Palin Was For Pathway to Citizenship Before She Was Against It

Me too.

I was for a path to citizenship when it was CONTINGENT on securing the border FIRST!

This steaming bowl of crap the Senate served up, I am against.

The border might actually be relatively secure. Yet, even it it is, there will still be a substantial problem with new illegal aliens in HUGE numbers in not very many years.

The legislation needs to address what will be done with them. It needs to be something other than telling us that we're heartless and inhumane to suggest that rewarding lawbreakers is not not good law, and something other than the tacit agreement to meet back for a new round of amnesty in 20 years.
And I don't like Obama or Kerry either. Palin is still an idiot. And the fact that such a moron can play Republicans as fools the way she does says a lot about Republicans.

when did you get elected governor?
so who is the idiot?

Based on your logic, since Obama was elected President, he must be a GENIUS. Since Biden is VP instead of Palin he must be twice as intelligent as her, right?

don't leave your day if you have one...witty you are not
And? Am I supposed to be awed by Paris Hilton's intelligence as well? If anything it says more about the audience she was addressing than her intelligence.

Most people are laughing, b/c they know the hate she gins up in liberals

well anyone not a goper or a con.

so yeah, most of us a laughing at people like you.

and Paris was born to it, so that's a really bad comparison

Whether Paris was a bad example or not, we all know what he meant. Is that how Two Thumbs judges a person's intelligence, by how much money they have?

And Palin doesn't just gin up hate in liberals, that's for sure! Most Alaskans hate her, and Alaska is a red state.

you are definitely a liberal which are rare in Alaska ( as you said Alaska is a conservative state) you have to come into a Palin thread just to put her down.
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When Sarah Palin ran for governor of Alaska in 2008 she stated very clearly that she was for a pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens.

Palin: I support a path to citizenship for illegals « Hot Air

Now she thinks Marco Rubio should be primaried for it.

Palin: Rubio, Ayotte "Should Be Held Accountable" And Primaried Over Immigration Bill | RealClearPolitics

From your own link:

Question: Do you then favor an amnesty for the 12 or 13 million undocumented immigrants?

Palin: No, I do not. I do not. Not total amnesty. You know, people have got to follow the rules. They’ve got to follow the bar, and we have got to make sure that there is equal opportunity and those who are here legally should be first in line for services being provided and those opportunities that this great country provides.​

Why didn't you bold THIS part..."Not total amnesty."

She is saying she is in favor of amnesty, but not just a carte blanche type of amnesty. There would be rules and procedures to be followed in gaining that amnesty. But she is not excluding anyone if they are willing to follow those rules. At least that's what she said. Who knows, maybe she was just saying something she thought sounded good at the time. That's kind of her style.
Most people are laughing, b/c they know the hate she gins up in liberals

well anyone not a goper or a con.

so yeah, most of us a laughing at people like you.

and Paris was born to it, so that's a really bad comparison

Whether Paris was a bad example or not, we all know what he meant. Is that how Two Thumbs judges a person's intelligence, by how much money they have?

And Palin doesn't just gin up hate in liberals, that's for sure! Most Alaskans hate her, and Alaska is a red state.

you are definitely a liberal which are rare in Alaska ( as you said Alaska is a conservative state) you have to come into a Palin thread just to put her down.

I am not a liberal just because I dislike Sarah Palin. I do not label myself as a liberal or a conservative. I'm registered to vote as a "nonpartisan" and I take each issue and candidate individually. I mostly land on the conservative side of issues. I grew up in Alaska, after all, the home of rugged individualists who don't like to be told what to do.

You are speculating as to why I am commenting on a Palin thread. Let me ask you, why did you come to this thread and why are your reasons okay, but mine (which you are only imagining) are not?

Hmmmm? Answer, please.
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Whether Paris was a bad example or not, we all know what he meant. Is that how Two Thumbs judges a person's intelligence, by how much money they have?

And Palin doesn't just gin up hate in liberals, that's for sure! Most Alaskans hate her, and Alaska is a red state.

you are definitely a liberal which are rare in Alaska ( as you said Alaska is a conservative state) you have to come into a Palin thread just to put her down.

I am not a liberal just because I dislike Sarah Palin. I do not label myself as a liberal or a conservative. I'm registered to vote as a "nonpartisan" and I take each issue and candidate individually. I mostly land on the conservative side of issues. I grew up in Alaska, after all, the home of rugged individualists.

