Chuck Schumer Calls for Citizenship for All Illegal Aliens

the dems have spoken they want all illegal to be able to become citizens…and they wonder why are borders are overwhelmed and their is a human rights crisis on the border?

chucky just gave cartels a big boost
A week after the Karens voted Democrat mainly because abortion is so important to them comes this from Schumer.

The party of abortion, birth control, and the morning-after pill now lectures that these Karens aren't reproducing enough!

The Party of never-ending third-world immigration which keeps wages depressed so people cannot start a family early gives you this.

Oh, and as Schumer says, 11 million or whatever the number is. Well, it was 11 million years ago and just under the open border of Biden we've added ~5 million, so right there it is 16 million, But it is closer to 30 million.

So Schumer and the Democrats (aided no doubt by some RINO Republicans) wants amnesty for ~30 million lawbreakers. And naturally followed by a fast track to citizenship.

But yeah, keep voting Democrat Mr. and Mrs. America. Lincoln said we'd never fall to an enemy from the outside but would fall to an enemy within.

Congress is back in Washington, D.C., and so it’s back to business as usual. On Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) called for legal amnesty for every illegal alien present in the United States, including a pathway to citizenship.​
“Now more than ever, we’re short of workers,” he said. “We have a population that’s not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to. The only way we’re going to have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants.”​
“The DREAMers and all of them. Because our ultimate goal is to help the DREAMers but get a path to citizenship for all 11 million or however many undocumented there are here.”
Schumers call for a path to citizenship is distinct from previous calls for amnesty that would have granted those present in the country illegally legal permanent residency and permission to work and pay taxes​
Such a path to citizenship is likely to include the right to vote, which would permanently transform the American electorate by adding anywhere from 11 million to 30 million new voters.​

Fer Christ sake, these are the same fricken clowns promoting abortions up to birth.
I don't think anyone is surprised by this bit of news. I'm just surprised that it wasn't dumped on a Friday afternoon.
Yup we all seen that meme, so his argument is , he pays people to not work so we have to import the ones that do? I was just in a argument about this with a liberal complaining about Florida laws if a Cuban makes it here they stay
A week after the Karens voted Democrat mainly because abortion is so important to them comes this from Schumer.

The party of abortion, birth control, and the morning-after pill now lectures that these Karens aren't reproducing enough!

The Party of never-ending third-world immigration which keeps wages depressed so people cannot start a family early gives you this.

Oh, and as Schumer says, 11 million or whatever the number is. Well, it was 11 million years ago and just under the open border of Biden we've added ~5 million, so right there it is 16 million, But it is closer to 30 million.

So Schumer and the Democrats (aided no doubt by some RINO Republicans) wants amnesty for ~30 million lawbreakers. And naturally followed by a fast track to citizenship.

But yeah, keep voting Democrat Mr. and Mrs. America. Lincoln said we'd never fall to an enemy from the outside but would fall to an enemy within.

Congress is back in Washington, D.C., and so it’s back to business as usual. On Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) called for legal amnesty for every illegal alien present in the United States, including a pathway to citizenship.​
“Now more than ever, we’re short of workers,” he said. “We have a population that’s not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to. The only way we’re going to have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants.”​
“The DREAMers and all of them. Because our ultimate goal is to help the DREAMers but get a path to citizenship for all 11 million or however many undocumented there are here.”
Schumers call for a path to citizenship is distinct from previous calls for amnesty that would have granted those present in the country illegally legal permanent residency and permission to work and pay taxes​
Such a path to citizenship is likely to include the right to vote, whicransform the American electorate by adding anywhere from 11 million to 30 million new voters.​

