Panic on the Left Over Pelosi and Polls

Trump has not been impeached. But he continues on with his job of making this country great, and the whiny Democrats can't do anything about it.

House Dem's vote to impeach Trump and Trump just keeps clobbering them on the head with wins for America is hilarious :21:. The American people are looking at the economy, low unemployment, a historic high stock market and wondering what the hell is wrong with Pelosi and House Dem's. Dem's look like petty sore losers who refuse to acknowledge any of Trump's success.
The lefts new talking point, if you’re innocent then you should testify! No, if I’m guilty show me your evidence, no one incriminates themselves in our jurisprudence. Can’t make up the left hate of our country
The lefts new talking point, if you’re innocent then you should testify! No, if I’m guilty show me your evidence, no one incriminates themselves in our jurisprudence. Can’t make up the left hate of our country
Btw, using their own words, what’s joe hiding that he isn’t offering to explain hunter’s income? Testify joe
Panic on the Left Over Pelosi and Polls
Panic on the Left Over Pelosi and Polls

RUSH: You may not believe me on this, but don’t doubt me. They’re panicking big time on the left. They are panicking over Pelosi not sending the articles over to the Senate. One of her big witnesses in the Schiff committee has written a piece claiming, “You can’t even say he’s been impeached yet if you don’t send those articles over there.” And then there are two polls out today that finally reflect what we all know to be true...... ......One of the star witnesses during the Adam Schiff so-called committee hearing was Noah Feldman. Noah Feldman is a Harvard Law professor. He was made up and had his hair made to look like he was a 1930s or ’40s film star. He is a rabid and arrogant elitist, who literally hates Donald Trump, just despises him, despises Trump so much he can’t even tell you why. It’s class related. It’s institution related. I’m sure there are some other personal reasons for it.

He was one of the three academics who showed up to offer their enlightened academic opinions of just what a rotten reprobate Donald Trump is. They attempted to explain how he had abused his power, how he had obstructed Congress. They were not persuasive at all. But they are rabid, Feldman, all these guys. And look, I’m not comfortable calling people names, but I want to be descriptive. And if you don’t remember who I’m talking about, the guy’s just very snobbish. He looks down his nose at most everybody who’s not in his circle. And none of us are, in his view. So I think they’re panicking.

We’ve got two polls out there. One’s a CNN poll. The other is a YouGov poll. Trump is trouncing Democrats in both of these polls. CNN is having an on-air meltdown over it today. They can’t figure out why. We’ll try to help ’em understand. Now, the Feldman piece, “Trump Isn’t Impeached Until the House Tells the Senate.” His point is that, “According to the Constitution, Impeachment is a Process, Not a Vote.”

He’s not happy at all with Pelosi. See, these people think they’ve made the case. They think they’ve made the case that Trump should go, that a trial would be a slam dunk, that Trump would be convicted, he’s gotta go. There’s no other way to see it, in their view. And now he’s all worried that Pelosi’s blowing this by not sending the articles over.

ME: The undoing of the Democrats by their own filthy socialist hands. Fantastico!
On Thursday, the Secretary of the Senate gave notice to the House that they were ready to receive the documents and house managers. Pelosi refuses to name and send over the managers in an effort to gain her preferential demands to continue the sham impeachment. She is in defiance of the House Rules while trying to take power from the Senate. She needs to be expelled for this abuse of power and attempted power grab.

SCOTUS doesn't seem to think much of her antics either.

"The Supreme Court has already pointed out that the Constitution doesn’t require the “additional procedural requirements” that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is apparently demanding from the Senate before it tries the impeachment of President Trump.....
The lefts new talking point, if you’re innocent then you should testify! No, if I’m guilty show me your evidence, no one incriminates themselves in our jurisprudence. Can’t make up the left hate of our country

Remember Swallowswell's the idiots statement too. "you must prove your innocence or we must assume you are guilty"
The philosophy of a true communist
The lefts new talking point, if you’re innocent then you should testify! No, if I’m guilty show me your evidence, no one incriminates themselves in our jurisprudence. Can’t make up the left hate of our country