You are speculating as to why I am commenting on a Palin thread. Let me ask you, why did you come to this thread and why are your reasons okay, but mine (which you are only imagining) are not?

Hmmmm? Answer, please.

most Alaskans wouldn't put down their state even if they thought they made a mistake..
I wasn't born there but lived there long enough to know this...And the liberal-Democrats up there HATED I assumed you are one..and I came into this thread because like all the rest posted here the vicious hate for Palin is sickening which you are adding to it
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And? Am I supposed to be awed by Paris Hilton's intelligence as well? If anything it says more about the audience she was addressing than her intelligence.

Most people are laughing, b/c they know the hate she gins up in liberals

well anyone not a goper or a con.

so yeah, most of us a laughing at people like you.

and Paris was born to it, so that's a really bad comparison

Whether Paris was a bad example or not, we all know what he meant. Is that how Two Thumbs judges a person's intelligence, by how much money they have?

And Palin doesn't just gin up hate in liberals, that's for sure! Most Alaskans hate her, and Alaska is a red state.

link please

her success proves she's intelligent, the fact that she banks more in one day than most can in 5 years is just solid proof.
The dems promised to secure the border for amnesty

Under Reagan

They didn't do it then, so no amnesty until those lying fucks make good on their promise first.
you are definitely a liberal which are rare in Alaska ( as you said Alaska is a conservative state) you have to come into a Palin thread just to put her down.

I am not a liberal just because I dislike Sarah Palin. I do not label myself as a liberal or a conservative. I'm registered to vote as a "nonpartisan" and I take each issue and candidate individually. I mostly land on the conservative side of issues. I grew up in Alaska, after all, the home of rugged individualists.

You are speculating as to why I am commenting on a Palin thread. Let me ask you, why did you come to this thread and why are your reasons okay, but mine (which you are only imagining) are not?

Hmmmm? Answer, please.

most Alaskans wouldn't put down their state even if they thought they made a mistake..
I wasn't born there but lived there long enough to know this

I am not putting down my state, I am putting down Sarah Palin. Big difference.

And I don't know what kind of "Alaskans" you were around when you were here, but I've been here all my life, since 1954, grew up in Native villages and small-town Alaska, and lived on a rural homestead as a young woman, as well as living in Anchorage, Juneau, Fairbanks and Palmer in the Matsu Valley. I'm about as Alaskan as you can get, and I can't help but laugh when outsiders start assessing us and telling us how we think.
you are definitely a liberal which are rare in Alaska ( as you said Alaska is a conservative state) you have to come into a Palin thread just to put her down.

I am not a liberal just because I dislike Sarah Palin. I do not label myself as a liberal or a conservative. I'm registered to vote as a "nonpartisan" and I take each issue and candidate individually. I mostly land on the conservative side of issues. I grew up in Alaska, after all, the home of rugged individualists.

You are speculating as to why I am commenting on a Palin thread. Let me ask you, why did you come to this thread and why are your reasons okay, but mine (which you are only imagining) are not?

Hmmmm? Answer, please.

most Alaskans wouldn't put down their state even if they thought they made a mistake..
I wasn't born there but lived there long enough to know this...And the liberal-Democrats up there HATED I assumed you are one..and I came into this thread because like all the rest posted here the vicious hate for Palin is sickening which you are adding to it

Will you answer this question, please?

You are speculating as to why I am commenting on a Palin thread. Let me ask you, why did you come to this thread and why are your reasons okay, but mine (which you are only imagining) are not?

Hmmmm? Answer, please.
I am not a liberal just because I dislike Sarah Palin. I do not label myself as a liberal or a conservative. I'm registered to vote as a "nonpartisan" and I take each issue and candidate individually. I mostly land on the conservative side of issues. I grew up in Alaska, after all, the home of rugged individualists.

You are speculating as to why I am commenting on a Palin thread. Let me ask you, why did you come to this thread and why are your reasons okay, but mine (which you are only imagining) are not?

Hmmmm? Answer, please.

most Alaskans wouldn't put down their state even if they thought they made a mistake..
I wasn't born there but lived there long enough to know this

I am not putting down my state, I am putting down Sarah Palin. Big difference.

