Palin's husband could be held in contempt of court

I'm well aware this took place , before Sarah Palin was named as John McCains running mate. As a matter of fact, prior to the "October Surprise comments" and the "Special investigator" turning over subpeona lists to ONE member of the committee I don't recall Sarah Palin saying she would not interfere with this and a matter of fact welcomed it. However, you know what I think is really interesting here, the fact that when she released her e-mails last week , actually showing that Monegan was doing what the Gov. office claimed all you hear is crickets. So now, its a matter for the legislature and not the committee as the AG has advised Palin and her staff not to honor the subpeonas because from a leagal standpoint, it can be argued the moment the subpeona list was turned over to a single memeber of the committee for approval prior to them being voted upon and issued, they then become invalid. It's doesn't matter anyway now, as the matter is in the hands of the full legislature. and I'm sad to say they are not in full session at the moment.
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Only one problem with that Chris, Steve Branchflower is a special investigator in this matter not a prosecutor. He could not bring charges in this matter if he wanted to. Second, Steve Branchflower has already admitted to the AG that he turned over the subpeona list to Hollis French for his approval before the subpeonas were issued by the committee a big big NO NO. Sorry Chris try again, by ignoring the subpeonas which were issued by the committee, Hollis French by law must report them to the FULL HOUSE AND SENATE. Then they will vote on what to do about it. I posted the law up above , I suggest you re-read it.

reread it? do you really think chrissie lets facts get in the way?
how can you sit there and say that about it being based on an october surprise?

THIS TOOK PLACE BEFORE PALIN was even named as vp and half on the committee were REPUBLICANS that felt the investigation was required.

your bunch of nimnods are just liars on this, trying to blame the dems for this and it being an october surprise ....spin, spin, spin, spin....even the toy Top would be proud....

reminds me of the Bush administration, thinking they were always ABOVE THE RULE OF LAW......

that ain't justice my friend, that's criminal.

YES, he should be charged with contempt of congress....

and IF what you say is true regarding it having to be the full congress is true, which i doubt, provide a link that states such....

it's already been posted. try reading for comprehension..
you keep frothing at the mouth and your keyboard's gonna short out.
not that that would be a bad thing.
Oh--pity-pity--pity--sniff, sniff-- Maybe those 30 Obama campaign supporters who are up there in Wasilla can dig up something else for you, prior to the election?

:badgrin: do you know how stupid you sound? There is no evidnce that ANY Obama supporters went to Alaska to find things out. If you have proof post it. otherwise you make yourself look like a paranoid loon.

The people of Alaska are getting pretty pissed off at this point about this whole mess.

Apparently Walt Monegan is a WELL respected member of the community who served the state of Alaska honorably for 35 years and now he's being smeared by the McCain campaign.

I think Palin better hope they win cuz I suspect come re-election time she'll be out of a job with everythng that has come out about her.
The vote to investigate the tropergate incident was a bipartisan 14-0 vote to continue the investigation.

I know some of you Republican loyals desperately want the this affair to be nothing but partisan policitcs driven by evil liberals, but the Republicans of Alaksa want to discover the facts of this case.

The liberals and Democrats do NOT control that state legislature.

Your girl is in trouble, I think.

Damned shame, too, because I believe she was a perfect woman to represent the neo-cons.

Good point! Sarah and Mister Mooseburger are helping the cause of the Obama campaign by stonewalling and refusing to cooperate. I think it is funny as hell! As Palin flipflops on her promises to be transparent and continues to refuse to cooperate, her approval rating dives daily. :lol:

Sarg, your boy McCain made a huge mistake when he chose the girl from the northland. Sorry about that! Initially, I thought her choice was ingenious. Time sometimes proves critical to unknowns such as Sarah.
Apparently Walt Monegan is a WELL respected member of the community who served the state of Alaska honorably for 35 years and now he's being smeared by the McCain campaign.

I think Palin better hope they win cuz I suspect come re-election time she'll be out of a job with everythng that has come out about her.

Funny you should say that. I've been wondering about whether this would all somehow backfire and serve to get her out of power in Alaska. Like she's being thrown to the wolves? She did upset many powerful Republicans up there. :eusa_think:
Funny you should say that. I've been wondering about whether this would all somehow backfire and serve to get her out of power in Alaska. Like she's being thrown to the wolves? She did upset many powerful Republicans up there. :eusa_think:

"Thrown to the wolves?"

That would be ironic, since Palin approved the shooting of wolves from helicopters.
"Thrown to the wolves?"

That would be ironic, since Palin approved the shooting of wolves from helicopters.

You mean the same exact way Bill Richardson allows wolves,wild horses and wild burros to be shot dead in NM?

What exactly is this video you incessantly and obsessively post supposed to show?

1) We have a guy that is not the govenor never once claiming to be acting on behalf of the govenor's direction.

2) He's asking why a manifestly dangerous and irresponsible person with multiple disciplinary actions and a history of violence is allowed to work for the same agency responsible for guarding the govenor.

3) He reiterates the fact that this undiciplined and violent person has family connections...thus emphasizing the threat to the govenor.

Where is the proof of gubernatorial pressure?

Where is the proof of vendetta?
What exactly is this video you incessantly and obsessively post supposed to show?

1) We have a guy that is not the govenor never once claiming to be acting on behalf of the govenor's direction.

2) He's asking why a manifestly dangerous and irresponsible person with multiple disciplinary actions and a history of violence is allowed to work for the same agency responsible for guarding the govenor.

3) He reiterates the fact that this undiciplined and violent person has family connections...thus emphasizing the threat to the govenor.

Where is the proof of gubernatorial pressure?

Where is the proof of vendetta?
it's chris/kirk
he doesnt care that the links that he posts dont actually back his posiotion, he will just keep posting them over and over
What exactly is this video you incessantly and obsessively post supposed to show?

1) We have a guy that is not the govenor never once claiming to be acting on behalf of the govenor's direction.

2) He's asking why a manifestly dangerous and irresponsible person with multiple disciplinary actions and a history of violence is allowed to work for the same agency responsible for guarding the govenor.

3) He reiterates the fact that this undiciplined and violent person has family connections...thus emphasizing the threat to the govenor.

Where is the proof of gubernatorial pressure?

Where is the proof of vendetta?

First, the video tape shows that Palin lied to the public when she said no one in her administration had ever talked to public safety about her ex son in law. Secondly, on the video they play an audio tape of one of Palin's staff trying to shakedown public safety about Wooten. Palin lied to the public, and the prosecutor has plenty of evidence that she abused her power as governor.

Palin is going down.
Palin is blameless? Then let the facts prove it and she can get on with the VP candidacy. Why is there stonewalling?
First, the video tape shows that Palin lied to the public when she said no one in her administration had ever talked to public safety about her ex son in law. Secondly, on the video they play an audio tape of one of Palin's staff trying to shakedown public safety about Wooten. Palin lied to the public, and the prosecutor has plenty of evidence that she abused her power as governor.

Palin is going down.

I listened to you silly little tape and it is far from the breathless indictment you claim it is. Exactly what crime is this tape supposed to prove: that a member of the govenor's staff inquired about a possible threat to the govenor and her family?


That is NOT a crime; it's his fucking job, you lackwit.

BTW - it's a brother-in-law.

JimH52 said:
Palin is blameless? Then let the facts prove it and she can get on with the VP candidacy. Why is there stonewalling?
I dunno. Talk to Mr French; he's the one tampering with the witness list even though he isn't supposed to direct the "independent" investigator.

BTW - Priss is all exercised about Bailey dealing with Wooten, yet it was precisely Mr Bailey that Mr French had struck from the witness list he tampered with.


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