Papa Obama still evolving-won't push gay marriage into party platform


Council to Supreme Soviet
Dec 12, 2009

Papa Obama still evolving-won't push gay marriage into party platform

President Obama declared his personal support for same-sex marriage yesterday, but the White House chose not to push for the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act today.

"Well, party platform issues are for the party to decide," White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said when asked if Obama would call for the repeal of DOMA and endorsement of pro-gay marriage language in the party platform. "That process is underway, and I refer you to the DNC on the question about the platform."
He reserves the option to change his mind again, based on the political expediency of the moment.
I would think you guys would be you don't have to cry over the anniversary of OBLs death for awhile.

Papa Obama still evolving-won't push gay marriage into party platform

President Obama declared his personal support for same-sex marriage yesterday, but the White House chose not to push for the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act today.

"Well, party platform issues are for the party to decide," White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said when asked if Obama would call for the repeal of DOMA and endorsement of pro-gay marriage language in the party platform. "That process is underway, and I refer you to the DNC on the question about the platform."

I hope he endorses gay marriage big time. I know plenty of liberals who just aren't THAT liberal. They will switch parties especially when they see Adam and Bruce able to draw social security off one another. That endorsement will help escort his lazy ass out of the white house.
obama may not want this gay issue to be part of the debate because he knows that his side is the losing side. He just doesn't have control over it. Democrats own it now.
in time Obama will admit that he used to be straight, and later will admit that he is sexually attracted to wash machines and swimming pools.

Papa Obama still evolving-won't push gay marriage into party platform

President Obama declared his personal support for same-sex marriage yesterday, but the White House chose not to push for the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act today.

"Well, party platform issues are for the party to decide," White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said when asked if Obama would call for the repeal of DOMA and endorsement of pro-gay marriage language in the party platform. "That process is underway, and I refer you to the DNC on the question about the platform."

I hope he endorses gay marriage big time. I know plenty of liberals who just aren't THAT liberal. They will switch parties especially when they see Adam and Bruce able to draw social security off one another. That endorsement will help escort his lazy ass out of the white house.

God knows the MSM and the left want to talk about anything
else but Papa Obama'a poor economic record
in time Obama will admit that he used to be straight, and later will admit that he is sexually attracted to wash machines and swimming pools.

He would even throw his own preacher under the bus
for votes

oh wait

he did do that....
in time Obama will admit that he used to be straight, and later will admit that he is sexually attracted to wash machines and swimming pools.

He would even throw his own preacher under the bus
for votes

oh wait

he did do that....

Or.....he could just have another open mic moment and let Hollyweird in on the fact that he promises to make gay marriage a federal right, immediately after his reelection......:lol:

----caught on tape asking for Russian President Dmitry Medvedev for "space." "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility," Obama implored. Obama assured the departing Russian President he will have the "flexibility" required to deal with missile defense issues after the 2012 presidential election.

[ame=]Barack Obama in open microphone gaffe with Dmitry Medvedev - YouTube[/ame]

Papa Obama still evolving-won't push gay marriage into party platform

President Obama declared his personal support for same-sex marriage yesterday, but the White House chose not to push for the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act today.

"Well, party platform issues are for the party to decide," White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said when asked if Obama would call for the repeal of DOMA and endorsement of pro-gay marriage language in the party platform. "That process is underway, and I refer you to the DNC on the question about the platform."

*shrugs* well, he did say it was a stance based on his personal feelings. fine but what that do that wasn't done or made actionable 36 hours ago? once again he may get to eat his cake and have it to.
Yes indeed
"eat his cake and have it to"

[ame=]SHIRI - YouTube[/ame]

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