Panetta says Israel will strike Iran in March, April or May

Are you dense or something?
How is it "funny" when the facts are we have never been out of this Isreali/Arab conflict for 50 years because we share intelligence with each other and sell them 90% of their military equipment?
We are neck deep in it as Isreal is an ally and we also give them 5 billion in cash a year.
We have never been out of it for the last 50 years. Everything they will hit the Iranians with is American made and in most cases we sell them the ordinance also.

and where were we prior to 50 years ago?

i think part of the problem with many americans is that they were raised during a period when we were neck deep in involvement in places all over the world. they think it's normal. they know no better.

again, all countries will eventually have nukes. the crazies won't hit canada first. they will go after those they think have bullied them. i'll give you three guesses who that will be.

They could never hit us and hit Mexico and Canada and the environmental and economic problems would still be the same all over the world.
You have NO idea how powerful these nuclear weapons are today compared to what they were in the cold war and the political implications militarily, strategically and economically are worldwide.
Respectfully, you need to go find a subject you know something about. It ain't here.

maybe you need to take a step back and realize how we felt during the period when the british were bullying us. did we sit back and take it? yep, for awhile. then what did we do? we're so stupid to think that we can do the same thing to other countries that the british did to us and have no repercussions. they will act the same way we acted. heck, all people/countries that feel bullied eventually do. but we're not smart enough to stop because during most of our lifetimes we just think it's our right.

it probably won't be us that get nuked. but your great and great great grandkids may just pay the price.
Or they can do the sensible thing, give the Arabs their land back, and apologize profusely, but I doubt they'd do that.

Why is this our problem again?

I thought it was the Palestinians land. But in the camp of those that hate Isreal the story changes.
The Arabs stole more Palestinian land than anyone. How come they will not give that land back?
Most of the Arab states over there will silently cheer when Isreal hits Iran.
Arabs hate the Persians more than they do the Jews.
A thorough understanding of the politics of the region is needed to understand what is and has been going on over there for 2 thousand years.

Palestinians are Arabs, guy. Nice try.

Frankly, I don't give a fuck about the last 2000 years. The whole thing can be summed up in one sentence. "My Sky Pixie is better than your Sky Pixie".

Why is this OUR problem? Why is this worth ONE American life?

Now, if you feel that strongly about it, you and every other Israel supporter are free to join up to something like the Abraham Lincoln brigade that fought for the wrong side in the Spanish Civil War. But of course, you won't do that. You'll insist some poor kid do it on the promise of a scholarship.

NO shit Sherlock. Arabs steal Palestinian land even though they are their Arab "brothers"
Damn Joe, you make an excellent point that proves my point even more.
And all the nonPalestinians HATE and DESPISE Pelestinians.
Palestinians are the ******* of the middle east to all Arabs and Persians.
Why else do they NOT allow them to own property in THEIR countries?
How come the Palestinians refugees are NOT allowed to return to Lebanon?
Why did King Hussein bomb the hell out of Palestinian refugee camps in 1970? Could it be because they tried to kill him and now he also bans them there except as refugee status?
Why were all of the Palestinians expelled from Kuwait in 1991?
Why are Palestinians barred BY LAW from having any job other than stoop labor menial jobs in ALL Arab countries?
"Next to the Jews, we hate the Palestinians the most" Saudi King Fahd.
The biggest persecutors of the Palestinians are NOT the Jews, it is the reat of the Arab world.
Old news.
just to add a little more info to the discussion...

# Warheads active/total
United States 1,950 / 8,500
Russia 2,430 / 11,000
United Kingdom 160 / 225
France 290 / 300
China 180 / 240
India ? / 80–100
Pakistan ? / 90–110
North Korea ? / <10
Israel ? / 80&#8211;200
just to add a little more info to the discussion...

