Pandemic forever: Fauci has no plan, and no exit strategy, for covid

That was sarcasm. The hospital is just about the last place you want to be if you catch covid.

They did not say that. They said:
You have a serious problem with comprehension. The point has been throughout this thread that flu tests positive for covid, hence the inflated numbers. What you just copied and pasted said exactly that, why else would the CDC encourage further testing to differentiate. SMFH, Buy them books and send them to school and they eat the pages.
This is in direct contradiction to what the CDC has publicized. But why am I not surprised, every thing that the CDC, WHO or Fauci has put out has been contradicted by the same people who said it. When they have been called on the contradictions, the stock answer has been "the science is evolving." Bullshit. Carry on being the good little sheep that you are, they are counting on it.

You're proving your stupidity once more. If the CDC has said this, then prove it.
You're proving your stupidity once more. If the CDC has said this, then prove it.
You're a moron. You haven't kept up with current events. Actually, it is not even current. Way back when the numbers were (falsely) claiming that ~300K had died in the US FROM covid, the CDC stated that only ~6% of those had died FROM covid, the remainder had died WITH covid. So using that statement and YOUR numbers, only ~57K have died FROM covid in two years--reflecting near perfectly annual flu fatality numbers. Run along moron. Educate yourself and quit expecting someone else to do it for you.
You have a serious problem with comprehension. The point has been throughout this thread that flu tests positive for covid, hence the inflated numbers. What you just copied and pasted said exactly that, why else would the CDC encourage further testing to differentiate. SMFH, Buy them books and send them to school and they eat the pages.
So show me where the CDC said the flu tests positive for covid?

Is your argument that a symptomatic person presented with influenza, was given a covid test, and received a false positive for covid due to the too-high Ct? And that is why there are no flu cases in 2020?

That may be true, but there is a qualitative difference between that hypothesis and the presumption that it is the influenza virus that is producing the positive test result. It is not the influenza virus producing the result, it is the faulty test.

The reason the CDC recommends the multiplexed tests are so that they can differentiate. It would not surprise me at all if there are influenza cases in the covid numbers, but I don't see how you could attribute all the covid infections to influenza.

Do you believe in the science of genetics at all? Or do you think it's just a bunch of hogwash?
Way back when the numbers were (falsely) claiming that ~300K had died in the US FROM covid, the CDC stated that only ~6% of those had died FROM covid, the remainder had died WITH covid
This is correct. I didn't know where people were getting the numbers being thrown around, but the 6% is what the CDC said had covid listed as the cause of death, and no comorbidities listed on the death certificate.
So show me where the CDC said the flu tests positive for covid?

Is your argument that a symptomatic person presented with influenza, was given a covid test, and received a false positive for covid due to the too-high Ct? And that is why there are no flu cases in 2020?

That may be true, but there is a qualitative difference between that hypothesis and the presumption that it is the influenza virus that is producing the positive test result. It is not the influenza virus producing the result, it is the faulty test.

The reason the CDC recommends the multiplexed tests are so that they can differentiate. It would not surprise me at all if there are influenza cases in the covid numbers, but I don't see how you could attribute all the covid infections to influenza.

Do you believe in the science of genetics at all? Or do you think it's just a bunch of hogwash?
LMAO, by this post ^^ you are appearing to buy into the whole covid bullshit to begin with. I don't believe ANY of it. Smoke and mirrors, all related to advancing a globalist, WEF narrative. Too many blatant lies and contradictions. Using the same logic that courts of law use in this country--if one part of a testimony is found to be untruthful, then all of a testimony is deemed untruthful. Fauci has contradicted himself numerous times and has lied under oath to congress and the CDC has sent contradictory messages more times than I can count. IT IS ALL BULLSHIT.
Keep telling yourself that. There have been false positives since the beginning. What better way to scare the populace than to push an unreliable test. Have you forgotten TEST, TEST, TEST. For what? Not one life has been saved by a test. However, every flu (false positive) has furthered the false narrative that we are in a pandemic. You know, TESTS DO NOT LIE! Bullshit. Try critical thinking for yourself for a change. The globaists and their msm have been lying to you. The stats that they are attempting to hide tell the real story.

