Pandemic forever: Fauci has no plan, and no exit strategy, for covid

The shot goblin now says we need to continue to force children to mask up.

Why? Who the fuck knows.... "follow the science" as it changes hourly.

It wasn't that long ago we laughed and pointed at runts like that at a carnival. But now they're all "smart" and shit.

Worship this, my substandard shit clowns... it fits you perfectly.

The shot goblin now says we need to continue to force children to mask up.

Why? Who the fuck knows.... "follow the science" as it changes hourly.

It wasn't that long ago we laughed and pointed at runts like that at a carnival. But now they're all "smart" and shit.

Worship this, my substandard shit clowns... it fits you perfectly.

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The US, under the fascist Biden regime, is the ONLY country in the world forcing children under 12 to wear masks in school. This is what comes of "leaders" like Joe Biden, who are known child abusers.
You are projecting. Let's go with reality instead of magical thinking.
Is that the same "reality" where you were actually some sort female oil exec back in 1950 and are actually a conservative Christian even though you always side with the most radical and authoritarian portions of the extreme left while promoting Islam absolutely relentlessly?

That reality?
How do you make an exit strategy for a virus?
They got the election results they wanted. It is how long they could milk it, but it turns out many of the citizens nerves are frazzled. Progs love to make life hard. And then be there to cure what they initiated. A higher percentage of the population knows the game now. The vermin cannot even admit to their emasculating agendas. And we now know that most of them are not that good.
They got the election results they wanted. It is how long they could milk it, but it turns out many of the citizens nerves are frazzled. Progs love to make life hard. And then be there to cure what they initiated. A higher percentage of the population knows the game now. The vermin cannot even admit to their emasculating agendas. And we now know that most of them are not that good.
Oh you must be one of those people who thinks covid was as a hoax or a political trick.
No, you are not.

Cherry picking data by limiting the time frame to one favorable to your preconceived notions is dishonest. The only statistic that matter here is overall death as that is the one that measures how effective the countermeasures against COVID have been.

NY is not the worst but they are certainly above both TX and FL. Considering the wide range of measures and the fact that they do not in any shape or form have a relation to death rate, it becomes more clear every day that the COVID measures we have taken have done squat at alleviating the pandemic. They simply have not been effective.

FL should have one of the highest death rates as they are one of the oldest states in the nation with the second largest per capita population over 65. The NUMBER ONE factor in death is age, bar none. That includes vaccination. The difference is STAGGERING. And yet FL having a massive retiree population is not in the top 10.

The narrative that lockdowns, masking and the other measures have done anything to alleviate deaths is specious at best.

Someone wanted to know how early restrictions worked out, I replied directly to that. We went from highs of 10k a day in cases down to a few hundred after a couple of months. Why would i choose a different time period than the one being asked about? How is that cherry picking? You need to actually follow the conversation if you're going to reply to something not directed at you.

Any claim about NY's death rate being worse than tx and fl without taking into consideration their nursing home deaths at the very start of the pandemic is horribly dishonest. Nursing home deaths made up nearly 30% of their total deaths. With that said most major pandemic measures across the country were mostly half assed once the very start of the pandemic was over with, but one thing has definitely been clear, masking and hand sanitizing has worked. To say otherwise is to be intentional obtuse for the sake of being a cheerleader for right wing politics. Japan, with a population of 130 million didn't only have 21k deaths because they defied mask wearing and social distancing. South Korea didn't have just 7k deaths because they decided science wasn't real. Hong Kong, China, singapore, etc. are just more examples of pandemic measures having a huge impact. We on the other hand are arguing whether covid is real, we had a president telling ppl to go to work even if they have covid, till this day we are still walking around maskless and unvaccinated like covid doesn't exist. There's a reason why we will hit 1 million deaths in probably another month or so. Oh and remember Sweden? The right wing's poster child for freedumb? They have more covid deaths than Norway, Finland and Denmark, combined. The only reason why it isn't more is because the government finally came to their senses about instituting pandemic measures.
Someone wanted to know how early restrictions worked out, I replied directly to that. We went from highs of 10k a day in cases down to a few hundred after a couple of months. Why would i choose a different time period than the one being asked about? How is that cherry picking? You need to actually follow the conversation if you're going to reply to something not directed at you.