# Warheads active/total
United States 1,950 / 8,500
Russia 2,430 / 11,000
United Kingdom 160 / 225
France 290 / 300
China 180 / 240
India ? / 80–100
Pakistan ? / 90–110
North Korea ? / <10
Israel ? / 80–200

National Security is like a dog sled team.
If you ain't the lead DAWG then the scenery never changes.
To me this means that Israel does not have American "clearance" (permission?) to do this, and that public statement from the administration says to the Arab World that we are not their enemy. Most of the Arab countries hope that someone will do it, even Israel. They have solicited America to take action but to no avail. If Iran's nuclear goals are not thwarted other countries in the region feel compelled to get them too, first in line Saudi Arabia. They will have to fly over Jordan and Iraq or Jordan and Saudi Arabia to get there and back. Will we or Iraq contest that might be at issue, and also will Jordan?
We will know more by which route they take; for instance, to what degree Iraq is in the pocket of Iran.

I think Panetta's comment precipitates Israeli action.

We are not contesting anything Isreal does in this.
Maybe rhetorical but that means nothing.
I agree with you. Good post.
and where were we prior to 50 years ago?

i think part of the problem with many americans is that they were raised during a period when we were neck deep in involvement in places all over the world. they think it's normal. they know no better.

again, all countries will eventually have nukes. the crazies won't hit canada first. they will go after those they think have bullied them. i'll give you three guesses who that will be.

They could never hit us and hit Mexico and Canada and the environmental and economic problems would still be the same all over the world.
You have NO idea how powerful these nuclear weapons are today compared to what they were in the cold war and the political implications militarily, strategically and economically are worldwide.
Respectfully, you need to go find a subject you know something about. It ain't here.

maybe you need to take a step back and realize how we felt during the period when the british were bullying us. did we sit back and take it? yep, for awhile. then what did we do? we're so stupid to think that we can do the same thing to other countries that the british did to us and have no repercussions. they will act the same way we acted. heck, all people/countries that feel bullied eventually do. but we're not smart enough to stop because during most of our lifetimes we just think it's our right.

it probably won't be us that get nuked. but your great and great great grandkids may just pay the price.

Yeah right, we are the bullies strapping bombs on and going into civilian areas blowing people up, running our command centers in hospitals and schools and sending rockets across the border at civilian areas launched from civilian areas.
And the Palestinians are such peaceful folk.
just to add a little more info to the discussion...

# Warheads active/total
United States 1,950 / 8,500
Russia 2,430 / 11,000
United Kingdom 160 / 225
France 290 / 300
China 180 / 240
India ? / 80–100
Pakistan ? / 90–110
North Korea ? / <10
Israel ? / 80–200

National Security is like a dog sled team.
If you ain't the lead DAWG then the scenery never changes.

i thought you just said that one nuke would be devastating??
I thought it was the Palestinians land. But in the camp of those that hate Isreal the story changes.
The Arabs stole more Palestinian land than anyone. How come they will not give that land back?
Most of the Arab states over there will silently cheer when Isreal hits Iran.
Arabs hate the Persians more than they do the Jews.
A thorough understanding of the politics of the region is needed to understand what is and has been going on over there for 2 thousand years.

Palestinians are Arabs, guy. Nice try.

Frankly, I don't give a fuck about the last 2000 years. The whole thing can be summed up in one sentence. "My Sky Pixie is better than your Sky Pixie".

Why is this OUR problem? Why is this worth ONE American life?

Now, if you feel that strongly about it, you and every other Israel supporter are free to join up to something like the Abraham Lincoln brigade that fought for the wrong side in the Spanish Civil War. But of course, you won't do that. You'll insist some poor kid do it on the promise of a scholarship.

NO shit Sherlock. Arabs steal Palestinian land even though they are their Arab "brothers"
Damn Joe, you make an excellent point that proves my point even more.
And all the nonPalestinians HATE and DESPISE Pelestinians.
Palestinians are the n*****s of the middle east to all Arabs and Persians.
Why else do they NOT allow them to own property in THEIR countries?
How come the Palestinians refugees are NOT allowed to return to Lebanon?
Why did King Hussein bomb the hell out of Palestinian refugee camps in 1970? Could it be because they tried to kill him and now he also bans them there except as refugee status?
Why were all of the Palestinians expelled from Kuwait in 1991?
Why are Palestinians barred BY LAW from having any job other than stoop labor menial jobs in ALL Arab countries?
"Next to the Jews, we hate the Palestinians the most" Saudi King Fahd.
The biggest persecutors of the Palestinians are NOT the Jews, it is the reat of the Arab world.
Old news.