BS, the "omicron" variant is no more than the common cold.
Who are these "globalists" that you retards keep hysterically ranting about? Did these "globalists" collude with leaders accross the planet to spread this false narrative that we're in a pandemic? You wanna identify who these "globalists" are instead of raaaaaaaaanting & raaaaaaaaving about these people? Was Trump in on this scheme when the pandemic hit?

Oh wait, it's not a pandemic. Me so sorry.
Who are these "globalists" that you retards keep hysterically ranting about? Did these "globalists" collude with leaders accross the planet to spread this false narrative that we're in a pandemic? You wanna identify who these "globalists" are instead of raaaaaaaaanting & raaaaaaaaving about these people? Was Trump in on this scheme when the pandemic hit?

Oh wait, it's not a pandemic. Me so sorry.
You so ignorant. Don't blame us for your ignorance. Try researching World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland. The Great Reset. Connect the dots moron.
HaHaHa, projecting again. Drama queen? Nice try Karen, I'm not the one trying to validate my decisions by forcing health care decisions on other people, moron. Critical thinking skills are important, you ought to try them sometime. You might be able to tell when you are being lied to, gullible fuck.
Oooooh, look! Does this "critical thinking" you rant about include how you figured out that those "globalists" that you keep jizzing on yourself over are trying to destroy the whole wide world for their own gain with a false narrative that we're in a pandemic, bedwetter?

Come on, Ace. Who are these "globalists"?
LMAO, by this post ^^ you are appearing to buy into the whole covid bullshit to begin with. I don't believe ANY of it. Smoke and mirrors, all related to advancing a globalist, WEF narrative. Too many blatant lies and contradictions.
Well that's fine. If you think the virus doesn't even exist, I'm not going to convince you it does.

Using the same logic that courts of law use in this country--if one part of a testimony is found to be untruthful, then all of a testimony is deemed untruthful. Fauci has contradicted himself numerous times and has lied under oath to congress and the CDC has sent contradictory messages more times than I can count. IT IS ALL BULLSHIT.
I believe the way it's usually instructed is not a mandate, but a choice. IOW, if a juror finds one part of testimony to be a lie, they can disregard the rest. The discretion is the juror's.

Occam's Razor is my guide. I say the SARS-COV2 virus is real and genetically unique, and that it is not an influenza virus. The reason is biology.

I say the virus and the resulting pandemic is primarily the fault of Fauci and the NIH, as the funders of the experiment and ultimately responsible for the oversight. The buck has to stop somewhere.

I agree completely that they have lied and misrepresented and covered up and engaged in collusion with the other actors.

I think they found themselves in a tight spot and knew it, and they did what lefties always do- never let a disaster go to waste. More than anything else, Fauci's holy grail is the universal vaccine, which means the mRNA vaccines because they are completely synthetic and can be rapidly deployed. If you watch that Milken round table, that's what they were talking about in October 2019, just a couple months before the news came out of Wuhan.

They made the decision to go all in, and that's exactly what they did.

They suppressed every alternative to the vaccines because the ten-year testing window Fauci said was needed just 2 months earlier suddenly became a lot less important to them, and covering their own asses became the prime consideration. If they could shut down the pandemic and simultaneously run a massive clinical trial of the mRNA vaccines, they would be the saviors and Fauci would have his legacy.

The media played their part as expected, refused to question anything, and just followed the script.

Now here's the thing- If you don't believe the virus is real, you let them all off the hook for creating it, then the entire pandemic becomes just a political play. That is going way to easy on them, imo, and doesn't account for the worldwide situation. It isn't realistic to me that the rest of the world would go along with it a fake pandemic for two years just for US domestic political reasons.
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Elected DemoKKKrats' approval ratings are in the toilet, so they are taking the lead in ending the pandemic restrictions, regardless of Fauci's "sCiENce".