Any claim about NY's death rate being worse than tx and fl without taking into consideration their nursing home deaths at the very start of the pandemic is horribly dishonest. Nursing home deaths made up nearly 30% of their total deaths. With that said most major pandemic measures across the country were mostly half assed once the very start of the pandemic was over with, but one thing has definitely been clear, masking and hand sanitizing has worked. To say otherwise is to be intentional obtuse for the sake of being a cheerleader for right wing politics. Japan, with a population of 130 million didn't only have 21k deaths because they defied mask wearing and social distancing. South Korea didn't have just 7k deaths because they decided science wasn't real. Hong Kong, China, singapore, etc. are just more examples of pandemic measures having a huge impact. We on the other hand are arguing whether covid is real, we had a president telling ppl to go to work even if they have covid, till this day we are still walking around maskless and unvaccinated like covid doesn't exist. There's a reason why we will hit 1 million deaths in probably another month or so. Oh and remember Sweden? The right wing's poster child for freedumb? They have more covid deaths than Norway, Finland and Denmark, combined. The only reason why it isn't more is because the government finally came to their senses about instituting pandemic measures.
Those 420,000 people who flew in from China in Feb 2020 landed in NYC and LA... Not Shreveport and Charleston. Of course NYC had a problem. We may have have the dumbest population in the free world.
Yes it did. The same people DemoKKKrats historically abused are the ones who refuse to get vaccinated. You people created this situation with your racism. Do you even understand why half the black population in this country isn't vaccinated?

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Both whites and blacks are currently the lowest vaccinated groups in america.
Those 420,000 people who flew in from China in Feb 2020 landed in NYC and LA... Not Shreveport and Charleston. Of course NYC had a problem. We may have have the dumbest population in the free world.

Well, it was actually people returning from Europe that spread the virus here, but yes, that was also a big catalyst for the beginning of cases in the major cities as well.
As I said on other websites, there is no incentive for establishments to end the C19 protocols, mandates or vaxx passports. So, if you want to enjoy freedom, you may need to start the convoy like the truckers did in Canada. The restrictions are eased in many provinces very quickly after that.
Per the CDC on at least 3 occasions they have specified that the number of deaths from Covid and Covid alone in people with no other comorbities is 60,000. Liberals completely ignore that.
The fact is, in last 2 years 1.7 people die per state each day or about 85 in the entire Nation daily.
The restrictions imposed upon us are absolute political and social bullshit,
Well, it was actually people returning from Europe that spread the virus here, but yes, that was also a big catalyst for the beginning of cases in the major cities as well.
Elected DemoKKKrats' approval ratings are in the toilet, so they are taking the lead in ending the pandemic restrictions, regardless of Fauci's "sCiENce".

It was NEVER about public health.

During an interview with ABC News on Wednesday, White House Chief Medical Adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci responded to a question on what the threshold of cases that would cause him to determine the coronavirus pandemic has passed is by saying that “there’s no magic number” and that metrics for making decisions will look more at the rates of severe disease and hospitalizations over infection rates, but “We don’t know what that number is yet.”

Host Linsey Davis asked, “[O]ur country, right now, at least, is still seeing about 147,000 new cases of COVID per day. But what would that threshold be in the future for you to say, okay, the pandemic has passed?”

Fauci responded, “You know, there’s no magic number. But you want is to make sure the trajectory keeps going down and down and down. And I think the important issue, and that relates to one of the questions you asked before about the CDC considering giving more precise metrics for decisionmaking, that concentrating more on what the rate of severe disease and hospitalization is will determine that. We don’t know what that number is yet. But that will be much more of a determinant than the rate of infection.”

This pandemic will end when overwrought hysterical clowns like you come to your senses which probably means never.
But I don't think anyone thought there'd be an organized and funded conspiracy to push the flu as a new deadly disease based on misinformation. There I fixed it for you.
Over 800,000 people have died from Covid & countless others are dealing with long term Covid symptoms, halfwit.

There, I fixed THAT for YOU.

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