So it's okay that Israel treats them like garbage because the rest of the Islamic world does? Seriously, this is your argument.

I do agree that there is a lot of hypocrisy about the actual Palestinian people

Incidently Kind Hussein of Jordan passed away some time ago. King Abdullah II is in charge now. And, yes, he has to worry about the fact that his coziness to Washington might well sweep him out.

None of this makes what Israel does okay. None of this is a good reason why we should be in the middle of this fight. It just isn't our problem, really.

If I lived in a place where my neighbors hated me so much they were willing to strap bombs onto their own children in an attempt to kill me, frankly, I would be trying to get the hell out of there as fast as I could. But they have some insanity that this is really a good idea, and being at intermitant war with your neighbors for what, 65 years now, is really any way to live, and the rest of the world better be ready to get dragged into it.
WAR! What is it good for?...A whole lot for the Global Elite and Military Industrial Complex. There's gonna be much more of it. You can count on that.
WAR! What is it good for?...A whole lot for the Global Elite and Military Industrial Complex. There's gonna be much more of it. You can count on that.
Agree, I was reading about the military budget comments by our CEO of Defense, wow can you make sense of that stuff? We are reducing the proposed increases and increasing health care premiums on the military families and putting a limit on pay raises to help meet the mandatory triggers which I am opposed to. What the hell does that mean? According to the records that still leaves us a net increase in the military size since before 2001. When the soldiers are supporting Ron Paul in the general election sends a clear message to me at least what they favor. To those who have served as I was not permitted the honor, is that not dangerous to have our men and women in combat fighting causes they do not totally support or understand? I am aware they are professionals and well trained and follow orders and in no way question their honor, but if they are not 100% behind an action is that not a problem?
Typical idiot....

So does your theory apply to police owning guns and bullets while society prevents insane felons from owning guns and bullets????

just to add a little more info to the discussion...

# Warheads active/total
United States 1,950 / 8,500
Russia 2,430 / 11,000
United Kingdom 160 / 225
France 290 / 300
China 180 / 240
India ? / 80–100
Pakistan ? / 90–110
North Korea ? / <10
Israel ? / 80–200
Oh, so you wish we never stopped Hitler killing the Jews.

Now, today you don't want us stopping the Iranians from killing the Jews.

We get it....:eusa_whistle:

WAR! What is it good for?...A whole lot for the Global Elite and Military Industrial Complex. There's gonna be much more of it. You can count on that.
WAR! What is it good for?...A whole lot for the Global Elite and Military Industrial Complex. There's gonna be much more of it. You can count on that.

[ame=]War - Edwin Starr - YouTube[/ame]
Sometime in March, April or May? That reminds me of when Donald Rumsfeld said the WMD's were over here, or over there or someplace in between (to paraphrase).
I love the preciseness of our Secretary's of Defense.:lol:
Clinton and other Democrats also said similiar things. Do you have a point here or are you being partisan?

Hmmm, he criticized a Democrat administration, and a Republican administration. How in the fucking hell does your shriveled brain perceive that as being partisan?
Oh, so you wish we never stopped Hitler killing the Jews.

Now, today you don't want us stopping the Iranians from killing the Jews.

We get it....:eusa_whistle:

WAR! What is it good for?...A whole lot for the Global Elite and Military Industrial Complex. There's gonna be much more of it. You can count on that.

We didn't go to war with Germany because Hitler was killing the Jews or Tojo was killing the Chinese.

We went to war because the Japanese were dumb enough to bomb Pearl Harbor and the Hitler was dumb enough to declare war on us when he wasn't really obligated to.

If Hitler had thought "You know, the Japanese aren't really helping us with Russia, like we thought they would. So let the Americans punch them out, we can concentrate on whacking Stalin, and after the war, we can all sit down like gentlement and sort this out. Lampshade, anyone?"

Fortunately for the world, Crazy people don't think like that.

But please don't pretend we were on any mercy mission.
I was wondering how long it would take someone to play the Hitler card in defending Israel...

