Pandemic forever: Fauci has no plan, and no exit strategy, for covid

You are right. over 800K died with C19. That is the same tone in Denmark too. That is a moot point. The real issue is how many unvaxx should die? I give you an example, in ONT, Canada. ~67% died with C19 is vaxx, 33% died with C19 is unvaxx , and 82~85% of citizens are vaxx. So, was this Ok to re-open? The Gov't said no. After the convey showed up, the gov't re-opened everything (no vaxx passport, no limit on indoor / outdoor ... ). So debating the number of dies is pointless. The real question is that how many people want to reopen?
I and my family have not changed our routines unless forced (dr. offices and Costco) since this whole thing started. The globalists are attempting to use panic to control populations. The surprising thing is how easily the population of the world was buffaloed by this scam. If you research flu rates and world fatality rates for all causes, they have not changed significantly over the past ten years except for the first year of the scamdemic when we amazingly had no flu to speak of.
60,000 have died from Covid and Covid alone and the CDC has so stated 3 times in last 12 months. Anyone referencing 800k is immediately dismissed as a hoax participant
Worldometer initially followed CDC protocol but diverted when CDC began to lower the tally.
I and my family have not changed our routines unless forced (dr. offices and Costco) since this whole thing started. The globalists are attempting to use panic to control populations. The surprising thing is how easily the population of the world was buffaloed by this scam. If you research flu rates and world fatality rates for all causes, they have not changed significantly over the past ten years except for the first year of the scamdemic when we amazingly had no flu to speak of.
The CDC hid that data too. Was hard as hell to find the deaths per day before and historical averages during this plannedemic. 7800 a day before this began........why they went to excess death stats as every other death MAGICALLY DISAPPEARED......Then finally the ones dying average age 81.

But hell lets wipe out the economies all over the earth to prepare for the WEF's GREAT RESET.
60,000 have died from Covid and Covid alone and the CDC has so stated 3 times in last 12 months. Anyone referencing 800k is immediately dismissed as a hoax participant
Worldometer initially followed CDC protocol but diverted when CDC began to lower the tally.

Please post that link from their page then
Yep, I’ve known this since day 1. SARS has been around for all of mankind
One notable addition to your comment is when they coined it: SARS‑CoV‑2 they knew what they were doing to place it farther in thought away from SARS. The appropriate name is SARS2. Why didn’t they want to name it more appropriately? Fear of the unknown instantly caused massive panic, and public support was needed for the “urgent need” to flatten the curve (false stated reason to help hospitals recoup PPE telling sick people to stay home and DO NOTHING) to allow rushed testing to complete (mRNA’s needed 2 more weeks and NIH was funding Moderna’s).
to be more precise it's actually around 930-950k now.
And enters the mouth piece for the Gov't..............FEAR FEAR FEAR.

Every time restrictions are lifted a new varient emerges & cases spike again, nitwit. We've been down this road before.
Are you just making that up? Where is your supporting data?

Do you have any understanding of the dominant variant right now? That it was somehow dormant for 18 months, it's nearest genetic progenitor is the SA strain that had disappeared by mid-2020?

All of the other variants have a phylogeny that makes sense, Omicron appeared out of nowhere.
The pandemic continues on & on because drama queens like you won't get the vaxx.
If the vaccine works as advertised- that is to say it prevents severe illness but does not prevent infection or transmission, then it is the unvaccinated who should be afraid of the vaccinated.

The unvaccinated person will be symptomatic if they are infectious- they are more likely to be home in bed. The vaccinated person will be asymptomatic and out and about, with the same viral load and the same ability to transmit the virus to others.
Own your convictions instead of attacking science.
The problem is that science does not support the policy.
I and my family have not changed our routines unless forced (dr. offices and Costco) since this whole thing started. The globalists are attempting to use panic to control populations. The surprising thing is how easily the population of the world was buffaloed by this scam. If you research flu rates and world fatality rates for all causes, they have not changed significantly over the past ten years except for the first year of the scamdemic when we amazingly had no flu to speak of.
Neither have my wife and I. Nadda. This big bad virus, and never sick. Yet all the vaxxed catching something. Hmmmm how fking odd.
And taking into consideration that the flu tests as positive for covid------
I don't think so. The PCR test won't tell you if you have influenza- it's not looking for influenza. A person could be infected with both, and only the corona will be detected. A person with influenza and no C19 will be PCR negative.

Assuming proper use of the test, and not irrationally high Ct's. PCR should never be a diagnostic tool- it's a surveillance tool. You need a clinical diagnosis to call someone sick with covid.

