Palin Was For Pathway to Citizenship Before She Was Against It

Obama was against gay marriage before he was for it Kerry voted for Iraq before he voted against it whats the point here?

And I don't like Obama or Kerry either. Palin is still an idiot. And the fact that such a moron can play Republicans as fools the way she does says a lot about Republicans.

You do realize the exact same thing can be said about pretty much every politician and those who support them.
Obama was against gay marriage before he was for it Kerry voted for Iraq before he voted against it whats the point here?

And I don't like Obama or Kerry either. Palin is still an idiot. And the fact that such a moron can play Republicans as fools the way she does says a lot about Republicans.

You do realize the exact same thing can be said about pretty much every politician and those who support them.

I can't remember the last time a politician has played to the "anti-intellectual" crowd with the same success that Sarah Palin has.

"What newspapers do you read?"

"That was a gotcha question."

"You go, Sarah!"
And I don't like Obama or Kerry either. Palin is still an idiot. And the fact that such a moron can play Republicans as fools the way she does says a lot about Republicans.

You do realize the exact same thing can be said about pretty much every politician and those who support them.

I can't remember the last time a politician has played to the "anti-intellectual" crowd with the same success that Sarah Palin has.

"What newspapers do you read?"

"That was a gotcha question."

"You go, Sarah!"
I'm not sure what or who you consider the anti-intellectual crowd from my point of view it would be those who think government can fix any and all problems and the current President played to that crowd with great success as his election and reelection shows. I can't really see what great success Palin has had playing to what you consider the anti-intellectual crowd.
It's really funny to see how Sarah Palin upsets the leftist loons like she does. Way to go Sarah.
Obama was against gay marriage before he was for it Kerry voted for Iraq before he voted against it whats the point here?

And I don't like Obama or Kerry either. Palin is still an idiot. And the fact that such a moron can play Republicans as fools the way she does says a lot about Republicans.

What EXACTLY do you base your belief that she is an idiot?
And I don't like Obama or Kerry either. Palin is still an idiot. And the fact that such a moron can play Republicans as fools the way she does says a lot about Republicans.

You do realize the exact same thing can be said about pretty much every politician and those who support them.

I can't remember the last time a politician has played to the "anti-intellectual" crowd with the same success that Sarah Palin has.

"What newspapers do you read?"

"That was a gotcha question."

"You go, Sarah!"

You can't remember Barack Hussein Obama?
Another example of the sissy left's war on women. Does anybody care what Joe Lieberman thinks about immigration or what Joe Biden thinks (if he is capable of rational thought)? The left has an entire (tax exempt) propaganda network feeding them ammunition to use against successful conservative women.
When Sarah Palin ran for governor of Alaska in 2008 she stated very clearly that she was for a pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens.

Palin: I support a path to citizenship for illegals « Hot Air

Now she thinks Marco Rubio should be primaried for it.

Palin: Rubio, Ayotte "Should Be Held Accountable" And Primaried Over Immigration Bill | RealClearPolitics

From your own link:

Question: Do you then favor an amnesty for the 12 or 13 million undocumented immigrants?

Palin: No, I do not. I do not. Not total amnesty. You know, people have got to follow the rules. They’ve got to follow the bar, and we have got to make sure that there is equal opportunity and those who are here legally should be first in line for services being provided and those opportunities that this great country provides.​
You do realize the exact same thing can be said about pretty much every politician and those who support them.

I can't remember the last time a politician has played to the "anti-intellectual" crowd with the same success that Sarah Palin has.

"What newspapers do you read?"

"That was a gotcha question."

"You go, Sarah!"
I'm not sure what or who you consider the anti-intellectual crowd from my point of view it would be those who think government can fix any and all problems and the current President played to that crowd with great success as his election and reelection shows. I can't really see what great success Palin has had playing to what you consider the anti-intellectual crowd.

The group you described may be naive, but not anti-intellectual. I mean the crowd that dismisses simple questions as "gotcha questions". The crowd that cheers on bimbos like Sarah Palin. The crowd that dismisses evolution because a book with a talking snake told them Adam and Eve were blinked into existence. The crowd that dismisses colleges as liberal indoctrination centers. The crowd that thinks rape can't result in pregnancy. The crowd that thinks gay rights is a slippery slope to beastiality. The crowd that thinks Hitler was right-wing. The crowd that dismisses scientific consensus on issues, but props up Breitbart articles as facts supporting their ideology.
I can't remember the last time a politician has played to the "anti-intellectual" crowd with the same success that Sarah Palin has.

"What newspapers do you read?"

"That was a gotcha question."

"You go, Sarah!"
I'm not sure what or who you consider the anti-intellectual crowd from my point of view it would be those who think government can fix any and all problems and the current President played to that crowd with great success as his election and reelection shows. I can't really see what great success Palin has had playing to what you consider the anti-intellectual crowd.

