Pandemic forever: Fauci has no plan, and no exit strategy, for covid

I don't think so. The PCR test won't tell you if you have influenza- it's not looking for influenza. A person could be infected with both, and only the corona will be detected. A person with influenza and no C19 will be PCR negative.

Assuming proper use of the test, and not irrationally high Ct's. PCR should never be a diagnostic tool- it's a surveillance tool. You need a clinical diagnosis to call someone sick with covid.

There is a PCR test that does detect both, it has to look for 5 sequences instead of the 3 for the covid tests. The covid test looks for 2 sequences that are unique to SARS-Cov2 and one that is normal in humans. The human sequence is the control, the other 2 are looking at the C19 spike and membrane proteins.

The dual test adds 2 sequences from influenza, so it can detect or exclude both C19 and the flu. That is not the CDC test, (which is the one most used). The UW made their own test that looks for different genetic sequences than the CDC- any lab make up their own test, the trick is selecting the right sequences.

An "Omicron" positive using the CDC sequences is what's known as an "S-delete". The Omicron spike is so different that the PCR test can't identify the Omicron spike. So a positive for M protein plus a positive control, and a negative for the S protein is called an Omicron infection. That's a weak conclusion because it hinges on a negative result- you can't be sure until it's fully sequenced.

This is also why the vaccines and Mabs don't touch Omicron. They target the original Wuhan spike which is very different than Omicron's.

Omicron looks like the extinct SA variant that was serially attenuated in mice- it's weird. All of the other variants share mutations, Omicron stands alone.
Corona is SARS. Can’t tell the difference. It’s why it’s a hoax. Flu, all it is!
Keep telling yourself that. There have been false positives since the beginning. What better way to scare the populace than to push an unreliable test. Have you forgotten TEST, TEST, TEST. For what? Not one life has been saved by a test. However, every flu (false positive) has furthered the false narrative that we are in a pandemic. You know, TESTS DO NOT LIE! Bullshit. Try critical thinking for yourself for a change. The globaists and their msm have been lying to you. The stats that they are attempting to hide tell the real story.
Did you completely miss the part where I said "assuming proper use of the tests and not irrationally high Ct's"?

It's not necessary to assume a meaning to my posts that is not there. RT-PCR is simply a laboratory test, and like every other laboratory test it's all about using it properly.

The CDC PCR protocol does not confuse influenza with covid- it does not look for influenza-specific amino acid sequences. That has nothing to do with the false positives returned by over-cycling the PCR tests, which are counted as covid "cases" but are just a bad test result.

A properly designed and conducted PCR test for covid, using the CDC specified sequences, cannot return a positive result for influenza- that is not a possible outcome of that particular test.

I made no comments on the over testing and inflating the case counts, which we all know happened. My post was addressing the quoted text- the assertion that PCR testing mistook influenza for covid.
BS, the "omicron" variant is no more than the common cold.
Omicron does look very much like a common cold, which can be caused by a number of different viruses. But it is still a SARS-Cov2 variant- it is not OC43 or 229E or HKU1. It is SARS-Cov2 B1.1.529.

A person infected with it will experience the symptoms we call the common cold, which is a catch-all term.
Keep telling yourself that. There have been false positives since the beginning. What better way to scare the populace than to push an unreliable test. Have you forgotten TEST, TEST, TEST. For what? Not one life has been saved by a test. However, every flu (false positive) has furthered the false narrative that we are in a pandemic. You know, TESTS DO NOT LIE! Bullshit. Try critical thinking for yourself for a change. The globaists and their msm have been lying to you. The stats that they are attempting to hide tell the real story.

BS, the "omicron" variant is no more than the common cold.
Exactly. Can’t decipher accept it’s structure, SARS, cold and flu! Fking period
Did you completely miss the part where I said "assuming proper use of the tests and not irrationally high Ct's"?

It's not necessary to assume a meaning to my posts that is not there. RT-PCR is simply a laboratory test, and like every other laboratory test it's all about using it properly.

The CDC PCR protocol does not confuse influenza with covid- it does not look for influenza-specific amino acid sequences. That has nothing to do with the false positives returned by over-cycling the PCR tests, which are counted as covid "cases" but are just a bad test result.

A properly designed and conducted PCR test for covid, using the CDC specified sequences, cannot return a positive result for influenza- that is not a possible outcome of that particular test.

I made no comments on the over testing and inflating the case counts, which we all know happened. My post was addressing the quoted text- the assertion that PCR testing mistook influenza for covid.

Omicron does look very much like a common cold, which can be caused by a number of different viruses. But it is still a SARS-Cov2 variant- it is not OC43 or 229E or HKU1. It is SARS-Cov2 B1.1.529.

A person infected with it will experience the symptoms we call the common cold, which is a catch-all term.
SARS, cold and flu
Corona is SARS. Can’t tell the difference. It’s why it’s a hoax. Flu, all it is!
JC, we can tell the difference. Coronaviruses are similar to influenza viruses in that they are both enveloped RNA viruses, but they are very different in every important detail.

