Palin Was For Pathway to Citizenship Before She Was Against It

well stick around, you will get a dose of what these people here think of Alaska..and it's not pretty...I am sticking up for the state I lived for almost 20 years..yes I'm on the outside now but still think of Alaska as my home state...

Doesn't sound to me like you're sticking up for Alaska. Yours is the first negativity about Alaska I've heard while on this forum.

And I guess you didn't pick up on something when you were here for 20 years...we don't give a fuck what people in the Lower 48 think about us.

no they don't so I guess I did pick on something...and my negativity was for you and only you who refuses to answer if they voted for Palin...and I stand by'll fit in with the rest of the people here who hate Palin..enjoy it

Refuses to answer if they voted for Palin??? When did anyone ask me if I voted for Palin?

You're kind of whacko, you know that? Your sentences are nearly incoherent. Are you drinking?

I didn't used to have a problem with Sarah Palin. The first thing she did that started turning me against her was when she tried to use her power as governor to get revenge on her former brother-in-law, an Alaska State Trooper. She tried to get him fired. Had a little vendetta against him. It was totally out of line. She pressured our Public Safety Commissioner, Walt Monegan, a popular Alaska Native who was formerly the Chief of Police of Alaska's largest city, to fire the brother-in-law, Trooper Wooten. When Monegan refused because there were no grounds for dismissing the trooper, Palin fired Monegan. That was the first thing. There were many more issues after that.
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By the way, my super conservative father-in-law is at my house tonight. He's staying overnight with us while he participates in a two-day shooting match. He's walking around in his camos and hasn't shut up in several hours. : )

I've been asking him his viewpoints on various topics. I asked him if he likes Sarah Palin. Reason...because she left the governorship for money.

You should see this father-in-law...he is the ultimate conservative. LOL He knows I'm not quite as conservative as he is but he accepts me anyway. : ) We agree on many, many points.
here is what she said, she was criticizing the gop yet this still brings out the ugly hate for people are pathetic AND especially my fellow Alaskan...this thread was total piece of DISHONEST crap and you dumb Palin haters fell for who is the real idiot morons?
links in article at site

Palin to GOP: You've 'Abandoned' Reagan Democrats, Insulted Hispanics
by Tony Lee 29 Jun 2013, 12:47 PM PDT 421 post a comment

On Friday, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin blistered the Republican establishment for abandoning blue-collar Reagan Democrats and insulting Hispanics a day after the Senate passed its immigration reform bill with the support of 14 Republicans.

"Great job, GOP establishment," Palin sardonically wrote on her Facebook page. "You’ve just abandoned the Reagan Democrats with this amnesty bill, and we needed them to 'enlarge that tent' of which you so often speak. It’s depressing to consider that the House of Representatives is threatening to pass some version of this nonsensical bill in the coming weeks."

Palin also said she would like to "point out the obvious" to the Republican establishment: "It was the loss of working class voters in swing states that cost us the 2012 election, not the Hispanic vote. Legal immigrants respect the rule of law and can see how self-centered a politician must be to fill this amnesty bill with favors, earmarks, and crony capitalists’ pork, and call it good."

"You disrespect Hispanics with your assumption that they desire ignoring the rule of law," she said.

all of here
Palin to GOP: You've 'Abandoned' Reagan Democrats, Insulted Hispanics

That's what she says NOW. The quotes in the OP were what she said previously. many time in one thread can you put the woman down?

I can do this all day.


Sure you could do it all day but why in the world would you want to? Palin is everything the feminists told their daughters that they could be. Why does the sissie left hate her so much when they seem to love fake and pretend women so much? Ask their mothers.

Because shes not a hedonist commie that wants to kill babies

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