Palin says she would've won IF she was at the Top of the Ticket

go look. you that lazy cumstain?

There is no post, you lying scumbag - we all know it.

You WERE doing the blood libel and accusing Palin of being responsible for the Giffords shooting.

You ARE no different that the pieces of shit who claimed that Jews made Matzo from the blood of gentile children, you spread vile lies in hopes of creating fear and hatred.

You are a piece of shit.
You people are delusional.
Democrats could have run anyone in 2008 against any Republican and they would have won.
This is supposed to be a politics board.
In case that isn't clear enough, let me try and say it another way.

I'm not a Democrat and have never been a Democrat. I don't particularly like Obama and certainly don't trust him.

Whether you are or not, my point remains: I would love to see Palin and Obama go head to head with no teleprompter.

Palin isn't stupid, and no one paying attention actually thinks she is.

I would bet that she would mop the floor with Obama in an unscripted debate.

But then, I don't think Obama can recite his own name without a teleprompter...

So, now that you are conveniently sidestepping all the other projected ad-hominem crap from your previous post, all we are left with is....

"I bet Palin would beat Obama in a debate."

That's your point, is it?

Worth waiting for.

wow an illiterate peace of work that never answered a question straight out or at all would beat a professor in debate ?really
In case that isn't clear enough, let me try and say it another way.

I'm not a Democrat and have never been a Democrat. I don't particularly like Obama and certainly don't trust him.

Whether you are or not, my point remains: I would love to see Palin and Obama go head to head with no teleprompter.

Palin isn't stupid, and no one paying attention actually thinks she is.

I would bet that she would mop the floor with Obama in an unscripted debate.

But then, I don't think Obama can recite his own name without a teleprompter...

After seeing that line I do not dispute your expertise at mopping floors.
In case that isn't clear enough, let me try and say it another way.

I'm not a Democrat and have never been a Democrat. I don't particularly like Obama and certainly don't trust him.

Whether you are or not, my point remains: I would love to see Palin and Obama go head to head with no teleprompter.

Palin isn't stupid, and no one paying attention actually thinks she is.

I would bet that she would mop the floor with Obama in an unscripted debate.

But then, I don't think Obama can recite his own name without a teleprompter...

oh, I'd take a HUGE piece of that bet.
In case that isn't clear enough, let me try and say it another way.

I'm not a Democrat and have never been a Democrat. I don't particularly like Obama and certainly don't trust him.

Whether you are or not, my point remains: I would love to see Palin and Obama go head to head with no teleprompter.

Palin isn't stupid, and no one paying attention actually thinks she is.

I would bet that she would mop the floor with Obama in an unscripted debate.

But then, I don't think Obama can recite his own name without a teleprompter...

I would love to see that too. But Palin lost the debate to Biden in public opinion.

A national poll of people who watched the vice presidential debate Thursday night suggests that Democratic Sen. Joe Biden won, but also says Republican Gov. Sarah Palin exceeded expectations.

The CNN/Opinion Research Corp. said 51 percent of those polled thought Biden did the best job, while 36 percent thought Palin did the best job.

But respondents said the folksy Palin was more likable, scoring 54 percent to Biden's 36 percent. Seventy percent said Biden was more of a typical politician.

Debate poll says Biden won, Palin beat expectations - CNN

Uncommitted voters who watched the vice presidential debate thought Democratic vice presidential nominee Joe Biden did the best job by a margin of more than two to one, according to a CBS News/Knowledge Networks poll taken immediately following the debate.

However, there was good news in the poll for Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, too. Palin's debate performance improved uncommitted voters' perceptions of her overall, and on a number of specific measures. But uncommitted voters still have doubts about her ability to assume the presidency if necessary and she lags behind Biden on her knowledge and preparedness for the job.

CBS Poll: Uncommitted Voters Say Biden Won - CBS News

Whereas Obama is generally perceived to have won the debates against McCain.

Poll Results Suggest More Uncommitted Voters Saw Obama As Debate Winner - Horserace - CBS News
CBS Poll: Obama Has Edge In Final Debate - CBS News
Round 1 in debates goes to Obama, poll says - CNN
In case that isn't clear enough, let me try and say it another way.