Coronaviruses are positive sense viruses, the viral genome is mRNA. Influenza viruses are negative sense viruses, they do not act directly and must code for the mRNA before replication. Similar in some structural ways, but originating from opposite DNA strands.

They infect cells with completely different mechanisms- influenza viruses have a simple mechanism where they just hitch a ride on the sugars that coat the cells- the fuel source. SARS-COV2 has a complex mechanism where it attaches to cellular receptors and undergoes a protein cleaving process and membrane fusion in order to get the viral genome into the host cell.

The 2003 SARS-COV was a naturally occurring coronavirus that originated in the Yunnan Province in China. SARS-COV2 is a laboratory created offshoot using a recombinant SARS-COV virus from the Yunnan bat population and a spike protein designed by Ralph Baric at UNC Chapel Hill. The Baric spike was inserted into the SARSr-COV backbone by the bat lady in Wuhan, and that became SARS-COV2.

It got away from them, and the rest as they say, is history.

But it isn't just the flu- the flu doesn't tear through nursing homes and wipe out large fractions of the residents in one fell swoop. We saw that right away- the Life Care Center in Kirkland had it's first confirmed case on February 28 and by mid-march there were 101 residents, 50 staff, and 16 visitors that had it. At least 46 deaths from that outbreak. That was repeated in lots of other places, and influenza just doesn't do that.

It's not the flu, it's the product of an ill-advised experiment gone awry. That mistake was compounded by another ill-advised experiment- a global clinical trial of an unproven vaccine technology (against a target pathogen that we have never successfully vaccinated against).

The virus so outpaces the vaccines that they can never hope to catch up, and it makes no sense to me to imprint my immune system with an extinct pathogen, so I will remain in the control group...
How come this very special concoction “outraced all vaccines….surges…new more virulent…social duty….death to non vaccinated” yet a euphemistically benign “jab” is all that needed to quell the lib loons? AND, no other virus has ever done so??
Not only are you all statistically non developed you also are blindingly unaware of how language is manipulating you
The CDC PCR protocol does not confuse influenza with covid
This is in direct contradiction to what the CDC has publicized. But why am I not surprised, every thing that the CDC, WHO or Fauci has put out has been contradicted by the same people who said it. When they have been called on the contradictions, the stock answer has been "the science is evolving." Bullshit. Carry on being the good little sheep that you are, they are counting on it.
JC, we can tell the difference. Coronaviruses are similar to influenza viruses in that they are both enveloped RNA viruses, but they are very different in every important detail.

Coronaviruses are positive sense viruses, the viral genome is mRNA. Influenza viruses are negative sense viruses, they do not act directly and must code for the mRNA before replication. Similar in some structural ways, but originating from opposite DNA strands.

They infect cells with completely different mechanisms- influenza viruses have a simple mechanism where they just hitch a ride on the sugars that coat the cells- the fuel source. SARS-COV2 has a complex mechanism where it attaches to cellular receptors and undergoes a protein cleaving process and membrane fusion in order to get the viral genome into the host cell.

The 2003 SARS-COV was a naturally occurring coronavirus that originated in the Yunnan Province in China. SARS-COV2 is a laboratory created offshoot using a recombinant SARS-COV virus from the Yunnan bat population and a spike protein designed by Ralph Baric at UNC Chapel Hill. The Baric spike was inserted into the SARSr-COV backbone by the bat lady in Wuhan, and that became SARS-COV2.

It got away from them, and the rest as they say, is history.

But it isn't just the flu- the flu doesn't tear through nursing homes and wipe out large fractions of the residents in one fell swoop. We saw that right away- the Life Care Center in Kirkland had it's first confirmed case on February 28 and by mid-march there were 101 residents, 50 staff, and 16 visitors that had it. At least 46 deaths from that outbreak. That was repeated in lots of other places, and influenza just doesn't do that.

It's not the flu, it's the product of an ill-advised experiment gone awry. That mistake was compounded by another ill-advised experiment- a global clinical trial of an unproven vaccine technology (against a target pathogen that we have never successfully vaccinated against).

The virus so outpaces the vaccines that they can never hope to catch up, and it makes no sense to me to imprint my immune system with an extinct pathogen, so I will remain in the control group...
It’s SARS, all it is, strains is what you’re referring to.
JC, we can tell the difference. Coronaviruses are similar to influenza viruses in that they are both enveloped RNA viruses, but they are very different in every important detail.

Coronaviruses are positive sense viruses, the viral genome is mRNA. Influenza viruses are negative sense viruses, they do not act directly and must code for the mRNA before replication. Similar in some structural ways, but originating from opposite DNA strands.

They infect cells with completely different mechanisms- influenza viruses have a simple mechanism where they just hitch a ride on the sugars that coat the cells- the fuel source. SARS-COV2 has a complex mechanism where it attaches to cellular receptors and undergoes a protein cleaving process and membrane fusion in order to get the viral genome into the host cell.