This is the holy grail for the Democrats. That's why they leave the border wide open and don't say a word to President Obrador who is the primary facilitator of the attack on our country.
Fer Christ sake, these are the same fricken clowns promoting abortions up to birth.
Women have been played like a stump fiddle by the Democrats. If you exclude rape/incest caused pregnancies (less than 1% of all pregnancies) then "abortion rights" are really the rights of young single women to have unprotected sex with whomever they want without worry of having to birth a child. And most of the women screaming in the streets fighting for these "rights" are women who are long past child bearing age. It's absolutely nuts.
you want 50 million more plus another few hundred million from chain migration
Women have been played like a stump fiddle by the Democrats. If you exclude rape/incest caused pregnancies (less than 1% of all pregnancies) then "abortion rights" are really the rights of young single women to have unprotected sex with whomever they want without worry of having to birth a child. And most of the women screaming in the streets fighting for these "rights" are women who are long past child bearing age. It's absolutely nuts.
You know Mike every few years you post something worth while,
If it's good enough for Reagan it's good enough for Biden.

I do not believe you can compare the small number of illegals then with the 30+ million today.

And I do not believe the amnesty then gave them a fast track to citizenship.
Why wouldn’t they vote Republican?
Can’t Republicans convince them how much better their lives will be under Republican leadership?
No. Republicans would expect illegal aliens to obey the law which, by definition, they refuse to do.
I don't think anyone is surprised by this bit of news. I'm just surprised that it wasn't dumped on a Friday afternoon.
They're just getting more and more bold with their real plans for this country.
They think they can do just about anything now and it won't effect them.
That's what all of the demagoguery on CNN and MSNBC has been all about.
They think half of the country doesn't care about the truth anymore.

A week after the Karens voted Democrat mainly because abortion is so important to them comes this from Schumer.

The party of abortion, birth control, and the morning-after pill now lectures that these Karens aren't reproducing enough!

The Party of never-ending third-world immigration which keeps wages depressed so people cannot start a family early gives you this.

Oh, and as Schumer says, 11 million or whatever the number is. Well, it was 11 million years ago and just under the open border of Biden we've added ~5 million, so right there it is 16 million, But it is closer to 30 million.

So Schumer and the Democrats (aided no doubt by some RINO Republicans) wants amnesty for ~30 million lawbreakers. And naturally followed by a fast track to citizenship.

But yeah, keep voting Democrat Mr. and Mrs. America. Lincoln said we'd never fall to an enemy from the outside but would fall to an enemy within.

Congress is back in Washington, D.C., and so it’s back to business as usual. On Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) called for legal amnesty for every illegal alien present in the United States, including a pathway to citizenship.​
“Now more than ever, we’re short of workers,” he said. “We have a population that’s not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to. The only way we’re going to have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants.”​
“The DREAMers and all of them. Because our ultimate goal is to help the DREAMers but get a path to citizenship for all 11 million or however many undocumented there are here.”
Schumers call for a path to citizenship is distinct from previous calls for amnesty that would have granted those present in the country illegally legal permanent residency and permission to work and pay taxes​
Such a path to citizenship is likely to include the right to vote, which would permanently transform the American electorate by adding anywhere from 11 million to 30 million new voters.​

oh the irony. the final solution for america coming from a jew.
We wouldn't have a shortage of workers if people were made to be responsible for their own actions and told no more free hand outs you need to work to get ahead in life.

All the younger people today think they deserve a big wage and a good job just for showing up. They don't know what it means to get work experience and to earn a good job and good pay. They just expect it. That's why menial jobs aren't being filled.

It's also because so many young people have been raised to be soft, weak and that they can make a lot of money being a steamer or some work from home remote job where they make money by not actually doing anything.

No we need to kick the illegals out and start making the younger generation get off their ass and pull up their socks. We have a generation and a half of weak willed pussies that cry when they have to work a 40 hour week at Starbucks like this shit stain of a human being.

Shit all the kids I knew when I was like 15 wanted a part time job and didn't complain. Worst problem they had was they were always trying to cut a deal to have a Friday or Saturday night off but they all still worked bagging groceries or anything. I myself worked at a floral nursery.

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