
OK lets start with this short documentary
That's not a documentary.......just a zionist jew video packed full of lies and half truths. ...... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:

Filmed by pallywood and used by islamonazi propagandists like yourself. Or did you forget that you yourself have posted these same vidoes to show that the Jews are evil.

Pierre Rehov directed six major documentaries:
Pierre Rehov is a zionist Jew, so of course he is going to take the side of the Israel in his documentaries and paint the Palestinians in a bad light. .... :cool:

If all else fails resort to outright LIES and claiming everyone is a Zionist Jew. I wonder how you feel about mo'mad when he stated that the Jews belonged in Palestine and that they should be allowed to have the land ?
OK lets start with this short documentary

Here's part 1

You guys really love this one video. Unfortunately for you and Captain Fowl Mouth, what the narrator is saying is pure conjecture and doesn't prove the video was staged.

"Why did the ambulance stop so far away?"
"Why was the injured man dragged so roughly?"
"Why can't we see any blood?"

That's conjecture. That's not proof.

"Why did the ambulance stop so far away?"
Because Israeli's are known for shooting at first responders.

"Why was the injured man dragged so roughly?"

Because people don't normally take their time when they are under fire.

"Why can't we see any blood?"

From across the street.
That was Roufti's first video to. But hey, pick another one, maybe your luck will change? Or, I could pick one and you could tell me what was faked; how it was faked; and why would the Israeli's allow a film crew, in full daylight, make a propaganda video showing Israel in a bad light, right in front of their eyes and not do something about it.

No it is very bad production on the part of pallywood productions.

Why did the Ambulance stop so far away, because the producer told the driver to stop there

Not as you claim that the Israeli's shoot at first responders, that is a pallywood LIE.

Why was the injured man dragged so roughly, because he was not injured in the first place

No fire as the Israeli position was on the other side of the building

Why cant we see any blood, because there was no wound of course.

Yes from across the street in the close up shots it would have been noticeable.

Take the al durah case where the TV France video shows the spot the deaths allegedly took place, no blood on the ground or wall. The next day in a pallywood video we can see fresh blood pooled on the floor and splashed up the walls, yet two bodies had been dragged through there and they did not disturb any blood.
Pallywood propaganda has become such a laughable joke that there are websites dedicated to exposing Pallywood Productions.

One of the more prevalent child actors for Pallywood.

Isn't this a delightful little monster. You can even see what appears to be her parents encouraging her to attack the Israeli soldiers for the cameras

Next we have Pallywood faking the birth at a checkpoint story.

There's a good article here: Telegraph and Daily Mail retreat in face of Pallywood story about child ‘activist’
about Shirley Temper's 15 minutes of fame (and the forever lifetime of fraud), promoted by Pallywood Productions.
Here's a fake video from the IDF regarding the Mavi Marmara incident.

If the video is fake, one should have no problem pointing out what is fake about it.

Proven to be faked, and the person who faked it admitted to doing so.

The first picture looks nothing like the second one, and even home use software would create a better close up than these. The shape of the superstructure is not even close and is what caught out the LIAR who tried to pass it of as the same vessel.

Don't engage the idiot in his/her switch and bait. The subject is Pallywood not the ego we know as Billo.

He/she thinks every thread is all about him/her rather than has the common decency to stick to the subject. Why he/she is allowed to continue with that behavior when everyone else is censured for doing so is beyond me but yeah. Don't engage the idiot in his/her bait and switch bull shit.

The subject is Pallywood not Billo's phony racist claims.

Speaking of which


Pierre Rehov directed six major documentaries:
Pierre Rehov is a zionist Jew, so of course he is going to take the side of the Israel in his documentaries and paint the Palestinians in a bad light. .... :cool:

>>Rehov says he was not a pro-Israeli activist until 2000, when he saw the death of Muhammad al-Durrah on television, and doubted its authenticity. He, and others, requested an investigation into the murder of al-Durrah. He claimed that it was Palestinian gunfire that killed the child.<<
Don't engage the idiot in his/her switch and bait. The subject is Pallywood not the ego we know as Billo.
I was giving you an example of how to properly prove a video is fake. Simply posting the video and claiming its fake, doesn't cut it.

He/she thinks every thread is all about him/her rather than has the common decency to stick to the subject. Why he/she is allowed to continue with that behavior when everyone else is censured for doing so is beyond me but yeah. Don't engage the idiot in his/her bait and switch bull shit.
You claiming videos (showing Palestinian hardship) fake, while posting obviously fake hasbara videos, IS the subject.

And you're still not explaining why (or how) they are faked, you're just posting videos and expecting people to believe they are.

