Pandering to the Black Voter


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220


Pandering to the Black Voter

By Eileen F. Toplansky


Interestingly "mainstream media outlets covering the [National Association of Black Journalists] event did not report on Jarrett's comments regarding crack cocaine." Could it be that intelligent inner-city residents living in drug-infested, unsafe areas won't be quite as thrilled that law-breakers living among them will now have lighter sentences?

As is his usual modus operandi, Obama engages the lawless and has no shame in doing so as long as it gets him one more vote. Obama will always pander to the lowest common denominator and insult the intelligence of people, whatever color they are. Thus, concerning immigration, Obama bribes another group of law-breakers and frankly demeans law-abiding Hispanics.

Valerie Jarrett is considered "one of Obama's closest and most trusted advisers and in July 2009, Obama told New York Times reporter Robert Draper, 'I trust her completely[.] She is family.'" In fact, Obama "admitted that he runs every decision by her."

According to Discover the Networks,


Read more: Articles: Pandering to the Black Voter


Can you feel the love...​
Ummmm, do you really think Obama has to pander to black voters? That is a bit of a given that most are going to vote for him, especially considering his opponent thinks they are the offspring of the devil. The problem Obama would have with black voters would be the problem of getting people to vote.

I also do not think you understand what pandering means. If you those are the things you believe in and do that is not pandering, that is doing what you were elected to do. I can help you with an example here because you seem confused. Pandering would be like when Mitt Romney talks to hispanic voters and pretends to be concerned with the problems they face in immigration. That would be playing to the crowd, and romney is a super duper panderer. Everyone knows when you get Romney to speak to your group you get your version of Romney. The only real problems Romney has with his pandering is that he is not very good at it. He does it a lot, but he is awkward, and very obvious.

So now you should now what pandering actually is and why Obama is just being obama in front of black people. In the future please feel free to ask for help with these things. You do not have to sound like a complete moron every time you make a post. We can help you to understand the world and make informed rational and correct posts in the future. Think about it.
Ummmm, do you really think Obama has to pander to black voters? That is a bit of a given that most are going to vote for him, especially considering his opponent thinks they are the offspring of the devil. The problem Obama would have with black voters would be the problem of getting people to vote.

I also do not think you understand what pandering means. If you those are the things you believe in and do that is not pandering, that is doing what you were elected to do. I can help you with an example here because you seem confused. Pandering would be like when Mitt Romney talks to hispanic voters and pretends to be concerned with the problems they face in immigration. That would be playing to the crowd, and romney is a super duper panderer. Everyone knows when you get Romney to speak to your group you get your version of Romney. The only real problems Romney has with his pandering is that he is not very good at it. He does it a lot, but he is awkward, and very obvious.

So now you should now what pandering actually is and why Obama is just being obama in front of black people. In the future please feel free to ask for help with these things. You do not have to sound like a complete moron every time you make a post. We can help you to understand the world and make informed rational and correct posts in the future. Think about it.

The author can't hear you, go to the link and send her an email,,,
Ummmm, do you really think Obama has to pander to black voters? That is a bit of a given that most are going to vote for him, especially considering his opponent thinks they are the offspring of the devil. The problem Obama would have with black voters would be the problem of getting people to vote.

I also do not think you understand what pandering means. If you those are the things you believe in and do that is not pandering, that is doing what you were elected to do. I can help you with an example here because you seem confused. Pandering would be like when Mitt Romney talks to hispanic voters and pretends to be concerned with the problems they face in immigration. That would be playing to the crowd, and romney is a super duper panderer. Everyone knows when you get Romney to speak to your group you get your version of Romney. The only real problems Romney has with his pandering is that he is not very good at it. He does it a lot, but he is awkward, and very obvious.

So now you should now what pandering actually is and why Obama is just being obama in front of black people. In the future please feel free to ask for help with these things. You do not have to sound like a complete moron every time you make a post. We can help you to understand the world and make informed rational and correct posts in the future. Think about it.


Funniest post of the thread...and truest.


Pandering to the Black Voter

By Eileen F. Toplansky


Interestingly "mainstream media outlets covering the [National Association of Black Journalists] event did not report on Jarrett's comments regarding crack cocaine." Could it be that intelligent inner-city residents living in drug-infested, unsafe areas won't be quite as thrilled that law-breakers living among them will now have lighter sentences?

As is his usual modus operandi, Obama engages the lawless and has no shame in doing so as long as it gets him one more vote. Obama will always pander to the lowest common denominator and insult the intelligence of people, whatever color they are. Thus, concerning immigration, Obama bribes another group of law-breakers and frankly demeans law-abiding Hispanics.

Valerie Jarrett is considered "one of Obama's closest and most trusted advisers and in July 2009, Obama told New York Times reporter Robert Draper, 'I trust her completely[.] She is family.'" In fact, Obama "admitted that he runs every decision by her."

