Pandemic forever: Fauci has no plan, and no exit strategy, for covid

There isn't any contradiction. The origin is the 2003 virus. The current version is a recombinant descendant of that virus, after 12 years attenuating in a cave, then laboratory modified in Wuhan into the current version, in an experiment funded by the NIH.

So you are either just not reading, or you are bent out of shape or whatever, but nothing I have said is even controversial. It's not at all unrealistic to think that the proposal by Ecohealth Alliance, which describes the virus in great detail, is the exact experiment that resulted in the pandemic. The work being done in Wuhan was no secret.
Sorry, I think you have run all the way around this discussion and you still haven't made one point other than repeating a bunch of cockamamie crap that you have gleaned from the people who are perpetrating this hoax to begin with. Again GIGO
There isn't any contradiction. The origin is the 2003 virus. The current version is a recombinant descendant of that virus, after 12 years attenuating in a cave, then laboratory modified in Wuhan into the current version, in an experiment funded by the NIH.

So you are either just not reading, or you are bent out of shape or whatever, but nothing I have said is even controversial. It's not at all unrealistic to think that the proposal by Ecohealth Alliance, which describes the virus in great detail, is the exact experiment that resulted in the pandemic. The work being done in Wuhan was no secret.
It was denied by the lamestream media as a lie forever until they were caught in the LIE........FauChi lied under oath.....saying it wasn't funded......They had banned it here but lifted the ban under Obama right before he left........Amazing isn't it?

How many of these assholes you describe have been put on trial after their work has killed millions?

Yet if we have an auto accident we could be charged for manslaughter..........KILL MILLIONS NO ONE CARES HUH???
This is in direct contradiction to what the CDC has publicized. But why am I not surprised, every thing that the CDC, WHO or Fauci has put out has been contradicted by the same people who said it. When they have been called on the contradictions, the stock answer has been "the science is evolving." Bullshit. Carry on being the good little sheep that you are, they are counting on it.
The CDC said the PCR tests do not distinguish between influenza and covid. That is correct, the tests do not even look for influenza, so it's not possible to distinguish between them.

The CDC NEVER said what you said- that "the flu tests as positive for covid". If they DID say that, post the link.

The PCR tests cannot distinguish between what they are looking for and anything else. They can only say if the sequence they are priming for is there or is not there. That's all it does- it's basically a binary result.

And it can tell you if it was a good test- it has a control sequence that has to be positive no matter if the viral sequence is present or not.

It's just a stupid test, it's not magic. Like I said, there are PCR tests that do distinguish between flu and C19, they are just not the ones we have been using.
The CDC said the PCR tests do not distinguish between influenza and covid. That is correct, the tests do not even look for influenza, so it's not possible to distinguish between them.

The CDC NEVER said what you said- that "the flu tests as positive for covid". If they DID say that, post the link.

The PCR tests cannot distinguish between what they are looking for and anything else. They can only say if the sequence they are priming for is there or is not there. That's all it does- it's basically a binary result.

And it can tell you if it was a good test- it has a control sequence that has to be positive no matter if the viral sequence is present or not.

It's just a stupid test, it's not magic. Like I said, there are PCR tests that do distinguish between flu and C19, they are just not the ones we have been using.
Wonder why? Wink wink
The CDC said the PCR tests do not distinguish between influenza and covid. That is correct, the tests do not even look for influenza, so it's not possible to distinguish between them.

The CDC NEVER said what you said- that "the flu tests as positive for covid". If they DID say that, post the link.

The PCR tests cannot distinguish between what they are looking for and anything else. They can only say if the sequence they are priming for is there or is not there. That's all it does- it's basically a binary result.

And it can tell you if it was a good test- it has a control sequence that has to be positive no matter if the viral sequence is present or not.

It's just a stupid test, it's not magic. Like I said, there are PCR tests that do distinguish between flu and C19, they are just not the ones we have been using.
How did they know the nursing homes were hit?
The CDC said the PCR tests do not distinguish between influenza and covid. That is correct, the tests do not even look for influenza, so it's not possible to distinguish between them.

The CDC NEVER said what you said- that "the flu tests as positive for covid". If they DID say that, post the link.

The PCR tests cannot distinguish between what they are looking for and anything else. They can only say if the sequence they are priming for is there or is not there. That's all it does- it's basically a binary result.

And it can tell you if it was a good test- it has a control sequence that has to be positive no matter if the viral sequence is present or not.