It was NEVER about public health.

During an interview with ABC News on Wednesday, White House Chief Medical Adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci responded to a question on what the threshold of cases that would cause him to determine the coronavirus pandemic has passed is by saying that “there’s no magic number” and that metrics for making decisions will look more at the rates of severe disease and hospitalizations over infection rates, but “We don’t know what that number is yet.”

Host Linsey Davis asked, “[O]ur country, right now, at least, is still seeing about 147,000 new cases of COVID per day. But what would that threshold be in the future for you to say, okay, the pandemic has passed?”

Fauci responded, “You know, there’s no magic number. But you want is to make sure the trajectory keeps going down and down and down. And I think the important issue, and that relates to one of the questions you asked before about the CDC considering giving more precise metrics for decisionmaking, that concentrating more on what the rate of severe disease and hospitalization is will determine that. We don’t know what that number is yet. But that will be much more of a determinant than the rate of infection.”
Fauci is responsible for 1000s of death. Right Rigby5 ?

And Rigby5 and I never agree
Never needed? 950,000 dead americans just said, hi. 🙋‍♂️

Spoken like every bullshiter who's never been able to back up what they claim.
As you ignore early treatments used all over the world. You spout FauChi Gain of Function Lies
His plan is working:

View attachment 602644

Vax rates up to about 70% or there about....

Death/New Case numbers dropping.... Hot spots in the Red States...of course.
I don't think people are getting this...

US had about 100,000 cases and 2,400 deaths yesterday...
With a fully vaccinated at 64% and Booster at 28%

Ireland which is 65 times smaller than US...
Ireland had 8,500 cases yesterday (Coronavirus: 8,593 new cases and 591 patients in hospital, including 57 in ICU figure is lower as they take tests from PCR and you can register an Antigen from home)
Ireland has average 18 deaths a day...
Ireland has a fully vaccination rate of 78.9% and Booster at 55.7%...

So lets compare those numbers... If Ireland was the size of US (i.e. lets multiple there figures by 65)
So Ireland has the equivalent of 552,000 cases a day and 1,170 deaths....

So even with huge Daily cases of 5 times US, they have half the deaths... Ireland have huge numbers because they have got rid of nearly all restrictions...
Vaccine Rates, Ireland is not only 13% more Fully vaccinated they Boosted over double the US rate.

BTW: Denmark have they same type of numbers and also got rid of all restrictions... US equivalent numbers cases are 20 times but deaths are the same... Denmark is 81% Fully vaccinated and 62% boosted... This will fall dramatically soon...

This shows how the vaccine wins... These are how it finishes, vaccine hesitancy just prolongs this whole thing... US death rate per case is one of the worst in the world and this is not in Democratic areas...
The main issue is the that people who should get the vaccine don't... Old, Overweight, Diabetes,.... but the Irish said the people they saw in hospital were either old and compromised and vaccinated OR young and unvaccinated....

These are just facts comparing to other countries..
Elected DemoKKKrats' approval ratings are in the toilet, so they are taking the lead in ending the pandemic restrictions, regardless of Fauci's "sCiENce".

It was NEVER about public health.

During an interview with ABC News on Wednesday, White House Chief Medical Adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci responded to a question on what the threshold of cases that would cause him to determine the coronavirus pandemic has passed is by saying that “there’s no magic number” and that metrics for making decisions will look more at the rates of severe disease and hospitalizations over infection rates, but “We don’t know what that number is yet.”

Host Linsey Davis asked, “[O]ur country, right now, at least, is still seeing about 147,000 new cases of COVID per day. But what would that threshold be in the future for you to say, okay, the pandemic has passed?”