According to Discover the Networks,


Read more: Articles: Pandering to the Black Voter


Can you feel the love...​

Michelle has a mouth problem.


Pandering to the Black Voter

By Eileen F. Toplansky


Interestingly "mainstream media outlets covering the [National Association of Black Journalists] event did not report on Jarrett's comments regarding crack cocaine." Could it be that intelligent inner-city residents living in drug-infested, unsafe areas won't be quite as thrilled that law-breakers living among them will now have lighter sentences?

As is his usual modus operandi, Obama engages the lawless and has no shame in doing so as long as it gets him one more vote. Obama will always pander to the lowest common denominator and insult the intelligence of people, whatever color they are. Thus, concerning immigration, Obama bribes another group of law-breakers and frankly demeans law-abiding Hispanics.

Valerie Jarrett is considered "one of Obama's closest and most trusted advisers and in July 2009, Obama told New York Times reporter Robert Draper, 'I trust her completely[.] She is family.'" In fact, Obama "admitted that he runs every decision by her."

According to Discover the Networks,


Read more: Articles: Pandering to the Black Voter


Can you feel the love...​

Michelle has a mouth problem.

Jarrett also...
image deleted

Democrats to Blacks: Stay Angry, Vote Democratic[/CENTER]

7/5/12 by Larry Elder

Rep. Charlie Rangel, D-N.Y., once said: “George (W.) Bush is our ‘Bull’ Connor — and if that doesn’t get to you, nothing will be able to get to you. It’s time for us to be able to say that we’re sick and tired, we’re fired up and we’re not going to take it anymore.”

Connor was a racist sheriff who sicced dogs and water hoses on civil rights workers in the ’60s. Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., says Republicans “want to literally drag us all the way back to Jim Crow laws.”

The tactic is as obvious as it is insulting. Tell black voters that “they” are out to “get them” — and pull that lever for us Democrats so we can resist their racist attempt to undermine your success.


Democrats to Blacks: Stay Angry, Vote Democratic | FrontPage Magazine
Al Sharpton Show Promotes Race War–

Jim Hoft on Thursday, April 12, 2012

La Raza President Janet Murguia used Wednesday’s Al Sharpton radio show to spew the latest round of racial hatred. Murgola called on blacks and Hispanics to team up against the common enemy (whitey).

It’s more of that hope-and-change we were promised.

I have mixed feelings about Obama, but this is one area in which "disappointment" is not nearly a strong enough word for me. He has done absolutely nothing to improve race relations, and he was the guy who could have made progress. Instead, he has played directly into the Democrats' standard "us vs. them" mantra for political advantage.

What a horrible shame. American black children are still told from the day they're born that whites are out to get them, that they have no chance, that they need the government to make life "fair" for them. What a horrible handicap to place on someone, what a horrible thing to do to an entire race of people, one that has already had far more than enough pain.

The GOP is insane. The Democrats push this awful, destructive shit. And people give me crap for voting alternate party.



Is Obama taking black vote for granted?

By Shannon Travis, CNN
updated 1:58 PM EDT, Thu July 12, 2012

Washington (CNN) -- Some African-Americans have watched enviously as President Barack Obama courted other voting blocs critical to his re-election hopes.

The president pushed for repeal of the "don't ask, don't tell" law that barred gays from serving openly in the military and endorsed same-sex marriage; he helped push through fair pay for women; he supported the DREAM Act, which provided a path to citizenship for young adults in the U.S. illegally; he said his administration would stop deporting young illegal immigrants who entered the country as children provided they meet certain requirements.

Is Obama taking black vote for granted? -
The Roanoke Shuffle: Obama and the Racial Gratitude Racket

7/20/12 By Robert Oscar Lopez

President Obama's Roanoke speech was not really an insult to businessmen. No, in fact, it was far worse: it was a threat.

Worse still, it was a threat rooted in a long and ugly racial history in the United States.

Consider that Obama mentioned, early in his remarks, teachers and urban infrastructure like roads.

When Obama says "you didn't build that," he is employing the rhetorical strategies of two subcultures that he remains closely involved with:

(1) the urban Democratic political machines that often shake down both businesses and minorities using City Hall's power over permits, union jobs, fines, and bonds; and

(2) the higher education system that has monopolized credentialing and apprenticeships, forcing racial minorities into submissive gratitude by inserting affirmative action into their careers at early stages.


Read more: Articles: The Roanoke Shuffle: Obama and the Racial Gratitude Racket
Obama could moon the entire black population and he would still get 95% of their vote.
Bringing Affirmative Action To The Detention Hall. Certainly won't add anything to the current quality of the classroom education. A pit bull that has the temerity to attack its owner has its genetic information ruthlessly culled from the gene pool. Pope Sixtus, when he brought the Papacy back to Rome from its sojourn in France saw to it the all of Rome's street vandals were literally exterminated in order to make the city safe once again.

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » No Joke: Obama Backs Plan To Ensure Schools Don’t Discipline Black Students More Than White Kids…
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