It's just a stupid test, it's not magic. Like I said, there are PCR tests that do distinguish between flu and C19, they are just not the ones we have been using.
So you just proved my point!! Thanks
Bingo, now you're starting to get it. That first year we didn't have flu because it was being classed as covid. Geez, spit that kool aid out.
Yep, an average of 2 million a year I believe that get flu, gone. Only joneser’s can’t connect dots!
How come this very special concoction “outraced all vaccines….surges…new more virulent…social duty….death to non vaccinated” yet a euphemistically benign “jab” is all that needed to quell the lib loons? AND, no other virus has ever done so??
Not only are you all statistically non developed you also are blindingly unaware of how language is manipulating you
Was this directed at me?

The reason the vaccines are a failure is because they are totally one-dimensional. They code for the receptor binding domain on the original Wuhan spike protein. That's what your cells will express when you get an mRNA vaccine, and that is what the antibodies you develop will target.

That is the fastest mutating part of the virus. By Delta, there were enough mutations that the antibodies that fit the original spike RBD do not recognize the Delta or Omicron spike protein. So they double down and boost, boost, boost. Not good to keep your immune system racing all the time....

Each boost is less effective than the one before, and the virus will always mutate faster than a new vaccine can be rolled out. That's just what coronaviruses do, and why they have never developed a successful vaccine against any coronavirus.

A natural infection creates a whole slew of antibodies against multiple viral proteins. So it's much more durable and has better cross-protection, because even if the spike has mutated away from those antibodies, there are still other antibodies that target other parts of the virus. There are also secretory (IgA) antibodies in the respiratory system that are the first line of defense, and you don't get those with vaccines in the deltoid.

You don't get any of that with the vaccines. You get antibodies designed for an extinct spike protein, and that's the best case. Worse case is a lot of other major health issues that can be caused by the vaccines.
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Was this directed at me?

The reason the vaccines are a failure is because they are totally one-dimensional. They code for the receptor binding domain on the original Wuhan spike protein. That's what your cells will express when you get an mRNA vaccine, and that is what the antibodies you develop will target.

That is the fastest mutating part of the virus. By Delta, there were enough mutations that the antibodies that fit the original spike RBD do not recognize the Delta or Omicron spike protein. So they double down and boost, boost, boost. Not good to keep your immune system racing all the time....

Each boost is less effective than the one before, and the virus will always mutate faster than a new vaccine can be rolled out. That's just what coronaviruses so, and why they have never developed a successful vaccine against any coronavirus.

A natural infection creates a whole slew of antibodies against multiple viral proteins. So it's much more durable and has better cross-protection, because even if the spike has mutated away from those antibodies, there are still other antibodies that target other parts of the virus. There are also secretory (IgA) antibodies in the respiratory system that are the first line of defense, and you don't get those with vaccines in the deltoid.

You don't get any of that with the vaccines. You get antibodies designed for an extinct spike protein, and that's the best case. Worse case is a lot of other major health issues that can be caused by the vaccines.
Dude, again, shuttt up already! You got nothing, but koolaid
antibodies you develop will target.
Sorry dude, I didn't need your genetic therapy for my supposed (tested positive) bouts with both the Alpha and Omicron variants. My immune system handled them very well--along with 99.7% of all people who have been infected--just like the flu. The same held true for the other six members of my family and three members of a close friend's family. Ages 3 to 83. We all survived--WITHOUT ANY medical care--NONE was offered. SCAMDEMIC!
He survived, in spite of receiving our best medical care.
In spite of? WTF would you expect from your best medical care unless you are contradicting yourself again.
The truth is the vaccines .......which aren't vaccines........were NEVER NEEDED.......and we have the worst stats on planet earth because of MOONBATS like you.


Never needed? 950,000 dead americans just said, hi. 🙋‍♂️

Dont accept homework assignments
Prove my statement incorrect and/or go to Worldometer yourself.

Spoken like every bullshiter who's never been able to back up what they claim.
???? Enough.
That was sarcasm. The hospital is just about the last place you want to be if you catch covid.
Claire H did your research for you (one of MANY) in post #140.
They did not say that. They said:
CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses. Such assays can facilitate continued testing for both influenza and SARS-CoV-2 and can save both time and resources as we head into influenza season.
Never needed? 950,000 dead americans just said, hi. 🙋‍♂️

Spoken like every bullshiter who's never been able to back up what they claim.
Fk son, read the link in post #140! For fk sake stfu
Sorry dude, I didn't need your genetic therapy for my supposed (tested positive) bouts with both the Alpha and Omicron variants.
Sorry, you have me confused with someone else. I do not, and never have recommended the vaccines.

I follow the FLCCC guidelines. Haven't got sick, haven't been vaccinated. I sourced my IVM from India, and I take my D and Zinc daily. I have 2 boxes of 3m 8210's in my office, don't mask unless I am grinding on something, and don't require people to mask in my place of business.

I never let the pandemic take over my life.

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