There is a PCR test that does detect both, it has to look for 5 sequences instead of the 3 for the covid tests. The covid test looks for 2 sequences that are unique to SARS-Cov2 and one that is normal in humans. The human sequence is the control, the other 2 are looking at the C19 spike and membrane proteins.

The dual test adds 2 sequences from influenza, so it can detect or exclude both C19 and the flu. That is not the CDC test, (which is the one most used). The UW made their own test that looks for different genetic sequences than the CDC- any lab make up their own test, the trick is selecting the right sequences.

An "Omicron" positive using the CDC sequences is what's known as an "S-delete". The Omicron spike is so different that the PCR test can't identify the Omicron spike. So a positive for M protein plus a positive control, and a negative for the S protein is called an Omicron infection. That's a weak conclusion because it hinges on a negative result- you can't be sure until it's fully sequenced.

This is also why the vaccines and Mabs don't touch Omicron. They target the original Wuhan spike which is very different than Omicron's.

Omicron looks like the extinct SA variant that was serially attenuated in mice- it's weird. All of the other variants share mutations, Omicron stands alone.
I don't think so. The PCR test won't tell you if you have influenza- it's not looking for influenza. A person could be infected with both, and only the corona will be detected. A person with influenza and no C19 will be PCR negative.

Assuming proper use of the test, and not irrationally high Ct's. PCR should never be a diagnostic tool- it's a surveillance tool. You need a clinical diagnosis to call someone sick with covid.

There is a PCR test that does detect both, it has to look for 5 sequences instead of the 3 for the covid tests. The covid test looks for 2 sequences that are unique to SARS-Cov2 and one that is normal in humans. The human sequence is the control, the other 2 are looking at the C19 spike and membrane proteins.

The dual test adds 2 sequences from influenza, so it can detect or exclude both C19 and the flu. That is not the CDC test, (which is the one most used). The UW made their own test that looks for different genetic sequences than the CDC- any lab make up their own test, the trick is selecting the right sequences.

An "Omicron" positive using the CDC sequences is what's known as an "S-delete". The Omicron spike is so different that the PCR test can't identify the Omicron spike. So a positive for M protein plus a positive control, and a negative for the S protein is called an Omicron infection. That's a weak conclusion because it hinges on a negative result- you can't be sure until it's fully sequenced.

This is also why the vaccines and Mabs don't touch Omicron. They target the original Wuhan spike which is very different than Omicron's.

Omicron looks like the extinct SA variant that was serially attenuated in mice- it's weird. All of the other variants share mutations, Omicron stands alone.
Takes a full lab test to verify if you have Omicron.........Yes if the S is gone THEY SAY IT'S OMICRON.........

Early on they used 40 cycle PCR tests.......Guaranteeing False positives......32 was the basic high count before Covid.......But they needed to spread fear with BS HIGH CYCLE TESTS.......not to mention FEAST ON THE MONEY FROM THE CARES ACT.
One notable addition to your comment is when they coined it: SARS‑CoV‑2 they knew what they were doing to place it farther in thought away from SARS. The appropriate name is SARS2. Why didn’t they want to name it more appropriately? Fear of the unknown instantly caused massive panic, and public support was needed for the “urgent need” to flatten the curve (false stated reason to help hospitals recoup PPE telling sick people to stay home and DO NOTHING) to allow rushed testing to complete (mRNA’s needed 2 more weeks and NIH was funding Moderna’s).
I know!!
A person with influenza and no C19 will be PCR negative.
Keep telling yourself that. There have been false positives since the beginning. What better way to scare the populace than to push an unreliable test. Have you forgotten TEST, TEST, TEST. For what? Not one life has been saved by a test. However, every flu (false positive) has furthered the false narrative that we are in a pandemic. You know, TESTS DO NOT LIE! Bullshit. Try critical thinking for yourself for a change. The globaists and their msm have been lying to you. The stats that they are attempting to hide tell the real story.
The Omicron spike is so different that the PCR test can't identify the Omicron spike.
BS, the "omicron" variant is no more than the common cold.
Keep telling yourself that. There have been false positives since the beginning. What better way to scare the populace than to push an unreliable test. Have you forgotten TEST, TEST, TEST. For what? Not one life has been saved by a test. However, every flu (false positive) has furthered the false narrative that we are in a pandemic. You know, TESTS DO NOT LIE! Bullshit. Try critical thinking for yourself for a change. The globaists and their msm have been lying to you. The stats that they are attempting to hide tell the real story.

BS, the "omicron" variant is no more than the common cold.
40 cycle PCR tests were a fucking joke.

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