Guys, Hitler's been dead for 67 years now...
I thought it was the Palestinians land. But in the camp of those that hate Isreal the story changes.
The Arabs stole more Palestinian land than anyone. How come they will not give that land back?
Most of the Arab states over there will silently cheer when Isreal hits Iran.
Arabs hate the Persians more than they do the Jews.
A thorough understanding of the politics of the region is needed to understand what is and has been going on over there for 2 thousand years.

Palestinians are Arabs, guy. Nice try.

Frankly, I don't give a fuck about the last 2000 years. The whole thing can be summed up in one sentence. "My Sky Pixie is better than your Sky Pixie".

Why is this OUR problem? Why is this worth ONE American life?

Now, if you feel that strongly about it, you and every other Israel supporter are free to join up to something like the Abraham Lincoln brigade that fought for the wrong side in the Spanish Civil War. But of course, you won't do that. You'll insist some poor kid do it on the promise of a scholarship.

NO shit Sherlock. Arabs steal Palestinian land even though they are their Arab "brothers"
Damn Joe, you make an excellent point that proves my point even more.
And all the nonPalestinians HATE and DESPISE Pelestinians.
Palestinians are the ******* of the middle east to all Arabs and Persians.
Why else do they NOT allow them to own property in THEIR countries?
How come the Palestinians refugees are NOT allowed to return to Lebanon?
Why did King Hussein bomb the hell out of Palestinian refugee camps in 1970? Could it be because they tried to kill him and now he also bans them there except as refugee status?
Why were all of the Palestinians expelled from Kuwait in 1991?
Why are Palestinians barred BY LAW from having any job other than stoop labor menial jobs in ALL Arab countries?
"Next to the Jews, we hate the Palestinians the most" Saudi King Fahd.
The biggest persecutors of the Palestinians are NOT the Jews, it is the reat of the Arab world.
Old news.

Simple answer: Most Arab countries have better immigration policies than the BS American laws.
Uh, your fellow Paulestinian stupidly said WAR does no good.

Soooooooo you two must believe stopping Hitler killing Jews was a bad thing, since you don't think we should've intervened in "Europe's business."

Oh, eventually the world would've found out about the mass killings by the Nazis and your relatives would've been ho-hum about it.:cuckoo:

Oh, so you wish we never stopped Hitler killing the Jews.

Now, today you don't want us stopping the Iranians from killing the Jews.

We get it....:eusa_whistle:

WAR! What is it good for?...A whole lot for the Global Elite and Military Industrial Complex. There's gonna be much more of it. You can count on that.

We didn't go to war with Germany because Hitler was killing the Jews or Tojo was killing the Chinese.

We went to war because the Japanese were dumb enough to bomb Pearl Harbor and the Hitler was dumb enough to declare war on us when he wasn't really obligated to.

If Hitler had thought "You know, the Japanese aren't really helping us with Russia, like we thought they would. So let the Americans punch them out, we can concentrate on whacking Stalin, and after the war, we can all sit down like gentlement and sort this out. Lampshade, anyone?"

Fortunately for the world, Crazy people don't think like that.

But please don't pretend we were on any mercy mission.
Uh, your fellow Paulestinian stupidly said WAR does no good.

Soooooooo you two must believe stopping Hitler killing Jews was a bad thing, since you don't think we should've intervened in "Europe's business."

Oh, eventually the world would've found out about the mass killings by the Nazis and your relatives would've been ho-hum about it.:cuckoo:

actually, I had a cousin who found himself in Nordhausen because he said the wrong thing from a Church pulpit... But I also had relatives in the German government and military. My dad was in the American military as a medic and translator during WWII.

Two problems with this rather silly argument

1) We didn't go to war with Germany because we cared what he was doing to the Jews. In fact, Jews prior to 1941 and even the war tried to get into this country, and we turned them away. We weren't even real keen on taking them after the war.

2) Sorry, the whole Israeli-Arab conflict is not really anagolous to Hitler vs. the Jews. It's more along the lines of Hitler vs. Stalin. Both sides are equally bad and equally foolish.

Oh, not a Paul supporter, either.

Just someone who doesn't see why America needs to support the Zionists little fantasy the sky pixie loves them bestest.
Sort of ruins the element of surprise. Who can we send to Israel as a US emissary these days? The entire Obama adminstration seems bent on pissing them off.

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