Palin's Obama attacks spured increased death threats

OP has a right to be heard in my opinion. Hatemongers exist on both sides, and Palin quite plainly did her best to spread the fire. However, let's suppose Colin Powell had run instead of John McCain. I am certain all kind of hatred slinging nuts would have attended Democratic rallies.

Palin was a trojan horse for the Democrats ... too bad, John McCain is a true American hero, and I contunue to respect the man despite his onerous campaign strategies, and of course ... the Palin factor.

you are so right, I bet that bitch pisses gasoline. :tongue:
and you asked about McCain threats over the same period of time, right? No? Why the F not? Oh yeah, stupid. End of cycle and tempers flare. Get a grip.


I asked nothing, the SS reported these facts, I think if they had similar significant numbers for Bush they would have reported them.

Folks this is news and its news because when you LIE about people and you have a puplic platform you have some responsibility for what your words effect.

Sarah Palin put Obama's children in danger with her lies.

Obama did not do the same to Palin's children huh?
Personally Biden pissed me off so much with his wild rhetoric that I've decided to not recycle for a whole month. He just has that powerful way of hitting me right where it hurts. :D
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I asked nothing, the SS reported these facts, I think if they had similar significant numbers for Bush they would have reported them.

Folks this is news and its news because when you LIE about people and you have a puplic platform you have some responsibility for what your words effect.

Sarah Palin put Obama's children in danger with her lies.

Obama did not do the same to Palin's children huh?

Painting the opposition as terrorist sympathizers or even as terrorists themselves has been the bread and butter of the GOP for the last 3 elections.

Don't expect them to own up to this.
Some will and that is why their numbers are dwindling.

Pointing out things like this helps keep the youth from falling for the idiocy.
I don't think we can hold Sarah Palin accountable for what some kooks may or may not have yelled at her rally. Some people may say that she incited that response, but I don't think so, since nearly all of the people did not respond in such an irrational way. Those kooks existed long before Sarah Palin made any campaign speeches, and so their irrational response was predisposed. So, I think the increased threats had more to do with the timing than anything else.
This is probably true. But we can hold her responsible for making speeches claiming that Obama supports terrorism, don't you think? That kind of bullshit has no place in the speeches of someone running for president and as far as I know, it's never been a talking point for either side (sigh, except for the Bush campaign's suggestions that liberals were traitors). Honestly, I get the feeling that the McCain campaign spent too much time reading the right wing blogs and forgot how to moderate their speeches.
Oil revenues are down, the people will turn on her soon.
No, she made a speech the other day...oil must cost $74 per barrel or Alaska's budget is bust. She's a true socialist...not that there's anything wrong with that.

I don't think we can hold Sarah Palin accountable for what some kooks may or may not have yelled at her rally.

Yes, you can. She used her words to get them pissed off at Obama. She just did better than her handlers thought she would.



does anyone remember ROVE INDICTED!!!!!!!!!!!!

that was trouthout as well
it doesn't matter if stories are true; it only matters if they can be used to plant negative impressions in the weeks leading up to the election. The liberal establishment media has reached the point of having no credibility at all.

Truth never does matter to rabid Democrats....the accusations are idiot makes an unfounded accusation and the rest will repeat it over and over without EVER questioning its truthfulness, and with the MSM being in the tank for Dems, its a winning tactic....
October 16, 2008
Palin Rally "Kill Him" Allegation Was False

Remember when MSNBC's amazing talking cockroach Keith Olbermann righteously denounced Sarah Palin for not objecting when someone shouted "Kill him!" after Obama's name had been mentioned at a rally, even though she wasn't even there at the time this allegedly happened? Turns out the media made up the whole thing:

The agent in charge of the Secret Service field office in Scranton said allegations that someone yelled "kill him" when presidential hopeful Barack Obama's name was mentioned during Tuesday's Sarah Palin rally are unfounded.
The liberal establishment media has reached the point of having no credibility at all. (To the right? Wow, who would have guessed that or gives a crap?)
That's why Obama won?

Truth never does matter to rabid Democrats...(right, like the right is only into the truth. Please such partisan crap takes away any credibility.) .the accusations are idiot makes an unfounded accusation and the rest will repeat it over and over without EVER questioning its truthfulness, and with the MSM being in the tank for Dems, its a winning tactic....(Is that like the statement that Obama was a Muslim and it was repeated over and over until it became the right wing truth?)

Another Rabid Rabbit replys for the right.:lol:
Well, Ayers truly is an admitted and unrepentant terrorist. That's a fact.

Actually, no it's not.

He WAS a terrorist - 40 years ago.

He DID apologize to the families of the people who he hurt. They accepted his apology.

It was a completely different time 40 years ago during the Vietnam War.

So, he WAS a terrorist and he did repent. And Obama served on a CHARITY board with him. How many people knew, one year ago, that Bill Ayres was a terrorist? How do you think Obama knew he was a terrorist? Do you think Obama ordered background checks on everyone he served on this board with? Come on!
Actually, no it's not.

He WAS a terrorist - 40 years ago.

He DID apologize to the families of the people who he hurt. They accepted his apology.

It was a completely different time 40 years ago during the Vietnam War.

So, he WAS a terrorist and he did repent. And Obama served on a CHARITY board with him. How many people knew, one year ago, that Bill Ayres was a terrorist? How do you think Obama knew he was a terrorist? Do you think Obama ordered background checks on everyone he served on this board with? Come on!
he repented?
by saying he wished he had done MORE!?!?!?!?!?

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