The subject is Pallywood not Billo's phony racist claims.
What was racist about it?

Speaking of which

In that video, there's an obvious break in the film. So how do we know the man standing around, was AFTER he was injured and not BEFORE?

While I might agree the Independent shouldn't have used the picture for its story, it's worth noting there ARE children in Israeli prisons. You just don't see them, because Israel refuses to allow any independent media personnel access to see them.

BTW, there was nothing fake about the video, just the way the Independent used the picture. By the same token, it's no different than the anti-Muslim crowed showing a video of Palestinian's celebrating BEFORE 9/11 and claiming that they were dancing in response to 9/11.
Here's a fake video from the IDF regarding the Mavi Marmara incident.

If the video is fake, one should have no problem pointing out what is fake about it.

Proven to be faked, and the person who faked it admitted to doing so.

The first picture looks nothing like the second one, and even home use software would create a better close up than these. The shape of the superstructure is not even close and is what caught out the LIAR who tried to pass it of as the same vessel.

Don't engage the idiot in his/her switch and bait. The subject is Pallywood not the ego we know as Billo.

He/she thinks every thread is all about him/her rather than has the common decency to stick to the subject. Why he/she is allowed to continue with that behavior when everyone else is censured for doing so is beyond me but yeah. Don't engage the idiot in his/her bait and switch bull shit.

The subject is Pallywood not Billo's phony racist claims.

Speaking of which


Fry took that class
That pathetic ego just won't let you NOT try and take over every conversation will it Billo.
This isn't about me.

Not only have you been proven wrong about your claims against the IDF AGAIN but you've lied again about there being no evidence to support my view.
Evidence was presented, but it wasn't by you and it didn't prove I lied.

The short video's I've presented each go over one or two Pallywood scenes and explain in detail how they were staged.
But you weren't doing the explaining, just your fake video was.

You just don't have the courage to watch them and see for yourself
If I didn't WATCH them, then how could I possibly comment (specifically) on what was IN them?

Instead and as usual you are desperate to change the subject, present more racist lies and even when shown how and why you are wrong, you mindlessly insist you are right. I'd guess narcissism with a large dose of cognitive dissonance.
Again, this isn't about me; I didn't insist on anything; you still haven't explained what was racist about my comments; and you haven't answered a single question of mine.

People who refuse to answer direct questions are not here to debate, they're here to troll.
Don't engage the idiot in his/her switch and bait. The subject is Pallywood not the ego we know as Billo.
I was giving you an example of how to properly prove a video is fake. Simply posting the video and claiming its fake, doesn't cut it.

He/she thinks every thread is all about him/her rather than has the common decency to stick to the subject. Why he/she is allowed to continue with that behavior when everyone else is censured for doing so is beyond me but yeah. Don't engage the idiot in his/her bait and switch bull shit.
You claiming videos (showing Palestinian hardship) fake, while posting obviously fake hasbara videos, IS the subject.

And you're still not explaining why (or how) they are faked, you're just posting videos and expecting people to believe they are.

The subject is Pallywood not Billo's phony racist claims.
What was racist about it?

Speaking of which

In that video, there's an obvious break in the film. So how do we know the man standing around, was AFTER he was injured and not BEFORE?

While I might agree the Independent shouldn't have used the picture for its story, it's worth noting there ARE children in Israeli prisons. You just don't see them, because Israel refuses to allow any independent media personnel access to see them.

BTW, there was nothing fake about the video, just the way the Independent used the picture. By the same token, it's no different than the anti-Muslim crowed showing a video of Palestinian's celebrating BEFORE 9/11 and claiming that they were dancing in response to 9/11.

No you produced a proven fake report once again and showed that you have no time for the truth.

But pointing out the size of the projectiles, or the direction contrary to the other evidence is

Different videos from different times as stated in the report

According to islamonazi propaganda, but no corrobarative evidence has been shown
To keep to the topic of the thread -- either the video is correct -- in which case YOU just presented Pallywood propaganda with all the big red font and weak "evidence"..


The video was staged by the IDF..

I (me) don't care.. Because in EITHER case it's propaganda by one side or the other. The more important point is NOT which side produced it -- but is the EVIDENCE real.

As for your comment about daytime versus nighttime -- I'm gonna show how good a photo-analyst I really am.
The prime reason the photo on the left is in B/W -- is because it's LIKELY done thru a night-vision camera..

