Pandemic forever: Fauci has no plan, and no exit strategy, for covid

Has the rest of the planet been subjected to this scam or is it only in the U.S.A., mouth breather?
Why only in the USA has the scam not allowed the use of cheap drugs that made a Night and Day difference on deaths ...........Even places like Africa who hardly vaxxed at all.....Their stats are night and day better.

I'm sure you will now play they didn't report anything and hid all the dead bodies in the Jungle or something..........Kinda normal for LIARS LIKE YOU.

Why are you Murdering Americans with your LIES?
Every time restrictions are lifted a new varient emerges & cases spike again, nitwit. We've been down this road before.

Even your boy Trump said to get the vaxx. But his feelings were hurt when he got booed so hasen't opened his yap about it since.

The pandemic continues on & on because drama queens like you won't get the vaxx.

Own your convictions instead of attacking science.
Science.........The Rest of the world ignored your dumb ass........fitting symbol of the did better than us by mountains..........Perhaps IGNORING your LYING ASS has been the key to winning against the Plannedemic all along.
Because his TV told him to.
He doesn’t know 8000 people die a day in this country!! All they had to do was harvest count from that and wallah one has a pandemic fraud.
Oh, and the fact that the majority of the initial deaths were nursing homes is my evidence. Those people never would have had access to the fake virus and were close to death. People who believe were conned.
All cause mortality and excess deaths in the US are not encouraging. 2021 recorded more deaths from covid than 2020, and excess mortality is up about 16% over 2020. A year of mass vaccinating and useless mandates, and 2021 was worse than 2020.

Hospitals and physicians will not go off label or they will lose their federal covid $$$ so after 2 years of the pandemic, there are still no outpatient protocols. That in itself is criminal. They don't even tell people to boost their Vitamin D for crying out loud.
You accurately shine light on one of the most baffling aspects of this intentionally, lengthened pandemic. But now that I reread the previous statement focusing on the word intentionally, it makes complete sense. This information about Vitamin D deficiency was known throughout the competent sector of research scientists. Science Daily, one of many medical outlets that released these findings, had this to say in 2020: (note the year)

“Over 80 percent of 200 COVID-19 patients in a hospital in Spain have vitamin D deficiency, according to a new study published in the Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.”

The question remains: why did our governmental health spokespeople not mention this whatsoever? Even if our fine government heads missed this particular study there were multiple studies finding the same results. There is no excuse for govt negligence when it postures for being in charge to tell the populace what to do to stay safe, when they did next to nothing.
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hahahahaahahahhahahahahahaha. How does a democratic government punish it's people because they got sick? 99% of the people didn't get sick and die. The fact you miss that statistic is truly insane. But, it is you.
BTW, the needs of the many outweighs the needs of the one
You accurately shine light on one of the most baffling aspects of this intentionally, lengthened pandemic. But now that I reread the previous statement focusing on the word intentionally, it makes complete sense. This information about Vitamin D deficiency was known throughout the competent sector of research scientists. Science Daily, one of many medical outlets that released these findings, had this to say in 2020: (note the year)

“Over 80 percent of 200 COVID-19 patients in a hospital in Spain have vitamin D deficiency, according to a new study published in the Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.”
The funniest report this morning was the Surgeon General has Wuhan, symptoms of achy muscles and chills. And announces get vaccinated! Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha. Can’t make it up.

wow to the nut jobs conned!! Not me
Post proof.
Here you go. I'll start with excess mortality.

For the covid numbers I use Worldometer.

US cumulative covid deaths December 31, 2020: 371,360
US cumulative covid deaths December 31 2021: 850,851

wrt reimbursements, it's set out in the CARES act. Providers only get the federal $$$ if they follow FDA guidelines. They are also indemnified just like the pharma companies.

The reason we do not have FDA approved vaccines available in the US is because they are not approved for all ages. To keep the liability protection, they have to administer the jabs under the EUA. You can't have an EUA if there are FDA approved alternatives, which is why they suppress the off label use of effective therapies like HCQ and IVM.

When the FDA approves a vaccine for all ages, the manufacturer is shielded from liability by the NCVIA (National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act). That's why the push for approving the vaccines for children under 5.

There is a pretty large body of data that connects Vit D levels to severe covid.

The funniest report this morning was the Surgeon General has Wuhan, symptoms of achy muscles and chills. And announces get vaccinated! Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha. Can’t make it up.

wow to the nut jobs conned!! Not me
I don’t know why that even surprises me JC. It’s been at least 16 months since info about Vit D has been out, specific groups at risk, numerous important details of verbal negligence, no public education, govt talking heads skipping tier 2 of instructing the public for effective home health care measures, why specific groups were considered to be high risk groups such as diabetes and high blood pressure…. But no!! We continue to hear it is the “catchall cure” which is total BS. The 3 jabs offered in the states don’t cure anything, and they don’t prevent anything.

