Papadopoulos sentenced

George Papadopoulos was sentenced Friday to 14 days incarceration, one year of supervised release and 200 hours of community service. I don't know about anyone else but I'm sure happy Mueller has gotten this dangerous person off the streets for 14 days.
Papadopoulos sentenced to 14 days in Russia investigation

With consideration for time off for good behavior..... many pair of socks should he pack???

perhaps one for his fifi sock --LOL
even better Mueller could not even get the 30 days prison he recommended


so much for "plea deals"


another nothin burger
even better Mueller could not even get the 30 days prison he recommended


so much for "plea deals"


another nothin burger

You really need to take a look at the Papodopolous indictment. As the information he turned over the FBI on the Trump campaign was extensive.
even better Mueller could not even get the 30 days prison he recommended


so much for "plea deals"


another nothin burger

You really need to take a look at the Papodopolous indictment. As the information he turned over the FBI on the Trump campaign was extensive.

He was a dweeb trying to make himself sound bigger, and more important than he was. You people are amazing. If he was truly as bad as you claim he would be in prison for years, but no, he gets a slap on the wrist because he misspoke to the FBI because they laid a perjury trap and they are good enough they can catch anyone in a "lie'. Except for the shrilary and her minions who we WATCHED lie, and nothing happened to them.
even better Mueller could not even get the 30 days prison he recommended


so much for "plea deals"


another nothin burger

You really need to take a look at the Papodopolous indictment. As the information he turned over the FBI on the Trump campaign was extensive.

He was a dweeb trying to make himself sound bigger, and more important than he was. You people are amazing. If he was truly as bad as you claim he would be in prison for years, but no, he gets a slap on the wrist because he misspoke to the FBI because they laid a perjury trap and they are good enough they can catch anyone in a "lie'. Except for the shrilary and her minions who we WATCHED lie, and nothing happened to them.

There was no 'perjury trap'. He straight up lied to the FBI repeatedly. And has admitted to lying. And of course, his statements to the FBI weren't under oath. Making 'perjury' a legal impossibility.

'Perjury traps' are what dishonest people call lying under oath. The rest of us just call it 'perjury'.
even better Mueller could not even get the 30 days prison he recommended


so much for "plea deals"


another nothin burger

You really need to take a look at the Papodopolous indictment. As the information he turned over the FBI on the Trump campaign was extensive.

He was a dweeb trying to make himself sound bigger, and more important than he was. You people are amazing. If he was truly as bad as you claim he would be in prison for years, but no, he gets a slap on the wrist because he misspoke to the FBI because they laid a perjury trap and they are good enough they can catch anyone in a "lie'. Except for the shrilary and her minions who we WATCHED lie, and nothing happened to them.

There was no 'perjury trap'. He straight up lied to the FBI repeatedly. And has admitted to lying. And of course, his statements to the FBI weren't under oath. Making 'perjury' a legal impossibility.

'Perjury traps' are what dishonest people call lying under oath. The rest of us just call it 'perjury'.

Why lie about something that isn't illegal? Riddle us that batman.
even better Mueller could not even get the 30 days prison he recommended


so much for "plea deals"


another nothin burger

You really need to take a look at the Papodopolous indictment. As the information he turned over the FBI on the Trump campaign was extensive.

He was a dweeb trying to make himself sound bigger, and more important than he was. You people are amazing. If he was truly as bad as you claim he would be in prison for years, but no, he gets a slap on the wrist because he misspoke to the FBI because they laid a perjury trap and they are good enough they can catch anyone in a "lie'. Except for the shrilary and her minions who we WATCHED lie, and nothing happened to them.

There was no 'perjury trap'. He straight up lied to the FBI repeatedly. And has admitted to lying. And of course, his statements to the FBI weren't under oath. Making 'perjury' a legal impossibility.

'Perjury traps' are what dishonest people call lying under oath. The rest of us just call it 'perjury'.

Why lie about something that isn't illegal? Riddle us that batman.

So much for the claim that the Trump campaign didn't collude with the Russians.
even better Mueller could not even get the 30 days prison he recommended


so much for "plea deals"


another nothin burger

You really need to take a look at the Papodopolous indictment. As the information he turned over the FBI on the Trump campaign was extensive.

He was a dweeb trying to make himself sound bigger, and more important than he was. You people are amazing. If he was truly as bad as you claim he would be in prison for years, but no, he gets a slap on the wrist because he misspoke to the FBI because they laid a perjury trap and they are good enough they can catch anyone in a "lie'. Except for the shrilary and her minions who we WATCHED lie, and nothing happened to them.