((which would also explain the graininess and lack of contrast on that yellow stripe. Camera is basically recording thermal differences))

Well DUHHHHHH !!! :biggrin: Slap yourself in the forehead for me please.. Derp...
If the picture on the left was the real attack on the Mavi Marmara and not just an altered picture of it, then why does the IDF video of it, show the same thing? Why is it completely different than other IDF videos that it is spliced in with, of that incident? And why are the events depicted in that b/w video, refuted by eye-witness testimony by people who were actually there?

Cos they don't want to incriminate themselves of course
That pathetic ego just won't let you NOT try and take over every conversation will it Billo.
This isn't about me.

Not only have you been proven wrong about your claims against the IDF AGAIN but you've lied again about there being no evidence to support my view.
Evidence was presented, but it wasn't by you and it didn't prove I lied.

The short video's I've presented each go over one or two Pallywood scenes and explain in detail how they were staged.
But you weren't doing the explaining, just your fake video was.

You just don't have the courage to watch them and see for yourself
If I didn't WATCH them, then how could I possibly comment (specifically) on what was IN them?

Instead and as usual you are desperate to change the subject, present more racist lies and even when shown how and why you are wrong, you mindlessly insist you are right. I'd guess narcissism with a large dose of cognitive dissonance.
Again, this isn't about me; I didn't insist on anything; you still haven't explained what was racist about my comments; and you haven't answered a single question of mine.

People who refuse to answer direct questions are not here to debate, they're here to troll.

So when will you be answering direct questions then ?
Easy the one on the left is night vision equipment so that is why it is b/w . The simplest answers are usually the best
If it was night vision equipment, it would show up as "green", not white.

And how about you are a single celled organism from the sulphur pools of titan, the 112th brood mare of the 97th son of the 3rd king of pftessf sz
I am not an amoeba, I am a human being.

Actually among other things your a racist but thats besides the point.

This nonsense you've so desperately tried to distract us with has been proven a lie whether you like it or not. One among many lies you cling to in order to maintain your cognitive dissonance

The subject in case you missed it is if Pallywood productions are protected under freedom of the press laws.

I'd say no as the film industry regardless of if its fiction or not isn't covered under the ethics of journalism or by freedom of the press laws

See the OP for further details

So should a state organization designed to falsify information and engage in a smear campaign against another state be protected by freedom of the press laws ?

I'm not a fan of wiki but its a good place to start in this particular instance


Pallywood, a portmanteau of "Palestinian" and "Hollywood", is a coinage that has been used to describe media manipulation, distortion or fraud by the Palestinians and other Arabs designed to win the public relations war against Israel.[1] The incidents of the Muhammad al-Durrah tapes and the 2006 Lebanon War photographs controversies (dubbed "Hizbollywood" or "Hezbollywood")[2] are notable events which have been cited as examples.[3]

The term has been coined and publicized in part by Richard Landes, as a result of an online documentary video he produced calledPallywood: According to Palestinian Sources, alleging specific instances of media manipulation.[4][5]

End Quote
Here's a fake video from the IDF regarding the Mavi Marmara incident.

If the video is fake, one should have no problem pointing out what is fake about it.

Proven to be faked, and the person who faked it admitted to doing so.

The first picture looks nothing like the second one, and even home use software would create a better close up than these. The shape of the superstructure is not even close and is what caught out the LIAR who tried to pass it of as the same vessel.

Don't engage the idiot in his/her switch and bait. The subject is Pallywood not the ego we know as Billo.

He/she thinks every thread is all about him/her rather than has the common decency to stick to the subject. Why he/she is allowed to continue with that behavior when everyone else is censured for doing so is beyond me but yeah. Don't engage the idiot in his/her bait and switch bull shit.

The subject is Pallywood not Billo's phony racist claims.

Speaking of which


Point is Boston --- the propaganda mavens are NOT gonna engage in defending FAKED vids and pix -- because it can't be done. So to me -- propaganda is propaganda. You reveal the faked "evidence"..

What Billo has actually done is CONTRIBUTE to your thread, because all the Pali representations made about HIS evidence are weak and wrong. It's essentially -- just another example of Pali propaganda.

Albeit -- one without a big production budget and great actors.. But nonetheless --- propaganda.. OR counter-propaganda if you prefer.. Makes my head spin trying to make any of it "special".

So what do you say when you've discovered you've been lied to by ORGANIZED propaganda? Is there a script for that discussion?
Yeah, but propaganda wasn't really the subject. Although I can see where your coming from. I was thinking more of the question about if Pallywood and its actors, camera men, directors, grips, set designers, the works is protected under freedom of the press laws.

The whole thing came up because in another thread coyote and I were involved in, she felt like this latest hunger striker should be protected under freedom of the press, and shouldn't have been detained without charges. I brought up that he was accused of incitement, and under the Geneva Conventions he could be held indefinitely .