Fauci responded, “You know, there’s no magic number. But you want is to make sure the trajectory keeps going down and down and down. And I think the important issue, and that relates to one of the questions you asked before about the CDC considering giving more precise metrics for decisionmaking, that concentrating more on what the rate of severe disease and hospitalization is will determine that. We don’t know what that number is yet. But that will be much more of a determinant than the rate of infection.”
So the virus is going to last forever as many were screaming from the very beginning---how those temporary shutdowns work to stop the spread? The virus was ALWAYS going to spread all over and to everyone.
I don't think people are getting this...

US had about 100,000 cases and 2,400 deaths yesterday...
With a fully vaccinated at 64% and Booster at 28%

Ireland which is 65 times smaller than US...
Ireland had 8,500 cases yesterday (Coronavirus: 8,593 new cases and 591 patients in hospital, including 57 in ICU figure is lower as they take tests from PCR and you can register an Antigen from home)
Ireland has average 18 deaths a day...
Ireland has a fully vaccination rate of 78.9% and Booster at 55.7%...

So lets compare those numbers... If Ireland was the size of US (i.e. lets multiple there figures by 65)
So Ireland has the equivalent of 552,000 cases a day and 1,170 deaths....

So even with huge Daily cases of 5 times US, they have half the deaths... Ireland have huge numbers because they have got rid of nearly all restrictions...
Vaccine Rates, Ireland is not only 13% more Fully vaccinated they Boosted over double the US rate.

BTW: Denmark have they same type of numbers and also got rid of all restrictions... US equivalent numbers cases are 20 times but deaths are the same... Denmark is 81% Fully vaccinated and 62% boosted... This will fall dramatically soon...

This shows how the vaccine wins... These are how it finishes, vaccine hesitancy just prolongs this whole thing... US death rate per case is one of the worst in the world and this is not in Democratic areas...
The main issue is the that people who should get the vaccine don't... Old, Overweight, Diabetes,.... but the Irish said the people they saw in hospital were either old and compromised and vaccinated OR young and unvaccinated....

These are just facts comparing to other countries..
Ireland doesn't have the high risk groups----

Hispanics especially illegals, Blacks, Native Americans and the grossly obese as we do in the US.
I don't think people are getting this...

US had about 100,000 cases and 2,400 deaths yesterday...
With a fully vaccinated at 64% and Booster at 28%

Ireland which is 65 times smaller than US...
Ireland had 8,500 cases yesterday (Coronavirus: 8,593 new cases and 591 patients in hospital, including 57 in ICU figure is lower as they take tests from PCR and you can register an Antigen from home)
Ireland has average 18 deaths a day...
Ireland has a fully vaccination rate of 78.9% and Booster at 55.7%...

So lets compare those numbers... If Ireland was the size of US (i.e. lets multiple there figures by 65)
So Ireland has the equivalent of 552,000 cases a day and 1,170 deaths....

So even with huge Daily cases of 5 times US, they have half the deaths... Ireland have huge numbers because they have got rid of nearly all restrictions...
Vaccine Rates, Ireland is not only 13% more Fully vaccinated they Boosted over double the US rate.

BTW: Denmark have they same type of numbers and also got rid of all restrictions... US equivalent numbers cases are 20 times but deaths are the same... Denmark is 81% Fully vaccinated and 62% boosted... This will fall dramatically soon...

This shows how the vaccine wins... These are how it finishes, vaccine hesitancy just prolongs this whole thing... US death rate per case is one of the worst in the world and this is not in Democratic areas...
The main issue is the that people who should get the vaccine don't... Old, Overweight, Diabetes,.... but the Irish said the people they saw in hospital were either old and compromised and vaccinated OR young and unvaccinated....

These are just facts comparing to other countries..
Excellent takedown.

Here is my thing....

We had diseases in the past. We developed vaccines. The diseases all but disappeared.

Now we have Covid... We developed vaccines. And the death count and case counts are declining.... and, for some reason, some folks want to attribute this to anything and everything except the vaccines.

If anyone can think of another reason other than the dis-information campaign...I'd like to hear it.

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