And I don't know what kind of "Alaskans" you were around when you were here, but I've been here all my life, since 1954, grew up in Native villages and small-town Alaska, and lived on a rural homestead as a young woman, as well as living in Anchorage, Juneau, Fairbanks and Palmer in the Matsu Valley. I'm about as Alaskan as you can get, and I can't help but laugh when outsiders start assessing us and telling us how we think.

well stick around, you will get a dose of what these people here think of Alaska..and it's not pretty...I am sticking up for the state I lived for almost 20 years..yes I'm on the outside now but still think of Alaska as my home state...
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Most people are laughing, b/c they know the hate she gins up in liberals

well anyone not a goper or a con.

so yeah, most of us a laughing at people like you.

and Paris was born to it, so that's a really bad comparison

Whether Paris was a bad example or not, we all know what he meant. Is that how Two Thumbs judges a person's intelligence, by how much money they have?

And Palin doesn't just gin up hate in liberals, that's for sure! Most Alaskans hate her, and Alaska is a red state.

link please

her success proves she's intelligent, the fact that she banks more in one day than most can in 5 years is just solid proof.

What success? She ruined John McCain's chances at the presidency. Her support of Joe Miller in his run against Lisa Murkowski for senator up here probably hurt him way more than it helped him. But hey, she got a job at Fox and was on a reality show and wrote a book. I guess she's successful in that way, but when it comes to political ambitions, she's a has-been.
most Alaskans wouldn't put down their state even if they thought they made a mistake..
I wasn't born there but lived there long enough to know this

I am not putting down my state, I am putting down Sarah Palin. Big difference.

And I don't know what kind of "Alaskans" you were around when you were here, but I've been here all my life, since 1954, grew up in Native villages and small-town Alaska, and lived on a rural homestead as a young woman, as well as living in Anchorage, Juneau, Fairbanks and Palmer in the Matsu Valley. I'm about as Alaskan as you can get, and I can't help but laugh when outsiders start assessing us and telling us how we think.

well stick around, you will get a dose of what these people here think of Alaska..and it's not pretty...I am sticking up for the state I lived for almost 20 years..yes I'm on the outside now but still think of Alaska as my home state...

Doesn't sound to me like you're sticking up for Alaska. Yours is the first negativity about Alaska I've heard while on this forum.

And I guess you didn't pick up on something when you were here for 20 years...we don't give a fuck what people in the Lower 48 think about us.
Whether Paris was a bad example or not, we all know what he meant. Is that how Two Thumbs judges a person's intelligence, by how much money they have?

And Palin doesn't just gin up hate in liberals, that's for sure! Most Alaskans hate her, and Alaska is a red state.

link please

her success proves she's intelligent, the fact that she banks more in one day than most can in 5 years is just solid proof.

What success? She ruined John McCain's chances at the presidency. Her support of Joe Miller in his run against Lisa Murkowski for senator up here probably hurt him way more than it helped him. But hey, she got a job at Fox and was on a reality show and wrote a book. I guess she's successful in that way, but when it comes to political ambitions, she's a has-been.

you have all the talking points down, she ruined McCain, for sure he didn't have a damn thing with him losing...DID you vote for Palin?
When Sarah Palin ran for governor of Alaska in 2008 she stated very clearly that she was for a pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens.

Palin: I support a path to citizenship for illegals « Hot Air

Now she thinks Marco Rubio should be primaried for it.

Palin: Rubio, Ayotte "Should Be Held Accountable" And Primaried Over Immigration Bill | RealClearPolitics

Next you lefties will say how Sarah Palin is finished, over, done with her 15 minutes, no longer relevant, etc., etc.

Just because someone questions a republican doesn't make than a "leftie".

As to the OP. I've ways thought Palin was more obvious than most poltiticans that all she really REALLY wanted was to be famous. She seems to do all she can( much like Donald Trump) to cling to the limelight. Although in this instance while I dont agree with her tossing Rubio under the bus, I can understand her anger that the bill isn't all it could be and doesn't address key issues.
Most people are laughing, b/c they know the hate she gins up in liberals

well anyone not a goper or a con.

so yeah, most of us a laughing at people like you.

and Paris was born to it, so that's a really bad comparison

Whether Paris was a bad example or not, we all know what he meant. Is that how Two Thumbs judges a person's intelligence, by how much money they have?

And Palin doesn't just gin up hate in liberals, that's for sure! Most Alaskans hate her, and Alaska is a red state.

link please

her success proves she's intelligent, the fact that she banks more in one day than most can in 5 years is just solid proof.

