Pamela Gellar Banned from Twitter

Jeebus. Could you possibly be more uninformed?
Well, for starters let’s agree that fascism always starts with a strong, charismatic leader coming from a strong nationalistic view.


Nope, it can also come in the shadows in the guise of media trying to control the narrative and demanding conformity. All ran by biased oligarchs that are pulling the strings in DC. And you fucking commies just thinks it great.

At this point I just laugh. The purge continues. Must be hard for the left to live in so much fear of opposing opinions

View attachment 454417
Never heard of her. She must be an idiot though.
She is Jewish so of course you despise her but to be fair I never heard of her either.
I have no problem with Jewish people. I just cant stand idiots that are Jewish. If you dont know her how do you know she is Jewish?
At this point I just laugh. The purge continues. Must be hard for the left to live in so much fear of opposing opinions...
Decent folks don't like dangerous nutjobs who insist on yelling "Fire" in a crowded theater... metaphorically speaking. No great loss.

Decent folks demand free speech. Fascist scumbags, like you, don't.
At this point I just laugh. The purge continues. Must be hard for the left to live in so much fear of opposing opinions

View attachment 454417
Never heard of her. She must be an idiot though.
She is Jewish so of course you despise her but to be fair I never heard of her either.
I have no problem with Jewish people. I just cant stand idiots that are Jewish. If you dont know her how do you know she is Jewish?
Name...we can sniff one another out.

Just looked her up....LOL

Geller is the third of four sisters born to a Jewish family; her father, Reuben Geller, is a textile manufacturer, and her mother is Lillian Geller.
She looks like a doodle whack looney bird.

Your logic is seriously flawed. Not all Charismatic Leaders promote Fascism.

If you are sincerely concerned about Fascism, then you should oppose the Xiden the FICUS regime selected by the Corporate-Banker-SurveillanceTech Oligarchy.
I didn’t say that all charismatic leaders promote fascism. I didn’t say that at all.

But when fascism does come, it’s always from a strong charismatic and nationalistic leader. Biden ain’t that.

You act like quid pro joe is in charge. That demented SOB will say anything put on his prompter and sign anything put in front of him.

Nope, it can also come in the shadows in the guise of media trying to control the narrative and demanding conformity. All ran by biased oligarchs that are pulling the strings in DC. And you fucking commies just thinks it great.
Yeah, that’s not fascism.
spreading dangerous conspiracy theories about election fraud is not a difference of opinion.
How it that dangerous? We have a conspiracy theory section on this forum. Our institutions, government, corporations, schools promote and teach radical Marxist conspiracy theories.
They think they are protecting Democracy by deciding who should win

The press has always been free to chose sides, however they have no power to rig an election.

Sure they do, when they withhold factual information about a candidate from the voters. And put out nothing but lies and propaganda about their opposition.

It was a conspi9rcay theory
Well, that’s literally true, but as volume 1 of the Mueller points out, there was plenty of rational to worry about it.

The easiest example is the Trump tower meeting. How far fetched could it be given we know they were eagerly taking meetings with Russians talking about helping their campaign?
What the Mueller report did was say there was reason for him to spend 30 Million dollars but no evidence to support such reason.

Curious...I would like your take on this....and your answer will allow the rest of us to see how honest you are....

Fact: No one denies the dossier was produced by Fusion GPS and no one denies it was paid for by the DNC. All good. That politics.

Fact: Mueller stated in his report that no American Citizen colluded with Russia during the campaign of 2016

Fact: Mueller admitted he had no idea who Fusion GPS was during the hearing.

How exactly how does a man determine that no American Citizen worked with the Russians if he was not aware of the name of the organization who admitted they got "dirt" on Donald Trump" that was used by the DNC against Donald Trump?

If I was at that hearing, my first question would have been...."did you investigate the Clinton campaign for the same possible collusion or were you just focused on the Trump campaign"...

And then I would ask...."how can you claim NO American worked with the Russians if, in fact, you never investigated the Clinton Campaign"?

Of Course he would respond with the Wikipedia definition of his investigation that says "he was mandated to investigate the Trump campaign" when, in fact he was mandated to look at all possible collusion from all sides.

So then I would ask...."you stated in your report that No Americans colluded with Russian during the campaign" why would you say that if you didn't investigate ALL AMERICANS involved in the 2016 campaign.

What say you?
spreading dangerous conspiracy theories about election fraud is not a difference of opinion.
Correct. For three years, conspiracy after conspiracy about the Russians interfering with the 2016 election WITHOUT ANY PROOF damaged this country almost beyond repair.

Today, actual election fraud, with loads of proof, is being denied, ignored, and swept under the rug by those who are in power.

The former was a lie yet touted as the truth. The latter is true and being desperately portrayed as a lie.
^ Completely ignoring the convictions.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Completely ignoring the Muller report that said no Americans participated in the failed Russian election interference.

spreading dangerous conspiracy theories about election fraud is not a difference of opinion.
Correct. For three years, conspiracy after conspiracy about the Russians interfering with the 2016 election WITHOUT ANY PROOF damaged this country almost beyond repair.

Today, actual election fraud, with loads of proof, is being denied, ignored, and swept under the rug by those who are in power.

The former was a lie yet touted as the truth. The latter is true and being desperately portrayed as a lie.
^ Completely ignoring the convictions.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Completely ignoring the Muller report that said no Americans participated in the failed Russian election interference.

yet it has been revealed, and not denied that the DNC paid Fusion GPS for Russian disinformation (the dossier) but I guess they are not deemed as "Americans" seeing as he had no idea who Fusion GPS was?
Fact: Mueller stated in his report that no American Citizen colluded with Russia during the campaign of 2016
Can you provide a direct quote of Mueller report saying this? I don’t think this is precisely accurate and your entire point rests on this being exact.
so says a faceless voice on the internet,,

then who was he working for??
He was an unpaid board member of a private equity fund and had a 10% stake in it for a few years.
so he did work for china,,

he was not only a member but the person that made the deal while his father the VP gave him transportation to china to do it,,,

and yet you say nothing about that,,,

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