OK, have to ask...why would YOU pay attention to any news about books and libraries?

well now, aren't you just so cute.:rolleyes:

Thank you. My wife thinks so. :redface:
No. That title belongs to the man who truly destroyed this nation.... Abraham Lincoln. The aftershocks of Lincoln's total disregard for the US Constitution are STILL being felt today, 150 years later.

It's true that Obama hasn't started a civil war, and as you know, a couple of years ago I thought that there was a real possibility that he would.

I will revise to say that Obama is the worst in my lifetime, even beating out Jimmy Carter.
Worse than Hoover? Worse than Nixon?


Don't be such a partisan moron. You may hate Nixon, but no one with any political acumen claims he was anything but effectual.

Despite rhetoric, Nixon basically continued the economic policies of LBJ. Nixon was the pinnacle of the Keynesians and laid most of the foundations for Carter's later failures. Wage and Price controls were the epitome of far-left economics. In many ways Nixon was a mirror image of Clinton. Where Clinton ran left in rhetoric and judge selections, economically he followed the Reagan economic philosophy far more closely than did George HW Bush. The same is true of Nixon, though he espoused conservative ideas in rhetoric, he was extremely left in economics and ran the most centrally managed
economy outside of FDR. The 70's were a time of economic malaise because of the Keynesian policies of Nixon/Ford/Carter.

You as a leftist should embrace Nixon - he was one of yours in every real sense.
I'm speaking of him in direct comparison to Palin.

I'd love to see your god go head to head against Palin in a debate where there were NO TELEPROMPTERS and no one to whisper answers in Barry's ears.

I'd bet a good sum that she would tear him to shreds.

Don't believe your own bullshit. As a party member you have a duty to defame and slander the enemies of the party, I understand that. You do your duty well. Don't be so stupid that you actually believe the shit you fling. Palin is nowhere near dumb - not in reality, even if it serves your shameful party to paint her as such.
Ah so we have ANOTHER misleading title and bullshit article from some UNKNOWN site.

And you noticed in the article, Palin SNAPPED.
....But, it doesn't sound like it was one o' her
full-blown CRAZY-TRAIN snaps.​

"During the campaign, Palin lashed out at the slightest provocation, sometimes screaming at staff members and throwing objects. Witnessing such behavior, one aide asked Todd Palin if it was typical of his wife. He answered, “You just got to let her go through it… Half the stuff that comes out of her mouth she doesn’t even mean.” When a campaign aide gingerly asked Todd whether Sarah should consider taking psychiatric medication to control her moods, Todd responded that she “just needed to run and work out more.” Her anger kept boiling over, however, and eventually the fits of rage came every day. Then, just as suddenly, her temper would be gone. Palin would apologize and promise to be nicer. Within hours, she would be screaming again."

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