The 2003 SARS-COV was a naturally occurring coronavirus that originated in the Yunnan Province in China. SARS-COV2 is a laboratory created offshoot using a recombinant SARS-COV virus from the Yunnan bat population and a spike protein designed by Ralph Baric at UNC Chapel Hill. The Baric spike was inserted into the SARSr-COV backbone by the bat lady in Wuhan, and that became SARS-COV2.

It got away from them, and the rest as they say, is history.

But it isn't just the flu- the flu doesn't tear through nursing homes and wipe out large fractions of the residents in one fell swoop. We saw that right away- the Life Care Center in Kirkland had it's first confirmed case on February 28 and by mid-march there were 101 residents, 50 staff, and 16 visitors that had it. At least 46 deaths from that outbreak. That was repeated in lots of other places, and influenza just doesn't do that.

It's not the flu, it's the product of an ill-advised experiment gone awry. That mistake was compounded by another ill-advised experiment- a global clinical trial of an unproven vaccine technology (against a target pathogen that we have never successfully vaccinated against).

The virus so outpaces the vaccines that they can never hope to catch up, and it makes no sense to me to imprint my immune system with an extinct pathogen, so I will remain in the control group...
How did it get in nursing homes ? Especially first?

I know, it hopped on a plane and drove to Washington State . Saw all the old farts said, aha, lunch
Coronaviruses are positive sense viruses, the viral genome is mRNA. Influenza viruses are negative sense viruses, they do not act directly and must code for the mRNA before replication. Similar in some structural ways, but originating from opposite DNA strands.
Blah, Blah fucking Blah. It is irrelevant. What makes it a hoax is that it has a 99.7% recovery rate. It is a repackaging of the flu to create panic and control people. The vast majority of the healthy populace recovers. The infirm are affected--just like every other year when the flu arrives.
It’s SARS, all it is, strains is what you’re referring to.
Yes. SARS is the disease- Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome. A coronavirus is the cause. All of the C19 variants today descended from the original 2003 SARS outbreak, but the pandemic is the result of the modifications made in the laboratory to make it more infectious. The 2003 virus caused SARS, but it was not efficient at infecting people, and it died off naturally. Fauci and Co. fixed that with a super-duper spike protein.

This was our experiment- the virus would not exist without NIH funding. That's why they appointed Peter Daszak to lead the "investigation" into the origin. He ran the experiment- who better to determine that it was a naturally occurring virus than the guy who created it?

The cover-up of the laboratory origin argues against it just being influenza, wouldn't you agree?

*** none of my comments are meant to imply that anything about this entire fiasco is okay. It's not okay, by any stretch. As bad as the original experiment was, the vaccine drive- which is all about Fauci's ego, and his legacy, and his quest for the universal flu vaccine is worse, because that is the reason there were no outpatient protocols developed. That's hundreds of thousands of avoidable deaths alone, not even counting whatever harm the vaccines end up doing.
How did it get in nursing homes ? Especially first?

I know, it hopped on a plane and drove to Washington State . Saw all the old farts said, aha, lunch
That traveler was the index case in the US, he arrived from Wuhan in mid-January at Sea-Tac. He had a relative in that nursing home.

He also got very sick, and IIRC was vented and got remdesivir even back then. He survived, in spite of receiving our best medical care.

We since learned that the true index case was in California, a man that arrived in December. But he was dead before the PCR tests were developed and it wasn't discovered until later- I think they had tissue samples from an autopsy.

The West coast was seeded from China and the East Coast was seeded from Europe, I guess about a month later.
Oh? I see, so it didn't come from the lab in Wuhan? Is this ANOTHER contradiction. Run along--you're a lost cause.
There isn't any contradiction. The origin is the 2003 virus. The current version is a recombinant descendant of that virus, after 12 years attenuating in a cave, then laboratory modified in Wuhan into the current version, in an experiment funded by the NIH.

So you are either just not reading, or you are bent out of shape or whatever, but nothing I have said is even controversial. It's not at all unrealistic to think that the proposal by Ecohealth Alliance, which describes the virus in great detail, is the exact experiment that resulted in the pandemic. The work being done in Wuhan was no secret.
That traveler was the index case in the US, he arrived from Wuhan in mid-January at Sea-Tac. He had a relative in that nursing home.

He also got very sick, and IIRC was vented and got remdesivir even back then. He survived, in spite of receiving our best medical care.

We since learned that the true index case was in California, a man that arrived in December. But he was dead before the PCR tests were developed and it wasn't discovered until later- I think they had tissue samples from an autopsy.

The West coast was seeded from China and the East Coast was seeded from Europe, I guess about a month later.
Hahaha god you are it up. I can’t help you, you have succumbed to idiocy. Dude, you can write that crap as often as you like, all bullshit. There was no way to ever test for it then! But stay stupid

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