Palin does have financial resources, but her days of 80 percent popularity ratings are long gone. “Palin’s numbers are a reflection of her continuing to be very unpopular on the home front — 34 percent of voters see her positively to 59 percent with a negative opinion,” the pollster reported.

Alaska poll: Sen. Begich popular, Palin unpopular | Strange Bedfellows ? Politics News -

Well, that was easy. How many more "links" do you want?
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here is what she said, she was criticizing the gop yet this still brings out the ugly hate for people are pathetic AND especially my fellow Alaskan...this thread was total piece of DISHONEST crap and you dumb Palin haters fell for who is the real idiot morons?
links in article at site

Palin to GOP: You've 'Abandoned' Reagan Democrats, Insulted Hispanics
by Tony Lee 29 Jun 2013, 12:47 PM PDT 421 post a comment

On Friday, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin blistered the Republican establishment for abandoning blue-collar Reagan Democrats and insulting Hispanics a day after the Senate passed its immigration reform bill with the support of 14 Republicans.

"Great job, GOP establishment," Palin sardonically wrote on her Facebook page. "You’ve just abandoned the Reagan Democrats with this amnesty bill, and we needed them to 'enlarge that tent' of which you so often speak. It’s depressing to consider that the House of Representatives is threatening to pass some version of this nonsensical bill in the coming weeks."

Palin also said she would like to "point out the obvious" to the Republican establishment: "It was the loss of working class voters in swing states that cost us the 2012 election, not the Hispanic vote. Legal immigrants respect the rule of law and can see how self-centered a politician must be to fill this amnesty bill with favors, earmarks, and crony capitalists’ pork, and call it good."

"You disrespect Hispanics with your assumption that they desire ignoring the rule of law," she said.

all of here
Palin to GOP: You've 'Abandoned' Reagan Democrats, Insulted Hispanics
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or was this what brought on this dishonest thread?

Palin Warns House GOP: Don't Betray Working Class by Passing Amnesty

by Tony Lee 28 Jun 2013 1726 post a comment

One day after the Senate passed its immigration reform bill, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin warned the House on Friday to not betray working class Americans by passing a bill that will lower wages and raise unemployment without securing the borders.

"Now we turn to watch the House. If they bless this new 'bi-partisan' hyper-partisan devastating plan for amnesty, we’ll know that both private political parties have finally turned their backs on us," Palin wrote in a Facebook post that also urged Americans to read the Breitbart News piece that detailed the importance of the working class vote. "It will then be time to show our parties’ hierarchies what we think of being members of either one of these out-of-touch, arrogant, and dysfunctional political machines."

Palin called the "amnesty bill the Senate passed yesterday" a "sad betrayal of working class Americans of every ethnicity who will see their wages lowered and their upward mobility" as well.

"And yet we still do not have a secured border," she said. "This Senate-approved amnesty bill rewards lawbreakers and won’t solve any problems--as the CBO report notes that millions of more illegal immigrants will continue to flood the U.S. in coming years."
all it here:
Palin Warns House GOP: Don't Betray Working Class by Passing Amnesty
I agree. And in most situations I would give the benefit of the doubt that it was just a change of opinion. In the case of Palin... it probably has more to do with her being a moron. many time in one thread can you put the woman down?

I can do this all day.


Sure you could do it all day but why in the world would you want to? Palin is everything the feminists told their daughters that they could be. Why does the sissie left hate her so much when they seem to love fake and pretend women so much? Ask their mothers.
I am not putting down my state, I am putting down Sarah Palin. Big difference.

And I don't know what kind of "Alaskans" you were around when you were here, but I've been here all my life, since 1954, grew up in Native villages and small-town Alaska, and lived on a rural homestead as a young woman, as well as living in Anchorage, Juneau, Fairbanks and Palmer in the Matsu Valley. I'm about as Alaskan as you can get, and I can't help but laugh when outsiders start assessing us and telling us how we think.

well stick around, you will get a dose of what these people here think of Alaska..and it's not pretty...I am sticking up for the state I lived for almost 20 years..yes I'm on the outside now but still think of Alaska as my home state...

Doesn't sound to me like you're sticking up for Alaska. Yours is the first negativity about Alaska I've heard while on this forum.

And I guess you didn't pick up on something when you were here for 20 years...we don't give a fuck what people in the Lower 48 think about us.

no they don't so I guess I did pick on something...and my negativity was for you and only you who refuses to answer if they voted for Palin...and I stand by'll fit in with the rest of the people here who hate Palin..enjoy it
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