The group you described may be naive, but not anti-intellectual. I mean the crowd that dismisses simple questions as "gotcha questions". The crowd that cheers on bimbos like Sarah Palin. The crowd that dismisses evolution because a book with a talking snake told them Adam and Eve were blinked into existence. The crowd that dismisses colleges as liberal indoctrination centers. The crowd that thinks rape can't result in pregnancy. The crowd that thinks gay rights is a slippery slope to beastiality. The crowd that thinks Hitler was right-wing. The crowd that dismisses scientific consensus on issues, but props up Breitbart articles as facts supporting their ideology.

You can call Sarah Palin stupid all you want to but it's quite obvious from this post of yours that no matter how dumb she is, she's several levels of intelligence higher than you are.:cuckoo:
I'm not sure what or who you consider the anti-intellectual crowd from my point of view it would be those who think government can fix any and all problems and the current President played to that crowd with great success as his election and reelection shows. I can't really see what great success Palin has had playing to what you consider the anti-intellectual crowd.

The group you described may be naive, but not anti-intellectual. I mean the crowd that dismisses simple questions as "gotcha questions". The crowd that cheers on bimbos like Sarah Palin. The crowd that dismisses evolution because a book with a talking snake told them Adam and Eve were blinked into existence. The crowd that dismisses colleges as liberal indoctrination centers. The crowd that thinks rape can't result in pregnancy. The crowd that thinks gay rights is a slippery slope to beastiality. The crowd that thinks Hitler was right-wing. The crowd that dismisses scientific consensus on issues, but props up Breitbart articles as facts supporting their ideology.

You can call Sarah Palin stupid all you want to but it's quite obvious from this post of yours that no matter how dumb she is, she's several levels of intelligence higher than you are.:cuckoo:

No refutation of a single thing I said. Only petty insults. I'm assuming you are one of the people I mentioned in my post.
I can't remember the last time a politician has played to the "anti-intellectual" crowd with the same success that Sarah Palin has.

"What newspapers do you read?"

"That was a gotcha question."

"You go, Sarah!"
I'm not sure what or who you consider the anti-intellectual crowd from my point of view it would be those who think government can fix any and all problems and the current President played to that crowd with great success as his election and reelection shows. I can't really see what great success Palin has had playing to what you consider the anti-intellectual crowd.

The group you described may be naive, but not anti-intellectual. I mean the crowd that dismisses simple questions as "gotcha questions". The crowd that cheers on bimbos like Sarah Palin. The crowd that dismisses evolution because a book with a talking snake told them Adam and Eve were blinked into existence. The crowd that dismisses colleges as liberal indoctrination centers. The crowd that thinks rape can't result in pregnancy. The crowd that thinks gay rights is a slippery slope to beastiality. The crowd that thinks Hitler was right-wing. The crowd that dismisses scientific consensus on issues, but props up Breitbart articles as facts supporting their ideology.

It seems your idea of anti=intellectual is anyone not liberal and for the record what you described is a fringe element which has no real impact on national politics the naive group as you called them did. I would say a large naive group that can influence events is far worse than a small fringe group that can't.
The group you described may be naive, but not anti-intellectual. I mean the crowd that dismisses simple questions as "gotcha questions". The crowd that cheers on bimbos like Sarah Palin. The crowd that dismisses evolution because a book with a talking snake told them Adam and Eve were blinked into existence. The crowd that dismisses colleges as liberal indoctrination centers. The crowd that thinks rape can't result in pregnancy. The crowd that thinks gay rights is a slippery slope to beastiality. The crowd that thinks Hitler was right-wing. The crowd that dismisses scientific consensus on issues, but props up Breitbart articles as facts supporting their ideology.

You can call Sarah Palin stupid all you want to but it's quite obvious from this post of yours that no matter how dumb she is, she's several levels of intelligence higher than you are.:cuckoo:

No refutation of a single thing I said. Only petty insults. I'm assuming you are one of the people I mentioned in my post.

You posted it so I'm led to believe that you actually believe that non-sense. So you probably aren't smart enough to understand why it's bull shit. Here though, let me help you with a starting point and maybe with some work you might get some insight:

Search for the term; "Broad Brush".

You're welcome, good luck.
Obama was against gay marriage before he was for it Kerry voted for Iraq before he voted against it whats the point here?

And I don't like Obama or Kerry either. Palin is still an idiot. And the fact that such a moron can play Republicans as fools the way she does says a lot about Republicans.

when did you get elected governor?
so who is the idiot?
Palin is a private citizen. She never worked for the federal government. Why is the left so interested in her? Maybe plain hatred or hatred for successful women or hatred for successful conservative women or hatred for all women who dare to raise a Down's Syndrome child when the prevailing opinion of the liberal establishment is to kill them before they have a chance. Does anybody care about Al Gore's opinion or Joe Lieberman's opinion or even Joe Biden's opinion of immigration?
people can change their opinions over time

that said, palin is a moron

I agree. And in most situations I would give the benefit of the doubt that it was just a change of opinion. In the case of Palin... it probably has more to do with her being a moron. many time in one thread can you put the woman down?

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