Which brings us to Pallywood, but I didn't want to interrupt the other thread so I started this one.

I'd say any form of Pallywood production is not covered under freedom of the press laws because there is nothing resembling ethical news reporting involved. Its pure fiction. Its not an actual news team from an actual news outlet, even if it was, like the French team shown in several of the films, if they aren't working in an ethical manor but instead are staging events to misrepresent later then they are still not covered regardless of their affiliation.

I'm not even sure if the Arab Muslims in Gaza allow unbiased reporting from an actual independent news source.
Last edited:
Yeah, but propaganda wasn't really the subject. Although I can see where your coming from. I was thinking more of the question about if Pallywood and its actors, camera men, directors, grips, set designers, the works is protected under freedom of the press laws.

The whole thing came up because in another thread coyote and I were involved in, she felt like this latest hunger striker should be protected under freedom of the press, and shouldn't have been detained without charges. I brought up that he was accused of incitement, and under the Geneva Conventions he could be held indefinitely .

Which brings us to Pallywood, but I didn't want to interrupt the other thread so I started this one.

I'd say any form of Pallywood production is not covered under freedom of the press laws because there is nothing resembling ethical news reporting involved. Its pure fiction. Its not an actual news team from an actual news outlet, even if it was, like the French team shown in several of the films, if they aren't working in an ethical manor but instead are staging events to misrepresent later then they are still not covered regardless of their affiliation.

I'm not even sure if the Arab Muslims in Gaza allow unbiased reporting from an actual independent news source.

In the US -- you could whine all you want about freedom of the press and get away with blatant lies and forgeries. It's done all the time. Those "GasLand" documentaries with the flaming faucets or the NBC lighting a cherry bomb into a Ford gas tank to show the car blowing up --- types of drama.

But the more important thing is WHO IS PAYING FOR IT.. Because press with ZERO credibility is never gonna be a money maker. (except maybe tabloid press at the supermarket). So SOMEONE has to pay for it.

Either the Pali govt or the types of believers we have right here in this forum all around the world that are DEMANDING evidence that the Palis are just always the innocent victims.

Without credibility -- they really are not LEGITIMATE press agencies and need to be bankrolled by someone. THAT'S the real issue. You might find if you dug a bunch that the money comes from Saudi or Iran or EVEN China or Russia..
Or the UNWRA and other "aid" organizations.

The people that fund the PA for instance.

In any case I don't think these clown are protected
Actually among other things your a racist but thats besides the point.
And I keep asking you to explain why you think I'm a racist, but to date, you have refused. I guess baseless accusations are more to your liking?

This nonsense you've so desperately tried to distract us with has been proven a lie whether you like it or not. One among many lies you cling to in order to maintain your cognitive dissonance
This isn't about me.

The subject in case you missed it is if Pallywood productions are protected under freedom of the press laws.
How could anyone tell what the subject is, with you keep moving the goal posts?

I'd say no as the film industry regardless of if its fiction or not isn't covered under the ethics of journalism or by freedom of the press laws
But freedom of expression, is.

See the OP for further details
Maybe you should see the OP, since half of your last 4 comments, were not on the thread topic.

So should a state organization designed to falsify information and engage in a smear campaign against another state be protected by freedom of the press laws ?
You have to first be a State, in order to be a State organization.
Actually among other things your a racist but thats besides the point.
And I keep asking you to explain why you think I'm a racist, but to date, you have refused. I guess baseless accusations are more to your liking?

This nonsense you've so desperately tried to distract us with has been proven a lie whether you like it or not. One among many lies you cling to in order to maintain your cognitive dissonance
This isn't about me.

The subject in case you missed it is if Pallywood productions are protected under freedom of the press laws.
How could anyone tell what the subject is, with you keep moving the goal posts?

I'd say no as the film industry regardless of if its fiction or not isn't covered under the ethics of journalism or by freedom of the press laws
But freedom of expression, is.

See the OP for further details
Maybe you should see the OP, since half of your last 4 comments, were not on the thread topic.

So should a state organization designed to falsify information and engage in a smear campaign against another state be protected by freedom of the press laws ?
You have to first be a State, in order to be a State organization.

Because of your words posted on here when you demand the Jews be wiped out and Israel destroyed, normally by dropping nukes on them.

It is when you keep telling the same LIES

NOPE it is you who is unable to stick to the simple rules that moves the goal posts.

Depends on which country you are in, and what you get away with in the US you wont get away with in other countries.

Depends on your POV

Are you saying that Palestine is not a state, even though international law has accepted it is ?

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