Remember Swallowswell's the idiots statement too. "you must prove your innocence or we must assume you are guilty"
The colossal ignorance of our Constitution by the entire Dimwinger party is astounding.
Panic on the Left Over Pelosi and Polls
Panic on the Left Over Pelosi and Polls

RUSH: You may not believe me on this, but don’t doubt me. They’re panicking big time on the left. They are panicking over Pelosi not sending the articles over to the Senate. One of her big witnesses in the Schiff committee has written a piece claiming, “You can’t even say he’s been impeached yet if you don’t send those articles over there.” And then there are two polls out today that finally reflect what we all know to be true...... ......One of the star witnesses during the Adam Schiff so-called committee hearing was Noah Feldman. Noah Feldman is a Harvard Law professor. He was made up and had his hair made to look like he was a 1930s or ’40s film star. He is a rabid and arrogant elitist, who literally hates Donald Trump, just despises him, despises Trump so much he can’t even tell you why. It’s class related. It’s institution related. I’m sure there are some other personal reasons for it.

He was one of the three academics who showed up to offer their enlightened academic opinions of just what a rotten reprobate Donald Trump is. They attempted to explain how he had abused his power, how he had obstructed Congress. They were not persuasive at all. But they are rabid, Feldman, all these guys. And look, I’m not comfortable calling people names, but I want to be descriptive. And if you don’t remember who I’m talking about, the guy’s just very snobbish. He looks down his nose at most everybody who’s not in his circle. And none of us are, in his view. So I think they’re panicking.

We’ve got two polls out there. One’s a CNN poll. The other is a YouGov poll. Trump is trouncing Democrats in both of these polls. CNN is having an on-air meltdown over it today. They can’t figure out why. We’ll try to help ’em understand. Now, the Feldman piece, “Trump Isn’t Impeached Until the House Tells the Senate.” His point is that, “According to the Constitution, Impeachment is a Process, Not a Vote.”

He’s not happy at all with Pelosi. See, these people think they’ve made the case. They think they’ve made the case that Trump should go, that a trial would be a slam dunk, that Trump would be convicted, he’s gotta go. There’s no other way to see it, in their view. And now he’s all worried that Pelosi’s blowing this by not sending the articles over.

ME: The undoing of the Democrats by their own filthy socialist hands. Fantastico!

We just Impeached Trump
Panic on the Left Over Pelosi and Polls
Panic on the Left Over Pelosi and Polls

RUSH: You may not believe me on this, but don’t doubt me. They’re panicking big time on the left. They are panicking over Pelosi not sending the articles over to the Senate. One of her big witnesses in the Schiff committee has written a piece claiming, “You can’t even say he’s been impeached yet if you don’t send those articles over there.” And then there are two polls out today that finally reflect what we all know to be true...... ......One of the star witnesses during the Adam Schiff so-called committee hearing was Noah Feldman. Noah Feldman is a Harvard Law professor. He was made up and had his hair made to look like he was a 1930s or ’40s film star. He is a rabid and arrogant elitist, who literally hates Donald Trump, just despises him, despises Trump so much he can’t even tell you why. It’s class related. It’s institution related. I’m sure there are some other personal reasons for it.

He was one of the three academics who showed up to offer their enlightened academic opinions of just what a rotten reprobate Donald Trump is. They attempted to explain how he had abused his power, how he had obstructed Congress. They were not persuasive at all. But they are rabid, Feldman, all these guys. And look, I’m not comfortable calling people names, but I want to be descriptive. And if you don’t remember who I’m talking about, the guy’s just very snobbish. He looks down his nose at most everybody who’s not in his circle. And none of us are, in his view. So I think they’re panicking.

We’ve got two polls out there. One’s a CNN poll. The other is a YouGov poll. Trump is trouncing Democrats in both of these polls. CNN is having an on-air meltdown over it today. They can’t figure out why. We’ll try to help ’em understand. Now, the Feldman piece, “Trump Isn’t Impeached Until the House Tells the Senate.” His point is that, “According to the Constitution, Impeachment is a Process, Not a Vote.”