I'm not a Democrat and have never been a Democrat. I don't particularly like Obama and certainly don't trust him.

Whether you are or not, my point remains: I would love to see Palin and Obama go head to head with no teleprompter.

Palin isn't stupid, and no one paying attention actually thinks she is.

I would bet that she would mop the floor with Obama in an unscripted debate.

But then, I don't think Obama can recite his own name without a teleprompter...

oh, I'd take a HUGE piece of that bet.

Even the republican leadership concede that Obama is one of the most effective orators ever to set foot in DC. The only reason I wouldn't bet the farm is that I wouldn't trust Obama not to throw the event depending on where he stood to gain the most from winning or losing.
In case that isn't clear enough, let me try and say it another way.

I'm not a Democrat and have never been a Democrat. I don't particularly like Obama and certainly don't trust him.

Whether you are or not, my point remains: I would love to see Palin and Obama go head to head with no teleprompter.

Palin isn't stupid, and no one paying attention actually thinks she is.

I would bet that she would mop the floor with Obama in an unscripted debate.

But then, I don't think Obama can recite his own name without a teleprompter...

oh, I'd take a HUGE piece of that bet.

But who would bet on Palin? Can you imagine the Vegas odds? Betting on Obama would be pretty close to an even money wager. Sure, you'll win, but you wouldn't win any money.
Whether you are or not, my point remains: I would love to see Palin and Obama go head to head with no teleprompter.

Palin isn't stupid, and no one paying attention actually thinks she is.

I would bet that she would mop the floor with Obama in an unscripted debate.

But then, I don't think Obama can recite his own name without a teleprompter...

So, now that you are conveniently sidestepping all the other projected ad-hominem crap from your previous post, all we are left with is....

"I bet Palin would beat Obama in a debate."

That's your point, is it?

Worth waiting for.

wow an illiterate peace of work that never answered a question straight out or at all would beat a professor in debate ?really

You people are delusional.
Democrats could have run anyone in 2008 against any Republican and they would have won.
This is supposed to be a politics board.


So McCain and Palin were the best Republicans had to offer?:cuckoo:
Show me where I am wrong.
The sacrificed McCain because THEY KNEW they couldn't win.
"It is his turn":lol:
I have been around long enough to know that is the kiss of death.
You people are delusional.
Democrats could have run anyone in 2008 against any Republican and they would have won.
This is supposed to be a politics board.


So McCain and Palin were the best Republicans had to offer?:cuckoo:
Show me where I am wrong.
The sacrificed McCain because THEY KNEW they couldn't win.
"It is his turn":lol:
I have been around long enough to know that is the kiss of death.

At what point in the campaign was that decision made, and on what basis, and by whom?
I was a Romney supporter and believe he would've won. Huckabee, for whatever reasons, skewed the nonimation to McCain. McCain was never favored by conservatives because of his nameplate piece of legislation McCain/Feingold. Because he was flawed the MSM backed McCain (until they didn't), knowing he would not have conservative support

So McCain and Palin were the best Republicans had to offer?:cuckoo:
Show me where I am wrong.
The sacrificed McCain because THEY KNEW they couldn't win.
"It is his turn":lol:
I have been around long enough to know that is the kiss of death.

At what point in the campaign was that decision made, and on what basis, and by whom?
I was a Romney supporter and believe he would've won. Huckabee, for whatever reasons, skewed the nonimation to McCain. McCain was never favored by conservatives because of his nameplate piece of legislation McCain/Feingold. Because he was flawed the MSM backed McCain (until they didn't), knowing he would not have conservative support

Also a strong Romney supporter so we need to find common ground as much as we can.
After seeing that line I do not dispute your expertise at mopping floors.

Obama is a well trained dolt, but a dolt nonetheless. Without words being fed to him, he is reduced to a stumbling, stuttering imbecile.

Your god has no clothes.

you idiot are trying to put bush on Obama ? Chaney was the one with his hand up george's ass like a puppet . Reagan was a bad actor but could read his lines .

your a fool
wow an illiterate peace of work that never answered a question straight out or at all would beat a professor in debate ?really

Since the winner is perception and not content, or in the case of Obama lack of content, I have to agree with you that Obama would win handily

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