Pandemic forever: Fauci has no plan, and no exit strategy, for covid

All cause mortality and excess deaths in the US are not encouraging. 2021 recorded more deaths from covid than 2020, and excess mortality is up about 16% over 2020. A year of mass vaccinating and useless mandates, and 2021 was worse than 2020.

Hospitals and physicians will not go off label or they will lose their federal covid $$$ so after 2 years of the pandemic, there are still no outpatient protocols. That in itself is criminal. They don't even tell people to boost their Vitamin D for crying out loud.
Aka Govt is rssentially murdering Americans.
The exit strategy is simple and when September rolls in the left will declare a marvelous victory over Covid and will tell people that because of their handling of the pandemic they ( Democratic Party ) must be re-elected for another term in the House and Senate so they can prevent another pandemic…

Watch and see and then remember you will agree with the Democratic Party no matter what the numbers show…
Democrats - not the left - but yes.
They got the election results they wanted. It is how long they could milk it, but it turns out many of the citizens nerves are frazzled. Progs love to make life hard. And then be there to cure what they initiated. A higher percentage of the population knows the game now. The vermin cannot even admit to their emasculating agendas. And we now know that most of them are not that good.
Beautifully said!
Over 800,000 people have died from Covid & countless others are dealing with long term Covid symptoms, halfwit.

There, I fixed THAT for YOU.
Start naming them. Until we know who and how, your "800,000" is a fantasy, spoon-fed to you by the Holy Glowing Rectangle.
Per the CDC on at least 3 occasions they have specified that the number of deaths from Covid and Covid alone in people with no other comorbities is 60,000. Liberals completely ignore that.
The fact is, in last 2 years 1.7 people die per state each day or about 85 in the entire Nation daily.
The restrictions imposed upon us are absolute political and social bullshit,
Yep, according to this moron any Covid-19 infection that results in a lethal blood clots, heart attack, or pneumonia doesn't count.
Lol why the hell would it not nutbag?

You little chicken shits are just too afraid to do the right thing for everyone and go get vaccinated.
Accidentally looked at your crap pists. BOO

Im unvaccinated. Run your life. RUN!!!
I'm supposed to be impressed that 58% of whites in America got vaccinated? Actually your link supports the notion that antivaccination propaganda is winning amongst the least educated.
^ Believes that alleged education equals intelligence or the ability to think logically rather than, for instance, a tendency toward indoctrination.
That's the best case scenario I'm afraid.

It will "end" when The People decalre it over, and half of The People have been hysterically deranged fascists since their pet psychopath lost in 2016, even though it was *Her Time.*
Has the rest of the planet been subjected to this scam or is it only in the U.S.A., mouth breather?
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Tell that to Gavin Newsom, snowflake. He's taking his state off of all restrictions "Going to have to live with covid." Say it with me, S-C-A-M-D-E-M-I-C, and you were too stooooopid to realize it.
Every time restrictions are lifted a new varient emerges & cases spike again, nitwit. We've been down this road before.

Even your boy Trump said to get the vaxx. But his feelings were hurt when he got booed so hasen't opened his yap about it since.

The pandemic continues on & on because drama queens like you won't get the vaxx.

Own your convictions instead of attacking science.

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