He’s not happy at all with Pelosi. See, these people think they’ve made the case. They think they’ve made the case that Trump should go, that a trial would be a slam dunk, that Trump would be convicted, he’s gotta go. There’s no other way to see it, in their view. And now he’s all worried that Pelosi’s blowing this by not sending the articles over.

ME: The undoing of the Democrats by their own filthy socialist hands. Fantastico!

We just Impeached Trump
Which means what exactly?
The lefts new talking point, if you’re innocent then you should testify! No, if I’m guilty show me your evidence, no one incriminates themselves in our jurisprudence. Can’t make up the left hate of our country

Remember Swallowswell's the idiots statement too. "you must prove your innocence or we must assume you are guilty"
Then creepy joe did take the money Huh
The lefts new talking point, if you’re innocent then you should testify! No, if I’m guilty show me your evidence, no one incriminates themselves in our jurisprudence. Can’t make up the left hate of our country

Remember Swallowswell's the idiots statement too. "you must prove your innocence or we must assume you are guilty"
The philosophy of a true communist
He wants to nuke America. I really can’t stand that fk, please spread this notice, Swalwell wants to nuke Americans. Don’t let this nut job off!

Did Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell 'Suggest Nuking' Gun Owners Who Resist Confiscation?
Panic on the Left Over Pelosi and Polls
Panic on the Left Over Pelosi and Polls

RUSH: You may not believe me on this, but don’t doubt me. They’re panicking big time on the left. They are panicking over Pelosi not sending the articles over to the Senate. One of her big witnesses in the Schiff committee has written a piece claiming, “You can’t even say he’s been impeached yet if you don’t send those articles over there.” And then there are two polls out today that finally reflect what we all know to be true...... ......One of the star witnesses during the Adam Schiff so-called committee hearing was Noah Feldman. Noah Feldman is a Harvard Law professor. He was made up and had his hair made to look like he was a 1930s or ’40s film star. He is a rabid and arrogant elitist, who literally hates Donald Trump, just despises him, despises Trump so much he can’t even tell you why. It’s class related. It’s institution related. I’m sure there are some other personal reasons for it.

He was one of the three academics who showed up to offer their enlightened academic opinions of just what a rotten reprobate Donald Trump is. They attempted to explain how he had abused his power, how he had obstructed Congress. They were not persuasive at all. But they are rabid, Feldman, all these guys. And look, I’m not comfortable calling people names, but I want to be descriptive. And if you don’t remember who I’m talking about, the guy’s just very snobbish. He looks down his nose at most everybody who’s not in his circle. And none of us are, in his view. So I think they’re panicking.

We’ve got two polls out there. One’s a CNN poll. The other is a YouGov poll. Trump is trouncing Democrats in both of these polls. CNN is having an on-air meltdown over it today. They can’t figure out why. We’ll try to help ’em understand. Now, the Feldman piece, “Trump Isn’t Impeached Until the House Tells the Senate.” His point is that, “According to the Constitution, Impeachment is a Process, Not a Vote.”

He’s not happy at all with Pelosi. See, these people think they’ve made the case. They think they’ve made the case that Trump should go, that a trial would be a slam dunk, that Trump would be convicted, he’s gotta go. There’s no other way to see it, in their view. And now he’s all worried that Pelosi’s blowing this by not sending the articles over.

ME: The undoing of the Democrats by their own filthy socialist hands. Fantastico!

We just Impeached Trump
Which means what exactly?
Which means Trump is one of three Presidents to be impeached
It will scar his legacy forever
Panic on the Left Over Pelosi and Polls
Panic on the Left Over Pelosi and Polls

RUSH: You may not believe me on this, but don’t doubt me. They’re panicking big time on the left. They are panicking over Pelosi not sending the articles over to the Senate. One of her big witnesses in the Schiff committee has written a piece claiming, “You can’t even say he’s been impeached yet if you don’t send those articles over there.” And then there are two polls out today that finally reflect what we all know to be true...... ......One of the star witnesses during the Adam Schiff so-called committee hearing was Noah Feldman. Noah Feldman is a Harvard Law professor. He was made up and had his hair made to look like he was a 1930s or ’40s film star. He is a rabid and arrogant elitist, who literally hates Donald Trump, just despises him, despises Trump so much he can’t even tell you why. It’s class related. It’s institution related. I’m sure there are some other personal reasons for it.