There was no 'perjury trap'. He straight up lied to the FBI repeatedly. And has admitted to lying. And of course, his statements to the FBI weren't under oath. Making 'perjury' a legal impossibility.

'Perjury traps' are what dishonest people call lying under oath. The rest of us just call it 'perjury'.

Why lie about something that isn't illegal? Riddle us that batman.

So much for the claim that the Trump campaign didn't collude with the Russians.

That's because they didn't. The shrilary campaign absolutely did, and you don't care because you're a partisan whore, but there is zero evidence that trump did. If he had, mewler would have trotted it out already. You simply don't give a crap about facts.
This guy was never a campaign advisor, if anything he was a low level putz. 14 days in jail? How many millions did that cost? Muellers on a roll!

The Email's that Papodopolous turned over the the FBI indicate otherwise.
lol, yeah, it proves nothing. Show us the emails.

They're cited extensively in Papodopolous' indictment.
You haven't seen one word of them yet you bleeve you bleeve!
I'm so glad detective Mueller Columbo is on the job protecting us from dangerous characters like Papodolous who get drunk in bars and lie and exaggerate to make themselves look connected.
George Papadopoulos was sentenced Friday to 14 days incarceration, one year of supervised release and 200 hours of community service. I don't know about anyone else but I'm sure happy Mueller has gotten this dangerous person off the streets for 14 days.
Papadopoulos sentenced to 14 days in Russia investigation

Perhaps for the insight that Papadopolous gave on the Trump campaign when speaking to Mueller.
Perhaps because this was never a major deal and Mueller knew he couldn't justify anything more.

We'll find out when Mueller releases the results of his investigation into collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.
A little bird tells me that after Mueller's 'dry hole' is made public YOU are going to claim somehow Trump "got to" Mueller's team of rabid dogs.
Then you are going to claim "well it could have happened".
Then you are going to claim you have to leave this forum b/c you and the clinically insane former husband of R.Barr need all your time to find the secret tapes of Trump that will guarantee Trump's impeachment.
George Papadopoulos was sentenced Friday to 14 days incarceration, one year of supervised release and 200 hours of community service. I don't know about anyone else but I'm sure happy Mueller has gotten this dangerous person off the streets for 14 days.
Papadopoulos sentenced to 14 days in Russia investigation

Perhaps for the insight that Papadopolous gave on the Trump campaign when speaking to Mueller.
Perhaps because this was never a major deal and Mueller knew he couldn't justify anything more.

We'll find out when Mueller releases the results of his investigation into collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.
Thought the investigation was supposed to be about Russian attempts to interfere in the 2016 election also. The interference that went on during the previous administration that apparently knew nothing about and if they did know did little or nothing about.

Nodding.....and Papodopolous, working for the Trump campaign, made several secret contacts with individuals in Moscow. Specifically a professor with immediate ties to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The MFA professor that Papodoplous met in London a few days later.

With Papodopolous informing that Trump campaign that Putin was ready to meet with Trump after those contacts with the MFA connected individual in Moscow.

With the MFA linked professor telling Papodopolous (again, working for the Trump campaign) that the Russian government had dirt on Hillary and 'thousands of emails'. With Papodoplous continuing to try to set up a meeting between the Trump campaign and the MFA linked professor to get that dirt.

From June through August of 2016, Papodopolous pursuing an "off the record" meeting between campaign representatives and "members of president putin's office and the MFA." With a Trump campaign official encouraging Papodopolous to make the trip and attend the meeting.

That sounds VERY relevant to Mueller's investigation.
George Papadopoulos Sentenced To 14 Days in Prison, 1 Year Supervision, $9,500 Fine…
Posted on September 7, 2018by sundance
The former part-time volunteer Trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulos has been sentenced today to 14 days in prison for lying to FBI investigators about the timing of his contact with the sketchy Maltese professor Joseph Misfud. Special Counsel Robert Mueller had recommended 30 days in prison.

(Reuters) WASHINGTON – A U.S. judge on Friday sentenced President Donald Trump’s former campaign aide George Papadopoulos to 14 days in prison for lying to the FBI during its investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election.

Papadopoulos pleaded guilty in October 2017 to lying to FBI agents about the timing and significance of his contacts with Russians, including a professor who told him the Russians had “dirt” on Trump’s Democratic presidential rival Hillary Clinton.

Background on the Special Counsel sentencing recommendation.

Background on the likely sting operation against Papadopoulos.

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