I’m not buying into that these fake vaccines even reduce the likelihood of serious illness, but those of you who support that position will continue of course to support that position. What I ask is where are the studies that prove that? Where are the longitudinal studies on a meta-analysis scale that prove the vaccines that merely up antibody activity for 3- 4 months, that were allowed to be rushed through in the United States, where are the studies showing that those vaccines reduce severity? Anyone? Valid sources please.
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Aka Govt is rssentially murdering Americans.
Yep. Hell, the virus itself looks to have been our experiment. The Ecohealth proposal that was rejected by DARPA in 2018 tells the story. It's posted on the Project Veritas website.

After DARPA rejected it for GOF reasons, apparently it was repackaged and picked up by the NIH. It's worth reading the proposal- total Rube Goldberg crap.

They (Fauci et al) knew from the very beginning what they were dealing with, and exactly where it came from.
I don’t know why that even surprises me JC. It’s been at least 16 months since info about Vit D has been out, specific groups at risk, numerous important details of verbal negligence, no public education, govt talking heads skipping tier 2 of instructing the public for effective home health care measures, why specific groups were considered to be high risk groups such as diabetes and high blood pressure…. But no!! We continue to hear it is the “catchall cure” which is total BS. The 3 jabs offered in the states don’t cure anything, and they don’t prevent anything.

I’m not buying into that these fake vaccines even reduce the likelihood of serious and illness but those of you who support that position will continue of course to support that position. What I ask is where are the studies that prove that? Where are the longitudinal studies on a meta-analysis scale prove that the vaccines upping antibodies for a mere 3- 4 months that were allowed to be rushed through in the United States, where are the study showing that those vaccines reduce severity? Anyone? Valid sources please.
He caught the flu!! His symptoms scream it! The brainwashed are illiterate now! Believe, believe, believe. Because? They told them. Just like you wrote, no evidences, zip. Says a lot about how ignorant the populas really is!!
and/or having a different new pandemic ready to pimp.
Oh that is 100 percent true. Multiple teams of research scientists are scouring the pandemic proactively seeking the next pandemic. Searching for animals that typically have no human contact as most of these species take great measures to hide from humans, cutting up these reclusive animals and leaving the healthy carcasses along the roadside in the Amazon. What a horrid visual that is. They take back the animals they consider to be infected with some type of virus to study in the lab with more proactive cutting to “get ahead of the curve”. Right. Anyone with any type of intelligence above IQ 80 should get this and see what’s happening. Humans have decided to take greater risks for the glory of fame to discover something. Risk should be primary consideration in virus seeking activities, not secondary.
We also have the highest test rates and it is common knowledge that the vast majority of those tests are unreliable. GIGO.
You know we received our 4 “free” (that’s a joke) and I’m considering taking one just to see if I test positive lol I’m fine as a fiddle, but of course the explanation would be I’m just an asymptomatic carrier and in no way could the test produce a false positive- catching old strains of coronavirus which has happened, on a large scale most likely, with more defective batches out in the mix.
God for
Has anyone you know died of COVID?
90% of Americans do not have a family member nor anyone in closet circle of friends who have died
This is a hoax for those who cannot perform statistical analysis.
The pandemic continues on & on because drama queens like you won't get the vaxx.
HaHaHa, projecting again. Drama queen? Nice try Karen, I'm not the one trying to validate my decisions by forcing health care decisions on other people, moron. Critical thinking skills are important, you ought to try them sometime. You might be able to tell when you are being lied to, gullible fuck.
You know we received our 4 “free” (that’s a joke) and I’m considering taking one just to see if I test positive lol I’m fine as a fiddle, but of course the explanation would be I’m just an asymptomatic carrier and in no way could the test produce a false positive- catching old strains of coronavirus which has happened, on a large scale most likely, with more defective batches out in the mix.
And taking into consideration that the flu tests as positive for covid------
This is a bald faced lie--800K people have died WITH covid, moron--there's a difference. Annually, a like number of people die WITH any number of diseases. You are a good sheep though.
You are right. over 800K died with C19. That is the same tone in Denmark too. That is a moot point. The real issue is how many unvaxx should die? I give you an example, in ONT, Canada. ~67% died with C19 is vaxx, 33% died with C19 is unvaxx , and 82~85% of citizens are vaxx. So, was this Ok to re-open? The Gov't said no. After the convey showed up, the gov't re-opened everything (no vaxx passport, no limit on indoor / outdoor ... ). So debating the number of dies is pointless. The real question is that how many people want to reopen?
And taking into consideration that the flu tests as positive for covid------
Unbelievable! How did I miss this CA! Thank you very much for enlightening me. For all doubters, here is a non-biased source rated high for accuracy, center balanced:

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