He was one of the three academics who showed up to offer their enlightened academic opinions of just what a rotten reprobate Donald Trump is. They attempted to explain how he had abused his power, how he had obstructed Congress. They were not persuasive at all. But they are rabid, Feldman, all these guys. And look, I’m not comfortable calling people names, but I want to be descriptive. And if you don’t remember who I’m talking about, the guy’s just very snobbish. He looks down his nose at most everybody who’s not in his circle. And none of us are, in his view. So I think they’re panicking.

We’ve got two polls out there. One’s a CNN poll. The other is a YouGov poll. Trump is trouncing Democrats in both of these polls. CNN is having an on-air meltdown over it today. They can’t figure out why. We’ll try to help ’em understand. Now, the Feldman piece, “Trump Isn’t Impeached Until the House Tells the Senate.” His point is that, “According to the Constitution, Impeachment is a Process, Not a Vote.”

He’s not happy at all with Pelosi. See, these people think they’ve made the case. They think they’ve made the case that Trump should go, that a trial would be a slam dunk, that Trump would be convicted, he’s gotta go. There’s no other way to see it, in their view. And now he’s all worried that Pelosi’s blowing this by not sending the articles over.

ME: The undoing of the Democrats by their own filthy socialist hands. Fantastico!

We just Impeached Trump
Which means what exactly?
Which means Trump is one of three Presidents to be impeached
It will scar his legacy forever
Clinton doesn't look scared

A majority of DEMOCRATS voted for impeachment. 0 Republicans. Doesn't mean a damn thing
Panic on the Left Over Pelosi and Polls
Panic on the Left Over Pelosi and Polls

RUSH: You may not believe me on this, but don’t doubt me. They’re panicking big time on the left. They are panicking over Pelosi not sending the articles over to the Senate. One of her big witnesses in the Schiff committee has written a piece claiming, “You can’t even say he’s been impeached yet if you don’t send those articles over there.” And then there are two polls out today that finally reflect what we all know to be true...... ......One of the star witnesses during the Adam Schiff so-called committee hearing was Noah Feldman. Noah Feldman is a Harvard Law professor. He was made up and had his hair made to look like he was a 1930s or ’40s film star. He is a rabid and arrogant elitist, who literally hates Donald Trump, just despises him, despises Trump so much he can’t even tell you why. It’s class related. It’s institution related. I’m sure there are some other personal reasons for it.

He was one of the three academics who showed up to offer their enlightened academic opinions of just what a rotten reprobate Donald Trump is. They attempted to explain how he had abused his power, how he had obstructed Congress. They were not persuasive at all. But they are rabid, Feldman, all these guys. And look, I’m not comfortable calling people names, but I want to be descriptive. And if you don’t remember who I’m talking about, the guy’s just very snobbish. He looks down his nose at most everybody who’s not in his circle. And none of us are, in his view. So I think they’re panicking.

We’ve got two polls out there. One’s a CNN poll. The other is a YouGov poll. Trump is trouncing Democrats in both of these polls. CNN is having an on-air meltdown over it today. They can’t figure out why. We’ll try to help ’em understand. Now, the Feldman piece, “Trump Isn’t Impeached Until the House Tells the Senate.” His point is that, “According to the Constitution, Impeachment is a Process, Not a Vote.”

He’s not happy at all with Pelosi. See, these people think they’ve made the case. They think they’ve made the case that Trump should go, that a trial would be a slam dunk, that Trump would be convicted, he’s gotta go. There’s no other way to see it, in their view. And now he’s all worried that Pelosi’s blowing this by not sending the articles over.

ME: The undoing of the Democrats by their own filthy socialist hands. Fantastico!

We just Impeached Trump
Which means what exactly?
Which means Trump is one of three Presidents to be impeached
It will scar his legacy forever
Clinton doesn't look scared

A majority of DEMOCRATS voted for impeachment. 0 Republicans. Doesn't mean a damn thing
Means partisan

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